NEW BOAT ARRIVES AT FLORENCE lap of the contest Parker was went over. Three men on it first, Goude second, McLaughlin last. were warned to get on the boat, two did so, but the third w m At the finish Parker reached slow and was thrown into the the boat in the lead and with a water. He was pulled out and big bound landed into the Maple­ the passengers landed at Glen­ ton ferry, and called out No. 1. ada. When it was certain the and his dog which he was bring­ The Roamer arrived on, her ing in, followed. J. U. Goude scow would turn over the ropes j initial trip from Coos Bay Sun­ soon after got in shouting No. 2, were cut. A price for some 17 miles of day about 12:45 and docked at but if is said that McLaughlin The overturned scow and what road M aple. Wm. Kyle A Sons wharf She didn’t even murmur ‘third and part of the loaJThat "floated was ton will be named by the South­ left Coos Bay at 6 o’clock that last” as he stepped in The residence of Dr. W. D. part of one bed room was taken towed ashore- ern Pacific sometime next week, morning. There is some talk that if this Tatom, who lives in the western out and an effort will be made to This boat is new and just from doesn’t settle it, several speedy part of Florence was entirely de­ J " ! ' ' settle a matter that may have to S Z t ’X ROYAL NEIGHBORS the ship yards and was built ex­ ones intend to make arrangement stroyed by fire Sunday afternoon: HAW m iinorue m v K° to. the. C0L urts- The in pressly for the Coos Bay-Florence for a relay race to the railroad phone message, but it is almost HAVE CH ILDRENS DAY f,uestl0n 1 3 that which the wiii- run, with Florence as her home and return, and call it a Siuslaw The alarm was sounded about imposssible to get what fire ~ amette Pacific company took port. 5 o’clock when E. S. Dyer tele­ apparatus the town owns to that Marathon. Last Saturday - the Royalj , ------- from - the county when built its its -------- ----------- „ ..„ i w n e n l it i DUUt Capt. Ed Skog is in command; phoned to central, and central 'to locality. Volunteers dashed ¡Neighbors of America had a railroad grade into the Siuslaw. John Takkis, engineer; John J. P. Cox’s confectionery store, water over the smoking roofs * hildrens’ Day, and observed it Petersen and Louis Petersen as some one going from there to and sides of adjoining buildings bv entertaining the children of It took the road upon the under­ standing that a settlement would ring the fire bell. the balance of the crew. and in this way undoubtedly Modern Woodmen, Royal Neigh be arranged later. A year ago a The Roamer has a length of 64 The fire started in thekitchen and ■ saved tfwm hnru onA ---- children U.’IJ __ as J 1 V 1IV111, " rr’L - stipulation was drawn up between feet, 9 inches; 20 foot beam, 7 was well along when discovered. much wind at the time, or it is invited quests. Flames were eating through the probable that one or two more The children were gathered at the railroad and the county foot, 7 inch hold, and a capacity ceiling in the kitchen and into the buildings would have been de­ Acme and given a day of whereby a year’s time was grant­ of 55 tons. She is owned by a ed for the making of this settle­ A big display of fire works has roof. Dr. 1 atom and the family stroyed. company in which Capt Olsen, pleasure. A feature was all the ment. This time is nearly up. of the Rustler, and Capt. Skog, been ordered and Glenada will were in the front yard, and while The family have lost most ice cream they .»uld eat. If the officials cannot agree upon are interested. The capacity of make a real Fourth of July some of them could smell smoke, everything the house contained. a price, it is stipulated that the noise.-— the engines are 75 horse power. it was thought to come from a The house and contents were matter will be carried before A freight schedule has been Mr. and Mrs. Guy Porter ar­ rubbish fire that had been burn­ insured in the Oregon Fire Re­ the court established of $3.50 per ton from rived in Glenada last week. They ing in the neighborhood. lief Association of McMinville for' A conference between Ralph Coos Bay on all consignments will reside in the new bugalow Soon as it was discovered an $700. Ed T. Maher, of Glenada Moody, attorney and the Southern from San Francisco and Portland, belonging to Charley Fox. effort was made to save what is the resident agent, and the Pacific company at which a ,and $4 per ton on local shipments but only only the The new store building being was 7 in the , house, 7 : DUl the matter of adjusting the loss is tentative figure would have been between Coos Bay and Florence. erected by Gee. Colter ° f the ff° " t now under consideration. made was scheduled to have been Vienna June 20. —Nine aviators Wm. Kyle & Sons Co. are „ .*• j ** held this afternoon, bpt the con­ s h y in g agents for the Roamer. ™ —.1 W-K lost their lives today when a mim ference was postponed until the ic war in the air was suddenly the inside “right and further information as to away attorney could consult further turned into a tragic reality,by the sailing dates, etc, can be secured with the railroad officials. accidental ripping of a dirigible from them. , Mrs- Wm. Kerr returned home The road taken is along the airship' by a biplane while both ____________ last Saturday. because were flying at a great height dur- Siuslaw - - - river - - - and, ----------- ---- of the ON THE t E- F. Arnold has finished a aew ing the Austrian army marten-' U,8^ ° - he water traffic prevalent i _____ li . tn p m arl urno little m i QTiiCTfii AVCD TD AH I ,-Ve r°Om ^uga*ow f°r Charley vers. Both crafts were destroyec the road was little used. The □InLlLfl UVLK IKAIL Fox. The building of the house and their occupants nlhe miltary county court holds that the resi­ was done in recprd time, and Mr. ; The word “ liar” passed before - A good game of base ball was j and naval officers were bumec dents along the Siuslaw who use It seen , that the outeo.c . f played Sunday afternoon Thomas Russel drew a knife and the road may prefer to receive - the race betweerr prominent1 . . J be- mutilated beyond recognition. money for the road taken and Florenceites from Mapleton to I Martin says that water melons slashed M. W. England, his tween Florence and Glenada, in neighbor, after a quarrel, accord­ which the outcome was in doubt Washington June 20.—An exS be able to spend it to a greater the railroad last week caused con- are ripe *n b‘a Patcb n°w until the last inning. The first ing to the testimony of the state change of wireless messages be­ advantage in the Siuslaw-district siderable dispute, so to settle the The tragiway is now being fc matter on the return trip, it was made into a two-foot gauge track. in the case against the Glenada tally of the game was made by tween President Wilson and Em than to have the railroad build a man who is charged with assault Johnsen in the second inning, peror William was made public new road, at a great expense.— over. Glenada can come back-at base with intent to kill. and in the third inning the today at the White House. The Eugene Guard. On the home stretch, or last ball. Watch us. The case opened in the circuit visitors secured their first score, messages sparked through- 4062 court late yesterday afternoon while the home team added two miles of air between Tuckerton Percy Cox has installed a new and a jury was obtained bv 10:30 more counters. In the sixth inn­ N. J. and Eilvesse Germany near cash register. It is a fine this morning. It is composed of ing both teams gained a tally Hanover. machine. C. R. Hastings, C. P. Devereaux, each. A sensation was created J. M. Jensen, N. A. Emory, A. when Anderson, of Glenada, W. Shortridge, J. E. Redford, A. circled the diamond on a home C. Calbert, E. H. Carter, C. E. hit, and in the same half Mon­ Simms, F. E. Bangs, William roe brought in another chalk mark, tying the score. McCollum, and W. R. Deckert. M. W. England, the man who In the eighth inning the locals was in a critical condition for piled up three more tallies and LH\i several days not expected to live the Florence fans felt happy. a long knife wound in his body, 1 he game ended with the visitors gaining another scorejin the ninth was the first witness. He states that he lived oh a inning and resulting in a victor homestead near Glenada, adjoin-1 home team with a score ing that of Russell, and that he of 7 to 5- ! had trouble with Russell over a Frank Busky, umpired the dispute in fence lines and the Kame ®ud it was conceeded he right to pasture cattle. The tes- did K'Mxl work, timony was that Russell accused Kendall, for Florence, and England of stealing some wire, Thompson for Glenada, pitched and England responded with the 8°°^ ba*l> and Sundays’ game D Y E R & B A L D W IN challenge of “ liar” and a slap indicates that in, some future across the face. The stabbing »ame they may try to show^who ’ Our Stock Of followed. can stack the most blanks on the The penalty for assault with a tailly sheet, dangerous weapon is from six Next Sunday a game between will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition months to ten years in the peni- Florence and Mapleton is arrang­ to the stock jwe now have on hand on every boat that comes in. tehtiary, or from one month to ed for, and is expected to be SEE US FOR one year in the county jail, or j played hard. CEMENT, LIME, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, a fine of from $100 to $1000.- Morning Register. LIME FERTALIZER LOADED SCOW TURNED WILL f/FER TO J£TTLE FOR WAGON ROAD WHAT’S DOING IN GLENADA TELEGRAPHS INBRIEF VERDICT FLORENCE OF GUILTY WON, SCORE FOR RUSSELL 7 TO 5 HO E Kjàtun I E THE That Gives Pleasure -------- — W ..W .V asw IH V U M il <2 ” ------------ w . e . p , . . . M V IV V U 1 Store Siuslaw Building Material Co. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc. will buy you an All Wool Suit well made We are showing a varity of Patterns and Models We also^show in better grades from $18 TO $25 SUITS of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. If-you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 samples and have a suit to your measure W e are pleased to show you a t any time WOOLEN MILL STORE Conqueror Hats Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon !J. A. PARKER GETS VERDICT OF $ 2 5 0 0 TURTLE SUNDAY All Suits Reduced A scow that was in tow of the Minnie Mitchell Sunday after- J. A. Parker went to Portland noon turned turtle just below about a week ago to 'he present Kyles cannery, when Ben Martin when his case agains the C. A. turned and headed for the beach COME AND SEE ME Smith Lumber Co. of Marshfield W|th it. Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty was called in the Supreme Court. The »cowj. was loaded Jw ith The case was a hotly contest- railroad iron, several oil tanlfs ed one in which Mr. Parker sued and powder and*Jwas Made in Florence Clothes for a breach of con-, brought from Mapleton, Next to Telephone Office, Oregon tract and resulted in a verdict of i The load was ajheavy one, and $2500 for him. - j near Acme its condition indicated --------- -— that it was leaking. Martin At the last regular monthly thought that he would be able to meeting of Suslaw Local No. 17, make Glenada withjit, but when U. F. of the Pacific, it was de- he arrived opposite ^Florence it qided to place the price of Salmon had listed badly and water was i [°r !?*! season. ®t 4 cents per lb, j breaking^over the scow. He (TT"- for Chinook and 2 eents per jb. cided to beach it*!on the Glenada We make» speciality of made to order clothing.’ • or .5:1. ei.; c>i:j. 8l(je wh j,e turnwj jj,0 3C3A- I have reduced the Price of all Suits H E N R Y HYRKAS, the Tailor The Pride of Florence Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order.