THE SIUSLAW PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1914 NUMBER 34 CLEARLAKE TELEGRAPHS DEEP SEA MAPLETON KILLED ON W.P. FLORENCE WATER WILL J N BRIEF FISHING TRIP NEWS NOTES CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL BOARD RETESTED HOLDSMEETING 7hos. J. Neely is billed for Eu- On Saturday afternoon Nata­ cene tomorrow on his way to ; lie Ciacco, one of the workman On Sunday Messrs Wm, Brvnfl. As tori a r presumably to lay in bn" th e ràlTwav wM’T u V o T ^ b ^ G. 6. Bushman, O. B. Helt, D. i : I ”“* w w,c w“lllB anu wen W. Reegeman and Mayor Evansj m T m . J Z “ mm'ss'oner. and Halibut, but owing to a heavy supplies for the salmon canning a construction car. Both limbs1 A meeting of the school board by the Siuslaw Union. were severed from the body and was held last Friday afternoon, took a hike out to Clear Lake, I^ke. ' I!os »fte ra run up the coast office clerk The a t e r ,s await- were obliged to return to F,or. The Str. Roamer, made its he died almost instantly from the at which matters of vital interest which lies about four miles north to the Florence schools were east of Florence. The object in mg the street commissioner’s ence. While some were not new weeklyther article *8 * 8tap*e‘ be *nt®nds to sting you on some Percy Cox, W. J. Kyle and wife Mapleton fans were hopeful fo r1 We want your trade. and daughter Vera, Mr. and their team in the last half of the We are bidding for it. Mrs. I. A. Smith and Master 9th, when there were two m en' We know that if we hold it we must treat you rig h t Conan, left early this morning on bases and none out, but those We appreciate your past trade. on a ten day’s outing. Their awful T. W. M. boys pulled off a We welcome your future Business. — We give you a list of some of the lines we carry: destination is Ten Mile six miles tripple and every body suddenly Dry goods, groceries, cigars and tobaccos, boots and shoes, hats beyond Heceta, where they will grew quiet. The game was and caps hardware, ammunition, sporting goods, fishing tackle, camp. interesting, and every body in paints and oils, kerosene, gasolene and distilate, flour, feed grain good humor. We’ll try them crockery, glassware, fruit jars and caps, Fruits and vegetabLs in The Holden House in Eugene again, still hopefull. season. > . « • was destroyed by fire at 11:30. There are numerous other articles which We are on account of Maple Lodge No. 139, and space unable to enumerate, but we will be here ready and willing Saturday night It belong to the Mignon No. 105, had a joint to show them to you. Come and see us. We will give you some­ Holden estate and was valued at installation Thursday night, thing new in the line of business. $-3,000. Part of the furniture also belonging to the estate was followed by a lunch accompanied destroyed. Mrs. H. L McKee, with ice cream, nnd it naturally of Florence is one,of the heirs of fotlowed that some of the plder the Holden estate. The majority i members, took a leading part in of the loss was covered by the installation ceremony, andf insurance. — ’ (Continued on page three) Morris (8b ¡ Mapleton, Oregon.