63373 THE SIUSLAW VOL. IL PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1914 GETS $700 DAMAGES $17,500 IS FROM THE RAILROAD WATER ON SIUSLAW OFFERED ASPAY BAR IS THE BEST ’ FOR ROAD I NO CHANGE IN BUSINESS DUCK SEASON CHANGES IN FLORENCE The jury in the case of the Willamette Pacific Railway com- No change will be made in the , pany against O. C. and Florence duck season in Oregon this year, | Stanwood, to condemn a strip of according to E. C. Hills, deputy Eugene July 8, 1911—Mr. H. 1 and to be used by the railroad R. ( Wtmw~waRf?n;— w hir today' re^ P. Hoey, engineer, Mr. W. R. -company in building a stretch of of jewelry, clocks, etc., to C. H. , ceived a copy of the proposed Fontaine, engineer, and Mr. R. ' C l county road in place of the old Watts, who will move it to his Engineer C. B. Wright- and pacity, and will encourage ship l bill, which now awaits the presi- E. Moody, attorney, of the ne occupied by the railroad, party have finished the survey store in the Kyle building. Mr. pers to use larger vessels as the i dent’s signatur. Oregon is one Willamette Pacific Railroad Com­ yesterday afternoon returned a of the Siuslaw bar and the con­ Carson and family will leave report shows the condition the of the few states in which no pany, conferred Wednesday with verdict granting the defendants ditions were found very en­ about the first of August for best ever found here, and dem­ changes were made. the County Court in regard to the sum of $700 and $100 attorney couraging. Shallow water at low Twin Falls, Idaho, where he will onstrates that the jetty work be­ An effort was made last fall | the highway between Mapleton fees. Stanwood and his wife tide was found to be ten feet engage in the same business. ing done is a success. by the Lane County Fish and and Acme, which had been taken held out for $5,000 but the rail­ which on an eight foot tide would | The building vacated by Mr. Mr. Wright and his assistants, Game Protective association to by the Willamette Pacific Rail­ way company thought that sum road Company for their railroad. excessive and brought condem­ mean 18 feet of water, also that who have been maxing the sur­ have the season for migratory ; Carson will be occupied by Mrs. the channel was growing wider vey, will leave with the tug Lil- birds, which includes the ducks, Lanoff, who has conduct- Road matters between Mapleton nation processdings. They | ed a millinery and general notion and the west line of Section 11,I __ The jury first returned a ver­ and straighten This will enable lian, Captain Tyler in command, changed a month later. Township 18 South, Range 10 J dict “in tavor of the defendants,” the vessels carrying lumber over | for Alsea where they will survey claim that within The present business in Florence for the past open season, October 1 and Jan- ^ ^ ears’ and feels a sufficient West, have already been arrang-1 but later stated that this was a this bar to load to their full ca- that river. uary 16, the birds only begin to confidence in Florence to move ed and the conference was in re­ mistake and returned the verdict appear and that the season closes ’n}° larger quarters where she gard to the road from that point: giving the defendants the dam- before the shooting aeaaon ia i be able to add to and better season is to the west line of Section ages mentioned. display her line of goods. really on. Twenty, Township EigjjJ&jyp . C. A. Hardy, attorney for the The tug Roscoe came in from The local duck shooters pre­ South, Range Eleven West. Stanwoods, asked till September ferred that the limit be reduced, TIES NOW TO The railroad officials stated to to file a bill of exceptions and Marshfield Monday. She towed hag if it was necessary to protect the the County Court that they the request was granted by Judge down the dredge Oregon. .__ Another old land mark BORINGS PLACE the duc^8’ to a Kreater extent than would recommend to the Rail­ Harris.—Eugene Register. vanished from Front Street, The schooner Hugh Hogan to spoil the season. They also road Company that it pay Lane was transferred Wednesday from building on the property belong­ asked that the hours be changed Ties are strung past Borings County $17,500.00 for the road the Railroad dock at Glenada to ing to Wm. Brynd on the corner from sunrise to sunset to a half place and the construction crew between the two points above OPERATED ON Tide Water Mill dock to load of Adams and Front street was an Jiour before sunrise and a half is moving along at a good pace. stated, which payment would be Bridges are all up on the Wild tom down this week. This FORAPPENDICITIS the lumber for San Francisco. ' an hour after sunset in full for all the rights of the Cat and bridges one and two on building was erected some 20 Word was received that Miss county and the public in the the Siuslaw are in place. Work was started Wednesday years ago by Mr. Buttolph who R. C. Wygant, a young at­ highway. The County Court Goldie Van Bibber, late school A side track is being built at Marsh­ at the time used it as an office, torney from Florence, left today took this matter under advise­ supervisor of the lower Siuslaw loading the Lawrence Richardsons and in a few days being a surveyor. It was after­ for Newport where he expects ment and announce that they district, was operated on at field. ward rented to Mr. O. W. Hurd to try a couple of cases in the the train will be running there. will hold a meeting of the County Eugene at the Mercy hospital was the first general I Lincoln county court He will Long has a camp at Lake creek The {tetsy came in from Port­ and Court at Mapleton, at nine for appendicits on Sunday. The merchandise store in Florence, | return to Florence in two weeks and the crew are now pouring land Wednesday morning with a o’clock a. m., on Friday, July 24, operation was a success and the some additions being made to the | 5y way of the route He cement for the west piers. miscellaneous cargo of freight 1914, at wli^ch time it wjll hear .patient doing nicely. Her At Thompson creek a small original and the annex used as a j was one of the attorneys . _ - - I ' * * — —— — ~ «— — ■«■ «««w« • w in LFl6 any persons interested in the friends, who are legion, all unite for different points on the river. warehouse. ***—»*- force of men are grading for a , , .u .v After Mr. Buttolphs! cage of the Willamette Pacific matter. in hoping for an early recovery. This station will ac­ Captain Campbell took the gas- death the property parsed intof agajnst Q > c .Stanwood tried in siding. The County Court will be very I " ------------- olene boat Charm over the Sius­ the hands of Mr. McLeod, who the circuit court yesterday.—Eu­ commodate the people of Indian glad to have the advice of any j Mrs. Anna Gilmore left Tues- law bar Wednesday, and into Ten had a ranch up river. creek and vicinity. Between He in persons interested either at the day for her old home in Cali­ Mile creek. He intends to use turn sold the property to Mr. gene Guard. - Lake creek and Richardsons the time of this hearing, or by fornia. Mrs. Gilmore has resid- her in the passenger busiiness Wm. Brynd some half dozen Engineers have completed sur­ small culbert crossings are all written communication. ed in Florence for the past year on Tsitcoose lake. waiting for rails. years ago. vey for drainage of 50,000 acres, built and her many friends are sorry It is really a pleasure to have of the Long Tom basin in Lane an S. P. train meet you half way Sutherlin has a building boom, to see her leave. Mr. Gilmore Gasolene schooner Roamer MOONLIGHT EXCURSON and Benton counties. on a tn p to Eugene. one being a $10.000 residence. i will follow later. came in early Friday morning _ T 0 THE BEACH from Coos Bay with a mis- celaneous cargo. She is unload­ Taking advantage of the ing at the Wm. Kyle & Sons Co. beautiful moonlight night, a jolly __________ crowd of young folks, in the dock’ IN ITS HISTORY MARINE^NEWS OLD LANDMARK TORN DOWN fnr IE THE KODAK FOURTH OF JULY PICNICATM ERCERLAKE went to the beach last Tuesday That Gives Pleasure The Mercerites held their fire was built and the time spent annual 4th of July picnic on Sun- in playing games and dancing the Virginia Reel to the music of the ! day, July the 5th. 8urf and by thelightof the moon. About 9:30 the crowd gathered Hot wienes, roasted over the at the picnic grounds and soon bonfire and eaten with sand- jail were enjoying themselves wiches and coffee were a most playing games and swinging in a enjoyable feature of the evening. large swing which had been The remainder of the evening + * * * * ♦ * * * * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * > placed there for the occasion. was spent in singing and story At noon the dinner was served ... i and afterwards the games were 1 _. . ... continued until about 5 o’clock D , ° s,^ Pr®8en J? tre ‘ , *^es when all went home to do the M? #ryc chores Martha Funke, Nita Schroeder, . , . Eleanor Saubert, Lulu Titus, I" the evening the crowd again Titus< Edyth yates, Mrs; Ratea $1.51 to $2.00 Meals 35c and 50c gathered and floated around on g . H. Saubert, Mrs. Geo. T. the lake for hours. The pro- Schroeder, Ur. Chas. Johnson, gramme of the evening consisted j Messrs Mckechnie, Cusick Ma- # Special rates by the week * of instrumental and vocal music honey, Pete Peterson, Fred * Tables will be supplied withrthe Best the Season affords * Mike Sullivan, Walton by the orchestra and a guessing Saubert, « Headquarters for Traveling Men* » Schroeder, Bill Rackliff, Arthur M contest as to the size of the Titus. w ****** » . * * * * « * « * » • « « • * * • • • * « ** * * * * #> moon, some claiming that it look­ ed as large as a wash tub while SURPRISE PARTY ON others declared it looked no larger than a thimble. MISS RUTH KNOWLES Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Frank Knowles entertained a RECEIVED INSURANCE number of young people Th honor MONEY IN QUICK TIME of her daughter, Miss Ruth . " Knowles, who recently returned Ur. Tatom, whose housXT. C O M P LE TE LIN E GROCERIES Special sale on Williams Talcum Powder 15cts Aed up ,n in N THt FLORENCE RACKET STORl