THE SIU SLA W VOL. IL PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1914 SIUSLAW TO SOON HAVE TELEGRAPH extend its rails accross a string of six bridges toward Mapleton, and when this is done ballasting will continue and trains will soon be running to tidewater.— Guard. ADDRESS ON NEED D M WATER TRANSPORTATION ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES who took orders in Precinct 102 “dry” territory. The solicitor turned his order over to the store and Connery then made the de­ liveries. The trial was in the nature of I a test of the local option law, Ballasting operations on the OLE MYRIND RETURNS and the ruling af the court affects Willan>gttePagific;wiii cbmrnsncg. all the liquor dealers of the state. The fishing tug Iolanda. i FROM n v i n i FRONJEM it v /i w lu t i again this week and Will proba­ In asking fora conviction, Depu- arriving here a couple of weeks “ If I entertained any doubt cents as a result of deepening the | ty District Attorney Mowry said: ago, has made several trips to bly be continued' until the rails Ole Myrind returned the first reach Mapleton, at the head of of the week from Trondjem, that the people of the Siuslaw channel from 22 feet to 35 feet, “The state asks a eonvictior. to the fishing banks off shore, but Tidewater, according to the an­ Norway, after a trip of three would ultimately gain their aim, a saving of 20 cents, which could serve as a standing interpreta- according to Mr. Palladina, one nouncement by railroad officials months. it was removed by listening to be divided between the producer tion of the law that other liquor of the owner’s sons who is on today. Gravel trains will be op­ Tronjem is Mr. Myrinds old the remarks of a young man of and consumer, giving theproduc-1 dealers may take notice,” board, she has not been success­ er 10 cents per bushel more, and erated from a gravel pit near Na­ home and he has not seen it for ful. The trawls, which are of a .. . crossed on giving it to the consumer at 10 tron, through Springfield and o-7 new type and which it was sup­ 27 years. u He i left m Florenee • in your community as I PERILS OF PAULINE the ferry from Glenada to Flor­ cents per bushel less. Eugene, to the end 'o f the pre­ April and arrived there the 13 of I posed could be handled by one SHOWNAT THE RITA tug, proved a failure. A few sent ballasted line, 30 miles May. He found many things ence. The young man had invi­ The cost of carrying wheat ted a young lady to take an auto­ from New York to Liverpool by west of Eugene. halibut were caught with hand changed and said that few^Tf his mobile, ride, and she laughed and water, 3000, miles, is 3 cents per Thursday and Friday evening lines, and he says enough was To better facilitate the handl­ old acquaintances knew him. in g a tth e Rita was shown the ing of trains and to aid construc­ One of the changes noted was said “ You haven’t any auto” bushel or 1000 miles for 1 cent. second installment of the inter- learned to prove that the portion The young man answered, “ I tion work at the end of the track that farmers there now raise The cost of carrying wheat from of the coast as far north as Ya- arrangements are being made three loads of hay where they will rent one, or if necessary I Chicago to New York by railroad, teresting “ Perilsof Paline.” The quina at least, is fairly swarming lovely |)ut wiful Pauline, despite for the establishment of tele- had years before harvested only will buy one.” This is the spirit 1000 miles 10 cents. So you her lover’s pleadings, will not with fish of various kinds and graph service along the new rail­ one load. This shows the result that convinced me the Siuslaw have the comparispn of carrying give up her trip around the world, that halibut* are to be found in road. Heretofore messages of intensified farming in Norway. people will get what they w a n t” a bushel of wheat 1000 miles by He says, sanction for which she received unlimited numbers. In this way Captain Wilson were sent when the construc­ He went on board the steam­ Davenny opened his address, rail for 10 cents, and carrying a from her wealthy adopted father however, that the shipping facil­ tion crew was at work, but no ship for New York July 8, arriv­ bushel of wheat 1000 miles by just before his death. The un­ ities at this port are not favora­ regular telegraph service into ing in America July 20. The dis­ Wednesday evening in the Com­ water for 1 c e n t” scrupulous secretary who is goad­ ble to making headquarters here. •» the Siuslaw had been established. tance is 3461 miles and it took mercial Club room. Captain Davenny gave statis­ ed by his villainous ex-pal incites Mr. Palladina also said that the Frank Smith, president of the tics and data upon the subject of It is the plan to maintain an nine days to make the trip. On Commercial Club, introduced waterways development in Can­ Pauline to go as a passenger on fish caught off the Oregon coast operator and dispatcher at the board the ship were about 11000 aeroplane at the aviation meet were firmer and consequently of end of the line, and keep him as passengers, mostly Americans Captain Davenny to those pres­ ada and European countries. How he tampers with the ma­ a better quality than those ent. All the seats were occupied near the front as possible. To returning home. The longest and many were standing. Peo­ In Canada he said that with a chine, and the narrow escape caught off the California coast do this it is probable that the run made in twenty-four hours» population of 8,000,000 people, from death Pauline has is thrill- They very seldom get a good Western Union Telegraph com­ was 423 miles, and the shortest ple from Glenada, Acme and the government had spent $350,- ingly pictured, also a fine view of sized halibut on the lower coast pany will re-establish their tele­ was 355 miles. Good weather other river points attending. 000,000 or half as much as the an aviation field. Pauline is saved the halibut they catch there be­ graph construction crew but only was enjoyed all the way across # The speaker is devoted to wa­ United States has done so far terways and has a wonderful with a population of 100,000,000 through Harry’s devotion, but ing known as the “chicken hali with a few men, instead of the the Atlantic. amount of information upon the people. The countries of Europe the secretary is still more in the but” , and the sole are not nearly large construction outfit, which as large as the sole caught here, Mr. Myrind left New York for subject. He used statistic, recognize the importance of im­ villains power, who threatens an was able to catch up with track­ home at 2 o’clock July 20th, pass­ expose, What further means he and in California are known as laying so quickly, about a month ing through Seattle last Saturday, thought and personality to im­ proved waterways and have will take to get rid of Pauline “sand dabs.” What the Palla­ ago. It will not be long before and arrived in Florence Sunday press the importance of his sub­ spent immense sums for this pur-; and inherit her .fortune will be dina company wants is halibut ject. He gives you the benefit pose. Mapleton has its first telegraphic evening. principally and sole. They in­ He is now through of his assertions. “ One gentleman within my anxiously watched for and will tend shipping no other fish from communication with Eugene. with his pleasure trip, and ex­ “Ours is an era in which great hearing who can remember when be shown in the near future. The ballasting operations have pects to settle down to good ends are achieved by earnest co­ the waterway to Glascow had but Saturday night the screens will the Oregon coast, as they can . been delayed until a continuous hard work. operation” says Captain Dav­ a depth of one or two feet, now show “ Grist of the Mill,” in two get plenty of the other varieties ran could be made several weeks reels: “ Wanted, a Plumber,’’and nearer home. They have orders at a time. At present there are The Union Furniture Co. of Al­ enny. “ If you search the world the largest ships that float the “Too Many Cops.” for large quantities of halibut in ten nyles pf unbalasted track, bany have reorganized with larg­ over, you will find that all the the*ea can enter her harbor. San Francisco, the standing o r and while this is bei ng ballasted er capital and will be.'operated on great industrial activity is found He paid a high compliment to August 1st Springfield cele­ der from one firm alone being bv the waterside, ” he declared, the United States army engin­ the railroad company expects to a larger scale. brates opening of the new Booth three tons per week.—Cope Bay and continuing said: eers and to the local engineer in Kelly mill. News. “The cost of transportation is charge of the jetty work on the not like other expenses, you can Siuslaw bar. He also made the not find it because it is a con- ! statementjthat the rivers and har­ cealed tax. Excessive transpor­ bors appropriations were no long­ tation rates are an economic er a “pork barrel, ” but were now waste. Take the combined ex­ worked out on an economical and penses of the country national, business basis, and he believed state, county and municipal, and regardless of the Burtons and the income of the railroads would, Borahs, that the waterway3 of P»ya and a balance of millionsjtheU nitedState8 wou|d bede- ° “n ■ 6 t t ! veloped. At this very moment Don t misunderstand me.I am river8 and has5ors bi„ jg men. not against railroads, I am for all aced with defeat.and that if it is, kinds of highways, we need. he will head a prote8t from I “Tnvgsfigitiofrphoves that it Atl“ tiC’ the *U‘f a"d the ?acfic coast. cost to move a ton on unimproved After figuring the amouts roads twenty-five cents per mile, raised by the Port of Siuslaw for on improved roads ten cents per bar improvements, he said that mile, in 1912 on railways seven so far as he knew at this time and two-tenths mills per mile, the per capita $215 was the great­ and in and out of Lake Snperior est raised by any community, Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G . M orris. eight-tenths mills. The cost of and that proposed additional transporting coal from Buffalo to bond issue would increase this, Duluth on the great lakes chan­ and praised them for their past nel, or from Pittsburg to New action, concluding that the spirit Orleans on the Ohio river, three shown by the young man on the tenth of a mill. ferry, would eventually secure Do you wish to know who makes the best bread in Lane ’ “Computed under the rates county? Do you wish to know who makes the beet for the Siuslaw what was desired. quoted $1 will carry a ton 4 miles ‘ bread on the Siuslaw? We can tell you, and can on an proved wagon road, tell you why we can tell you. 10 miles' an improved wagon As the best flavored coffee is made from blends, so ia the beat road, 1: ilea on a railroad, and flour made from blended wheat The higest priced man in the em­ on Lak perior one dollar will ploy of the coffee houses is the expert who blends their coffees. carry a ton 1250 miles. At the So is the expert who blends the wheat to make the perfect flour. Whenever any firm gets out an exceptionally high grade of pro­ rate coal is carried on the water j ------ the other houses in the same line call 'in their expert and tell it will carry a ton 3333 miles. Portland, Or., July 20.—Deliv- duct him to get busy. Between 1900 and 1910 the cost ery of intoxicating liquors in So it was when the SPERRY FLOUR CO. got out their wonder­ of carrying wheat from Chicago prohibition territory was held to ful blend of wheat and manufactured DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. to New York a distance of 1000 be a violation of the local option Other firms tried to imitate the flour, some by blending the wheat miles by rail was 10 cents per law by District Judge Jones in a others by blending the alphabet None of them got i t The blend bushel during the same period, i decision rendered in the trial of was protected by law. The flour was protected by KNOWLEDGE. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR is the ACME of perfection. Other “The economic advantage of Maurice and Benjamin Kline, firms can not get the blend. Other flour will not make the perfect deepening channels for water- owners of Kline Bros.’ liquor light bre d that dan be made of DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR. The best bread is made by the cook that uses DRIFTED SNOW borne commerce ip demonstrated store at 243 Washington street in the reduction of the cost of and of J. J. Connery, employed FLOUR. Thats the answer. If your bread ia not up to the stand­ ard, tell your cook to try Drifted Snow Flour, not any imitation, carrying wheat from New York as a driver by the Klines, and you will be a constant user of that brand. TRY IT. You will to Liverpool, when the harbor The charge against Connery, be satisfied. It costa a little more. It makes more loaves to the channel depth on the-Atlantic that of making the delivery of sack. The best bread makers use it. coast was 22 feet, it cost 23 six bottles of beer to David De- Other brands for leas money. We carry them, bat none so good. cents to take a bushel of wheat lano, 613 Sherret avenue were j Remember the brand, DRIFTED SNOW FOUR. from New York to Liverpool; dismissed by Judge Jones, who when the channel depth was 25' held 'Connery’s employers liable I feet, it cost 16; jyheh it was 30 for his actions. Tne Klines were ' FLORENCE, OREGON. feet it cost 10; when it was 35 to fined $50 each. 40 feet it cost 3 cents. Showing According to the testimony, a reduction of from 23 cents to 3 1 the Kl’nes employed a solictor, HALIBUT NEAR FLORENCE OF BESTODAUTÏ JE THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure SUITS $9.85 Morris We have twenty-five men’s sum­ mer suits that - formerly sold at $15, $18 and $20, which are going at Here We Are Again With Something For Yon LIQUID LAW S. HARD ON WETS $9.85 * Come in early and of them. Store Son out one WOOLEN NHL STORE, Morris