THE f SIUSLAW PILOT PERSONALS WEDNESDAY, MAY 20. 191< i *------------- --------------------I— * Ivy Morris was visiting in town Tuesday. Frank Sander, of Mapleton was a visitor in town Monday. Cusick J. Mahoney made a Is to make our bank a material benefit business trip to Mapleton Mon­ to the community in general and its patrons day. in pa ticular. It would be a pleasure to have your name on our books. We invite Mrs. Joe Morris, Jr. of Maple­ you to sta rt a checking account with us. ton was shopping in the city The advatages we offer will be a conven­ Tuesday. ience to you. Miss Myrl Kanniff, was in IlQtttnccJiatJjrilay..S.n her waY. to Mapleton. Lane County State and Savings Bank Peter Schreuders of Hood river is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Schreuders. Mrs. Robert Smith, of Glenada, who has been very sick, is re­ Slab wood, delivered, telephone I ported much improved. Fred Cassidy. Mr. M. L. Carter, a piano The Rustler arrived from Coos tuner of Portland, arrived in Bay at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. Published by town Monday morning. A glass front has been put in The Siuslaw Printing Co. Miss Gpldie Van Bibber came the Frisco Eating House at Glen down from Mapleton on the R. 8. HUSTON Editor ada. Beaver Tuesday morning. Brown & Jansen will have D. D. Cox, of Collinsville, Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at .Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., their new billard hall opened for Conn, arrived in Florence Friday Entered as second-class matter March the Carnival. night on a visit to his son J. P. 20, 1918, at thepotsoffice at Florence, Henry Hyrkas is clearing his Cox. Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, lots in Chicago addition and ex­ 1918.; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Petersen, ! pects to build. |SUBSCRIPTION RATES:! of Minerva, left Saturday on The Sausalito was taken over their way to attend the state One year in advance - - <1.60 the bar Monday morning and set grange at Monmouth. sail for San Francisco. r J. L. Mackechnie, came in from BREVITIES Frank Knowles is having a new Saddle mountain Monday. He * C a ll in a n d l o o k t h e Fire Insurance, E, C. Wayman. I»orch built in front of his resi­ has been there about a week dence on Josephine street. * doing homestead work. Hardware1 Hull, Glenada, Ore­ The Modern Woodmen and gon. Morris Johnson returned home A ll good s as rep res Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- Royal Neighbors will hold on the Queen Monday night. memorial services Sunday, June, He has been on a trip to the man. 7th, 1914. upper Siuslaw and Eugene. Harness and fittings, Hull at A cement curbing has been H. P. Rankin, supervisor of Glenada. put in on Washington street to the Siuslaw National Forest, is 1 Slab wood, stove length or Front street. E. S. Dyer expected to arrive in Florence in , cord wood, see Fred Cassidy. superintended the work. Plate Glass Insurance, E. C Dr. Geo. P. Edwards received a few days. He is on an inspec­ tion trip of this forest Wayman. a telegram Monday that his “A G o o d P la c e to T Mrs. A. *W. Martin arrived Special price op Kitchen1 father A. B. Edwards, of Ann Sunday evening to join her hus­ Ranges at Pourtales. Arbor Michigan had died. band at Glenada. Mr, Martin is When ycu think Hardwar The price of - 25 cents for the proprietor of the Frisco Eating FLORENCE, OREGON think of Hull, Glenada, Or. grab bag sale in Watts the House. Mrs. Martin has been Ghittem Bark, Mohair and jeweler’s ad of May 16th should visiting with her daughter at Wool wanted R-K-R Store n a o iB E I have been 50 cents instead of 25 Chehalis Washington. Postmaster Buchanan is moving cents. his housshold goods into the Chas j j. p qox took out his first FOR SALE J will mount your agates David residence on Lincoln street. bateh of ¡ce Monday afternoon. House and lot, fine river view. Watts. Buy Good Fresh Meat Furniture o r' rugs, the ideal The old saying “ How would you Good size lot, fenced and well For Sale Extra good harness gift--See Alles Furniture Co. like to be the ice man” ought to kept yard. House newly repair­ almost new, also heavy lumber At The Glenada Two fine located lots in Flor- be changed in Percy’s1 case, to ed and painted. Price for a wagon, first class shape for sale enee, close in, nice esmfortable ’Everybody likes the iceman.’’ short time $700. or trade. Charles Pember, Ada. Meat Market house, for sale. Inquire at this Constable Clara McLaughlin New house, 26x40, bunglow office. received a message from Sheriff style, lot 52x120, well graded Notice of Final Settlement Henry Hyrkas. the tailor, has Gage «f Coos county, to meet and lawn seeded to grass, fenced, Estute o f W. A. Cox. DeccHse.1 , h a v e a fr e s h , of a„ received his stock of suit goods the Rust,er an<1 p!aceL ?nder five blocks from water front. Notice is hereby given that Charlotte , . , r , » and has a nice line to show, arrest a young g.rl who had run Price $1500. Inquire of MELVIN J. Cox. Executrix Of the t o t will and kinds of meat, fresh every day. testam ent of W. A. Cox, deceased, has ! PRICES ARE RIGHT, Guarantee Suits made to order $30. $35. and awav from ho™‘ \ he g,rl ,n G. MILLER. .file,! in the County Court of the State Satisfaction. A trial order will $40 company with another young o f Oregon in and for Lane County, her . A t . final report a» such Executrix and ' convince you that you can get the Old gold and silver taken a t r ad^ secured passage on the boat account for final .settlem ent of said b e s t meats at the lowest prices, estate, and that Monday, the 18th day market value on work or goods without the Captain having j Real Estate Merchant knowledge that the girl was run- j of May. 1914, at ten o’clock in the ’ at Watts. forenoon, lias been, by said Court, set V ning away, The constable i as the time for hearing objections to | Life Insuranct E. C. Wayman. took the girl in custoday Satur- ' 45 acre ranch together with said final re|»ort and account, and for 1 all tools, chickens, and the final settlem ent of said estate. day evening and took her t o ! household furniture, wood C harlotte J Cox, NOTICE o F FINAL ACCOUNT Gardiner Tuesday where Coca I saw. launch, and etc. A. E. W heeler , , Executrix Attorney. In the County Court t' -r Lane County county officials met them. ■s. State of OrejfOn 10 room house, half m ile __ In th e M atti r o f the E r ta te of Han­ water front fine fishing son Jackson, deceased. HELI’S KIDNEY AND BLAD­ waters on Siuslaw, fine Notice is hereby given that Mike Hogan, administrator of the estate of DER TROUBLK-EVERYBODY place for wharf. You can Hai n n Jacks,.n, dei eased, has filed in SATISFIED $2000 • I get all this for terms the above entitled Court bis) tinal account as such adniiiustrator, and that Everywhere people art taking Also, 37 acres, 10 acres bot­ Monday the lf>th day of June, 1914, at the hour o f ten o'clock In the forenoon Foley Kidney Pills, and are so tom iai^d tiettrly all cleared o f said day at thet'ounty Court room oil satisfied they urge others to take balance upland, lays fine, the Court liouae in I he City of Eugene, rvgon, has been been Axed Kelly, McIntosh, Lane County, Oregon, fixed them «1st» A- on tide water. See these by said Court as the time and place for Ala. savs: “ I recommend them two places at once well the hearing of objections to said final . , ... , , . , i account and the settlem ent thereof. j all wllO. suffer from kidney worth $100 per acre, price MIKE HOGAN, roubles and backache, for*they $1,800, $500 cash balance Administrator of the Estate ’• „„„ of Hanson Jackson, deceased. are line, Best thing >Oll Can | easy. Date of tirst publication May is. 1914. | take for backache, weak back! Also have some good ranches Date of last publication June 13,4914. and rht^matism. Surface Drug C. J. Mahoney, for rent cheap. See us at Attorney for Administrator. Store. I once. . , . -T- * 1 Also 10 acres at Glenada: fine land, can be platted and sold in lots, lays fine. This can I k » bought now for $1500, part cash, balance on time. Have some good lots in Glen­ ada and Fkwonce on easy I, terms. Ask l-’i'.what you don’t see One tine Saddle- horse 7 years The I‘rice will I k * Right find old will work any place. \ oujwill he Satisfied. Price Sbk) Have (’¡lent who wants to I. i > $ 2 5 0 0 Secnrty Our Purpose K-K-K STOKE T H E SIUSLAW PILO T ’ A complete line of p rin g Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. m o v er „ e n te d R-K-R STOKE ra d e” General Merchandise TiMiniR C. L. WAYMAN W. .1. Tabor, G lenada H otel R estaurant and Lunch C ounter At Westlake A good place to eat M rs . M ae A ldrich Liability Wayman. Insurance, E. C. **************** : MRS. KANOFF Í « » « Milinery and Fancy Goods FLORENCE, * * ■* * * * « * « •- * * * * * OREGON We Have Some Fine Opportunities In Town Property We Garry Everything Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed W m.Kyle& SonsGo We (ilve Quantity and Quality We also have some fine Farm Properties listed Come in and see us >lt»,'"i> w a n t* it fir 5 years at 8 j>er cent. One Wood saw. .new gasolene,1 ■ -engtrte. att in good order. -Only. .. . u. $£C0 C. I.. WAYMAN, Real Estate Merchant at Wayman Agency ■ Florence. Or, Harbor-Sound Investment Co. FLORENCE, OREGON