& SIUSLAW VOL. II. JL O R EN C E, OREGON, SATURD a v u m p itemized report of CARNIVAL COMMITTEE 27, 1914 X NUMBER 29 BANDON A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION Barge Lawrence Carnes 600,000 Feet of Lumber th? S‘USlaW bar accord 'n g to re- ports of those crossing it, maintained a depth of not less than 14 feet. Soundings M e n ¡„m anv The committee in charge of theipr» tinn r» . .Modortendi » F estiv al f a . , , ^ ; ^ O S 2 E ^ * A S W hours before., h ^ h tide, have « ^ « " M o r r K i s . 'given ?rorir f^ 19 f to i e 15 feet S of water. hlgh t,de> have published in the Oregonian"of given from 131-2 Besides year make an itemized report *2.50, Neil Grinnell *10; total s o 'th a tJt ‘ has T ChanndeI itS6lf ÌS n° W Cwntro" ed showing amounts received and *989.00. June 19th, and should be an in­ and the poles will outlast others, it is said. so th at it has a more direct course to the sea spiration to the coast country and expended: from other sources . Years ago much of the tim ber More and more as the jetty is built into thè towns. On June 11th a fire CASH SUBSCRIBERS. Queens votes sold around here was cut off, but $ 11.60 ocean it becomes evident that this bar will be swept away a large portion of W arren P. Reed $10, J. L.San- j Queens votes sold there was left a g reat mass of 15 deepened permanently to such an extent That if the business section of Bandon born $2.50. Rice-Knowles-Rice Queens votes sold ¡old logs and poles, supposed to 1.25 yet here is an article by Addison plenty of water will be a factor in building and' $50, Johnson-Anderson Co. $25, j School show be worthless, as the trees had 50.00; Bennett th a t shows tem perm ent developing the Siuslaw, this is assured. P. J. Cox $15, Dr. Edw ards $25 j Basket social fallen years and years before 124.80 j of Bandon’s citizenship and is Irving Smith 25, J. A. Parker I Edyth Yates, show f and many fires had swept over hv L a 18 n C iS an artic,e Bandon written 91.00 evidence of w hat may be expect- $10, Wm. Brynd $20, H.L. McKee Dance, first night them. 1S? ~ Be^ etU n the Qregonian. A prom- 170.75 4 ed- ____________ ' ‘ ~...... f w“ Yound that this $25, D.J.Staup$10. C athrine Mc- ! Dance, second night T n ^ r f a c t mentioned as responsible for the^busi- 70.50 Bandon, Or., June 18 (By Aardy $5. R. W. Ailes $10, C C L. J. Pourtales, games 35.75 Staff Correspondence.)—“ Ban­ aged debis, for supposed debris ness development of th at section was 14 feet of Buchanan, $10, Mabie B. S u m ­ Profit on badges sold 1.10 don by the Sea’’ is what these was one of the bestrknown woods w ater on the bar. Remember 14 feet, and in the mons $25, J. W. Burgman & Co. Dance Ticket 1.50 People like to have their town for the purpose, and a great in­ •30, W.H. W eatherson $15, Home Lum ber sold opinion of conservative men, 18 feet for the dustry sprang up. It will last 65.00 called, I mean their city. Ban­ Bakery $5, Bert Williams $5 R S treet concessions Siuslaw is within a near possibility. for years to come. The Santa 25.00 don is no longer a hamlet, village S. Huston $10, F.B. Carson $7.50, f® Railroad has taken millions of This season the lumber schooners have all or little town. It sure is “ by O. M. Baldwin $5, E. F. Surface Total $ 648.40 carried larger loads than usual o u t The Sau- the se a.’’ I t also is on the these ties and will take millions $10, L. J. Pourtales $15, Michael more. Cash subscribers 989.00 Coquille River. I can step out 500 00« W 'astd ^ P k 5° ’000 f“ ‘>the Oakland Brown $25, C. C. Sellars $10, Since my last visit here, in on the back porch of the Gallier kiS’??0 and the bar^ e Lawrence going out Eugene McCornack $2.50, R. E.’ Total from all sources $1637.40 November, 1912, Bandon has House, where I am stopping, and last Monday evening,four hours before high tide Kanoff $1, John Morgan $2.50 37^0^' 8u^scriptlons not Pawl. The residence I hurl a stone almost into the grown much. C. P. Johnson $5, H. F. Curtis section has spread out for long carrying 600,000 feet of lumber, and drawing 9 ocean. By the street it is not $5, G. E. Morse $5, J. L. Mc- distances on the hills, or high feet forward and 10 feet of water aft. g AMOUNT PA ID OUT. more than 150 yards from the Kechinea $5, C. J. Mahoney $5, ground, many flarge and sub­ Examinations of the Siuslaw bar show noth- hotel to the inner end of the C. G. Bushman $10, Jack Gil­ W. S. Gilmore, ere c t’g ten t$ 100.00 stantial business buildings have jetty. ** bUk •S!P d’ indicatin£ ’ the possibility to more $5, Morris & Morris $5, Empress, queens and been erected, much paving has While there is no g rea t depth secure by jetty systems and dredging any deDth Kenneth McCornack $2.50, S.’ I I maids dresses been done, the wharves have 107.50! of the w ater here, perhaps 14 •T . W. Tanner decoating ofTvater necessary to accommodate what the Kempthorn, $2.50, H. Olsen $5, 9.90! been greatly improved, miles of feet is all th a t can be counted on Harbor Sound Investm ent Co. Fank Smith, flowers shipping interests will demand 1.00 sidewalks and curbs have been there is tremendous amount of $100, H. A. S tarrett, $5, Blain J- W. Tanner, deco rating 8.101 The Tide W ater Mill Cot, representing the shipping to and from the Bandon put in and now Bandon is about C.L. Harwood, boat prize B arrett $2.50, W. F. Safley $5 10.00 as nice a little city as you .can lumber industry of the Siuslaw a t present have port. £ 3 ®w a?7ari *5- Sam Miller Judge Gurrey, expenses find in Oregon. 25.00 c o n te n d ^ , with the disadvantag^ “ a t have There is a good harbor when) *2.50, Robert Clow $3, H. J. Mc- L. Livo, grand stand 16,00 The population is around 3000 the vessels once get inside a n d , existed during the jetty construction and harbor Dermot *2.50, Geo. P. Evans »5 C. D. Morey, hauling 13.50 Possibly a hundred or so less.’ this harbor is about as busy a J. K. Lowe «O, H, J. po rter *5,' S. P Evans, music But the business aspect 12.00 improvements, and have mèt the problems t W place as there is along the Ore­ C. H. W atts $7.50, Charles Cox May Merrill, music always confront business interest building in the 12.00 a city of many more people than Siuslaw P rinting Co gon coast There are fine docks t h a t *25, Minnie Funk $5, Henry 27.00 face of pioneer conditions, with a courage th at or wharves and these are piled Rhine & Co. *2.50, F. A. M ayer West P rinting 15.00 The Bandon people figure th a t high with freight of all kinds. of the bar ""A60' The’r SUCCeS5’ the O p e n in g Hazel W eatherson, play „Melvin G. Miller »35, Way- per capita they have by far the One of the great industries is wil a t t l n i a88UFanCe ° f a a dePth of 14 feet books, etc m an’s Agencies $5, Tidewater largest payroll in Oregon, I t is the shipping of telegraph and! w i l l attract the investment- of capital th at will * Mill Co. »150, Wm. Kyle & Sons C .D jtforey, hauling trees about $2.25 per capita per day ònfthU: Ì ' m? Pr0Ve the va,ue o f the- , Z ^ telephone poles and railroad ties Mrs. Brynd. piano The docks are piled high with the ties and there are many great rafts of poles in the river. These ties and poles are made from w hite or Port Orford cedar. of the Siuslaw country and their possibilities H.T. Vanderpool, hauling 3.00 nival held a t Florence, May 21 Band 110.00 and 22. 1914. 1 ¡dewater Mill, lumber 198.42 Total am ’t received from Wm. Kyle & Sons Co., subscribers — ’ $ 989.00 I supplies 137.63 Total am ’t received from ! Col. Mercer, expenses 10.80 other sources 648.40 Mabie B.SIemmons, ban- • quet expenses 31.03 Total receipts $1637.40 Tent rent 50.00 total amount paid out as j W.S. Gilmore, shipp’g ten t 8.00 per billsattached $1444?30 Fred Cassidy, hauling 5.50 Mr. Busky, music ( ash on hand $ 193 og 12.00 H.T. Vanderpool, hauling A dividend of 20 per cent has ! 6.50 ¡J. W. Tanner, decorating 31.00 been declared and returned to ' I C. W.McLyman, painting 2.50 subscribers, totaling $193.08. Mrs. Brynd, piano Respectfully submitted 7.00 I Bert Williams, bills WM. BRYND, • 3.00 Mrs. R. E Kanoff, bill WM. KYLE. 2.90 Electric lights GEO. P. EDWARDS, 55.00 D. J. Staup, bill 8.25 ' . C om m ittee.! Wm.Kyle & Sons Co.,bill 8.55 Goldie VanBibber,schools 75.00 M. G. Miller, board bills _ 25.00 M. G. Miller, board bills 4.20 L. J. Pourtales, sports 123.30 I Alles Furniture Co 5.00 Neil Grinnell, bills 18.25 Goldie Levage, boat prize 15,00 J. H. Morris, labor biil 3.25 W aayman’s agencies, bill Petitions have been circulated 5.00 D. E. Severy, police 15.00 and posted asking the county Telephones, Stanwood 80 court to view out a road from Fet Fisk, auctioneer 5.00 Florence to the beach. i W. F. Safley boat Beginning a t the intersection 4.00 ' Latham Chamberlain 4.00 of Twelfth and Monroe streets in John Liles, music 12.00 the city of Florence, Oregon, L. M. Circle, hauling 1.00 and running thence in a norther- E. F. Surface, bills 6.10 15 direction by the most practic-1 Steam er Lillian 12.50 able route ¡through sections 27, ' Frank Johnson, bills 8.00 22. 15, 10, 3 and 4. tp, 18 south Florence Produce Ex 5.40 range, 12 west of the Willamette Meridian to the end of county lotal $1441.32 road No. 65, in section 4 saic Next township and range and there STATEMENT. ending, said road to be forty feet Florence, Or., June 15 wide. To the subscribers to the car­ nival fund: We herew ith hand w. C. Henderson, has received you our final statem ent of the notice th at his application for transactions showing the amount homestead entry on the south J taken in and the amount paid of north J of township 20 south out for the seventh annual car- range 11 west, has been accept­ ' ed and approved. will buy you an All Wool Suit well made We are showing a värity of Patterns and Models . We alsoshow in better grades from $18 TO $25 SUITS ° f Ww \p p n