VOL. PIL O T FLORENCE, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JULY NUMBER 30 nation, passed. and was ap- pointed. Bossen. Register Thursday June Oo the first o f April it was de­ 125th. clared a third-dass office, be­ cause the business transacted for It was “good tidings of great the four quarters just preceed- T he Patsy arrived in port Sunday a t 12:30. joy” that young and supple inir was of large enough volume Bethany Hughes carried on wing­ She crossed lhside one hour and three-quarters to permit the change. Third- ed feet to three anxious women ■ afte r turn of the tide, and found eleven feet of C. Buchannan, poatmaster oi class ,re , " * “ nder1 who awaited in a room at the) w ater on the bar. Florence was somewhat aur-l rule' but are j Smeed hotel at 6 o’clock last i This is interesting and a remarkable compari­ ! night. The women were Mrs. I L J 4 Pourtales has rented the p rie d Sunday momma when he _ . ' V 1 e postmasters mSived ¡nform^bn thrt in th e "Tidewater- the president,'’ son 'because thetrde Sunday morififig w a sa To?g ~ 'M arie ~Bitn"nTng,'v ~Mrs Ellen l corner u -n r. room u --------- Riddell and Miss Genevieve! F r o n t a n i r " * .#t COrner of Alice Weatherson had been U‘“ n the ««>mn,e„d. low rumout, and the guage showed a record of tjon of the state senators. Bossen whose brother, Andrew ' wa8 formeriwhe" T * nominated as postmaste. of Flor­ zero a t Florence. Bossen. five minutes before had1 I 2 ^ T " °f ence, Not only was Postmaster Buchanan, did not think it nec­ The finding of eleven feet at this stage of been declared not guilty of slay- tio n r i L ™ F and Buchannan surprised, but the essary so secure the appointment w ater means 17 or 18 feet a t full tide While it ¡ng Edith Bossen, his wife at B“ 5 Z ? " ! H cons,derable news was the sensation of the in this way, as he had just en­ tered the office but a few months their home near S p rin g fie lc t v " I n / the dry good9 and sho^ is not expected th at this depth is maintained town Sunday and Monday as it previous, and being a democrat, Junction on the night of Marc w ? bu,lding’ at present all indications and reports go to’prove was discussed. Many people 20. , cn , i his will be disposed of at a very and in harmony with the admin­ th.a t, , \ de,p th °f not ,ess than 14 feet now would not believe it possibble The jurv reuorted , low, feduction and clearance sale, istration, it is naturally supposed and only accented it as a fact established. i minutes before 6 o'clock after L i‘ 1 8 ««o• the Oregonian of June 26th was sent in -and cause given for which read as follows: and 45 minutes. The sisters, his removal. Mr. Pourtales opened a hard­ who had been with their brother Northwest Postmaster Ap­ ware store in Florence January Mr. Buchanan feels that it will pointed — Oregonian News constantly throughout the trial, 1, 1912, and has built up a fine be an injustice if he is com­ had chosen to remain away from Bureau, Washington, June 26.-- business. to enlarge enlarge pelled to give up the office under the court room when the veniict' ¡ h i n t He k expects 7 P The President today nominated was announced T k Z i / r - . ? 1 h 8tOck when he gets into the the circumstances, having been the following postmasters: w S s f Z b^heyw eT e’ w X »Hi five h,™ Oregon Alice E. Weatherson, to considerable expense to fix up more room. Florence; Washington—F. M. a neat postoffice and furnish ac­ with the days and nights of anx­ Robert Pourtales, his brother Charlton, Harrington; J. W. commodations for the public. iety and nerve-destroying strain. who visited in Florence several Miller, Snohomish; Eleanor He has asked for an investigation, But Bethany Hughes was there. The Tide Water Mill Co. are months last year, will come to The trial of Andrew Bossen, And the verdict had no sooner Staazer, Kennewick; C. W. Mc­ and will seek to be retained Florence and take a position in making arrangements to put *n of Springfield, accused of caus­ Clure, Washongal. Idaho— left the judge’s lips than Bethany the store. additional electric light service was outside the door and speed­ ing" the death of his wife, has James W. Anderson, Nez Perce. ; W ill MAKE A SURVEY and run the mill part of a night , ing on her message of joy. The first item of this little shift soon. It will run on . . n watched with interest, and OF THE SIUSIAW BAR quarters telegram was to cause consider­ The audience in the court room PROGRAME AT THE and until 9:30 in even- i ** ’9 a P,eaaure to announce that able agitation in Florence, which * ------ that had remained to hear the RITA THEATRE ing at least. the verdict given was “ not will not abate until it is settled C. R. Wright, U. S. surveyor result broke into applause when They have already made con­ guilty. His own evidence and the verdict was read. Mr. Grindall has reduced the whether the present incumbent ! and party of assistants, arrived siderable of a fill on the tide land appearance gained him many price of admission to 10 cents, or Miss Weatherson is to be in Florence Monday and will ”1 knew you would do it!” north of the mill and plan to friends and sympathizers. The and is furnishing a fine programe, postmaster in Florence. make a survey of the bar and en­ continue until they have com-, sadness of the affair, and unnec exclaimed an aged woman as she which changes every other night Mr. Buchannan, who is a trance of tee Siuslaw river. rushed forward to shake the pletely filled pn a line directly cessary suffering of the young democrat, has only been post­ Mr. Wright, who is in charge jurymen by the hands. She is a The screens will show Wednes­ north from the log run to man and his relatives, because day and Thursday of this week. waster since sometime in January of the work, has secured the tug Howard street and then to the of his having been accused of neighbor of the Bossens.— “Tbe Secret Formula,” a Pathe of this year. j Lillian and the party commenced river bank. This will be used to such a crime, is to be regretted. Register Friday June 21. play in two reels. “ What the When Mr. Kyle resigned last preliminary work Tuesday, The pile 1000 cords of slab wood and The following are extfhcts DoctorOrdered.” Friday and year an examination was ordered surveyor and his party will be on lumber that is to be air dried. concerning the case taken from Councilman Fred Meyers has Saturday—Pathe’s Weekly No. by the department, as the Flor­ the job about a week. When finished the water along the Eugene Register: finished the cement walk in front 74,” “Starved O u t” and “ Black ence po&office was in the Fourth- The object of the work is for side of this fill will be deep ____ of his property on ¿Front street Beauty. ” Mrs. Roscoe Gardiner class at that time and under su­ the purpose of ascertaining the enough to permit schooners to inJw.,.. u . , . Thomas Russell, who was con­ will be heard in songs. pervision of the civil service present conditions of the Siuslaw dock and be loaded. Thia will w i X ™ Next spsek, Monday and Tuea- victed in the circuit court of an day, Mr. Buchannan took the exami» bar. July 6th * and id 7dv “Child of w h X a ” '''” ? " t a L t t a ’T ' “ hi" '» « '<"* Edith Ita sen ' □KL assault with a dangerous weapon the Sea,” ¡n two reels, “ __ Rag ir» JO wnariage, and facilates the his denar-tod and u 1 upon M. W. England, was Bag” and “Smashing Time.” £ h l " e r e W d th e ”'° rl1 ° f affection for W™ ••’"W hom sentenced last Friday, by Judge Wednesday and Thursday nights. July — 8th and • 9th — i - ’Teudi.to’’ in their wedded years. His voice Harris to serve three-months in two reels, “ Two Men o f th e the county jail. broke again when he told of their D esert” mutual parental fondness for the infant son whose mother—her UTIKTP A P A IKI pain’racked body more enfeebled H l l l u A l l A l l l after ,she had Kiven him life—did ____ not b've to see the first anni- A ., ,. , versary of little Stanley’s natal Another game of base ball was day. Through tears the prisoner Played between Mapleton and told of Edith’s dying words. Horence Sunday afternoon. Then came the charge of r or a time the home team faced Attorney Woodcock fateful1 almost certain defeat, the score words, it seemed, because of the showing at the beginning of the grim business before the court*: 9th inning 6 to 8 in favor of the “ You are accused of killing vouri visitors. wife. Now, tell this jurv In a whirlwind finish the Flor- whether you did the deed of ence boys changed the blue at- which you are accused ” mosphere to sunshine and regis- The lusty frame of the man on .stored a final result of 9 to 8 in the witness stand was visibly their favor. shaken with emotion, and there Two umps were used, one on was a sob in his voice as he D Y E R & B A L D W IN rialls and the other on bases. answered* Our Stock O f Mapleton found it necessary to “No I did not ” g (ankL n Sef°FihT PiitCherS' J hile Boss‘!n’ *Voung’ calm* classic of 'it. ° f thC ocal9. was h,t °.n feature, immensely strong, told a the elbow, necessitating a substi- straight-forward story to the wil! be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in. in tee S ? f t T n hWaJ laCe'<* in the box for the home team, , questions of the attorneys were , SEE US FOR and gave a vigorous display o i , dear cut. Itwasonly at mention CEMENT, UME, SEVER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, e usive spheres. ___ of his dead wife Qr hjg b&by LIM E FERTALIZER The socialist party ¡.¡„¡Matin. that the “ me* For « “ We are showing a värity of Patterns and Models >¡11 to to tax tax estates estates and ami create ere..,. a . ™ s> P»« his testimony coincuieii a bill We also^show in better grades from j fund for the "unemployed, to be with that of the other witnesses administered by the state labor fdf the defense. At times he commissioner,authorized to buiid recalled some little, nameless, railroads and public works of all scarce remembered act of kind­ ness and love performed for of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- kinds. Edith that no other witness knew WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. COME AND SEE ME Under the head of a state in­ about, and which threw addition­ Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty dustrial survey, the water power al emphasis on the peace and If you are hard to fit you can choose from • on the Rogue river is to be in­ satisfaction that appeared to reigned in the —— Bossen home. samples and have a suit to your measure vestigated with a view to putting have ........— ........ ........ .. • Made in in Florence Clothes the state into the business of gen- The jury will begin to consider N e x t to TelenhonP Made Offieo U e are pleased to show you at any time T1Hren-J9, Oregon erating electric power. * ,ts v®rdict today, but yesterday, P *nce, --------------- after all testimony had been sub- 1 «■ _ By a vote of twelve to one mitted, to tfie fanners and the Portland voters defeated, free tradesmen who sat as spectators text books. The industry of state m the court room or who stood published textbooks is to be e s-* about the outside aisles because C onqueror Hats tablished next year. - of the crowd, and the women Douglas Shoes F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n ‘—■ who had listened to the trial Cottage Grove has lowered its with intense interest, there was W e make a speciality of made to order clothing. school tax 5 1-2 mills. no stain on the hands of Andrew Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order. POSTMASTER BUCHANNAN * SURPRISED E leven F eet on Bar at Low W ater. POURTALES HARDWARE . , J O MOVE PLAN TO ANDREW RUN MILL ROSSENIS AT NICHT ACQUITTED FLORENCE JLTHE That Gives Pleasure Store Siuslaw Building Material Co. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc. will buy you*an All Wool Suit well made $18 TO $25 SUITS All Suits Reduced I have reduced the Price of all Suits H E N R Y H Y R K A S, the Tailor The Pride of Florence