THE SIUSLAW «HLLPirr IN MODERN STORE FRONT of the blazes are confined in lected up to the present for the tracts ranging from five to 50 A. position which he aspires and as and with men continually on the i a matter of justice if for no other watch no danger is expected. reason the rich section of the Several times this year care­ coast country embraced in the lessness of campers has caused district is entitled to considera fires which had tfrey>\.not been tlon. When matters of vital im- . > discovered in time would have en­ Monday morning S. Jensen tailed thousands of dollars worth A -i j , . Portance to us are before Con- That the Willamette Pacific A completed railroad grade be- O1,„v , , . H harb° r and bar lm" commenced the work of remodel* of damage. At Chickahominv train service will soon be extend­ tween Eugene and Marshfield What was thought at first to ing t h e , front of Wm. Kyle & young men while grubbing brush ed to the Richardson place 38 will be ready by January 1 1915 P7 vemePts • coast be a fire under good headway, ■Sona, Co. 's store building at t he foratraebattparksers<5wr6"6TTt mile s w est o f Eugene,—was th e accorrtin&-^ was discove red last Friday night' r™ matters ------------ corner of Washington and Front on fire and the entire hillside was statement of W. R. Fontaine, the Woolen Mill ber of the firm of Porter Broth­ streets. with facts and figures to sustain Store. The dense smoke made who with H. P. Hoey, has just burned over before the flames ers, railroad contractors who are Some repair work will be done could be headed off. Hunters far­ returned from a trip over the building the Willamette Pacific them will have moye weight with it uncertain as to the headway on the foundation in front, and ther down on the Siuslaw acci­ line. The trains are now stop­ between Acme and Marshfield, the U. S. Engineers and with gained. I Congress than a man like Haw­ then cabinet show windows will dentally started a second fire. Parties passing by discovered ping at Joe Fowlers place, at along the coast of Oregon. He ley whose whole acquaintance be built in the front of the store. the fire, and as the doors were Failure to entirely extinguish a the station known as Joler, a stated that the work has pro­ These will be made dust and fly camp fire is the cause of much of combination of the two names, with salt water prior to his elec­ locked they broke the glass in gressed to such a pointthat the tion was confined to the brine in the front door and gained an en­ proof. Plate glass will be put in the damage done to the forests but arrangements are being made contractors are confident that i t 1 a pork barrel. around the entire front of the declared the fire warden. For to extend the service to the next trance and extinguished the can be finnished up this year. Coos Bay as well as other ports blaze, which had started from an store building and when the im­ such carelessness persons if they settlement. This will take the This does not mean that th e ! along the coast has spent a good electric iron. The iron had been provements are completed the are caught are liable to a heavy passengers just that much closer rails will be laid to Marshfield deal of its own money in improv­ left connected with |h e current store will have a modern and up- fine and in some instances may to tidewater and will mean the within this time, but it means to-date appearance. shortening of the time between that the entire road bed will be ing its harbor, and a capable man and had become heated setting be sent to jail. and tireless worker such as Mr. fire to papers on a table and The entire district of the Sius- Eugene and the coast. ready for the railroad to lay rails Hollister will be of inestimable might have resulted in a serious The track is laid as far as San and erect bridges during the law is being patroled this sum­ benefit in laying the facts before blaze if it had remained undis­ mer by extra fire wardens who Antone creek, where a bridge is summer of 1915, and to run Congress asserting our rights and covered much longer. are ever on the alert for the first being constructed, and when this trains to Coos Bay late next year demanding government recogni­ At first reports many under­ is finnished the rails wifi be ex­ as the railroad has long hoped to ’ Gus Schroeder, who has been sign of a blaze which by- means tion for meritorious improve- stood that it |was Mr. McKee’s tended to the next bridge site: do and for which it has rushed ments. in Mapleton over a year and re­ of the government telephone home, which is about a mile from Coos Bay News. The grading on the entire line the construction of this line in cently was in partnership in the through the forests help can be the business section o f Florence is expected to be completed with­ every possible way. ^blacksmith business with A. immediately summoned. Richard Bauer and Charles and some went out there. in sixty days, said Mr. Fontaine, According to Mr. Porter the Casperson, who left Monday for ■ollenbeck at that place, has Mr. McKee and family were at and work on the south end of weather conditions and the labor « u g h t the blacksmith shop in Tsiltcoos lake on bicycles, made the cape on an outing and did A Portland paper says: Cap­ the 4,300 foot tunnel south of conditions have been favorable to the trip from Eugene to .Maple­ Glenada from Al. Johnson. tain Tabell, her former master, not know anything about the the Umpqua river will be started Dushing the railroad construction ton, over 60 miles, in nine hours, fire until their return Sunday Mr. Schroeder expects to move may take the gasoline schooner the shop soon to larger quarters Patsy to Florence on her next at .once. There remains only this summer,, Laborers, he says according to word received by afternoon. and will put in a stock of pipe trip in place of Captain Harry about 1,700 feet of this tunnel have been less anxious to move M. Bauer, in Eugene. The boys Vahlbusch, who was hurt at the and more steady this year than are aged 16 and 14 years and, and fittings and will also do a other end of the line Saturday yet to be bored. The Tillamook went over the The great bridge accross Coos in the past. Between 1,600 and general repair business. He is night by falling into the bay be­ each carried about twenty pounds j bar Saturday on its way to Ban­ Bay will be 2,000 feet long ex­ 2,000 men are employed by the of equipm ent—Eugene Gaurd. J an expert in his line and has had tween the vessel and the dock. don. Tabell left the sea, to go to ranch­ clusive of the approaches, says contractors between Coos Bay much experience. ing several months ago. It wtfs Mr. Fontaine. Little has been and the Siuslaw, and the number stated an effort will be made to said of this structure for the rea is . being constantly augmented. OF FIRES IN FORFST i° f the eraft’ «»"K ^ C apfcU n son J-h a tth e plans have only re- “Within a month I believe we vr riAfcd HI ruKfcOl j Vahlbusch ---- recovers. — Jt will be cent'y been completed. will be able te say definitely that There'Ts a great deal of activi- the grade will be completed this several days before the Patsy Five fires are burning in the will be in shape to resume ser-' ty around Lakeside, and the •I Siuslaw forest reserve though all v ice. Her port shaft was broken steam shovels are very busy with year to Coos Bay,” stated Mr. o f them are under control is the while she was crossing out of the grading work all along the Porter, this morning before leav­ statement of Carl Oglesby fire Yaquina Bay. A new one has right of way south of the Sius- ing for the front on the Willam­ been ordered to be sent here ette Pacific which is now operat­ warden of the district who left from San Francisco. It is ex­ law river—Register. ing into the Siuslaw valley 40 yesterday for Nelson creek. All pected to arrive in a day or so. miles w’est from Eugene^*-**Even TRAINS SOON GRADE TO TO BE RUN TO BE COMPLETED JANUARY I RICHARDSON FIRE GETS START FROM ELECTRIC IRON BOUGHT BLACKSMITH SHOPINGLENADA CARELESSNESS CAUSE AND, CUNADA WON AGAIN the tunnels will be done by the first of the year. The tunnel crews are working from both ends of the large 4400-foot tun­ nel south of Gardiner and they They During the game of baseball are in near^ 3,000 feet. are working at the rate of 300 Sunday afternoon between Glen feet a month.’’—Eugene Guard. ada and Tidewater teams, there j were times when the fan got a little bit excited and kn_w the Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. pangs of uncertainty. The game was called at 2:30 with Glenada at the bat, and no tally secured until Monroe crossed H. D. Smoak, the contractor, : the home plate for Glenada in returned from Clear Lake Satur- the first half of the third inning day where he has just finnished Beginning July 11th at Mapleton, Oregon. In the next the visitors binged 8 large modern barn for Geo. ¡things and this inning ended Gibbs. Glenada 11 to Tidewater 2. The The barn is 40 by 60 feet, with atmosphere remained off color 8 hay loft of 65 tons capacity, for the home players until Rifidd stanchions have been f>ro-1 We think it does. the sixth when they got into vided for forty cows, We are going to try i t action and did some swatting A water system will be in This ad will be changed from time to time. We play the game square. i themselves resulting in their be- stalled soon, making it possible Your money buys as much as your neighbors. ing just one behind, with a show­ to flush. Conveyors will be put We will only carry high grade goods. ing of 10 to I l f in when the materials arrive. We guarantee our representations. The fifth, sixth, seventh and When finnished this bam will be We propose to do a cash business, and with no bad accounts to eighth innings were in the zero modem and sanitary in every lose, we can sell you goods cheaper. You don’t thenpiave to pay for the other fellows defalcations. class, but in the first of the ninth respect We have had some experience. Glenada rushed the bases for tw o , Mr. _______ __ return early in Smoak will W$ are buying on a cash basis. more tallies, and Thompson held September and will build a 10- We want you to come to us for prices. the Tidewater down to a one, room modem house for Mr. We will handle all your produce. two, three and out inning, win-¡Gibbs. We have no leaders at less than coat We make each line a specialty. ing for Glenada by a score of 13 — ---------------- Every man should be an expert bnsineae man. At least you to 10. H. F. Kendall officiated should know that when a merchant sella as a leader an shtick at as umpire. less than cost that is a staple, he intends to sting you on some other article. We want your trade. Charley Cox js repairing his We are bidding for it wharf at Acme and will erect a We know that if we hold it we muBt treat you right buildina in the near future. We appreciate your past trade. A club was organized here a We welcome your future business. Wisconsin’s new law protect­ We give you a list of some of the lines we carry: ing the frogs in their breeding few days ago to be known as the Dry goods, groceries, cigars and tobaccos, boots and shoes, hats season is believed to be the first Hollister For Congress Campaign and caps, hardware, ammunition, sporting goods, fishing tackle, Club the name of which is self paints and „IIO of its kind in the world. oils, t kerosene, gasolene and distilate, flour, feed, grail In, The number of articles handled «*P|an>tory- Mr- Hollister whose crockery, gïassware, fruit jars and caps, Fruita and vegetal in . le» handled home is at North Bend has been season. f ’• . , .Py£»10n. 1,08 0 ce de- g resident of the coast for eleven i There are numerous other articles which we are on account of £ at y«*™- His interests are identified ?pa