THE SIUSLAW PLIÖT. WHATS DOING INGLENADA WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. 3 1914 Spring House Cleaning Time and Time to Tone has posted street improvement notices in several places. Blackies Inn, and Brennan out A healthy man is too busy en­ —J. W. Downs has bought his joying himself to bother about partner Dave Brennan out, and his liver. . n \ now is sole proprietor ofBlackie’s i The phonetic spelling move- —I ment seems to have been spelled W. Jacobson has bought lot 1 Inn. J. H. Wilkinson, of Mapleton, off. in block 4 of Glenada. The sal.- was on a business trip to Glen- they was made by I. J. Walcott C. H. Young is moving goods into the new general merchan­ 0 LMcVey, of the Glenada haverevolutionsinsteadofpresi- Hotel received a baby seal Tues- ^ n t.a l elect.ons-and hnd it dise store, and will soon be ready day morning from Gardiner, cheaper. for business. Glenada people are subscribing Five Young seals were caught in It is reported that a congress- lumber, work and cash to extend the Umpqua and a friepd sent man is to have his right hand amputated. He 11 lose his grip the plank road on the front street. one to 0. L. •AvtThThrpeoptr: of the town from Lake street fo t Opportunity is sometimes a Maple street, a distance of ap- J COMMERCIAL CLUB delicate thing. Don’t land on it, proximately seven hundred feet. COMMITTEES APPOINTEb 1 so hard that you crush the life Charley Harwood has been ap­ * ...... i . . pointed deputy assessor for the At the commercial club meet- out lt- . . I Glenada precinct, and will start ing Mondav night the president ' The hobble skirt was original y ■ 1 made for a joke, lt is getting to to work ia a few days. announced the following commit­ The Glenada girl’s basket ball tees: Gives you an jn u su a l opportunity for satisfacto ry selections ju s t now. • • •% be a chesnutt now. Courtesy is hard to cultivate. team say they were neither chal- Auditing—J. W. Bergman. “ Y ou’ll do b e tte r” a t leged or invited to play a game Finance—G. G. Bushman and It is something that has to be in a man’s nature to be healthy. | | on carnival day, and that they D. M. Kyle. had no official knowledge that a House--A. Philgren and E. S. The fast boys are the ones who game was wanted. arrive at their journey’s end the Dyer. R. A, Lowe returned from at­ Publicity—R. Alles, R. C. Wy- the quickest. tending the 1. 0. O .\F. grand gant and G. G. Bushman. If there is anything that makes In the New Building 1-4 lodge at McMinvile. Reception—W. H. O’Kelly. a man mad, it is to live to be 90 Next to the Woolen Mill Store A V liv v The Siuslaw Who’s Yer” bas­ Membership—C. Buchannon, and then die of whooping cough. ket ball team, have challenged A. O. Knowles and J. P. Cox. We all want reciprocity on the the Glenada girls’s team for a Entertainment E. S. Dyer, L. goods where we will not have to REGISTRATION game to to be played Saturday, J. Pourtales and R. S. Huston. reciprocate. May 30, in the Glenada hall. A OPENS JUNE 1 Girls, when a persistent sweet­ dance will be given after the NEW FEATURES AT heart lays siege to your heart, Registration for the Novem- game. F a ir B a n k s M o rse get your arms ready for action. THER1TA THEATRE ser election will open probably A1 Miner is building an addi­ A St. Louis woman had a man on June 1, according to the an­ tion to his residence. A special feature to be put on arrested for kissing her. Noth­ nouncement made through the 6 H. P. M arine engine w ith The city recorder of ¡Glenada at the Rita now is songs by H. county clerk’s office. The secre­ ing like advertising. com plete equipm ent, £ in - F. Curtis. This is a liew de­ tary of state set May 20, as the Just about the time a young cluding oil tan k , |fe e d and parture and will give the patrons date on which registration shotild man gets so he can do what he j a show equal to that of the larg­ e x h au st pipe. pleases he goes off and gets open, but an opinion given by the er cities. attorney general to Stacy Russell, 800 revolution, 3 port, ] Friday night the program con­ married. county clerk, leaves it optional Ju m p spark, T h ro ttle lever, Twd hundred army surgeons sists of Pathe Weekly No. G4, with the county clerk, or rather, sp lit bearing, hand holes, “ Fugitive,” “One can’t always have been sent to the front. “as soon after the primary elec­ rem oveable top, force feed Tell,” “ If dreams come true.” Things ARE getting dangerous. tion as convenient.” Ten cents was the price paid a At present the county clerk’s oil system , F iu g er g rip s on HELPS KIDNEY AND BLAD- New York man for saving an­ fly wheel, etc. DFR TROUBLE-EVERYBOUY other’s life. Well. Hfe in New force is busy canvassing the vote OF EUGENE, OREGON at the primary election, and it SATISFIED York probably isn’t worth more will be almost a week before this W elcome A ccounts Everywhere people are taking^ jhan that. work can be fully clearqfuup. In „ In ,, Kidney k 'irln o v Pills, P ill« nfid are a re so' SO sm all or la rg e , Foley ahd Even when congress is in Portland a separate department satisfied they urge others to take session there are those who be­ from that handling the election them also A. T. Kelly, McIntosh, lieve our foreign missions are as returns attends to registration, Ala. says: “ I recommend them inqiortant as out home ones. but in Lane the two must be done to all who suffer from kidney A Colorado woman has just by one staff. roubles and backache, for they recently received a divorce decree Registration is necessary for are fine.” Best thing you can from a husband who died several the November election, only by take for backache, weak back years ago. We presume no de those who failed, to register for and rheumatism. -Surface Drug the primary election. The elec­ Florence, Oregon fense was put in. Capital, surplus and Store. tor has from June 1 to October 15 The New York police have $310,0». 00 Undivided profits The Western Union Telegraph arrested a cosmotherapisL We to do so.—Guard. construction crew which is build­ presume he was charged with For Sate1 Extra gobfT'fiarness ing the line from Eugene to Coo* c »mmitting grand larceny on the almost new, also heavy lumber bay along the new railroad, has alphabet. wagon, first class shape for sale An eminent Paris physician or trade. Charles Pember, Ada. reachd Noti tunnel. The wires i ú are not strung through the tunnel, says gout comes from thinking Furniture or rugs, the ideal i but instead pass over the top. too much. The disease will never gift—See Alles Furniture Co. This is done because the gases become epidemic. A lot in Glenada, Fisk addition which remain in the tunnel tend A New York physician says cleared, for sale address Box 2, to corrode the wires. chewing tobacco will ward -off Florence, Oregon, or Pilot office. typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is T he tra d e d raw in g pow er of a well lig h ted sto re ’or D elightful drive along Theft Insurance, E. C. Way- more dangerous than we thought shop j s too well recognized to req u ire discussion. ’ th e Sea Shore. man. DK. D. N. HAYDEN it was. ., . S tag e leaves Florence --------------- If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few A New York hanker is report­ PHYSICAN AND SURGEAN daily for G ardiner. Furniture repaired, refinished ed as having robbed Tammany m ore M agda lam ps in your sto re and show window Temporary office at Bay This is th e connecting o r re u p h o lste re d M a ttre sse s Hall of $15,000. and w atch results, Probably re­ View Hotel link from D rain, Ore- m a d e o v e r R u g s R e n o v a te d fused to pay his last assessment. You also profit by using electric lights in your home. gon. S o u th ern P acific1 A lles F u r n itu r e C o., The new Air lines will soon he advertis- MRS. ALLA D. GLM1IOE enrout to Florence store opp. Blacksmith shop. E lectric L ig h t is m ost h ealth fu l, safest, m ost con­ ---------------— i ing quick trips from Chicago to GRADUATE NURSE v en ien t and th e m ost economical lig h t in th e lo n g ru n Telephoneyour orders for berry ^ ew York. It will then be Hospital At com notations R eh ren ces , q t -> QQ g/v boxes to Hull at Glenada. He , po8Sible-to go from bad to worse o T a g e 1 cTPO “ tD ^.O v 8en8 them at $5.50 per thousand, very rapidly. Florence, Oregon A poet was recently pensioned IS HERE TO SERVE YOU . in Ireland. There are a few more that we would be pleased to The L a te st Model see placed on the pension list—if The Caille ■ -» >» THE that indicated disability. C o lu m b ia G ra fo n o la SQUARE If Luther Burbank should dis­ Perfection cover some way of crossing the DEALER! is ready fo r delivery gasoline engine with a perfume Marine Engine and 20 double records THE BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES atomizer, his claim to glory would with it for be secure forever, Second Hand Goods ajNecessity $ 5 0 .0 0 A woman reeognized an old New Goods a S> p < £ i^ sweethart by his voice as he $25.00 cash and. $10.00 Bear thia in mind; my goods are tha beat money can buAJ called the stations in the Hudson per month on the balance ¡and the price the cheapest, quality of goods considered* 40 different pieces of - tube line. What he said probab y music on 20 double-disc ACME, OREGON appeared to have as much mean­ COME AND SEE ME records also two ing as when he cooed and billed portfolios to hpld Them under the gas light. » and W00 needles Vernon Castle, greatest HAULING OF ALL KINDS modern dancer in the world says 1 am prepared to do light and (Columbia Dance Records heavy hauling of all kinds are the best he has heard promptly. Leave orders with J * Calf in andjet us show you this machine P. Cox Confectionery Store1 Guarantee with ever, ngine. Investigate. One 4 hors: power Neil Grindall. FANCY AND STAPLE marine engine will sell for <90. RAY DAVID, Agent, at Wayman’s Agencies Yale night latches at Pour- Point Terrace, Ore, JOE MORRIS JR. MAPLETON. tales’. • UP THE HOUSE. With a new piece of furniture, a new rug, new linoleum—something to brighten the home atmos­ phere, add feo-your home com fort-^ndr-lessen the ....... burden and drudgery of housekeeping. N e w A rriv a ls in all L in es Alles Furniture Co. S P E C IA L P R IC E The First National ___ Bank __ 10% from regular Price. 4% On Saving Accounts, and Time Deposits BARRETT STAGE UNE 0 L. J. Pourtales THE HARDWARE MAN The Path to Profit Florence Electric Company Jared Scott C o m plete line GROCERIES Guy N. Wayman Music Store