THE SIUSLAW VOL._________ FLORENCE. OREGON. SATt |; |)AY. JU N E jO . MAPLETON WILL HAVE ELECTRICITY sta rt about the middle of nextj week. It is expected that the Pjant will ^e in operation within three months. A concrete dam will be built across the creek. Both Mr. Elkins and Mr. Shelley are electrical engineers of Mr. Shelley has E. S. Dyer and M. C. Johnson experience. ju st completed the job of install-i of Florence have taken a con­ ing a complete electric plant for tra c t to build a concrete dam for the Hammond Lumber company Richard Clow a t Mapleton. a, „„ . , at. M!11 C!ty and has had charge M r . E l k i ns, -a n d 12 feet hfgh’d n J will Be M who is a brother of D.,*A. Elkins’ for the purpose of holding w ater deputy sheriff of Lane county, in Mapleton creek to furnish was formerly assistant to to the power for Mr. Clow’s electric chief engineer a t the govern­ light plant. The Morning R egister has the y ment ears’ works a t Honolulu for two following concerning the installa- _______ N U M B E R 21 Your C ity . More towns die for w ant of confidence on the part of causeeSSWhe n a n d la C k ° fPUbliC than any other ause. When a man in search of a home or abusiness ocat.on goes into a place and finds everything brim full f hope and enthusiasm of the prospects of the place and all earnestly a t work to build it up. he soon be- UFE DIPLOMAS ARE NECESSARY TO TEACH IN HIGH SCHOOLS FLORENCE TO EUGENE ONE DAY The state school law which re­ quires that high school teachers must have life diplomas or be graduates of standard colleges or The trip from Florence to Eu- universities will hereafter - ----- ... Lante comity ■ ,comas-imbued-wrth' th e sbirif,“and w a result he now according to County School te r e T Wh" T ” i * * * W° rk * ith the same in* oPe" n_tende? t E- J - Mo°re. train leaves Eugene for Florenc« terest. When however he goes to a city where every Superintendent Moore makes a t 8:30 a. m. and arrives a t Jo< one expresses doubt and apprehension for the future this announcement as a warning Fowlers about noon. These prosperity of the place, moping about and indulging to high school boards to be in mournful complaints he naturally feels th at it is cautious in selecting their teach­ stages take the mail and passen­ no ers by finding out before hiring gers arriving in Mapleton about f e T hu hLm’ Hnd He 8t OnCe Shak6s the dust off his tion o f the p la n t instructors w hether they possess 6 o clock in the evening. feet wljile he pulls out with all possible speed for some c . A. EJkins and Frank On the outward-bound trip the ife diplomas. The w arning is Shelley, of this city, have secured other place. Consequently try and make a live enter­ stage leaves Mapleton a t 5:30 in said to apply particularly to the contract to erect and install prising city out of the city in which you live. When the morning. Under date of June 16th the the hydro-electric power plant ~ ---------“ union high schools where the you are working for or saying a good thing for your Many now walk from Mapleton the following to furnish electricity for the town I Oregonian had ha< work of the teachers is entirely city you are accomplishing all the more for yourself to Fowlers place, going over the of Mapleton, on the Siuslaw sh2 p inS 'terns: of high school grade. Superintendent Moore says that Knowles creek trail and make The schooner Bandon, which river. Richard H. Clow, an old the strict enforcem ent of the law good time. resident of th e town, recently grounded a t mill No. 4 on the is not likely to affect any high x ^ 84 Saturd*y quite a number obtained from the county court a Yaquina River four miles below school teachers who have already of Florence people left for Eu­ franchise to erect the poles for Toledo, was floated this a fte r­ Salem Stotoem an," With the mercury ateadHy riemg. been elected for next year. gene going over the trail Sunday the distributing plant on the noon. The Bandon entered Ya­ the fat man pnlls out his bandana and mops his brow There have been few elections Somebody began to brag about streets of the town and on cer­ quina Bay this morning and pro­ Yesterday it was a common thing to see the people be­ thus far, and the superintendent their speed. I t is supposed th a t tain county roads adjacent and ceeded up Yaquina River without says he is certain th a t all are Justice Goude started the arg u ­ stowed with an over-abundance of health going up the to furnish the people with elec­ a pilot. She is on her second voyage here. eligible according to the laws of m ent and challenged the bunch tricity. rnTyt e ‘O l 7 ^ thT V a C tth a tth e y h®1" 8 Picked for a race. A nything like th a t the state. The plant will be erected on a ' The gasoline schooner Tramp on by Old Sol. The mercury reached the 101 mark always gets Constable McLaugh­ be engaged a t P o rt Orford creek th a t flows through the 7 will ’ 06 under the canopy a t the B arr jew elry store. A t the lin so the race was on. A t the town and the w ater will be con- J.or 80,116 weeks in the annual sea s h a d T ^ therm om eter registered 88 in the end it was found th a t P eter a veyed to the plant through a 12- i 10n h u n t ‘ shade. —Moral—Come to Florence. Rice had won, with McLaughlin inch pipe line 2,000 feet long '. The 8rasoIine schooner Rustler «econd: J. A. P arker, the cigar The w ater will have a 100-foot 18 *oading freight for Gold Beach Fifteen subscribers have been store man, about 7th; Morey and fall and will furnish 200 horse- ' and W edderbun and will Before assuming a virtue, first secured for a telephone line to Jack Humphrey lying for ninth be certain th at you Power. The capacity of the Wednesday. look the part. the light house a t Heceta. place, with Goude well in the electric plant will be 100 kilowatts f „ The new « ^ ¡ n e schooner The line is to run by Mercer rear. and the people o f Mapleton will Koamer. which was unable to lake and will give service up the Onç ounce of hustle is sometimes The report is th a t the only take about ou per cent of the light maintain speed, has a new pro- worth more than coast to Heceta, Head. pound of knowledge. reason Justice Goude didn’t win and power to be generated. peller, m anufactured by the I t will be constructed by the the race, was because he lacked Poles for the distributing 8ys- ,No^ h Bend Iron Works, and is Siuslaw Home Telephone com­ wind, but for a short tim e he had tern are now on thé ground , dinfir for ber first trip, one to pany and will be Connected with the bunch going. ' th e Siuslaw River’ their Florence office. The Mirene cleared for Flor- Application has been made to enee today. John Petersen, the agate man the County court for a franchise had a ring on exhibition thia V IV I1 V illi over, the " county road. Per­ week, which he had made out o: mission has already been given a piece of red agate. This is thi by the governm ent for the pur­ second agate ring he has made constructing a telephone Th*V »how neat workmanahii ^ be bounty Agriculturist, F. pose of wiwwTicong J. D Falconer and wife, of K t " I r kt H ^ifirhtLhoU8e reserve. iand * re a little different than th< Ridgefield, Oregon arrived in W. Rader, will spend the entire Work o f n building the line is ex- usual wav of week beginning with June 22nd Glenada last week and will make pected to commence soon s tX i gnnd,ng thee« th^irJjom e | on Ten Mile. Mr. studying the agricultural proo- Falconer's fnfFio»-n Falconer s fath er D. Falconer has ems and conditions of the Sius­ law Valley. He will be glad to a home on Ten Mile. m eet the farm ers either on their H. Beagle is m anufacturing on 8p6Cific specific prob,em! problems or in cem ent blocks for th e ' farm T s On ing he i, erecting for F rank L ,g X 7 Uffto SOME SHIPPING NOTES OF INTEREST W arm W eather telephone to light HOKE AT HECETA WHAT’S DOING F. W. RADER WILL SPEND WEEK INGLENADA ONTHE SIUSLAW w ~ IE THE Knowles. The blocks .nr,. 12x24x8 inches and he is averag ing about 70 per day The foundation for the buildintz i« now finished. The front will be faced with stene-finighed X e S . Places- th e following ap- p0lntm