The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, July 25, 1914, Image 1

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The court was called to order Miller was also present
' rth e Joe Morris hali at Maple­ In the afternoon court was
ton about 9 o'clock Friday morn­ called to order promptly. A few
more spoke in favor of the road
ing. Judge Thompson and Com­
being built and resolutions pass­
missioners Hemphill and Hawley ed at a mass meeting inMapleton
and County Surveyor Libby sev^iraj—months- Ago wasxwad.
present An announcement was Geo. Melvin Miller stated that
made that the Willamette Pacific he had intended to favor the sell-
had made a cash offer of $17,500 ¡ngof the road but as he seemed
for that part of the wagon road, to be a very small minority he
in question between Mapleton j moved that it be unanimous that
and Acme and the court desired | the railroad build a wagon road
to get the opinion of those inter- ! and the’court be extended thanks
ested. They invited the owners for coming to meet the people, ,
of property along the road to which motion was carried.
make statements first. About 20 Nothing further coming before
were present and spoke in favor the court it adjourned at 2
of building a road and seven or o’clock.
eight through representation
The following memorial passed
ted that the road be built,
by the Mapleton Commercial
irtin Noffsinger said that Club was read to the court:
100 had been raised by sub-
“ Whereas the
ption and a like amount given Pacific Railroad Co. in the con­
tty the county court at first. struction of their road bed be­
That 2 years of a special 10 mill tween Mapleton and Acme have
tax was voted, and then a special utilized about 9 miles of the
6 mill tax all of which had been county wagon road between
used on the road. At the morn- these points and
session about 40 persons madej Whereas the aforesaid Rail­
statements to the court, only one road Co, have not built or
of these suggesting that a money J furnished any other road nor any
consideration be accepted. The! road whatever in place of the
rest were strong in demanding a road so utilized and
road built, many stating th a t; Whereas we understand that
they did not want it sold and the aforesaid Railroad Co. have
that it was a necessi ty that they made to the settlers along said
have a wagon road.
road and contiguous thereto an
Court adirttimed the morning offer of a money consideration
session to meet at 1:30.
in lieu of £aid road so utilized
During the day over 200 people and
attended the sessions of the
Whereas realizing the absolute
court Others present from Eu- ^ s s i t y o f j wagon road to the
were AMorney. M. Vernon I
and Wm.
who Therefore be it revived that
wm. T.
i. Martin, who;
presented the property owners we> the|commercial club of Ma-
Mlg the road. Geo. Melvin
(Continued on page 3.)
The government survey,, of 1909 showed a t the
entrance of the Siuslaw riv er a bar about 2500
feet across with depth lender ten feet, the
miniihum controling depth be seven feet at
mean lower low water. The channel across
this liar was narrow, l)eing 200 feet at its
narrowest place.
According to the government survey ,of July
1914, the least depth a t mean lower low water
was found to be ten feet and the minimum
clianneTwidtH'aboutoOOfeet.LTEis bar is now
but 1500 feet across.
So far the bar has not advanced but instead
has got deeper on its outer edge. There has
been a remarkable improvement between the
end of the old north jetty and the end of the
new, the depths in some cases increasing from
seven feet to 24 feet below mean lower low
So far this year only two small
fires have occurred in the
Upon the invitation of Captain
timber belt in Western Lane Andrew Jackson of the launch
county belonging to private ' Restless, a party of about 20 Ma-
parties and under the control of Pleton, Portland, Acme and Flor-
fire wardens representing the ence people went to the beach
Western Lane Fire Association. Wednesday afternoon, staying
all night and
One waq in section 3),
ship 18, range 7 west, and burn­ afternoon.
ed over some fifteen acres.
The party secured a large
Warden Oglesby discQvered the amount of clams, crabs and fish,
fire from Joe Fowlers and now among the catch being razors, co­
has it under control and is hogs, rock oysters, native clams,
watching it burn out in what few about 60 crabs, herring, floun­
snags are left. The timber de­ ders and candle fish.
stroyed belonged to the Oregon
The trip was an enjoyable one
and California Land Co. The and resulted in a great deal of
cause of this fire was traced to sport and pleasure.
careless hunters.
The other fire was near Charley
Loyns place in section 6, town­ GLENADA SEWING CLUB
ship 18, range 7 west, and burn­
ed over an area of ten acres.
The Glenada Sewing Club met
The fire occurred last Friday and
Wednesday with Mrs. Hans
1 Saturday.
Hansen. ;The afternoon was
Harvey L. McKee and family spent in sewing and fancy work.
Refreshments were served and
and Harry Holden and wife of
Portland went up to the light­ a pleasant time enjoyed. Those
house for a few days camping; present were: Mesdames S. fif
Mr. Holden is a brother of Mrs. Low, Flint, JayS. Douglas, J. L.
Furnish, Johnson, Randall, Lloyd,
J. G. Wisdom, C. J. Wisdom,
The Freemont hotel ’•ecently Tyler, Simons, Flint, Monroe,
destroyed by fire at Salem will Mummey. Barker, Foster, Leach,
be rebuilt of brick, to cost $20,- Miltan, A. W. Martin, Caniff,
and Miss Viva Caniff.
i forest
Those persons who believe Mr. Hawley has
been representing the First Oregon Congressional
district might do a little'searching of records and
find out what th a t distinguished gentleman was
doing when Idaho, Montana, Utah and other
western states were getting great, rich slices of
th at reclamation fund while Oregon was getting
crumbs. As we remember it, he was getting
patent for some of his Salem friends to timber
lands over in the Siletz country to which they
had about as much right as Satan has to a seat
inside the Pearly Gates.
Even his warmest
admirers among the newspapers of the district
are unable tp “ point with pride” to any of his
achievements, consequently are keeping very
quiet.—Oregon Messenger.
That Gives
Pleasure '
A new sawmill will be erected
in the near future at Joler station
on the new Willamette Pacific i
While at present the Willamette
railway by the Joler Lumber;
Pacific is only runing its passen­
company, articles of incorpora- (
ger service to Joler, the station
tion of which were filed with the
at Joe Fowlers place, the rails
county clerk yesterday. The
are laid to San Antone creek,
incorporators are A. A. Damintio,
fifteen miles from Mapleton.
George E. Huntley, William
It is expected that service will Rush and M. T. Rush.
be extended soon to Richard-'
Mr. Damintio and Mr. Huntley
Joe. Morris
Jr., Norman G. Morris.
son’s, a distance of twenty miles
,__ .,
... ,
. .
are from Aberdeen, Wash., and
from Mapleton. At present some th t
R h brothers formerly
work that is being done with a
conducted a sawmill up the Will­
steam shovel prevents them amette river.
giving this service.
While the plant will not be
The roadbed has been ballasted
large at the outset it is the plan
about three miles below Richard­ of the company to gradually in­
Beginning July 11th at Mapleton, Oregon.
son’s and is in good shape for crease its capacity as the business
The » capital stock is
The concrete work was all
$4,000 divided into shares of the
completed Tuesday, the last
par value ot $100 each.
The; We think it dbes.
pier at the third crossing on the
principal place of business is Eu­ We are going to try i t
Siuslaw being finished at that gene.
This ad will be changed from time to time.
We play the game square.
Joler is the name of the station
The bridges yet to be swung
Your money Buys t s much as your neighbors. __
which the Willamette Pacific at
are at San Antone creek, four on
will only carry high grade goods.
present makes its terminus. The We
We guarantee our representations.
the Siuslaw river, and the Lake
station is on the Joe Fowler
creek crossing. With the peirs place and the name is a com­ We propose to do a cash business, and with no bad accounts to
we can sell you goods cheaper. You don’t thenjhave to pay for
all up, the pile driver crew is bination of Mr. Fowler’s name. lose,
the other fellows defalcations.
rushing the approaches where I
The company desired to name We have had some experience.
they are needed and every indi­
We are buying on a cash basis.
the station Fowler, but as there
cation is that a passenger service' is another one of that name in We want you to come to us for prices.
will be given Mapleton by the, this state, the combination was We will handle all your produce.
We have no leaders at less than cost
last of September or the first of effected and the station will be We make each line a specialty,
ould* be an expert bnsiness man. At least you
erv man should
known as Joler.
The roadbed compares favor-1
should know that when a merchant sells as a leader an article at
less than cost that is a staple, he intends to sting you on some
ably with the main line of the
other article.
Southern Pacific in construction RECORDER'S OFFICE
We want your trade.
and a fencing crew is keeping
MOVED THURSDAY We are bidding for i t
well up with the rails.
We know that if we hold it we must treat you right
The city recorder’s office was
We appreciate your past trade.
Mel Warner, the veteran piano moved to the rear room , of the
We welcome your future business.
We give you a list of some of the lines we carry: , ■
tuner of Eugene arrived in Flor­ Monroe building next to the bank.
Dry goods, groceries, cigars and tobaccos, boots and shoes, hats
ence Wednesday evening. Mr. The building owned by Judge
and caps, hardware, ammunition, sporting goods, Ashing tackle,
Warner at one time was well Severy and which he has occu- ( paints and oils, kerosene, gasolene and distilate, flour, feed, grain,
known on the Siuslaw, as he cupied for 12 years, will have to crockery, glassware, fruit jars and caps, Fruits and vegetables in
owns a summer home onv the be moved ¡or tom down, as it is season.
North Fork and came down here located on the Odd Fellow’s lots I There are numerous other articles which we are on account of
space unable to enumerate, but we will be here ready and willing
every year.
This is his first and it is desired to clear this to
show them to you. Come and see us. We will give you some­
visit for nearly five years. His property in preparation to erect ' thing new in the line of business.
many years experience places their new building.
him as a top notcher in his
Councilman Reisman has been I
appointed as a committee to in­
vestigate the building of a town j
The 100,000 gallon reservoir of hall and it is expected that the
the Bend Water Co. is nearly council will soon take some defi­
nite action in the matter.
Morris & Son
G e n tle m a n S h o e s
Here is a shoe th at we can conscientiously recom­
mend to our customers. It is made of a special
grade of Gun Metal leather; blucher style; Goodyear
welt; solid oak single sole. This is a stylish looking
and comfortable shoe, and is built for service.
P R I C E $ 5 .0 0 .
The Hamilton, Brown idea of keeping the quality
up is clearly expressed in their splendid line of shoes
—th a t’s why we are featuring them. We offer them
to our customers with the feeling of assurauce that
they will receive abosolute satisfaction.
Morris ®> Son,
Mapleton, Oregon.