F SIUSLAW ril W r ilir k ON O A PORTLAND A n it ««» » , . . . FLORENCE, OREGON. SATURDAY, lngs are new throught, and will | make her the finest equipped M ™ Portland run. * E ureka addition of the Elder on a I I I I I \ R A V R 1 1 W " eek'v service in to Coos Bay and i V W l J D / l I I x u l l Eureka will give Coos Bay a vast- / ------- 1 •>' improved service into Portland. Zeeting competition into Coos \ h Proprietor — : of Cox’es UZii I Geo. Montij of Acme Confectionery is now^putting in brought a It aeaniiy factory. The kitchen ence W ed n o lay morning, will be fixed up in an addition owlship had caught 13 o th at Mr. Cox is building a t his Montgomerys chickens and ice plant. A J, D _ „ A racing c got caught himself, Mr’ R C-...ffdh rt, "Ap-. h as, Gl enada ho rs e. ’ George said th at if Mr. Owl ’ worked u f all the large cities of had caught an even dozen and the west, and in some of the best u.an creex nas been arranged to take place on the Fourth of July. then stopped, he m ight still be at candy factories on the Coast, It will be a p art of the program ' liberty, but when the bird sta rt­ has taken charge of this depart­ and will be run on the beach. ed in on the second dozen it was m en t Barges will take the crowd to time something was done, so Mr. They have fixed up tem ­ and from the race. Montgomery set a steel trap on porarily in the store so th a t they A purse of $1000 has already top of a post artd caught the owl. can make fresh candy for the been placed and it is expected Mr. Montgomery has killed local custom, but when the th a t this amount will be greatly eight o f these owls in the last kitchen is completed and equipp­ enlarged before the event is tw elvem onths. He is making a ed, they will m anufacture candies pulled off. specialty of raising fine Plymouth for the whole-sale trade. Don’t forget this is only a p art rock, blue rock and blue A t present the demand for of of the interesting and exciting andalusian chickens and thinks taffy, nut brittles and caramels, they are too good for owl-food. is keeping them busy, but when He also brought ’to town six Mr. Gilbert gets located in per­ large eggs weighing one and one- m anent quarters, we expect to see eighth pounds. He had been a “ Percy’s Special, th a t will finding these large eggs among make your mouth water. the days gathering and finally discovered the hen th a t was lay­ ing them. She was a plymoth rock, he kept count and found th a t in 60 days she layed 57 eggs, as large as a duck egg. An examination showed th a t they al had double yolks. SUNDAi I » A A llia lfcn n c r e from With,dr**W the 3ted him on the trip. 5 tuning, but Blacxie’s Inn. «»»• ---------- Grandpa i X Monroe has been C * i ,J Z u , i ENJOYING THMEMSELVES ' , IN O to CALIFORNIA Because C. M. Schallinger, president of the Hazelwood Cream Co,, was unable to be present and the Annual Stock­ holders meeting announced to have been held Tuesday June 9th was posponed until Tuesday, June 16th a t Acme. Mr. Schallinger will address those present on dairy topics. good example now. : ------- Benefit Ball, a t tK5 Fox and ' Word recived from John Berg- Miner hall, Saturday night, i f m an. who with Mrs. Bergman and Kou could believe all the things * ^ r,and M rs.H ollister,are on auto ffiat Hardw are Hull and Pap i tour of. California, says: “ We Martin tell, you go to that ball, are having a fine trip, some good I ust to hear the eagle scream on and more P°°r roads, likewise he 4th. poor country. Will reach San Geo. H. Colter recived his au- Erancisco Tuesday night, and »mobile on the Oakland. It was ‘r°m there south will have good •rought from San Francisco. roads’ Mr. Lilis, the barber, is build- ' th( t" ° r" isha?8 801far’ ig a house on his property. * plenty of rain, which = That Gives "Pleasure Store ,, ' mad motoring bad in places hut Mr Phillips hMerecteda build- , we hai, net stepped f o r ..« h l„ e ig just across from the shintrlp er, n - ” DY ER & BALDW IN GIANT FLAG POLE - Our Stock Of NAKED at fR isc o Doors, Windows, Mo will buy you an All Wool Suit well made We are showing a värity of Patterns and Mo, We also show in better erarip« of well known makes like WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. If you are hard to fit you can samples and have a suit tc We are pleased to showy I Conqueror Hats Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon t complete in the valley. We will receive addition we now have on hand on every boat th a t domes in. SEE US FOR J ? n h*8 last trip to Florence I this time John Whobrey, the hide I and wool buyer, secured a good I consigment paid out over $2200 for i t About two weeks ago he took out a shipm ent worth $1500, and when he left there was a $500 lot to he delivered yet. Mr. Whobrey says th at in the last three weeks he has taken out of Florence, much wool, Mrs. E. Simons, of Wayne, mohair and hides, th at has been Mich, arrived in Florence Tues­ Secured from ranchers in this vicinity. The shipments amount day, morning. She will visit her son, Wallace Simons, of Glenada, to over $3500 worth. This is an industry th a t is whom she haa not seen for six grow ing in this community and j years. This is her first trip to is now becoming a financial factor the Siuslaw. in our developm ent The gaa launch • Fish left ewpot Tuesday morning for Ed Maher and wife, of Glen­ x>s Bay, where ahe will'ISe” ada, were visiting in Florence employed by the war departm ent Tuesday. Ed remarked, “ju st in the survey of the bars a t Coos visiting, ju st taking a holiday” . Bay, Florence, Alsea and here. CEMENT, UME, SEWER PIPE, DRAM TILE, LIME FERTALIZER All Suits Reduced • I have reduced the Price of all Suits — COME ANDJ5EE ME Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty H E N R Y H Y R K A S, the Tailor kt x x m , . Made in Florence Clothes Next to Telephone Office, The Pride of Florence speciality of made to order clothing, id Pressing, Buttons made to order,