THE SIUSLAW S E M I-W E E K L Y 1914 PRESIDENTS GERMAN WIFE DIED áOLDIERSKILLED THURSDAY BY BELGIANS (Special to the Siualaw Pilot. | (Special to the Siualaw Pilot) Washington, Augusst |6 .— Mrs. New York, Aug 7. —Germany Woodrow Wilson, wife Of the has three armies of invasion on president of the United States, the borders of Belgium and died today. France. Three thousand Ger­ The^president, who is sensitive man soldiers have already been about exageraged reports con­ killed in battle with the Belgians. cerning members of his family, All England is anxiously authorized no official statements awaiting news from the English regarding Mrs. Wilson’s health, fleet, which is supposed to have and her death came to the nation gone in search of the German with startling effect. fleet in the North Sea, to bring One day last March Mrs. Wil. on a battle in an attempt to des­ son slipped on a rug at the White troy them. The German fleet is House, injuring her spine. An reported as having retired to the operation was necessary. After in let several weeks she recovered and Japan will send 10,000 soldiers again took up the many duties of to make war on German possess­ the first lady of the land, but ions in China and will also send broke down and suffered from 10,000 to relieve the English nervous prostration. Stomach troops in Pekin. trouble added to her nervous ail­ Boiler of a German torpedo ment and Bright’s disease devel­ boat exploded near Copenhagen oped. and thirty of the crew were The strain of her position as drowned. f mistress o f the White House and Vessel arriving in New York her untiring efforts to help those harbor says she overheard wire­ who appealed to her, are said to less message saying two British be directly responsible for her war ships have sunk two Germ- break down. For several days it has been man cruisers. known to those in closest touch with the White House that she was gradually sinking and that hope for her reovery was slight. The president has done much o f his executive work in her sick room and with their three daugh­ ters and other relatives, was at her bedside when she passed away. SCHOOL IS A FACTOR IN UPBUILDING CTMMUWITrKS C. E. S. Wood just home from New York says both the Hill and Hariman systems will resume extentions in Oregon under bet­ ter finantial conditions. Z'' The Hood River Co-operative creamery has secured 'Site and will begin constructions at once. Schools are Not Experiments But Are Actual Upbuilding Factors. One of the first questions that is asked by peo­ ple interested in a community is “ W hat are your School facilities?” Their decision to change their home is based upon the answer to this question. The better the schools the more inducement to locate or invest. The necessity for providing additional school advantages will attract those desiring to change their residence, and the prompt means taken to meet this condition is one of the most influential things th at induce them to locate in a community. If the school advances from year to year they stay, if it loses its efficiency or remains stagnant they leave. It is not merely th at your schools are good, they m ust be the very best to attract the home- seekers. AY WILL DECIDE FATE OF HIGH SCHOOL NUMBER 41 PROPOSED SOUNTYWILL NEWHOTELFOR NOTREPAIRTHE FLORENCE ACME BRIDGE George Melvin Miller of this Claiming that a road ought to city, is contemplating the erec- be built on the side hill for the tion of a three-story frame hotel purpose of enabling the school building in Florence. The struc­ children of Acme to reach the ture will be located, if built, on district school, the county court property owned by Mr. Miller on Tuesday decided not to rebuild Main street in that city. the mud bridge which now ex­ Architect O. R. Bean is now at ists in that village and which has work on the plans for the struc­ been declared to be unsafe. ture, which will be built, accord­ This bridge at the present time ing to Mr. Miller this morning, and for a number of years has if funds can be raised. To do been the only means of reaching this steps are being taken to the public school, but for a year form a stock company of Florence or more it has been in a bad con­ and Eugene business men. It ia- dition and has been condemned. possible that the building will It extends along a mud flat, the cost about $25,000 or $30,000. piles being driven in the mire Plans now made call for a three- and not stable. The people sev­ story building, with lobby, din­ eral months ago appealed to the ing room and kitchen, and two court to do something for their store rooms on the ground floor, relief, but not until yesterday with the two upper floors occu­ did the court act and then not as pied by the hotel rooms. desired. County Judge Thomp­ According to Mr. Miller, Flor­ son said yesterday afternoon ence needs a hotel, as there is no that there ouget to be a road modem hostlery in that city at built along the side of the hill. the present time, and the city This will probably be done, but will need modern accommoda­ the judge did not say wether or tions for the class of people that not the county would authorise will go to Florence upon the com­ the work. The bridge in quest­ pletion of the new railroad to ion is about half a mile long and that city,—Morning Register. is an extension of this roadway, but is deemed by all to be in a operation of the big Kalama ferry dangerous condition. and take traffic right through to Some action for the relief of Astoria. _ the people of the village will Eugene will try to float a broom probably be takeh before the fall factory and Albany is raising a term- of the school begins.— subsidy for a furniture factory. Morning Register. Linn county officials are plan­ ing a new auto road to Cascadia. Red Ledge mine to have $100, The S. P. Co, will install block 000 and Homestead mine $250,000 signals on 200 miles o f its Oregon «pant on development work is a lines. Baker Democrat report. The question of adding the board to establish such grades eleventh and twelfth grades to and determine what branches the Florence hi gh school, official­ shall be taught therein, and the ly, by vote of the people will be course of study used by classes decided Monday. Many inquiries thus formed in districts of the have been made since posting the second and third classes shall be Oregon Eastern railroad re­ notice calling for this special that prescribed by the State newed construction from Vale New Bridge, Baker coun ty can­ towards central Oregon the past election. And in answering to Board of Education.” nery is running on beans. these questions we find the fol­ week. ‘T he basis of the distribution lowing to be the facts. That the of the county high scool fund , law as compiled by the state shall be upon the average daily board of education has not been attendance during the school fully complied with. The school year. The total amount of mon­ directors find upon refenng to ey paid to any district during the minutes of previous meetings the school year shall not be less that in the year 1906, the quest­ than $40 per pupil for the first ion was submitted to the quali- 20 of such average daily attend- fied electors o f school district anee, and $30 for the second 20 number 97 “should the ninth and nor more than $12.50 per pupil tenth grades be added to the for all the remaining pupils. Florence school.” The people at But the total paid any district that time voted favorable. In shal not exceedl the amount paid the year 1909 the question of by the district to the teachers “adding the eleventh and twelfth employed therein. ” grades” was submitted to the “It shall be the duty of the voters, and the measure was de- State Board of Education to pre. feated. After a careful investí- scribe rules and regulations spec- gation no record was found of ifying the standard that must be this latter question ever haying4maintained by all high -schools been again submitted, conse; relative to number of months quently our high school at the taught, number of teachers em- present, officially has only two ployed, number of recitation pe- Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G . Morris. grades and does not conform to riods daily, and course of study, the requirements of the state before any high school shall be board of education. The follow- entitled to receive tuition for any ing extracts from the State high school pupil from the county School Law bear on the, subject: j high school fund.” Do you wish to know who makes the best bread in Lane ‘When one-third of the legal No high school shall be enti­ county? Do w wish [to know who makes the beat voters of a district shall petition tled to receive tuition for any bread on tneoiuslaw? We can tell you, andean the district board, requesting pupil from the county high school tell you why we can tell you. that grades above the eighth fund, nor shall any warrant on As the best flavored coffee is made from blends, so is the best grade may be taught in such dis­ said fund be drawn in favor of flour made from blended wheat The higest priced man In the em­ trict or whenever the district ------- any district until the county su- ploy of the coffee houses is the expert who blends their coffees. board shall at its discretion think j perintendent has certified to the So is the expert who blends the wheat to make the perfect flour. proper it shall give 20 day’s no- county high school board that Whenever any firm gets out an exceptionally high grade of pro­ tice previous to the annual school the district has complied with duct, the other houses in the same line call in their expert and tell meeting, or previous [to the) the rules and regulations provid­ him to get busy. So it was when the SPERRY FLOUR CO._gqt out their wonder­ special election called for that ed for as above.” ful blend of wheat, and manufactured DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. purpose, that it will submit the' No high school shall be enti- Other firms tried to imitate the flour, some by blending the wheat, question to the legal voters of tied to receive tuition for any others by blending the alphabet None of them got It The blend said district wether grades above * high school pupil from the coun- was protected by law. The flour was protected by KNOWLEDGE. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR is the ACME of perfection. Othw the eighth grade shall be taught tv high school fund, unless such in #aid district, at which election pupil holds an eighth grade dip- firms can not get the blend. Other flour will not make the perfect light bre d that can be made of DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. the cT e e ^ r sp fth c d m tr iv tsh a ll loma from some county in th is ' The best bread is made by the cook that uses DRIFTED SNOW vote by ballot for or against es- State, or its equivalent from FLOUR. Thats the answer. If your bread is not up to the tabllishing such grades. some other state; provided that ard, tell your cook to try Drifted Snow Flour, not any imitation, ticesTontemplated in this sub- this section shall not apply to and you will be a constant user of that brand. TRY IT. You will be satisfied. It costs a little more. It makes more loaves to the division shhil be given as are .all any pupil now enrolled in any sack. The best bread makers use it. legal notices of special school high School. All question at is- Other brands for less money. We carry them, but none so good. mestings. • After said election sue arising under ,the provisions Remember the brand, DRIFTED SNOW FOUR. the ballots q i said question shall of this section shall be deter­ be, canvassed by the district mined by thfe. county school su- | board# and if a majority of all perintendent whose decision in 1 • FLORENCE, OREGON the votes cast shall be in favor tbe {natter shall be final, of establishing su^h grades it In a letter from County School shall be the duty Of the district (Continued on p«