habitants are in danger from disease by reason thereof, and Whereas, a good and sufficient supply of water would remedy to a very great extent the evils complained of, and that it is our belief that a municipally owned ' water plant would be $ complete ■ Petitions are being circulated success from a standpoint of Staged by local talent, under id largely signed and was pre- finance, safety and,health, the direction of Frank Smith, ented to the Council, Monday Now, Therefore, we, the unrfer-j “ Mr. Bob” .was greatly ap- hereby respectfully1 predated by a large, audience ^Urging a water system project,for signed, lorence he considered. It reads petition the Mayor and Council last Saturday night at the new of the city of Florence to at once ■ Rita Theater.r follows: JCHE-HQNiXLAIiLU.MAYült l ake. . Htpps to acquir d on tha n The i r ceipts of the-p la.v ' AND COUNCIL OF THE credit of the, city as a good, sub- be used for Carnival purposes, CITY OF FLORENCE: jstantial, sanitary water system, The characters of the two-act Whebeas, The city of Flor-1and we Pledge ourselves to assist comeday were well chosen and Çence is at this time without a your honorable body in every are as follows: - Miss Rebecca Luke A ther! water system, and that a pure reasonable manner in the fulfill­ Watkins. and abundant supply of water ment of the above project. Marion Bryant Mary Cassidy. is perhaps the most important Katherine Rogers— Hazel factor in protecting the property Weatherson. and lives of our citizens and in­ -.Robert Brown - F^ank Johnson habitants, and G ives y o u a n u n u s u a l o p p o r tu n ity f o r s a tis f a c to r y se ie c tio n s j u s t no w . Philip Royson—John Holt Whereais, on account of the “ Y o u ’ll d o b e t t e r ” a t Jenkins, the butler—Dr. C. P< ever-increasing number of build­ ings within this city, for the The final work of the orgariiza- Johnson. greater part constructed of high­ i tion of the Florence Hotel com- Patty, the maid- Hester Hurd. ly inflammable materials, this I pany was completed this morn­ The work of the young people city and the property and lives ing at a joint meeting of the was frequently applauded during of its inhabitants are being daily I principal men of Florence and the evening, and the audience in greater jeopardy by Mr. B. F. Welch who has the seemed to enter into the spirit of In the New Building and work of organization in charge, comedy that prevailed and Next to the Woolen Mill Store ¡lereas, fire insurance rates, and was agreed that with the were kept in a state of laughter A lot in Glenada. Fisk addition eason of lack of adequate raising of sufficient capital from by the mirth provoking situations. er supply, are practically out of town sources to complete Between Patty and the cats cleared, for sale address Box 2, Prohibitive, and the wori( the city would subscribe there was always something un Florence, Oregon, or Pilot office. Whereas, on account of the to the extent of about six thous- expected happening. . The stage setting gave one the immense increase in population ancj dollars. SUMMONS. Circuit Court of the State and the further fact that we have This will be the greatest boon impression of being in a theater In the Oregon, for Lane county. no sewer system, and that all to our city that we have had for in a larger city, and the play it­ C. P. Devereaux and F. A. self was produced in a ipanner Tripp, plaintiffs, water used in the city is obtained gome time as it is realized that 6 H . P . M a rin e e n g in e w ith V8. shallow wells extremely , ^ e growth of the city calls for equal to some of the many stock The unknown heirn at law of c o m p le te e q u ip m e n t, in ­ liable to contamination from more and better accomodations companies that are continually O. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. Clark and-----Clark, his wife, c lu d in g oil ta n k , |f e e d a n d before the public. sewage, that the lives of the in-1 for our greatly increasing num- or the unknown wife and heirs Miss Yates and Miss Ione e x h a u s t p ip e . at law of said B. F. Clark, if ber of visitors. deceased." Also all other per­ The meeting was held in the Sutton favored the audience sons or parties unknown, claim­ 800 re v o lu tio n , 3 p o r t, any right, title, eatate lien offices of the bank of Florence with two piano duets before the ing J u m p s p a r k . T h r o ttle le v e r, or interest in the real estate and among those present were curtain was raised. described in the complaint s p lit b e a rin g , h a n d ho les, As an- introduction the Flor­ herein, defendants. .Messers Kyle, Bergman, O’Kelly, ence Male Quartette appeared in To the unknown heirs at law of O. re m o v e a b le to p , f o rc e fe e d Starret, Dr. Edwards and Mr. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. Clark, character and sang “Old Black oil s y s te m , F iu ^ e r g r ip s on -----Clark, his'wife, or the unknown Averill representing the Tide wife and heirs at law of aaid B. F. Water Mill Co., and all hands Joe” and were compelled tore- Clark, fly w h e e l, e tc . deceased; also »11 other persons are delighted with the prospects turn and in answer to demands or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or li.terest in the real of a place in keeping with the of the audience sang “ Kentucky estate .described in the compl vr.t in the Babe.” growth of the town to which above entitledjiuit and here'«; Defen­ OF EUGENE, OREGON Between the first and second dants; they can take their visiting the name ->f the State of Oregon, acts Mr. Frank Smith entertain­ you In are W e lc o m e A c c o u n ts hereby required to apolar and friends for entertainment. the complaint of plaintiffs filed s m a ll o r la r g e - The hotel is to cost about ed the audience with a vocal solo. answer in said court against you in the above entitled suit, within six w?eka from twentyfive thousand dollars and the date of the first publication of this will contain about sixty guest COUNCIL MEETING summons in the Siuslaw Pilot, and if rooms. The architectural design you fail so to answer, forwant thereof, plaintiffs will take judgement against JMONDAY NIGHT you is simple and w 11 conform to the as prayed for in their complaint, towit: That their ti.tle to the North­ buildings and The city council meet in regular east quarter of section No. 32 in town­ country for harmony. The site Florence, Ore