THE SIUSLAW NUMBER 20 FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1914 whose name was written in al most as many times as that of Mr. Bown, in which Mr. Medley , crown on sand lot stated: At the School Fair was shown “ I am willing to give Mr. j rfir iiT ■■ wf six new potatoes, grown by Railroad Commissioner- Frank Bown my ungrudging support, i »lILr, Lhniald Agee, which took the A. Miller, 2637 Hall D. Patton, and feel with a united effort we i blue ribbon. will be able to elect him, as well 886. | These potatoes were Dlanted State Senator - 1. H. Bingham, as several other candidates in, the , • During thè two days of- the car-- the—last -of -- January - and —the- coming election?' The canvassing board working Creek, S. A. Rheinvault; Gate 2255; M. V. Parson, 1438. nival a couple of young men were samples dug last Thursday, A communication from Alta Joint Senator—E. D. Cusick, on the election returns in Lane Creek, F. E. Clayton; Mabel, H showing in a small a tent genuine They are clean and well formed King, the only democrat nominat­ county^ completed the task of M. Riggs; Marcola, J. S. Church­ 3117. curiosity. They told the public and the six weigh 2 lbs. and! qz , Representative— Walter B. ed as a candidate for representa­ •counting and turned the tally , ill; Mapleton, A. Hollenbeck; all about their freak, but the first and were raised in the sand soil sheets over to the county clerk Mohawk, M. F. Stafford; Prairie, Dillard, 1859; Allen Eaton, 1854; tive was read. Mr., King points day very few believed their story on lot 46, block 6, Millers addition Saturday. The republican totals , M. Edwards; Saginaw, E. J. Melvin Fenwick, 1486; Elbert, out that he is from the southern I or had no desire to see the ani­ to Florence. Fertilizer from the on the official count resulted as Sears; Santa Clara, Ole Casper- Bede, 1308; Frank O’Connor, 932; end of the county. “ In the five precincts in mal. It was some different on barn was used, but not more son; Siuslaw, Warren Crow; Elmer E. Kepner, 694; Edwin C. follows: Spencer, Henry Rubmen; Spring- Statzer,'541; H. C. Wheeler, 1182. Cottagb Grove at the primary,” the second afternoon. Word had than would be used on any other’■ R epublican O rganization field 1, James Clark; Springfield County Judge -W. W. Calkins, he states, “ I received 31 votes passed around that “Three Pins” soil. The official can vass of the vote 2, Jno. C. Mullen; Springfield 3, more than Mr. Eaton, and 11 was no fake and quite a number Ermald Agee is only fifteen cast at the election a week ago Isaac Larimer; Springfield 4, 1698; William G. D. Mercer, 1415; votes more than Mr. Fenwick, of people went in to see for them­ years old and was raised on the Friday shows that in a large John Kestley; Thurston, Frank Robert McMurphey, 867. Siuslaw river. This is his first and Mr. Dillard received only 24 selves. number of the precincts there Taylor; Walton, Clem Carlile; County Clerk— Stacey M. more votes than myself. “Three pins is a native of year at gardening and the work was a tie for precinct committee­ Wallace, J. W. Bemis; Wendling, Russel, 2985; Jesse A. Fountain, “ With the strong vote that will Western Lane county, and" may was taken up by himself and his 1097. man and by provision of law 0. H. Jarrett. sister Vesta, aged 13, in order to Sheriff—Chris B. Christensen, come to me here from all parties some day be used to prove we these men will cast lots at the receive credits in school for can raise anything in this coast Member national committee— 1340; Emmett Howard, 972; John and independents, if Eugene will county clerk’s office at an ap- agriculture. country. give me a reasonable support, inted time to see who gets the Ralph E. Williams, 1726; Charles E. Stanniger, 824; Herbert W. Lane county, will have a demo­ The calf is a male and healthy, Besides potatoes they are rais­ W. Ackerson, 1598. Hall, 742. »lace. ing onions, lettuce, radishes and can walk and even kick with that United States senator -R. A. Treasurer—S. W. Taylor, 3507. cratic representative in the next The list of precinct committee­ cabbage. one hind leg. It was bom on the Surveyor—H. W. Libby, 3228. legislature.” men elected are as follows: In Booth, 3548. This boy and girl are raising ranch of C. E. Stevens, on Ten Representative in congress— E lection N otes Coroner—W. W. Branstetter, those precincts which are not on a lot in Florence, which is Mile creek north of Florence, and An interesting fact shown by tamed there was no selection on W. C. Hawley, 2928; B. F. Jones, 1906; W. F. Walker, 1239; F. W. just like any lot in our town, another peculiar feature about 872. Comings, 690. the canvass is that Stacy M. iccount of a tie vote: garden truck that is hard to beat the calf is that it was bora on the Commissioner—M. H. Harlow, Russell, county clerk, received For governor—James Withey- Armitage, C. S. Calef; Bailey, by the produce of expert first day of April. Wm. Mathews; Bohemia, F. J. combe, 1118; Gus. C. Moser, 676; 1449; N. L. Fitzhenry, 799; C. J. the nomination for re-election by gardeners. Frank and Edwin Stevens were Hard; Blue River, Glen Powers; T. T. Geer, 515; George C. Hurd, 815; Charles S. Stickles, all three of the parties. In Florence are found many Some of the other Republican the young men who had the ani­ Cottage Grove 1, James Hemen- Brownell, 439; A. M. Crawford, 712; R. H. Pappenfus, 271; John other gardens that prove the mal on exhibition, and they in­ candidates received the nomina­ way; Cottage Grove 5, J. E. 391; Grant B, Dimick, 331; F. Volgamore, 220. value of our soil for garden Charles A. Jones, 264. tion at the hands of the Dem­ tend to take it to Newport next Young; Camp Creek, J. Key; D emocratic O rganization p u rp o ses. Fourth of July. Treasurer—Thomas B. Kay, ocrats, notably Allen H. Eaton Dorena, J. H. Kirk; Elmira, P. Chairman—L. M. Travis, Eu- and Walter B. Dillard for rep­ Love costs little and pays big The ship of state now carries a P. Colgaard; Edwards, W. S. 3346. resentatives, but Mr. Eaton has Justice of supreme court— gene. Dodd: Eugene 1, A, C. Jennings; wireless. Secretary-treasurer— J. _ K. declined to accept and the Dem­ Eugene, 2, Darwin Bristow; Eu­ Lawrence T. Harris, 3520; Henry ocrats will name some other man gene 3, L. N. Roney; Eugene 4, J. Bean, 1710; Thomas A. Mc­ Pratt, Eugene. Executive committee—V. L. to run with Alta^ King, the D. A.,Wintermeier; Eugene 6, F. Bride, 1542; Henry L. Benson, M. Wilkins; Eugene 7, J. W. 1325; T. J. Cleeton, 1255; C. L. Holt, M. S. Wallis, John A. Mc- regular nominee, and Mr. Dillard. For state senator Fred Fisk, Buoy; Eugene 9, Samuel Roome; McNary, 1236; Sam T. Richard­ i Lean. J. L. Buell, Eugene; Ross Mathews, Thurston; Green Zum­ Democrat, and I. H. Bingham, Eugene 10, 0. A. Andrews; Eu­ son, 767; P. H. D’Arcy, 509. | the Republican nominee, were walt, Irving. Attorney general- W. P. Lord, gene 12, J. S. Magladry; Eugene State democratic central com­ tied. As Mr. Fisk states that he 450; Frank S. Grant, 390; George 13, L. E. Bean; Eugene 14, L. mitteeman—M. S. Wallis, Eu- will not accept the nomination, IN. Farrin, 245; J. J. Johnson, O. Beckwith; Eugene 17, F. W. Mr. Bingham will go on the gene. 306; George M. Brown, 233. Schenck; Eugene 18, James Veitch; Eugene 19, W. H. Demp­ Superintendent Schools—J. A. I Congressional committeeman — j Democratic ticket. The official | count shows that Harry Bown ster; Eugene 20, M. Svarverud; Churchill, 3307. Victor L. Holt, Eugene. State Engineer—John H. Lewis The Lane county democratic was nominated for county judge Florence, Fred E. Myers; Fall i central committee held a meeting by the Democrats over John S. in the circuit court room at the Medley. Mr. Bown is former court house this afternoon and sheriff. perfected an organization, re­ electing L. M. Travis, as chair­ RETREATING ARMY man, and J. K. Pratt, as secre­ DOUBLY HARASSED tary. An executive committee was selected to have jurisdiction Tampico, May 24.—Brought to in all matters of a county-wide a halt in his march to the south, DYER & BALDWIN nature to eliminate the necessity General Morelos Zaragoza, the Our Stock of calling the county committee defeated federal commander of together from time to time during the Tampico garrison, will have the campaign. M. S. Wallis was to face in battle once more the named as a member of the state constitutionalists who drove him will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in. democratic central committee and out of this place or . enter the SEE US FOR 1 . . . Victor L. Holt will represent this wilderness of mountains in—the county on the congressional cam­ Huasteca district to the west. CEMENT, LIKE, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN T ill, paign committee which will have General Zaragoza was at L IM E F E R T A L IZ E R charge of the campaign of Fred­ Ozuluama, about 60 miles from erick L. Hollister, Coos county, Tampico, yesterday, according to who has been nominated as the advices received by the con­ party’s candidate for congress. stitutionalist commander here, Thirty of the ninety precincts with a force estimated at from of the county were represented 2000 to 3000 men. at the meeting. One thousand constitutionalists County Chairman L. M. Travis under Colonel Rafarrête crossed read the county ticket as nomi­ the river south of here today and Suits Made to Order. nated at the recent primary moved in the direction of election as follows: Ozuluama. There is moving State senator J. H. Bingham, northward and slightly toward r. the interior another force of N e x t to Telephone Office, Florence, Oregon Representatives Alta King, constitutionalists, of General d .; Walter B. Dilllard, r. I Candido Aguilar’s command, with County judge H. L. Bown, d. Ozuluama as the object point We are showing a varity of Patterns and Models Clerk—S. M. Russell, r. also. "^**1 Sheriff—James C. Parker, d. We also show in better grades from The fédérais were not pursued i Treasurer John H. Hammett, by the constitutionalists while d. they were near Panuco, in order Surveyor—Ralph B. Hunt, d. to prevent the possible dfestruc- Coroner Marion Veatch, tioft of oil properties by the re­ of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- Commissioner George G. treating enemy, but when it was WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. Gross, d. learned that Zaragoza had chosen * Justice of peace- Jesse G. to march to the south through a Wells, r. If you are harji to fit you can choose from 500 region sprinkled with prosperous Coronor Marion Veatch, d. villages and foreign interests, samples and have a suit to your measure All candidates indicated by chiefly oil wells, General Caball­ We are pleased to show you at any time inital (r) are also regular nomi­ ero ordered a movement that nees oi the republican party. 1^3 would forcé him either to stand Committeemen present were or deflect' his movement to the enthusiastic over the nomination west Apparently nothing is being of H. L. Bown as the party's left undone by the new Author­ candidate for county judge and C o n q u e ro r H a ts ities in Tampico to restore the many of them asserted that he F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n D o u g la s S h o e s We m akes speciality of made to order clothing. would be elected. A communi- city as rapidly as possible to id Pressing. Buttons made to order. Cleaning and ¡j cation was read from J.S. Medley, , normal conditions. OFFICIAL COUNT FOR LANE COUNTY 2565; L. ILStockman, 795. Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff, 1793; Fred S, Bynon,*826; , M. E. Miller, 697: J. A. Nadsen, THRFF I FCCFIÌ 1 ir PRIZE CALF BORN ON I aj FI Sale Sarsaparilla The Great Spring Tonic $1:00 Bottles at 75c Store » Building Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc. R-K-R Warehouse . H EN R Y HYRKAS L a d l e ’s will buy you an All Wool Suit well made $18 TO $25 SUITS and G e n t ’s T a i l o r Cleanining and P r essing a Specialty. Special sale on Williams Talcum Powder 15 cts THEFLORENCE RACKET STORE WOOLEN MILL STORE The Pride of Florence