THE SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUQUST 5, 1914 VOL. II. PROBATED CITY COUNCIL INDIAN IN ESTATE EUGENE LAST WEEK WAR NOW BETWEEN HAD STRENU­ ENGLAND AND GERMANY OUS MEETING NEW YORK, Aug.4.—Martial law has been declared on One of the final chapters in the history of the once numerous Umpuua Indians who once roamed the hills of western Lane and Douglas counties years ago, was enacted in the probate court Thursday when the estate of Betsy Wilson, widow of the late Williams Wilson, a" prominent member of the tribe was proba­ ted. In the petition for probate it is stated that Betsy Wilson, who died January 2, 1908, was about 100 years of age and that she left property valued at $500. Her only heirs are Abbie E. Marshall and Ellen Barrett, her neices, both living on the Lower Siuslaw. Betsy Wilson was one of the best known members of the al­ most extinct tribe of the Ump­ qua. Before her death she fre­ quently enlightened the white people of that region upon points of early history of that section of the state and would often tell of the great fire that swept the Coast mountains in the’60’s, when billions of feet of timber was de­ stroyed and the fire extended for a hundred or more miles down the coast Evidence of that fire can now be seen all along the Coast range " of mountains.— Register. At the meeting of the city coun- . cil Monday evening the recorder was ordered to start proceedings ■ to secur e., that -,part—o£ lot 2, block 9, on Adams street neces­ sary to straighten the jog at the juncture of Second street. Considerable time was also taken up with the discussion of the improventof Jefferson street and Garginer avenue and other streets, The judgment secured by Al. Ready for the destruction of his building and the costs, amount­ ing to $87.70, representing the balance o f the expense incurred when the old meat market build­ ing' was torn down, was ordered paid, three councilmen voting for and two against allowing these bills. The recorder was ordered to prepare an ordinance that would give protection from fire, by re­ moving the underbrush from property within certain portions o f the town. A resolution ordering the tear­ ing down or removal from certain district of a wooden building, owned by O. A. Funke, on his property at the corner of Front The holdover senators from and Lincoln streets, was passed. Multnomah county are preparing The mayor asking for a roll call ( a bill to consolidate about thirty ‘ -vote, resulting in Evans, Brynd : and Kyle voting for its passage, commissions under five heads and British islahds and the government has taken charge of the railroads to facilitate mobilizing troops for service, and last dispatches say war between England and Germany. ' RigpoTts* say The Fferidh have captu re d tw oG erm an ves­ sels in the Mederteranian sea. Germans are bombarding the border cities of Belgium. A German liner carrying >11,000,000 in gold to Europe has returned to Bar Harbor, barely escaping capture by French boats. Congress authorizes assurance that a billion dollar emer­ gency currency will be issued. Wilson announces neutral­ ity of United States. Practically all Europe is now involved in war, and it is expecthd th a t some heavy fighting will soon take plaqe. St. Petersburg,—Aug 1—The German emperor in the name of his government, sent to the Rus- sian minister of foreign affairs at 7:31 o’clock a declaration of war. The announcement is made by the St. Petersburg Telegraph agency, which is considered the official news agency of Russia. that if he does not ask for his passports they , will be handed him tonight. Berlin, Aug. 2—German troops fired today upon and brought to earth a French flying machine near Wesel. Brussels. Aug. 2—All the French Regiments at Sedan are Copenhagen, Aug. — German reported to have been dispatched torpedo destroyers operating out­ toward Nancy, a short distance side the Danish sea territory from the German border. made an unsuccessful attempt to­ Arion, Belgium, Aug. 2—Ac­ day to cut the cable communica­ cording to advices received here tion to Russia by way of Roed- 100,000 German troops are cross­ vig, Denmark. ing the grand duchy of Luxem­ Washington, Aug. 1—Ger­ burg and concentrating on the many, Great Britain and France French Frontier near Liege. and Meyers and Reesman against have formally asked the United Frontier engagements are re- A concrete pipe manufacturing it " i States to take charge of their em- ported, in which the Germans —— This resolution caused a discus- ; establishment is a new industry bassies throughout the theatre are said to have lost. sion that got quite warm at at Astoria. of hostilities “ In case of emer­ More then 25,000 men are en­ times. gency.” gaged in digging trenches in The session lasted Gntil after Construction has been started front of the German and French midnight and proved to be quite on the west Umatilla irrigation Washington, Aug. 1—The Uni­ positions. interesting. project ted States will Met for the pow­ The strategical line from Mal- ers involved and American am­ medy in Rhenish Prussia to Liege bassadors and ministers abroad is guarded by military on both are being instructed. the Gernrian and Belgian sides. SUITS $9.85 We have twenty-five'men’s sum­ mer suits that formerly sold at $15, $18 and $20, which are going at $9.85 Come in early and pick out one of them. • WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. At—------ * French posts at Petit Croix today. Details o f the engagement aae not known. LONDON Aug 2.—A German spy cought photographing the harbor at Portsmouth was placed under arrest Two other spies were arrested at Southampton. PORTLAND BUSINESSMEN COAST TRIP Twenty-five business men of Portland are planning to leave the metropolis on a get acquain- ted trip by way of Florence to Coos Bay. The business men of Portland have made many such trips in the last few years as an influence in uniting Oregon in a common interest of all sections. The secretary o f the Commercial Club has received the following letter in regard to the matter: Marshfield, Oregon, July 25, 1914. Secretary Siuslaw Commercial Club, Florence, Ore. Dear Sir:— Your favor June 4th re-trip of Tom Richardson afid Portland Booster Club. I am advised by General Passenger Agent Scott that 25 Portland representative business men who are deeply in­ terested in the development of Southwest Oregon will leaye Portland about August 15th yi*. Eugene to Richardson end of the present line; thence to Florence, Gardiner and Marshfield return­ ing via boat Yours truly. W. F. MILLER. LONDON Aug 2.—Heavy fir- ing ‘n the North Sea presumably Between the German and French fleets has been reported here simultaneously with the official report that the* German army has invaded Frrnce and is marching on the fortified town of Longwy. Two detachments are known to be moving in France. Germany’s attention it is pre­ sumed is to crush France if pos­ sible before Russia has had time to mobilize her forces. The super­ iority ofGermany’s military mob­ ilization is depended upon by the Emperor to make his opening blows decisive. All tellegraphic communication between Brussels and Luxemburg has ceased but the report has come through that Germany has delared war on Erance. From Paris it was announced the Ger­ man ambassador was still in France. ' French aereoplartes have drop­ ped bombs at Nuremburgin Bav­ aria. One German force crossed the French frontier near the village Ed. Rackleff, who has been of Cirey between Nancy and Strassburg and another German running a grocery store in the detachment probably the Twenty north room of the old Star res­ ninth Infantry last night invad­ taurant, has moved his stock of ed the Grand Duchy -of Luxem­ groceries to the roo m vacated by burg neutral territory between the Horbor Sound Go., next to the Pilot office, and has arranged Belgium and Germany, and con­ his goods on display and is now tinued its march on the French meeting his customers in his new fortified town of Longwy, A location. Mr. Rackleff opened his store dispatch from Brussels said there a few moths ago in Florence and was good reason to believe that has made many friends jn his tips force, later in the day, en­ line of business and is building tered France. up a nice grocery trade. RACKLEFF GROCERY MOVED K THE KODAK St. Petersburg, Aug. 1—Count; London, Aug. 2—Four great von Pourtales and the entire powers of Austria-Hungary, Rus- staff of the German embassy sia, France and Germany, are left S t Petersburg tonight after now engaged in actual warfare, the declaration of war had been but two of them Germany and delivered. France, not only have not de­ clared war against each other, er- a far as know here, buthavenot St. Petersburg, Aug. 1—Ger-jas many’s declaration of war against e even severed diplomatic relations. Russia has provoked in the Rus­ This is despite the fact that Ger­ sian capital a wonderful expres­ many’s ultimatum to France sion of patriotic enthusiasm. has either been ignored or re­ The German ambassador, jected. Count Von Pourtales. at 7:30 Harbin, Russia, Aug. 2—A tel­ o’clock in the evening in the name of his government, sent to egram received here from S t the Russian minister of foreign Petersburg announces the mobli- i- affairs official notification of the zation of the Russian forces in Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. declaration of war and two hours the far East. later an announcement kto this Cettinje, Aug.—2. King Nich­ effect was made to the people. olas has signed a. decree for the Washington, Aug 1.—Presi­ mobilization of the Montenegrin dent Wilson and congress lead­ army. It is said that Montene- Do you wish to know who makes the best bread in Lane ers agreed today on a bill to mod­ negro has a secret military agree­ county? Do you wish i to know who makes the best ify ami am end the P anam a canal ment with Servia. tn Siuslaw? We can tell you, and can bread on the law to permit foreign ships to tell you why we can tell you. Berlin, Via Brussels, Aug. 2— take American registry in the As the best flavored coffee is made from blends, so is the best European crisis. It will be The small cruiser Augsburg has sent the following report to Ber­ flour made from blended w heat The higest priced man in the em­ pressed for passage Monday. ploy of the coffee houses is the expert who blends their coffees. lin by wireless: So is the expert who blends the wheat to make the perfect flour. “Am bombarding the naval New York, Aug. 1—The trans- Whenever any firm gets out an exceptionally hign grade of pro­ Atlantic service between New harbor at Libau and am engaged duct, the other houses in the same line call in their expert and tell ■ , York and continental Europe with the enemies cruisers. The him to get busy. So it was when the SPERRY FLOUR CO. got out their wonder­ was suspended today by the Cu- naval port of Libau is in flames. ” ful blend of wheat, and manufactured DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. nard line and the Intem at:onal .Libau is one of the principal Other firmB tried to imitate the flour, some by blending the wheat, Mercantile Marine company, seaports of Russia and is loeated others by blending the alphabet None of them got i t The blend which coutrols the White Star, on the Baltic Sea. one hundred was protected by law. The flour was protected by KNOWLEDGE. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR is the ACME of perfection. Other Red Star, American, Leyland, miles or more north of the Ger­ Dominion and Atlantic transport man coast. It is fortified and firms can not get the blend. Other flour will not make the perfect light bre d that can be made o f DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. lines. used as an arsenal by the navy. The best bread is made by the cook that uses DRIFTED SNOW The German protected cruiser FLOUR. Thats the answer, if your bread is not up to the stand­ Belfort, France, Aug. 2 T h e1 Augsburg is of 4,280 tons dis­ ard. tell your cook to try Drifted Snow Flour, not any imitation, Germans opened fire on the placement and her chief arma and you will be a constant user of that brand. TRY IT. You will French posts at Petit Croix to* ment consists of 12 4.1 inch guns. little more. It makes more loaves Co the day. Details of the engagement Her crew aggregates about 400 sack. The best bread makers use i t Other brands for less money. We carry them, them. but none so good. are not known. men. Remember the brand, DRIFTED SNOW FOUR. •J Paris, Aug. 2. —The German Berlin Via Brussels, Aug. 2 .' ambassador late this afternoon The Russian ambassador at Ber- was still in Paris, awaiting in-1 jjn has been handed his passports, structions from Berlin to leave. — '■ — none seemingly having yeti BELFORT France Aug. 2.— »* -~a U’•VritTcd T' c f?crmsr.s operad f r e on the •That Gives Pleasure Store Morris ®> Son Here We Are Again With Something For You Morris