THE SIUSLAW VOL. H. FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JU NE 17, 1914 PILOT NUMBER 26 work before waiting for the trophies to Chickahominy today. j bridges. This means that the Other schools competed. The tracks will reach tidewater in a children all over the district built j matter of but a few weeks. roads. Some of the schools in | At present passenger service the Siuslaw . are not on roads. is being operated to Fowler’s So they widened the trails past place, thirty-two miles west, but *he log school buildings. preparations are being made to ; The Chickahominy students extend this service to Richardson, advantages. Their; school children, their j i had no The Willamette Pacific railroad thirty-eight miles west withiii a — Twenty ‘ f a m Six to »,»• girV M issL W hatis supposed to be the iarg- -H: S. Rankin, stmerviaor o f ani l h a. urch i n ..twenty roilee olLthe 'nex t 1 few daysi.*"*Eugene ing the Chickahonimy School, Mildred Mergdbrf, who g ra d u a l esT load “ever cam ed^B? the Siuslaw National Forest, arrived tidewater in less thanjtwo weeks, ¡ Guard. have built a better piece of road ed from the Eugene high school schooner Sausalito from the Si- j in Florence Monday night. Ac- according to H. R. Fountaine, 1 -------- i than did the pupils of any other a year ago. They had no tools, uslaw river, was successfully (companing him was a crew of assistant engineer, who states CONCERT WAS school in the Siuslaw supervisory hut the road primer described a taken over the bar Monday even- (eight men who went to Maple that the steel is being pushed to ln^, creek Tuesday afternoon to be- MUSICAL SUCCESS S r t c L " T ^ 7 y roai! <1” 1' “nd Mapleton more rapidly than ever, school house in the mountains 30 L e' U1 1 ll ¿>ut fence rails. 17 _ tug Robarts eame UP from »fin the work of examining home- falsework bridges have been The concert Friday night at miles west of Eugene received Th? \ had "° hl°rse 80 th^ d,raB‘ Gardiner where she had taken i stead land under the June 11th erected across the third, fourth the Rita, in which Miss Maori It ged ll Wlth 3 harness made from the barge Laurence and found act. It celebrat- and seventh Wildcat crossings, Egbert, {soprano, sang to a good two silver trophies. contoU - X °!d “ in“ w:re- They fourteen feet and six inches of The territory to be covered will and the false work will be built size and appreciative audience, , ed the winning of a water on the bar. Without even be from the head waters of In­ shovels, picks and mattocks at as fast as the rails reach new was a musical treat for those who solutely unique in type, but one home. And with these im stopping to say hello to his friends dian creek to the head waters of which has been so successful that crossings, not waiting for the attended. who were watching on the wharf, Smith river, and will embrace plements they built the road that it is to be perpetuated, not alone steel bridge crews which has Miss Egbert appeared in seven in the mountainous district where won the cup. Captain Jones got a tow line on district 3, which is under Ranger been throwing steel bridges program selections and several it originated, but all over Lane Three other schools received the shooner and started for the J. L. Mackechnie. since last fall. encores, and her voice and in­ county. honorable mention. The first is river and within two hours was Forest Assistant Pogter will The rail reached the first cross­ terpretations delighted every­ back at the dock, having taken the Ten-Mile school, located in a have charge of the men in the This morning Helmus W. ing of the Siuslaw yesterday, body. She is a pupil of Prof. little hunter’s cabin from the the schooner out, drawing over work. The party will consist of Thompson, Lane county judge, and the Willamette Pacific from Charles Swenson, of Portland and little window in which one can 12 feet of water. Alfred Powers, E. J. Smith, Ben now on will follow the Siuslaw j is on a visit to friends in Flor­ and Miss Goldie Van Bibber, the throw a stone into the Pacific One good feature of the Sius­ Irving, Edwin Hartley, Mike girl supervisor Jwho has made a river to Acme. Until now it has ence. name for her Siuslaw school dis­ ocean. It is near Cape Perpetua, law bar is that it has maintaiued Hapes, Wayne Barboua, E. G. followed the Wildcat, a tributary. Those who assisted her were trict, left Eugene carrying two almost on the Linn and Lincoln about 14 feet of water for some Bates, Ben H. Williams and Field After the second crossing of the county line. Miss Jean Sharman, time now, with no variation in c. . ., .. ., . 4 . ; Miss M3y Merrill, Mr. R. C. S? SlaWj Ì h!,radroadhaSa8t: e tch IWygant, Mr. Frank Smith and silver cups, one large and the of Ocean View, is teacher. The depth, and seems be slowly deep­ Assistant Nichilson. In conversation with Supervis­ other small. The small one be­ of seven miles without bndges, Florence Male Quartette. ening. or Rankin it was learned that the comes the permanent possession second is the Deadwood school, and along this grade the rails will Miss Merrill’s piano numbers on Lake Creek,„40 miles west of The schooner’s load was esti­ forest service, cooperating with be pushed so that with less than were a pleasing surprise to the of the Chickahominy school and Junction City, ¡of which Clara mated at very close to 450,000 Lane county, will complete the two weeks the rails will be less audience and won the "applause is -engraved- to state that the feet Alsea wagon road from the mouth students of this school have built Van Marter, of Eugene is teach­ than twenty miles from Noti. of the listeners. The Oakland is now being load­ er. The third is Greenleaf, also of Canal creek to the Waldport Mwo-ry crews are erecting, The Florence Male Quartette, the best highway in the district on Lake Creek, where A. Wesley ed and it is expected that she road. This will make it possible The other is the property of thia piers on the third crossingot the 1 a popular local musical organiz- will carry out nearly 500,000 feet to go from the Willamette valley Steinhauer is teacher, school so long as its student re­ Siuslaw on Lake Creek and o„4, Uon we„ ra,|e,, ™ of lumber. by wagon to Walport without main the best road builders in Chickahominy school, the win­ San Antone creek. All the other times ner, has other things to brag of. using a scow. Lane county. The big cup was p i c , were placed last year At Mr Frank graith and Mr R Widespread search has been It is the only school in the whole It is expected that work will yesterday deeded by the judge present men are w on,ng within C. w , respo„ded t0 encore, district with a school garden. started for a $2,000 diamond pin commence on the Cape Perpetua to Lane county as a permanent cofferdams s.mking the center demanded by the aujience. Its pupils raipe potatoes, lettuce, stolen mysteriously it is reported road by the first of July and with trophy. pier for the third crossing. This __ e „ nen t . i The concert from an artistic Early last fall a girl supervisor radishes and peas. One year it from Mrs. Henry Wolcott Warner the help of Lirteoln and Lane has „ ■ another .. .. . a , 350-foot span. Work , . on standpoint marks up- who looks after 30 schools in a won a prize at the fair. It is one of 62 East sixty-seventh street counties, to complete it this sea­ the Lake Creek crossing, whicW ~ , • . Qnn u j ek «... ward steP in the musical circles mountainous coast region on the of the few schools in the district New York. The pin was worn at son. When finished according is a 300-toot bridge with a 200- of u'lorenee fashionable wedding about a to plans, it will be a first class coast, traveling alone on horse­ with a yard fenced in. And it is foot center span will be com- _ _________ month ago. She missed it upon going to have a seeded lawn with menced at once. But the bridge The trip from Eugene to Flor- back and on foot, entered the trees. The residents on Chicka­ her return home. Placards an­ road that can be used by vehicles of all kinds, including automo­ crews from now on will not delay ence is now made in one day. office of the county judge. nouncing the theft of the pin giv­ biles. hominy mountain are proud of I want to use some of Lana the progress of the rails accord-' Travelers arriving in Florence ing its description and size have ing to the engineers who state between nine and ten o’clock in county’s roads for laboratories their school and of their students, been sent broadcast. and the fathers and mothers are South China annually produces for my students,” she said in that the tracxS will cross on false- the evening. proudly watching their young­ more than 40,000 bales of raw effect. And she outlined a plan Switzerland employs about 65,- silk and exports more than 10,« sters build real roads. As a mat­ to the county judge that he since 000 men in her metal and 000,000 pounds, valued at more declares the most important step ter of fact, some are studying machinery trades. than $17,000,000. , the road primer, with its em­ ever taken in road construction phasis on drainage, crown and in Lane county. She outlined a plan for a road the fuse of proper materials. building contest. She did not Eugene Guard. aim to work child labor on the roads. The amount of highway constructed would be insigni- ficent. Each school was to build 100 to 200 feet of road in front of the school house. “ I want to give them an idea of what well constructed roads are, she paid. I Vant the \ destructive fire occurred in pupils who live in the country Bandon Thursday morning. It and who are the farmers of • started in the L N> E Re9tau. tomorrow to have an idea of the rant, run by Lela Benner. principles, the work and the ex­ The loss is estimated at from I pense in constructing permanent $250,000 to $300,000, with but roads. As the future taxpayers little insurance. they will know that there is only The fire was supposed to have DYER A BALDWIN one kind of a ropd to accept and started either from poor insula­ they will pay for the road when tion ora defective chimney, and Our Stock Of • they get i t Not many of them raged five hours or more, laying ; will be actual road builders when waste to three blocks of buildings they grow up, but they will know in the heart of Bandon’s business will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition how. district. to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in. “ Road building is taught in the The fire first started in the L. SEE US FOR rural text books, but the teach-, jq e . Restaurant about midnight CEMENT, LIME, SEWER PIPE, DRAM TILE, ing needs a laboratory.” and was extinguished without an The county judge looked at the a|arm being turned in. About LIME FERTALIZER •r girl in astonishment. three o’clock Thursday morning We are showing a värity of Patterns and Models \ ou may use the roads, he the dre broke out again and had | said. You may call .on the gained considerable headway b e -! We also’show in better grades from county road supervisors for assis- fore being discovered. The first tance. You may have what you general alarm was sounded by wish, if you can only make that the Speedwell, which was just plan work. What is more I will ¡Parting for Coos Bay. of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- donate to you two silver cups COME AND ^EE ME Within a half hour it had ' WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. which you can hang as prizes. jumped the street, and the busi­ Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty I will have the county engineer ness section of Bandon was in write a text book; it will be a flames. If you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 road primer made for Lane The firemen worked hard with Made in Florence Clothes samples and have a suit to your measure county road building.” what apparatus they had to con- Next to Telephone Office, Oregon We are pleased to show you at any time The road primer was written trol the situation. * J f‘ _ T,^ _ ~!!5 _ !!!5 _ 55 _ 555 _ !HE _ 55 _ 5"5 _ 525 _ E™ _ 535 _ SS _ EE" _ H5 _ SE _ EH and published at the expense of The tug Klyhian and the life the judge. The cups were hung saving crew gpve valuable assis­ and the contest announced. tance. Today Chickahominy wins Dynamiting was resrrted to in these» cups. The plan worked. an effort to check the spread of Conqueror Hats >çque; The girl supervisor blames the the flames. — Dou'ÿlas Shoes county judge for ¡¿^success an