THE SIUSLAW Hampton’s j CASH STORE Eugene, Oregon EVERYTHING FOR MEN Sash, Doors, Mouldings Paints, Oils, Glass Dynam'te Caps and Fuse Farm and Poultry Fencing j Harness and Fittings, Ets. ,, Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutter Tools Builders and General Hardware We carry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in at Glenada Florence Builders Supply Cotnpany H ardw are, Stoves and Ranges We can fum isn Building M aterial of all kinds. Doors Win dowB, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE STAUP & CORUM - - Florence, Oregon NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. North Bend, Oregon manufacturers of SASH, DOORS A N D M O ULDING S GLASS— High Grade Interior EuMnh Prices Mailed on Application Donb read? I’LTGt t h a t bHciL iv lib b WEDNESDAY, W1THEYC0MBE REPUBLICAN FOR GOVERNOR Portland, Ore., May 16. Dr. Jam es Witheycombe was nomi- AND WOMEN 1 nated for governor by the Re- ■H-H-l"!- !■ l-l-M-l'l- l-t- :- ' Publicans in Friday’s primaries. c . j . Smith waa ; orninated T------------- - HULL PILOT, for the same office by the Demo­ crats. C. N. M cArthur was nominated by the Republicans for ijepreseqtatiye, in from the third (Portland) dis-1 trict, defeating A. W. Lafferty, incumbent. These results on partial returns from all counties and announced late today, removed the only re-1 maining uncertainties as to re-1 suits on im portant offices. The following national com- ; mitteemen were elected: H. M. Esterly, Democrat; Ralph E. Williams, Republican; Henry Waldo Coe, Progressive. ! The returns indicated the nomi­ nation of the following candi­ dates for congressmen first district. Representative, W. C. I Hawley, Republican; Fred W. Mears, Progressive; Frederick Hollister, Democrat. MAY 20, 1914 Schaffner J. B. Stetson Hats. We are ready to Clothe You for Carnival. Our Line of Hats and Furnishings Are Very Complete. Let Us Show You. Hole Proof Hosiery. - ' Smith’s Toggery “Things That Men Wear’’ T H E RED FR O N T PLANS FOR BINGHAM NOMINATED BY ODD FELLOW BUILDING REPUBLICANS L ater and nearly complete re- turns from Friday’s prim ary elec- i tion do not change in particular . the lane county nominations as | forecasted in Saturday mornings J Register. On the republican tick- et, I. H. Bingham is nominated for senator from Lane county, E. D. Cusick of Albany, for joint senator from Linn and Lane, and Allen Eaton and W. B. Dillard are assured of nomination for representative from Lane county, while third place is close contest- fd between E lbert Bede of Cot- Star Brand Shoes Wm. K y le has received the plans for the proposed new I. O. O. F. temple. They were drawn by Architect Ford of Eugene, and show a very imposing struc- ture. It is to be three-stories high and cover the lodge property a t the corner o f Front and Wash- ington streets. The first floor will have four business rooms, three facing Front street and one on W ashington street. A boiler room is also provided for on this floor. The lodge hall will be on the • taiie Grove and Melvin Fenwick second floor and will i JVTuTTidrrlv v i c r i c i i a y - IS Florence, Oregon —_________ Jack Beck T h e F u rn itu re D o cto r Mattresses and Couches made to order- Furniture and Mattresses Repaired Well Boring and all kinds of Job Work Done Shop on Float House, T W o b lo ck, below W est O Bce W rite Phone or C ell Phon« N o . 256 Florence, Oregon Insure In The Travelers . Of Hartford Com Now is the tim e to insure your Life and Health, also against Accedents. Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. - E. C. WAYMAN t56 b take your Picture forCarvival Springfield, r The Insurance Man, with 87 out of 90 feet. Opening off the lodge ■TviT^r, OF PHOTOGRAPHIC --- ---------------------- precincts complete, Bede has a room will be a secretary’s room, WAYMAN’S Agencies, A J KINDS WORK lead o f two votes. W. B .C alk- anti-room, preparation room, Bonds of all kinds ins is nominated for county judge, a room for each organization,, Florence, Oregon. S. M. Russell for clerk, C. B. the Encampment, Rebekahs, Christensen for sheriff, S. W. and the Su bod ¡m ate lodge. On j Taylor for treasurer, W. W. this floor will also be three office M rs. M innie F u n k e, Prop. B ranstetter for coroner, and M. rooms facing on W ashington Ham lin Street H. Harlow for county commis- s tr e e t I sioner. j The third story shows a large All kinds ot Laundry Work—Cleaning and Pressing The only contest on the dem- and convenient kitchen and a Call for and deliver all work Rates on Family Washing ocratic ticket was for commis magnificent banquet room. Special Work Solicited sioner, G. vi. G. u Gross inning out ki . w i i v i , vi. tubs w winning ____ by a large m ajority over his op- M^S T CH ILDREN’S DISEASES ............................... ponents. Register. | ’ START WITH A COLD £ H - h - h - m l l l i n m m n i h i-l-«- , - k - h - h w - H - I- h I I I ............. — Restlessness-feaverishness-an ■ 1 ’ Just .Arrived—Complete line of W e make a speciality of made-to-oider clothing .The Ray View Hotel will serve inflamed th ro a t-a m t spasm odic4: ? Women’s and Children’s . allfwe ask is one trial and you will be con­ chicken dinners Thursday and coufth maybe whooping cough is venced that quality and prices are right. ■ Fridav and a m idnight dance startin g in. Give Foley’s Hopey ” supper both nights. The lunch and ta r promptly. It helps the : : Special prices for 30 days on cleaning LADIES' TRIM.MEC HATS| counter will run night and day. children so very much and Mrs. ” and blocking Panoma hats. Special arrangem ent has been Shipps, Raymondsville, Mo., says ” Buttons made to match gar­ . 5 ? take care of the Carnival • -*~T KOt fiPe result* from it and it j I ments. Furs cleaned. — crowd and Mr. Miller expects to a Kreat medicine for whooping X be able to handle a large num ber cough.” —Surface Drug Store, ‘Most Everything for a Little Less’ E D, T. MAHER JAMES W. FORD, JR, o f patrons. ------------- — th e Florence Racket store has NOTARY PUBLIC H - H I I I I I- l. I 1 I i I I 1-l-W - W - H -I I I I 1 I ! I |-|-l„1 | H i l l -K-.;. ENGINEER, SURVEYOR Raymond Stout, of Astoria, an attractive display of sand TIMBER ESTIMATOR Oregon Fire Relief Association w as in Florence Friday. Mr. spades and buckets. —- of McMinnville, Oregon Iw L r ntS l he A8tOr'a The tu * L Roscoe left Monday Florence, Oregon Office City Hall, Glenada. Or. r louring Mill Co. and was ’inter m orning for Coos Bay and will . viewing the local m erchants. bring the barge Lawrence back. I. 0 . 0. F. Building. Mapletoq, Oregon CUSICK J. MAHONEY ‘ On Tuesday May 12th. a big MISS EDITH E B. YATES ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR demonstration was had at Astoria AT LAW PIANO RESOLUTION. celebrating the opening of the Florence, Oregon Astoria Flour M ilk .....ThZ* fi™t s t r Y e ? ^ ^ ^ . : ^ ? ' . ^ p S b 'I H. E. SI.ATTERY I sack of flour was auctioned off off, «venue, by the establishment of a grade Acme Wedneaday thereon and by grading to such the proceeds going'to a childrens when establish«!, „ . n W grade, ss„y; LAWYER Glenada Saturrtay hed, is a public necessity: Play ground. Mr. Stout informs be it resolved by the councii Studio Residence of John Yates • i f f n u , >itvr o f Room 3 and 4, Beckwith Bldg Main Street US th a t in large quantities the of the citv of Florence that said work Cor. 7th ami Willamette S t be and is hereby authorized. Florence, Oregon m erchants can save $2 per ton on Adopted this 18th day of May, 1914 Eugene, Oregon Attest, D. E. SEVfcRY, freight from Astoria. McHardy Studio, THE FLORENCE LAUNDRY The Pride Florence SHOES FRAERS’ S lem m o n ’s R a ck et Store i a l___a ___ • « ■ Recorder. A g e n t G arharrt W ork in g C lo th es C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T T h a t’s A ll • Grab Box Sale-50cts a Grab Thursday and Friday May 21 and 21 WATTS, the Jeweler Harbor-Sound Office Next to Florence Racket Store