THE SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY IS, 1914 A P P L IC A T IO N « TO INCREASE LOCAL RATES ^b« as their reason for 1 appiiv«.’. '^crease rates, i that the prese««. income is in­ sufficient to meet expenses and the application was made by 0. C. Stanwood, who is manager of the company. PILOT NUMBER 35 HUERTA IS OUT ¡ w ensahondue commencement FOR EMPLOYE'S DEATH1 EXERCISES AT PERILS CARBAYALB RIVERVIEW SCHOOL PAULINE NEW DICTATOR INTERESTING Salem, Or., July 14. Report i of the first fatal --- - accident amuilK among I n employes injured under the Commencement exercises were JAQXkmeu's compensation law , -^îj't-SLthg.schoplbfluae .at. River.. The Siuslaw Home Telephone Mexico City, July 15.— General was received by the state indus­ view, District 115, Wednesday. Company, whose principal place Huerta and General Bianquet trial accident commission yester­ After the exercises in the morn-1 As the film of the “Pendleton BE HELD IN PORTLAND left 'of business is in Florence, Ore- ' » Ing In the schoo> house, an Round up” failed to arrive in the capital tonight. They day afternoon. The man killed gon, has made application to the j j 0 arouse was an employe of Porter out-door dinner was in- time for Thursday evening’s 1 boarded a train on the Mexican Railroad Commission of Oregon their plans greater interest in Railway a few miles beyond the Brothers-Grant Smith & - Co., - dulged in by the pupils and their show Manager Grindall substitut- the officials of the in 7 .U h , S f 10 . increase land show to be held in Portland city. It'is thought they are go- -railroad contractors who are now parents. after which athletic ed the “ Perils of Pauline,” which and the time for hearing and in- ;n eIt wil| o(Ier a fir3( A large was shown to two Capacity working near. Glenada, Lane contests were had. ing to Puerto Mexico. h l £ ° i t for the aS?h’3"8S'° ; °f 1200 “ d » P™e of ™ crowd was out and enjoyed them- ■ houses and a lively interest was Mexico City, July 15.—Gener­ county. j X t 9 1 4 at i m o i e y for the «>«¡«1 exhibit by al Victoriana Huerta resigned The day manifested in the charming Details of the accident nor the selves to the fullest. ; , 1.00 o clock p. m., eounties. By arrangements with ^rorn the provisional presi- number of dependents who will will always.remain in the memory heroine Pauline, who was the at tpe court house in Eugene. the , tate J r o f f ic iò « h S Henry adopted daughter of a wealthy of the Mexican repub­ receive benefits from the com­ of the little ones. Oregon. The board of this district con­ Englishman, to whose son she fromjDouglas, Lane Polk, Marion, lic tonight, and his resignation pensation fund have not yet been Under a provison of section Washington, Multnomah, Tilla­ was accepted by the senate received by the commission. If sists of J. C. Johnson, president; was betrothed. 77 caapter 279 of General Laws mook, Clackamas, Umatilla, and chamber of deputies by a the man left a widow she will re- Ivy Morris and M. C. Beck. The father dying suddenly of Oregon it is unlawful for any Wasco, Wallowa, Wheeler and vote of 121 to 17. The resigna- 530 a month for life, or until she The school has enjoyed a very leaves his vast fortune to be public utility to demand greater Morrow counties have already Miss divided between the two, but nation was accompanied by the remaries. If he also left children successful term with compensation for service than been arranged for. Caroline Schelling as teacher. in trust of his secretary until announcement that it was actu­ each child under 16 years will re­ the charge fixed on the first day ceive $6 a month, up to the the marriage is consumated. ated by highest motives of patri­ oj January, 1911. What is regarded as the record Just on eve of his death he had maximum for the family of $50 a otism and complying with su­ A PLEASANT SURPRISE The following rates were in ef­ return for one acre of cherries given his consent that Pauline, month. preme duty to his country. fect on that date: has been reported from Hood who has ambition as a writer,' A pleasant surprise wras given If the man was not married Francisco Carbajal was then per month. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. appointed president and took the but left parents, they will re­ River where the grower deceived make a tour of the world in care Phone rent, residence $1.00 Ivy Morris, Tuesday evening in oath of office at the joint session ceive 50 per cent per month of $1300 for the crop on one acre of of the secretary, who has had an Phone reut business: honor of Miss Caroline Schelling, of deputies and senators. the amount he had contributed Royal Annes. This was the net unsavory past and is being black Party line limited service, 1.25 who was employed as teacher of per month to their support amount received after all ex­ mailed by the villian of the play Huerta’s resignation was sub­ Party line unlimited service 1.50 the Riverview school. during the last 12 months. penses of picking and marketing —“ You have the opportunity, Phrty line limited, office 2.00 Forty six guests assembled at mitted through the department These payments will be mbde to had been paid. and I have the brains” is the of foreign relations. It was Direct main line, unlimted - the Morris residence at a late read in the house and was greet- them for the rest of their lives. argument the villian usee. service • 2.50 hour, who made merry at a To help make the working­ There are some thrillers Local toll, per call .15 luncheon and many games, which with cries of “viva Huerta. ” It men’s Compensation act, the promised in following up the was then referred to the joint HOOD RIVER INSPECTS Long Distance, 30 miles Board are taking in all state proved to be a real surprise for committees perils to which Pauline will be of governacion. flat rate :25 the honored guest. The party and institutions THE HIGHWAY enterprises subjected to prevent her mar­ After brief consideration, the possible. The state will be em­ riage. Applicant desires to advance broke up at one o’clock with committees reported accepting Portland Ore., July 14, 1914 ployer and insure itself against said rates as follows: many regrets expressed that p ie “ Round up at Pendleton" fully ac- j accidents on its own work. Rates per month business res. Miss Schelling would not be back the resignation in the following -In order to will be shown Saturday night terms: quaint themselves with conditions One party $2.50 $2.00 to teach next term. Article 1. We accept the along the new Columbia High­ Two party 2.00 1.75! resignation presented by General way, five carloads of residents of o °Ufr p .art> , 1,75 L5° The Pacific States Telephone Victoriano Huerta as president Hood River county made the trip Six to ten party 1.50 1.25 Co. is spending about $200,000 of the Mexican United States. dovrn the gorge on Thursday of Long distance toll to Gardiner on new lines to Astoria, and on , Article 2. We call Licentiate last week. At Gordon Falls they (¿0 miles) the Columbia highway to Hood 1 Francisco Carbajal, minister of were met by a delegation from r irst minute ^or -10 word River. foreign relations, to assume the Portland headed by County Com­ telegram) $.25 —------------- missioner Holman and after a Each additional minute .20 j Macadam highway in Mult- presidency.” A ballot w as taken and the picnic luncheon had been dis­ Each additional word .02 nomah county costs $150 a mile joint session approved the report. posed of they were shown over The Home Telephone C o m - I for uokeen President Carbajal proceeded the most1 iscenic portion of the t to the national palace under an highway. After an afternoon escort of presidential guards and spent in this inspection, Roy D all along the way was greeted Smith of Hood River, one of the with tumultuous cheering. leaders in the movement for Victoriano Huerta took oath as better roads, prophesied that the ■provisional president of Mexico Hood River bond issue would February 19, 1913, the day after carry 3 to 1. Francisco I. Madero had been __“This road project has never arrested at the national palace. been put up to me in the right Three Madero and Jose W • o days ’ A later ----------- ~ way before.” said Mr. Smith; Joe. M orris Jr., N orm an G . M orris. , Mana Pino Suarez, vice president “I ’ve come to the conclusion that were shot to death on a midnignt Rood roads are money in our nde under guard from the palace pockets far more in amount than to the penitentiary. their co&L” The manner of their death - -------------- has never been satisfactorialy OREGON MERCHANTS explained. Beginning July 11th at Mapleton, Oregon. One of Hurta’s first acts as TO BE ENTERTAINED provisional president was to tele­ Oregon merchants will be graph William H. Taft, then entertained by the jobbers and President of the United States, manufacturers of Portland Aug. We think it does. the following message: We are going to try i t 10-15 during Buyers’ Week when “ I have the honor to inform This ad Will be changed from time to time. — you that I have overthrown this the buyers ot merchandise and We play the game square. government. The forces are supplies from all over the Pacific ,Y.our money buys as much as your neighbors. with me and from now on peace Northwest will be gathered We will only carry high grade goods. Portland to make their annual and prosperity will reign.” We guarantee our representations. purchases. Banquets, luncheons , „ propose ^9 do » c*»h business, and with no bad accounts to receptions, a smoker and auto­ S X X S . ' d e f K o H Per- Y°“ "»"’“ » .n J ,.,, t o p . , for DISTINGUISHED mobile rides about the city are on We have had some experience. the program. The underlying We are buying on a cash basis. LODGE VISITORS purpose of Buyers’ Week is to We want you to come to us for prices. We will handle all your produce. — Grand. Master William Gallo-1 develop the buy-at-home spirit, We have no leaders at less than cost. way, of Independent Order of not only as it applies to Portland Here is a shoe th at we can conscientiously recom- each lirfe a specialty, Odd Fellows, and wife, who is but to every community of the . We make Tnend to our customers. It is made of a special man “hould be an expert bnsiness man. A t least you past president of the Rebekahs, Pacific Northwest. should know thaFwhen a merchant sells as a leader an article at grade of Gun Metal leather; blucher style; Goodyear and Mrs,• Kate Lando who is other^artici^4 * ®taple, be intends to sting you on some welt; solid oak single sole. This is a stylish looking Within the last few days the Grand President, have come to and comfortable shoe, and is built for service. We want your trade. visit the respective lodges on Junction City cannery was for­ We are bidding for it. Siuslaw river. They were in mally opened, the exercises be­ We knov, that if we Hold it we must treat you rig h t ing attended by not less t£ah Mapleton Thursday night and We appreciate your past trade. were guests of the local lodge three hundred farmers with We welcome your future business. —- Friday night. their families. The main.can­ We give you a list of some of the lines we carry: j cigari and tobaccos, boots and ahoea, hats From here the victors will go nery building is 100x200 feet, The Hamilton, Brown idea of keeping the quality to Gardiner end then'™ down to J ™ “ “" « >"d S n ttS id SHÔWTÏÏ~ " K THE That Gives Pleasure Store NEW FIRM Morris & Son DOES IT PAY TO ADVERTISE? AMERICAN Gentleman Shoes -PRICE $5.00. up is clearly expressed in their splendid line of shoes - t h a t ’s why we are featuring them. We offer them to our customers with the feeling of assurauce that they will receive abosolute satisfaction.; WOOLEN MILL STORE, FLORENCE, OREGON. At La Grande it has been de- cided to build a new exhibit hall neat the depot The b u ild in g will be of modem design and will be so located that its con- tents can readily be seen from ah trains. It will include an office forth, tounty agriculturist, W Vk * ‘l! have charge of the for the prune crop. There are numerous other articles which we are on account of -------- »pace unable to enumerate, but we will be here ready and willing . J ? « * » » ™i“ „ -~>ney thing n e ir ta tb i itai' p f t a S t a i ? “ * »¡U W|th which to install a municipal tohting system, the city of Drain- Ore. has voted to sell S6000 worth of city bond's. As 8000 88 the bonds are dispoeeJo'f the contract for the construction <8b wi" ** '**• Mapleton, Oregon.