THE VOL. H. RAILS MEADOW IN SHORT TOBE The bridge at the 2nd crossing ....■ of ■ thc.Siuslaw » ■ I I >1. I. -river-was W f y" -swung in place Tuesday of last week and in the afternoon the track was laid across it. At crossing numbe 3 on theSiuslaw two piers are in and it is expected that I rails will be laid to Meadow soon, i I here are six crossings on the ' Siuslaw and piers are in for all except number 3. A camp has been established at Lake creek and a force of men are excavating in the rock for for foundations for the piers. A sidding will be put in' a t Richardsons and whe» the train come that far, there will only remain about 20 miles of stage ride. * REBEKAHS INSTALLED WILL » iiu O r a ® THURSDAY FLORENCE TO GARDWEI [ acting as installing officer. Florence riorence ar am ™ '" ! r i°r,the " » « four year. A fine lunch was served and This will leave Florence at 5 the evening was greatly enjoyed a. m. three times a week an< by those present sonThen°nSerSare: Sar«h Ander­ i r T w ^ ? ”® d8y 8t 6 * m son, nobel grand; Mrs. Delia Mr. E. W. Sylvester, who is t McLaughlin, grand; Miss „ r ........... vice ~ K „ na; M1 ss will'nin rI CtO; Under Mr« Mammie Buchannan. c h a p l i K X \ Stage « rry in g mail, Mrs. Jennie Yates, conductor’- 1 passengers- This Mrs. Belle Anderson warden i leave the G’enada Mrs. Mabel Slemmons, inside ^ M ^ i fOr Gardiner at 6 a. r Kuardian; Miss Catherine Me- F r i d a v — " '^ ! .Wednesdays "^uiiesuays an „ , ........ . Catherine Hardy, outside guardian; Mrs r ridays returning the followin Angie Tanner, financial sec­ days, and will be of great cor retary; C. D. Morey, recording vemence to the people living 0 ’ec^ r y ; M is s Alice Weatherson, Maple Creek Fiddle Creek am Five mile Creek. l s Elsie Morey. One postoffice and many fami R q v* Mar*ie Knowles, fugh Hogan, the lare-e«f i .,« k _ _ 5 < * in . lies are accommodated with wai A great wealth of crops in Cal- a vie P eter R ice - l - i T hxe8L-° n this mail route. Ornifl l__• 1 About thirty pouches are droppec offices6” G 6nada and Ada Post- y acce|erated by the construe- *?ook- She is commanded by C aptai^F qa ue-i?ndrrthe schooner taken to Pnrti»83^ ed / nd brou«rht to halibut banks tion of the Panama-Pacific-Inter -dra'ys 1? feet of water when fullv ln » j‘ Rl ' ^he vessel has a lfin f ™ ? a?d-and PuX on the dry Sylvester intends to make CLOSE TO FLORENCE the Mr. national Exposition b S d d X , she M S * « ¡ R f e 700.000 f V t a n f c ' passenger fare and freight formed the observations of H P < ______■ From reliable reports it is now rates as reasonable as possible. Hoey, assistant Southern Pacifist® has been gone the work has I si»«».__ known that the best halibut banks engineer in engineer in charge charge of of the the Will­ Will- ^ ! T K £ * head rapid,y and he ohe y’Cinity of the m°uth MRS. ANNA GILMORE in that country. Then the dairy- D .-:«. ..... ¥V1" J i a rd b FVe Progress-Eugene | U J L / 1 f f amette Pacific railroad . construc­ of theSiuslaw. The press dis­ SURPRISED F 31 ix n X r a e i - 18 n eCe’Vm* ^ a tte n tio n tion, who returned from San patch that follows proves that S h ,T 7 HyeVeryfarmerin ^ e Francisco yesterday. He arrived 'S d del- m T Iam 8urPrised Florence should have the bene­ rrom From Eugene to Marshfield Mrs. Anna Gilmore was give with W. R. Founts:ne, . v „ llveu eno-in L------- over the new Willamette and delighted with the farms fit of a halibut fishing industry; a farewell surprise Wednesda ngineeron the 5:30 assistant afternoon distance i / l ^ L 5 i hat I found there and expect to evening by the ladies o f the Easl train. Mr. Hoey has been in CaL X e d - Ensrineer 'meSurements Newport, Ore., June 27 go back again.” ern Star. ------- ____ -— •’"‘ «Kain. . ----- {(Special.) The a h n ern5tar. ■forma for over a month and-Mr. follows8*3"668 t0 °ther 1)010X3 as F. W. Rader tells the Morning ' i n h a b i t s h a d T found the corah’ CaPtain Johnson clme in She W as 10,(1 that 8 8Pecial « She was told that a special sea rountame has been gone over p i d • ....... . «ns me Morning 1 inhabitant« egister «bout about his hi« recent trio .JL to .. their 1 * ? nts bad cleared and hewn tonight from Yaquina banks with 8‘°n wou,d ** he,d that nigi ten days. er Creek 8.9 miles, Elmira ,Regl3ter " be held that nigh No ’ mon. . , , r"18- — "vra « it Hard it nas has! 18,000 pounds of halibut, Iwhich j ? d Up° n entelW mo railroad railroad announcements announcement« N'3ti’) Noti) 17 17 0 o ^p ru k - A Portol° f ori°io (now (now I hc.Siuslaw c,t’,uaiaw country. country. u work worx has . «oiiMUL, iwnicn j * • ----- th e lodge roo unpoai ncements ^ oh lT ) _17.9, Chwkahominy W „ • u ■ «W r ’ X but S thpy I X t t “ bt Ck by the enKin- : SOW (S cS S S S f. 28.6, 3767 i V Floyd, X W- Rader Radw- « ‘ «riculturist t 7 o are X n°w X j receiving r f ? * Six a^ receiving six men now are busily engaged I 1 dl8covered d,8covered the sessi session was ft Richardsons 37.7, ! for La"e Lane COUnty- „ returned \ agncultunst !their reward in the 1 her e8peci8* benefit p o t h e r then the fact that rail- San Antone 4. Creek 43.2, Lake Sun-Hooking ranches a n shape ^ ^ of fine u® preparing for shipment East road work on the Willamette Pa-1 End «7 7 ’ AJ ap‘eXo° ,57-8- Bridge day evenin* from a week’s stantial houses 8Ub’ ~ During the evening, music cific is to d)e rushed as rapidly as Schusters’’ ^77fih iSJkUgh 70;7> ‘? ve^ lgatlon tour of the lower - Hubbard has an artificial ice conversation and . a delightfu Possible. Mj. Hoey jn te ntj ^ ^ N p rth ^ S ^ e th n ^ u a ^ l^ R e ^ n i^ FhUSt^W d*Str'Ct’ w^ere Z n t --------- ~~ factory. lunch were enjoyed. trb f’n 3 f6W days on a P h o n a l {*7 ?3 2 - SMmg he t/ me ln 'nstitute work and in JUSTICE WITHOUT Mrs. Gilmore leaves nex Engineer Galvani oflthe Pacific w i, " ^ i 00 North S i^ g h Praot,cal «tudy of the farming week for California. ' JURISDICTION IN CASE Light and Power Co. will begin —‘Ila,nette Paci'fic line. While 'fiieid I21°?h Be"d 118-°’ Marsb- prob'em3°f the districts in which work at once on the new street- - 7 •K ' he visited. Fruit carload o aX tb FrUit and dairy>ng ' r ° On " a review in the Circuit car lines in Astoria. vln he J r1at a83ets of the lower n ° Urt of the case of State of I 3. ! y’ d6Clared Mr- Ka(’or y e s-,2 Fegonk v s *Iohn Swing. Judge terday pnor to his hurried de- T ? 8 has that the Justice I't S U7, f°r Salem’ Enthusias- °f the.peace of this precinct had ucaly the agriculturist described no Junsdlction of the case, the clearings that have been ~ Sw’2g 18 « ’Pt™ of the schooner ih e il, V h6uaCtiVe Workers °" Xlmmm a,n d 7 Sarrested and fined! the Siuslaw, how they are taking f 100-W July at Florence for hold of thei,r agricultural prob- a eged. violation of the law kms with a vim and accomplish- governinff common carriers ini ing results not only practical but l(,uor shipments. valuable as well. Tbis ruling sustains the con- While on his initial trip toFlor- tontlon °f Swing' that a Justice ence Mr. Rader boarded a scow f Peace has no jurisdiction being towed bv a gasoline launch In *lquor shipment cases, to make the trip from Mapleton , 5 ’ J ‘ Mahoney appeared to Florence. On the craft the i tOrney for Swing and J agriculturist stowed his knit — -------m a »un ease, casp Devers for the State. Hugh Hogan in Commission Again S AW RICH IN RESOURCES JE the kodak That Gives Pleasure Store he uses for demonstration " p i í BASEBALL FAN ‘p * , ? WRnES COMMUNICATION full speed, the scow soon sprang a leak and began to fill each will buy you an All Wool Suit well made fi „ F'«rence Oregon put ashore, the pilot of the boat Wins Again ” »nJ Í ” F,orence put on more power in adesnnr»t» a« if 3nd 11 8eeni8 t° me attempt to reach ¿ le ^ d a " í “ y Í He" "*1 g’Ven ‘ he curve to w ° rk Eyesight Specialist ^ ^ D R . J. o . W A T T S pu " up6™"0" f°r th' / hce,Eugene Optornetrist expects to be in Florence Wed eveX 7 u ™ " T JU ly8’ “ diWil' " " “ i" $18 TO $25 SUITS ° f W«rir»í,nown makes ,ike HIRSCH WICK. r WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. "FITFORM. If - h° ‘ °U ChOOSe froih 500 s o p l e s and have a suit to your measure W e are p le a s e d ^ show you a t any tirpe WOOLEN MILL STORE 7 Iorence,.Orc»r..n a n d a im V w o iiie i^ T .°"'i ‘hey fo“"d ’ the middle of the river T h ” it was I tiail experience and guarantees his work. canning machine Snet^d U poss,ble the home He m il be |oc a t Ch“ - W att*’ , hoard. h o u M r i ' i ^ - " d- postoffice. ’ new suit in Florence H . •? h they had at that time. case was brought t o X r Tha" k<"K you in advance for tw odajs later T ’'““: iMU‘ '>■». W .nC" >BM n>Ín“ X ““ G0'die V '■ sm - Mr. Rader held a one day in- _______^REA D ER North6' P68; h 81 J™ * Creek’ at Salmon Mountain Mining Co E v e X X - X a‘ M*,:letOn- £ " * COU" ty- h” u " X e ? X fm, i th «xnculturist ledge that assays as high a« ton found the People enthusiastic 000 per t « v ? 38 h,gh 118 S n ­ over their worxs and the result« Annik ‘Land ¡; , » ■> i , , Another tax commission is to Jl yesterlay. . ™ -Wn vt pizh >-:» system alter studying »X Jav.a of all countries. Special salejon Williams Talcum Powder cts ÏI S £ K SACKET STORE n«t