THE GLORIOUS FOURTH AT GLENADA SIUSLAW tney rusnea the count ana se­ cured a credit of four. The last half of the eighth and the first half of the ninth innings brought nothing and the game ended 14 to 7 in favor of Glenada. Frank Busky umpired the game and. was.coiiaid£red..hy.all,ta,be fair in his treatment. In the evening the celebration was closed with a “Grand Ball" with a large crowd in attendance. The following editorial in the Eugene Guard should be read and with benefit by the people of any community: The Guard wishes once more to call to the a t­ tention of the people of Fugene and Lane coun­ ty the absolute folly of buying their merchan­ dise needs from t he large mail order houses this country. More especially at this present time is this warning necessary because just now Eugene and the country are flooded with cata­ logues of the largest mail order house in Amer­ ica- catalogues which have been mailed from the Portland branch of this concern. These cat­ alogues are very attractively prepared and ad­ vertise the fact that this concern is during the month of July c o n d u c tin g ^ annual mid-summer sale. The descriptions of goods offered therein is very alluring but remember that does not better the quality of the goods one iota. Remember also when you buy from this concern every dol­ lar you send them is irrevocably lost to this country and its upbuilding. When you have the spot cash this concern will sell you merchandise no better than your local stores and with very little difference in price, but remember also if you haven’t the cash to buy, this concern 'would not ship you a penny’s worth on cred it Then it is you turn to your local merchant to purchase what you need until your money comes in. It is your local merchant who extends you credit when you need it and it is from him you should buy for cash when you have it. Spend your money with your home merchant and eventually you will get a large share of that dollar b a c k - spend it with the mail order house and the dol­ lar is gone forever.-— — PILOT rLUKtNlt WHfcKt DEFEATED AT CELEBRATED GARDINER 3 ... While a large part of the Flor­ ence population celebrated- with ------ Witft x f ln e d a y f o r th e ir « 'li­ The' Florence baseball and Glenada on the Fourth, many basket ball teams went to Gar­ made excursions to different bration Glenada was busy Satur­ diner for games on the Fourth, points of interest and! enjoyed day showing the visitors how and were defeated in both events. picnics and fishing parties. to have a safe and sane Fourth. .«• The base ball game began at One party consisting of Mr. In the morning a band concert 2:30 in the afternoon and until and Mrs. W. H. O’Kelly, Mr. and and program in the grove was MAPLETON COUPLE the 8th inning Gardiner was well Mrs. Henry Bergman, Mr. and enjoyed. The program given in the lead. Florence tried for Mrs. C, W. Watts, Mrs. W. J. consisted of a prayer by Rev. MARRIED SUNDAY their usual garrison finish, but Kyle and Mrs. J. P. Cox went to J. H. Pratt, vocal solo, Leona the best they could do was to Sweet creek where they spent A quiet wedding took place Smith, song, Red white and blue, secure a hold up. The game re­ Saturday and Sunday in camp. Sunday at the home of Mr. and by girls; Reading of Declaration sulting in a score of 12 to 13 in Several «exciting incidents oc­ Mrs. 0. P. Rice, of Mapleton, of Independence, by Mrs, Hull; favor of the Gardiner team. vocal solo, Frank Monroe; recita­ when their daughter Miss Mary curred that kept the party inter­ The basket ball game played in ested and added to the pleasure tion, Ray Hull; address, Burton was united in marriage to Carl the evening was a good close of the trip. Williams; song “ Colnmbia the A. Collins. Rev. Thomas Yost game hard fought in which Eleven from Florence, Mrs. Gem of the Ocean;” by girls re­ officiating. Mrs. Peter S. Rice Florence was defeated 13 to 4. presenting the original thirteen played the wedding march. Herman Larsen, Mrs. Caroline The boys report a fine time Schelling, Mrs. Mabel Slemmens, The bride wore a dress of states. and were as usual taken care of Miss Alfreida Lindgren, Mrs. The address of the day by Mr. white chiffon over messaline, by the Gardiner people in a royal Merrill, Miss Mammie Buchann- Burton Williams, of Florence and carried a boquet of white manner. roses. She came to the Siuslaw was appropriate and greatly ap­ an, Mr. E. C. Wayman, Mr. Bol­ Other features of the cele­ ton Hambell, Mr. T. Cullen, Mr. fourteen years ago, and has preciated by the audience. bration at Gardiner were the life Charles Reed and Mr. W. D. After dinner the committee on many friends in the community. saving crew drill and a plug ugly Merrill went to Westlake where Carl A. Collins has lived on the sports took charge. A free for parade. all 100 yard dash was run. Mr. Siuslaw river about five years, they were entertained in a royal Moon winning first and Mr. Tag­ mostly at Mapleton. He is an manner. architect, and a young man of gart second. The Misses Hazel Weatherson, L J. POURTALES Girls 50 yard race, won by Mil­ excellent habits. Agness Weatherson, Dora Weath, IN NEW LOCATION erson, Harriett Weatherson and dred' Harder; second, Maude The young people will spend L. J. Pourtales, the hardware Francestra Drumm, and Mr. E. part of their honeymoon at Harder. man has moved his stock of goods Jackson celebrated at Westlake. Boys 50 yard race, won by Cape Heceta and will return to and is now arranging it in his Sylvester Tanner; second Wm. Mapleton where they will make Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Dyer, Mr. new location at the corner of and Mrs. Walter Dyer and grand­ their home. McLyman. Front and Lincoln street. Greased pole, won by Alep Those present were; Mr. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, J. U. Goude and Miss Marie Mr. J. H. Morgan and Mr. R. Mrs. O. P. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. -Dowell. " Deveney are assisting in the Alles enjoyed an outing at the The baseball game in the af­ P. S. Rice, Misaj Pauline Rice, store and displaying of gtock. ternoon began about: hree o’clock Miss Jennie Rice, Miss Althie light house. . The dry goods, shoes, merchan­ Among others that helped and for the, first three innings Rice and Mr. Olaf Rice. dise, notions, etc, of the Hurd Westlake celebrate were J. K. was close and exciting. In the 0. I. Fosback, of Point Terrace Lumber and Navigation Co,. M. D. Johnson, Miss Unice John­ fourth and fifth innings Gler.ada returred from Portland Tuesday Stock will be disposed of at got busy and rushed the score up bargain prices, the sale opening son. Mr. D. E. Severy, Miss De evening. Mr. Fosback met hrs Lena Severy and Miss Neva Sev­ to 7 at the same time holdi ng the wife’s sister, Miss ThreneNilsefi, Wednesday of this week. ery. visitors down. In the seventh Mr. Pourtales expects his who has just arrived on a visit Several interested parties on brother Robert Pourtales, to smashed things and the black­ from Fromso, Norway. While Mrs. Herman Larsen left on the Siuslaw have brought to the arrive soon and assist in conduct­ board recorded 14 tallies. ing the business. there he took out a lisence as the stage for Marshfield Monday. The appropriations for road attention of F. E. Leefe, U. S. At this treatment Mapleton operator of gasolene launch. work in Lane county by the local Engineer the fact that a forestry sendee has been ap- ftreat amount of drift has recent- ==B proved and work will be com- Jy been permitted to get into the I menced soon. river channel and interfere with It is intended to build two . navigation. miles of road in the Alsea Mr. Leefe, in the issue of this country which will connect the paper under' date of May 30, lower Alsea territory and the 1914, had published the federal coast road with the Willamette law covering this subject and valley by the way of Monroe. states that this law will be en- H. B. Rankin, supervisor of forced, and wishes that those the Siuslaw National Forest will having knowledge of the matter J soon hold a conference with submit their complaints in! Lincoln county officials, with the writing in order that the case i purpose of begining work at may be thoroughly investigated. once. GOVERNMENT COMPLAIN OF WILL GET BUSY DRIFTWOOD ON ROADS IE THE KODAK T hat Gives Pleasure Store INTENDED TO PUT AUTO STAGE ON PICNIC AND DANCE AT WESTLAKE SATURDAY Eyesight Specialist Westlake the town that has When Ed Anderson, Jim Ford been started on Tsiltcoos lake Jr, and'Wm. M. Chamberlain had a Fourth of July celebration, were on itheir return trip from Over 250 people enjoyed the Eugene Saturday they found an hospitality of the lakeside town ! auto waiting at Fowlers. For during the day and evening, some time they thought this Many people brought their machine had been sent especially dinner and enjoyed a basket to meet them and were all puffed spread, and in the afternoon up about it. They got in and dancing was a feature, started on their way to Mapleton. In the evening a firework dis- The trip was fnade in four hours, play was had, and dancing on the On the trip in the boys found floor of the new hotel was the The Eugene Optom etrist expects to be in Florence Wed­ nesday morning, July 8, and will remain until Saturday instead some friend giving them programe. evening, July 11. a joy ride on the Fourth of July, Everybody who attended West- the auto had been brought inTfike’s celebration are comp- Those who want first class optical work should not miss with the intention of using it as limenting the committee in this opportunity as Dr. W atts has had over 20 y e a n prac­ a stage from the railroad to charge. tical experience and guarantees his work. Mapleton, and this was the first ----------------- He will be located a t Chas. W atts’ jewelry store, next trip in. The driver desired GRADING FOR DEPOT to the postoffice. ballast so he invited them to get in. By the time they reached 51 It AI MArLtlvN I Mapleton the driver had decided ------ that it was impractable to use P. Boie has a fore* of men the auto on such a road and left grading and filling at Mapleton Sunday morning, with his for the railroad depot and ware­ machine for Portland, going out house. Also providing for a siding. the Lake creek road. The space to be occupied by the Mrs. Frank Ballard arrived in depot and warehouse will be 80x Florence Tuesday morning and 40 feet for each, will go up the beach to where A steam shovel is being used, Mr. Ballard has his agate grind­ and they are grading the streets ing plant. and coyntyroadat the same time. DR. J. O. W A T T S will buy you an All Wool Suit well made We are showing a värity of Patterns and Models We also’show in better grades from $ 1 8 TO $ 2 5 SUITS of well known makes like HIRSCH,'W ICK- WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM, If you’arejhard to fit you can choose from 500 samples and have a suit to your measure We are pleased to show’you at any time WOOLEN MILL STORE Conqueror Hats Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon Special sale on Williams Talcum Powder 1 5 c ts J. W. Ford, Jr, returned from Henry Williams, of Minerva, Eugene Saturday evening. was in Flprence Saturday.! THE’FLORENCE RACKET STORE