THE i IMPROVEMENT OFBAR BEING RECOGNIZED SH SLAW plan has been successful and now that the bar is in good con-1 dition it is likely big barges to hold a million and a half feet of lumber will be built to be towed direct to San Francisco. The barge Lawrenc£ which is now in Coos Bay brought out the largest cargo of lumber that ever cross- PILOT NUMBER 30 C/'IIAAI u vll VUL MAPLETON ELECTION NEWS NOIES IS CALLED OF INTEREST sprung in an effort to get the I Japanese vessel, with its un- welcome, would-be immigrants out of the harbor probably, early tomorrow morning. Early this morning, when the immigration officers, after sup­ plying the vessel with free pro- MAP LFlflnl ACME ROAD JHEEI1NG The following editorial v ¥ is i o n s , f o r a There will be a meeting at Ma­ peared in the Coos Bay Record be long until all of the harbors Board on Tuesday afternoon to girls of Glenada, was a passen­ Orient, attempted to board the and shows that the work being on the Oregon coast will be im­ discuss the question of bringing ger on Sundays stage for Eu­ vessel, the Hindus opened fire pleton on Saturday between the done on the Siuslaw bar is being proved to the utmost and there the Florence High school up to gene. with guns and revolvers and railroad officials and all the peo­ noticed by others: with hot water. The authorities ple who are interested in the dis­ the Standard required by law, is nothing that will make the Miss Bulah Kibler of Point Evidently some splendid harbor country grow and build big cities it was found that at no time fought back and several were Terrace left this morning for Eu­ posal of the county road between injured. improvement work has been quicker than the harbor improve­ were the eleventh and twelfth gene on a visit to friends for a Mapleton and Acme. There are done at the Siuslaw river. ments. grades authorized by a vote of couple of weeks. three different interests at stake, Mariners from there say that the people. It seem that in 1909 Mapleton is receiving her they find sixteen feet of water the people in the north part of the question came up but was anual influx of Honk Honk cars on the bar of the river. The defeated. Owing to the fact the county are naturally in ter now. Some arriving every day. improvement which has taken that there were not a sufficient The attractive bungalow of ested in the North Fork road go­ There being4 in the “ Whittaker place during the past few months Mrs. Baker and Mrs Anicker, at ing from Mapleton to Florence Professor Stetson, of the Uni­ number of pupils to enter those gararge” Sunday. has astonished the captains of grades to justify the expense. Dr. P. J. Bartle, with some Glenada, was the scene o f a by way of Minerva. vessels making that port. The versity of Oregon, and wife and During Prof. Dempster’s time daintily appointed luncheon on Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Rice re­ And those on south side of the deepening of the water on the several pupils being sufficiently friends of the U. of O. are ex­ Mo n day afternoon. The center- turned Sunday night from a fish­ pected in Mapleton Monday, for bar is due to the extension of river are asking for improve­ ing trip-to Tsilcoos lake. Both advanced were given instruction their usual summer outing at piece was a crystal bowl of pink the north jetty. It has always in higher work, and the situation parties carried a nice string of sweet peas and spyrea. The ta­ ment of the Whittaker creek been maintained that w h it Coos grew with the demand that in “ Cozy Cove” about a mile below ble was further enhanced with road, which includes the large the speckled beauties Bay needed was the r e t a i l i n g the last few years Florence has Mapleton. place cards and corsage bouquets interests which are rapidly being the ia t t y a n d in t h . ™ « . weJ' « » « J « * for their trip. the jetty and in the case of Sius­ Byrd Farleigh, who recently enjoyed the privelege of a four o f the same flower. ' Prof, and Mrs. Stetson walked developed on the Lakes. law river at least it is shown left Mapleton to visit his parents The remainder of the after­ all the way from the end of the year course at high school, and that a jetty brings about the But the people o f Acme and 17 pupils in all have received in Eastern Oregon returned noon was pleasantly spent with desired deepening of the water. railroad at Fowlers to Tsilcoos, their diplomas. Saturday and has resumed his the farmers along the old road auction bridge and dancing. The bettered condition of the carrying their camp outfit on position with the new firm of Now it appears to comply with between Mapleton and Acme will Covers were laid for Mrs. Guy bar of the Siuslaw means a g r e a t i ^ 8- They wil1 also return the law governing the standard- Morris & Son. not relinquish without a struggle Robert Porter, Mrs. W. D. Kier, deal to this part of the coast.; ! ization of high schools, the de­ The schooner Restless made a Miss Willa Wilkinson, Mrs. Wm. their prior rights to a road which Formerly shipping in winter mand for which must be passed special trip to the beach Sunday T. Baker and Mrs. George A. means their only communication time was next to impossible and on by a vote of the people, the with a number of Mapleton Anicker. by land between Mapleton and under all circumstances there It is proposed by thg Sa,em board has insfrncted the clerx to people who wanted to get down Florence. were delays in boats getting in i •is-., Superior Judge Sturtevant of All those who are vitally inter­ and out A big lumber mill has Comm«™ al. C,ub that the corn- call for a vote on the subject, where the “gentle” breezes San Francisco, said the secret ested should attend the meeting blow. Every body got TAN. been built at Florence. Last ™*™al 600,68 of the state char- and Augnst 10 is the date set for the election. Two'Sisters of the “Sacred file in divorce suits was a rich and support their claims when winter it was necessary to shut l° It behooves those who are in­ they have the opportunity. Hall” o f Seattle Wash., have man’s institution. down because shipments could transport the vanous booster or- terested to attend this meeting 8nii,m could ganizations ganizations to to the the Panama-Pa-! Panama-Pa- made this territory along the W. j . , enis- . ------ w wkh^h regUlarly’ 5Ut ,n° W cific exposition, the vessel to be to legalize and standardize the P. R. R. camp interviewing the ber Fan V Y ?mpW*ed ,th®f lum’ used as a hotel, or club room dur-1h,gh sch<)o1 otl»firwise state aid laborers in the interest of that berffan-be taken out at all sea- ..... L « ” aur i j withdrawn institution in charitable work. sons, meaning that the mill can run p n n tir,,.« d and to be so decorated with ban- i To Ao standardize the school it Mr. and Mrs I. W. Gardner, make of a the big lumber is shinned ners and electric 8i2 ns as to be a * 1 Y reqUJr?^ to ®mploy t* ° Parents of Roscoe Gardner, went j Some on schooners d S and i m e Y fl°at,ng advertisement of Ore- teachers and 40 minutes must be out on the stage Monday. They on scnooners direct and some is g o n - devoted to each recitation where exDpct _ tnrn fhIa . . . I , -------------------- wj r c k t ir u this m i s fall in n and anu brought to Coos Bay on barges •• — • , expect to ^tqrn there are over 10 pupils, 30 min- make th^iT home on Sweet Creek and transferred to steamers for Mr. F. B. Carson made a busi- utes under ten pupils, and all on the p|ace they recently j shipment south. The barge ness trip to Gardiner Saturday. pupils will be required to carry chased from Dr Ge0 p , four subjects. Edwards. ENTERTAINED FISHING TRIP TO TSILCOOS LAKE AT LUNCHEON BOOSTER BOAT PROPOSED _ . , IE THE > T hat Gives Pleasure Store A NEW FIRM to communicate with Mr. Fred- M«hlon Sweat and R oll. Drain, erick O. Belahaw. of Union O re- i™ " " " '’™ 0' the Sw“ ‘ "T“ .” gon, in regards to the principal- i Eu«ene- »',th « ’em sbjp wives and some fnends came in ____________ . from Triangle lake Sunday and went on down to the mouth of ; the river fora days outing on the beach and are to return Mon­ I day. They report the heat in Joe. Morris Jr., Norman G. Morris. the valley as something unusual. We wonder if the Siuslaw people are making any concerted action regarding the confisticated The ball game Sunday after­ road between Acme and Maple­ noon between Glenada and Flor­ ton. The Mapleton Commercial Beginning July H th at Mapleton. Oregon. ence proved a case of “too much Club is ready to stand by the providing they take,1 Thompson,’’ as for some reason people, i or other the Florence boys could enough interest in the matter to not connect with his slants and make some effort for themselves. ’ the residents along were sent to the bench with So far . . ----- - the — We think it does. ''“ you’re out” with disheartening 8ee™ * be «deeping on their We are going to try i t frequency—whilst the Glenada ng6ts and “ they do not 8000 This ad will be changed from time to time. We play the game square. boys had a trick of getting to wake up they will have slept too Your money buys as long. . -----much as your neighbors. first base which at first looked as We will only carry high grade goods. if it was going to be a walk-over. We guarantee our representations. We propose to do a cash business, and with no bad accounts to The game started off with Flor­ lose, we can sell you goods cheaper. You don’t then!have to pay for ence at the bat but no score was the other fellows defalcations. made. Glenada suceeded in j We have had some experience. making two runs in this inning. We are buying on a cash basis. ------- But from start to finish it was . \ We want you to come to us for prices. We will handle all your produce. evident that the Florence team Vancouver, B. C., July 19.— We have no leaders at less than cost. was not up to their usual form Armed resistance by the Hin­ We make each line a specialty. and did not even rally for the dus aboard the Japanese steamer Every man should be an expert bnsiness man. At least you finish, allowing the _______ game to — close, ____ , | Komagata Maru early this mom- should know that when a merchant sells aa a leader an article at the first half o f the ninth inning mg, when the Canadian immi- leas than cost that is a staple, he intends to sting you on sone with a score of 10-5 in favor of gration officers attempted to other article. We want your trade. Glenada. board the vessel and start her We are bidding for it Following is the batting oader: hack to the Orient, has forced Florence Brynd c. f., Pour- the government here to formulate ' We know that if we hold it we must treat you righ t We appreciate your past trade. tales, c; Blackerby, 2nd; Me- drastic plans. We welcome your future business. Kechnie, 1st; Petersen, 1. f ; The tug Sea Lion and oth er' We give you a list of some of the lines we carry: Westcott, r. f; Graham, s. s; harbor craft have been ordered: Dry goods, groceries, cigars and tobaccos, boots and shoes. hate and c i — *-— ------ ------------ —- Johnson, 3rd; Kendal, p. to get up a full head of steam paints Glenada -Thompson, p; Smith, and advices from Ottawa have crockery 3rd; Porter, 1st; Anderson, c; been pouring into the local offices season There are numerous other articles which we are on account of Gillis, 2nd; Shorty, c. f: Monroe today, with the indication that I. f; Williams, r. f; Bailey, s. s. *•• necessary resources of the space unable to enumerate, but we will be here ready and willing to show them to you. Come and see us. We will give you some­ Score by innings. Dominion government will be thing new in the line of business. Florence 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 - 5 made available to restore peace Glenada 2 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 —10 in the harbor and to enforce the Busky -Umpire. • immigration edicts. — —--------— The object of ordering full Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyrkas steam on the sea tug has not have gone on a fishing trip up the been made public, but it is in- North Fork. dicated that a coup would be FLORENCE BEATEN BY GLENADA Morris & Son DOES IT PAY TO ADVERTISE? A M E R IC A N Gentleman Shoes Here is a shoe that we can conscientiously recom­ mend to our customers. It is made of a special grade of Gun Metal leather; blucher style; Goodyear welt; solid oak single sole. This is a stylish looking and comfortable shoe, and is built for service. P R I C E $ 5 .0 0 . The Hamilton, Brown idea of keeping the'quality up is clearly expressed in their splendid line of shoes —that s why we are featuring them. We offer them to our customers with the feeling of assurauce that they will receive abosolute satisfaction. WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. MAY DRIVE HINDUS TO SEA Tis i Mapleton, Oregon. .t