THE SIUSLAW PILOT WEDNESDAY, MAY J27. 1914 Our Purpose Chief McLaughlin left Monday for Eugene. * { K\.\x>rc\z'j R. C. W ygant w ent to Eugene Saturday on legal business. Is to make our bank a material benefit John Tanner w ent to Eugene to the community in general and its patrons last Saturday as a witness in a in pa ticular. It would be a pleasure to civil action. have your name on our books. We invite you to start a checking account with us. Mr. and M’-s. Frederick Hollis­ -The advatages we offer will be a conven­ ter, returned home to North Bend Monday morning. ience to you. Mrs. F. H. Alexander leaves Wednesday for Roseburg, where she will spend the summer. W m.|Kyle whs called to Eugene (last week as a witness in a suit concerning some tide lands. Dr. D. N. Hayden returned I will .mount your agates— from the valley Sunday. His W atts. wife and child accompanied him. Frank Chilcote is working on G. J. Walcott and M. S. O’Neil the tug Roscoe. returnd to Eugene Monday after­ Published by Percy’s confectionery has a noon a fte r attending the carni­ The SiuslaW Printing Co. neat electric sign in front. val. W estlake will be connected by Editor R. S. HUSTON Miss Beulah Kinsey, who has phone with Florence soon. been teaching the Minerva school, The barge Lawrence is being Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at left for her home in Eugene last Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street.. loaded with a cargo of lumber. Saturday. Entered as second-class matter March There are 102 electric lights in 20, 1813, at thepotaofflce s t Florence, O. M. Baldwin returned home Oregon, under the act o t March 8rd, the welcome sign. Count them. from McMinville, where he went 1918., The Patsy Left Saturday morn­ (SUBSCRIPTION RATES $ as a delegate to the grand lodge ing for Gardiner. One year in advance »1.60 of Odd Fellows. The schooner Oakland left San Judge Ouerry left on Monday , Francisco last Saturday for Flor­ morning for his home a t Coos BREVITIES___ ence. Bay, a fter attending the carnival T.J. K night is moving is house­ and acting as prime m inister for Hardw are Hull, Glenada, Ore­ hold goods to Marcola, and will the empress. gon. ship them on the next trip of the Kenneth McCornack and Art Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- Patsy. _ Johnson were subpoenaed to ap­ man. The Hugh Hogan is now at pear as witnesses in the suit of Harness and fittings, Hull at Portland w aiting to goon the dry Fellman and Nicole vs the Tide Glenada. dock and be unloaded and re­ W ater Mill Co. Slab wood, stove length or paired. ' » Mrs. Susie Chapman and cord wood, see Fred Cassidy. Mrs. Ed. Rackleff came up daughter Flossie left for Eugene J. H. Morgan is moving from from M yrtle Point to’ join Mr. Brynd building to flats in the Rackleff. They will make their Saturday. They will visit with friends there and expect to go to O’Kelly building. home in Florence. Portland before returning. Fire Insurance, E. C. Wayman. Henry Hyrkas, the tailor, has Wayne Willoughby and William A surprise party was given received his stock of suit goods Schnorenberg, of Eugene were in Russell Gilmore a t his home on and has a nice line to show. Florence Monday. They are Suits made to order $30, $35, and staying at W estlake and expect Saturday evening. Plate Glass Insurance, E. C ! $40. to remain aboqt a month. Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman. Wayman. J A. P arker leaves the middle Kitchen -Carl Tuggle, representing the of next month for Portland, where Special price on American Extension university, his su it against the Smith Lum­ Ranges a t Pourtales. Mrs. Clara W alker had some The cottages have been built was in Florence several days last ber Co. of Marshfield will be chickens and cream taken from the w harf Wednesday. She says and a force of men is now clear-1 week in the interest of this work, (heard'in the federal court th at she would be willing to give a ig the hotel site at Westlake. ) Chittem Bark, Mohair and Dr. O. Gullion arrived in Flor­ ycu -thirk H a io w tr Wool wanted R-K-R Store. ence Monday and will remain chicken dinner and straw berries link of HulljjGlenada. Or. | Joe Morris has been appointed most of the week. He is a and cream to anybody th a t would Old gold and silver taken a t 1 deputy assessor for Mapteton and specialist in eye. ear and throat return them. larket value on work or goods Florence Precincts. John Mor- troubles and came from Eugene t, W atts. i r’s W>H do the assessing in Flor- at the request of the Siuslaw FOR SALE i Teachers Association. The House and lot. fine rivey view. Mrs.-'E. Crutcher has moved ence- om the O’Kelly -building on, The Beaver’s ru d d e rw a s b ro - doctor is m aking his headquart­ Good size lot, fenced and well ront street to Mrs. Alexander’s; ken Tuesday morning and the ers a t the office of Dr. Geo. P. kept yard. House newly repair­ ed and painted. Price for a ■sidenee on Madison street. Restless brought her down the Edwards. Two fine located lots in F l o r ‘river- The 1#unch Mae took the short time $700. New house, 26x40, bunglow nee. close in. nice csmfortable Beaver’s run in the afternoon, style, lot 52x120, well graded ouse, for sale. Inquire a t this Since the large electric sign has j and lawn seeded to grass, fenced, [bee. ( been ' put up at the corner of Real E state M erchant ti fi blocks from w ater front. ___________________________ W ashington and F r o n ts tre e ts , ! Price $1500. Inquire of MELVIN the electric light clusters have NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT . MILLER. _ ______ been placed midway in the blocks j 45 acre ranch together with County for^L**11* County alt tools, chickens, and on either side of Front street. n the Matter of the E state o f Hun- Hun- Modav household furniture, wood Moday night night there there was was 1,300 1,300 jH. keon, deee«M,l. rovk at the receiving Wharf 9RW’ ,aunch' and etC' lotice in hereby given th a t Mike ton v of rock a t the receiving w harf , j ... _ , . _ jan, Milnnnietra’tor ..f the estate of of the north je tty ready to be ' 1 0 -room house, halt mile taken and dum ped. Ih lL fA ^ iflJ^ A Y a te r f r o i i ^ f i n ^ f i s h w onntaa Hu,h administrator, and that progressing nicely now and indi- w aters on Siuslaw, nne ndny the 16th day Of June, 1814. at eat(on8are that this season's work ( place for wharf. ' You can hour of ten o ran k In the forenoon , ,, , . (ifxvm said day at the County Court room of will he a Very successful one. get all this tor term s $20001 Court House in the City of Eugene, . , ! Alan Q7 acres, n c ru j 10 In acres bot­ ,e Countv. Oregon, haa been Cixe\. place. Price $100 0'i.e Wood saw, t ew gasolene, engine, «1! in good order. Only ------ W J C. L. WAYMAN, Real E state Merchant at Wavman Agency Florence. Or. -Sound Investment Co. FLORENCE, OREGON«