THE SIUSLAW PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, SATRRDAY, MAY 30, 1914 VOL, H. NUMBER 21 state as Will provide substantial ¡ Pets Jersey calf,. Dee Mills, funds with which to build per-1 Acme. manent roads will participate in ■ COOKING. the division of state road funds. , ¡ Cake Marie Deveney, Flor- There is still remaining in th e ; ¡ enee, 2; Viva Drake, Florence, 2. road fund $170,000, and thej Eggless cake Class »A, Evo- commission has virtually decided j Niagra Falls, Ont., May 27. A word of appreciation to those gene Furnish, Florence. Class that this sum will be divided, Disposition of the Mexican prob- who took him almost entirely by B¡ •E de«'Thra ll/ Point Tewase< Cake without shortening Vir- For the information of those among those counties which have j lorn by 'meditation ~Tia The school fair this year was Cookies -Class A, Viva, Drake, Engineer F. E. Leefe the follow­ counties which are to be aided in in a week. tion that he will accept the nomi­ held in the Florence school build- Florence. Class B, Nina Fred- ing extracts from “The Laws hard-surface road building from The maine issues are under-! nation and is in for a fight until ing and was very largely attend-, ricks°n. Point Terrace. for the Protection and Preser­ the state fund this year are: stood to have been satisfactorily the general election for the place. e(j White bread—Class A, Cora vation of the Navigable waters Clatsop, Jackson and Columbia worked out in principle it now “ My friends came to me some .. . , , . . . ¡Woodard, Florence, 1; Della of the United States” . with the possible addition of only remains to be determined time before election and asked W hdeit was intended to give M m Acme. 2; Bessie Section 13:—“That it shall not Ctagkamas, Marion and Coos. whether certain issues of com­ me to accept the nomination,” four cash prizes, the committee Buch Porte 3, be lawful to throw, discharge, or paratively minor importance shall stated Mr. Bown today. „ “J tol^, find It impossible to carry out, be included in the scope of the them no, that I have twice been this plan. Many more varieties Brown bread—Bessie Ackerly, deposit, orcause, suffer, or pro­ of exhibits were offered at any Minerva, 1; Thelma Meadows, cure to be thrown, discharged, CARL BERGMAN negotiations. Issues of this sheriff, and that I did not care to or deposit either from or out of previous fair and the money avail- nature were understood to have go in for politics further. But in MARRIED WEDNESDAY Minerva, 2. abfe for prizes is hardly sufficient Salad—Class A, Marie Deven­ any ship, barge, or other floating been the subject of a conference spite of this they wrote my name J N SAN DIEGO held today in Toronto between on the ballots. to pay cash for the first two ey, Florence, 1; Viva Drake, craft of any kind, or from the shore, wharf, manufacturing awards, but all the first and sec­ Florence, 2. Class B, Jennie the mediators and the American “ It came as a surprise to me, Word has been received here delegates before attending the establishment, "or mill of any ond prizes will soon be sent to the Drumm, Florence. and it is a high, important office. kind, any refuse matter of any that Carl F. Bergman, son of garden party given to the Duke It was tendered unsolicited. ¡winners, first prize$l, and sec- V kind or description whatever CapL and Mrs. John Bergman and Duchess ¡of (Connaught and SEWING. ' ond prize 75 cents. The third “I appreciate these honors, Fancy work—Class A. Rebecca other than that flowing from was married two weeks ago the mediation colony. En route and offered as it is, I will accept ’ and fourth prizes will have to be ribbon prizes only, Those in Sailor, Noti, 1; Hortense Whit- streets and sewers and passing Wednesday in San Diego, Cali­ tonight from Toronto back to the nomination and do my beat therefrom in a liquid state, into fornia, to Miss Dolly May Skeels Niagara Falls the mediators com­ to win the race. I was nominat­ charge of the work regret this A San municated the views of the (Continued on paga three) any navigable water of the of , Coquille, Oregon. condition very much,but as addi­ ed by my friends and since they Diego paper has the following United States, or-into any tribu­ Americans to the Mexican dele­ want me I will do the best I can. tional funds must be raised to I' tary of any navigable water from story: gates in informal discussions meet all first and second prizes, “ 1 wish to thank those who which the same shall float or be Carl F. Bergman, six feet, two aboard the special car. WANT PLANK they can see no other way out o f , assisted in my nomination.” into such navigable nches tall, good looking, and the difficulty. , The points yet to be taken up M r. Bown’s opponent at the ROAD TO BEACH washed water; and it shall not be lawful treasurer of the Empress The­ it is understood relate chiefly to election will be W. W. Calkins. Dr. Geo. P. Edwards gave a atre, and Miss Dolly May Skeels special prize of $5 forthe best fly A petition is being circulated to deposit, or cause, suffer, or of Coquille, Ore., were married internal problems, and it' is i and receiving a large number of procure to be deposited material at 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon known to be the disposition of H arry Morris received a sever tn *. Mrs. Clara Walker gave a spec-! signatures, asking the county of any kind in any place on the by Rev. Richard Hollington in the meditators, if it is decided in ju ry lo WIs eye Thursday. He ial prize of a box of candy fo r! court to build a county road from bank of any navigable water, or the parsonage of the First to seek an agreement upon them was fixing a gasoline engine in a on the bank of any tributary of at all, to treat them only in the launch when in some way he fell drawings, which was awarded to Florence to the beach. The road­ any navigable water, where the Methodist Church. form of recommendations for the onto the engine and some attach­ bed to be of plank 10 feet in Carl Johnson of Glenada. The couple planned to keep the guidance of the new provisional | same shall be liable to be washed ment pierced the eyeball. M r. width. secret, but the tremulous manner government, which it is hoped! into such navigable w ’áter, either AGRICULTURE. Morris was taken to Dr. G. P. Another petition signed by by ordinary or high tides, or by in which Bergman passed tickets will be established in Mexico. Edwards where he was attended. property owners on Jefferson Note book of experiments—Jo­ through the box-office window street and Garginier avenue to storms or floods, or otherwise, Wednesday night seph Southworth," Acme. convinced whereby navigation shall or I twelfth street, will be presented David Furry, lessee of the Em­ Lettuce -Vesta Agee, Florence. may bé Impeded or obstructed: to the city council for the im- Onions — Johnnie Bernhardt, I provement by planking 16 feet Provided, That nothing herein press, that everything was not contained shall extend to, apply as it used to be and on carefully ¡Duncan slough. ' wide. investigating the matter he A Potted plants—DeeMills, Acme, Other street improvements are to, or prohibit the operations in found that Bergman had been 1st; Vesta Agee, Florence, being planned and this year connection with the improve­ severely wounded by one tDan Potted fern—Eleanor Säubert,. j ought to be one of great progress ment of navigable waters or con­ Cupid and taken the only possi­ struction of public works, con­ 1 for Florence. Florence. sidered necessary and proper by ble course toward happiness. ■J the United States officers super­ Bergman and Miss Skeels have vising such improvement or been sweethearts since their public work: And provided fur­ childhood days when they first ther, That the Secretary of War, walked home together from “ the whenever in the judgement of little red schoolhouse on the hill.” the Chief of Engineers anchorage an 1 navigation will not be injured JOHN WHOBREY BUYS thereby, may permit the deposit HIDES AND MOHAIR o f any material above mentioned — in navigable waters, within limits DYER ft BALD W IN to he defined and under conditions John Whobrey of Coquille Our Stock Of to be prescribed by him, provided was in Florence last week. He has been coming to the Siuslaw application is made to him prior * to depositing such material; and country for the past twelve years and makes a trip about every will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition whenever any permitís so grant­ to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that cornea in. ed the conditions thereof shall forty days, to buy hides, wool SEE US FOR be strictly complied with, and and mohair. any violation thereof shall be un­ I-ast year the average purchas­ CEMENT, LIME, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, es amounted to about $800 per lawful. LIME FERTALIZER Extract from Section 16:, month. This years business is on the increase and on this trip That every person and every cor­ Mr. Whobrey paid out over $1300 poration that shall violate, or that in making his purchases. shall knowingly aid, abet, author­ ize or instigate a violation of the provisions of sections thirteen, SUNDAY SERVICES AT fourteen, and fifteen of this PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Act shall be guilty of a mis­ Suite Made to Order. demeanor, and on conviction Sunday school at 10 a. m. thereof shall be punished by a Preaching service 11 a. m. fine not exceeding twenty-five Memorial sermon by Rev. John hundred dollars nor less than five Next to Telephone Office, Florence, Oregon Drumm. hundred dollars, or by imprison­ Union meeting in the evening ment (in the case of a natural at this church. Rev. H. L. We are showing a varity of Patterns and Models person) for not less than thirty Pratt will deliver the sermon. days nor more than one year, or We also show in better grades from by both such fine and imprison­ Special music. ment, in the discretion of the Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Rev. John Drumm will preach court, one-half of said fine to be at Acme in the evening. paid to the person or persons of yrel| known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- giving information which shall Stand by your town. Not a WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. lead-to conviction. ' dollar invested there but some Mr. Leefe states that those good comes of it. Ther^ is no desiring future information con­ If you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 family like one’s own family, cerning above laws may obtain samples and have a suit to your measure there is no ^ife like one’s own same upon request. - We are pleased to show you at any time wife; there should be no city like one’s own city,where we live,ed­ ucate our children, on whose STATE ROAD FUND - street our babies play, and where1 WILL BE DIVIDED we may some day sleep. Let the newspapers stand by the local Conqueror Hats Portland, Ore. May 156, business interests, and let the (Special) The State Highway business men stand by the mews- Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon We make a speciality of made to order clothing. Commission has recently decided papers. ^pd let us make our home Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order. that only such counties in th e , as famous as possible. SCHOOL AWARDS DON’T THROW REFUSE IN THE RIVER SIGN PROTOCOL BOWN ACCEPTS WITHIN A WEEK NOMINATION IE THE KODAK That Gives Pleasure Store Siuslaw Binlding Material Co. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc. R-K-R Warehouse HENRY HYRKAS Ladie’s and Gent’s Tailor will buy you an All Wool Suit well made $18 TO $25 SUITS Cleanining and Pressing a Specialty. Special sale on Williams Talcum Powder 15 c ts THE FLORENCEIRACKET STORE WOOLEN MILL STORE T h e P r id e of F lo re n c e