THE SIUSLAW EMPRESS RHODODENDRA AND COURT Alfrieda Lindgren. as Ceres. Maids Miss Bessie Dot Buchannan, as Flora, and Miss Leona Vanderburg, as Pomona. Prime Minister George Chap- man. Guards Ernest Funke an d ' Earl Gentry. Court jester John Bounds. Banner bearer Raymond Bay. The North Fork grange has taken charge and the queen and her maids will be in keeping with grange work. Mapleton, North Fork, Glen- ada and Florence will send their Queens and royal representatives to attend the coronation of Rhododendra VII. The Empress and visiting queens and their court are as follows. Empress Rhododendra —Miss J Queen of Glenada—Miss Jane Eleanor Saubert. Colter. Maids—Miss Hester Hurd, and Maids—Miss Jaunita Hansen Miss Doane Chamberlain. and Miss Elnora Lowe. Train bearer—Helen O’Kelly Flower girls Delona Harwood Flower girls—Leah Tanner and Leona Smith. and Alice Sutton. Prime Minister—Hon. Fred­ TO SECURE NON- erick Hollister. PARTISAN JUDICIARY Court Jester—Frank Johnson. Salem, Ore., May 14.—(Special to the Register.)—To create a non-partisan judiciary is the pur­ pose of an initiative bill which was filed here today with Secre­ tary of State Olcott, and on which the people will vote at the next general election, for a check of the names on the petitions show­ ed that they had more than Queen of Mapleton—Miss Lulu enough-t© entitle the bill to go on Beers. the ballot Maids—Miss Alberta Knowles, Under the terms of the bill it Miss Inez Brazee, Miss May is unlawful for any political party Robinson, and Miss Buelah to nominate a candidate for any Kibbler. judicial office, unlawful for the Prime Minister— Fred Mus­ candidate to have a party designa­ grave. tion after his name, and Jo ad­ Captain of the Guard — Nick vertise his political affiliations’ Muldoven. The4iominations are to be made Court jester—John Steers by petitions and the number of Pages— Wesley Whittaker, signers required must equal one Jr, and James Fraer. per cent of tfie total vote cast The “Restless” will be used as for all the candidates for governor thfe royal yacht and will be com­ when a supreme court office is manded jy Admiral Andrew sought, and one per cent of this Jackson. vote in the district or county where district or county offices Queen of North Fork Miss are sought. Mary Queen of Florence—Miss Mary Cassidy. Maids—Miss Ather Watkins and Miss Hazel Weatherson. * Trainbearer—HortenseO’Kelly Prime Minister— Burton Williams. Standard bearer—Edwin Kyle. Court jester—Speck Patterson NUMBER 18 RHODODENDRON PROGRAM NOW COMPLETE Official Program for the Two Days Celebration—Many Entertain­ ing Features Furnished Special Sale On $18 TO $25 SUITS o f well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. A If you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 samples and have a suit to your measure W e are pleased to show you at any time WOOLEN MILL STORE C o n q u e ro r H a ts D o u g la s S h o e s F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n S arsap arilla The Great Spring Tonic $1:00 Bottles at 75c SECOND DAY. FORENOON AT ROYAL BOWER 10:0ft Band music. 10:10 Vocal music, male quartette. 10:15 -Play by Florence High School Dramatic Club. “ In the Shadow of the Rockies.” We are showing a värity of Patterns and Models also show in better grades from SIUSLAW BARKEEPS W ROW J Panama, May 14. A freight i barge line through the canal will! be inaugurated T i “'1 ---- ..............V , X tomorrow, V A M V - A A V n ,.— wh,»n , five empty barges will be towed 1 from Colon to Balboa to carry a From recent reports of those cargo back. The first cargo probably will go through the canal who are crossing the Siuslaw bar, late Sunday or early Monday. conditions are improving right Owing to an accident to the along, and the jetty construction . dredge Gamboa, the channel work is proving its value. Dur­ j through Cucuracha will not be ing the past few days no middle completed probably until Sunday ground has been found at the en­ morning. This has occasioned trance, and the channel is wide delay in passing the Panama with plenty of water. Great preparation is being male for the Rhododendron Festival railroad steamer through. The tug Printer which came in next Thursday and Friday, Several vessels are now awaiting to tow the Hugh Hogan report­ The large pavilion tent is now up and in readiness. The electric to cross into the Atlantic. ed 15 feet on a five-foot tide. sign will be completed and will add greatly to the appearance of the The Printer’s length is 97 feet, town. has a bredth of 22 1-2 feet and HUGH MOCAN TAKEN The Empress, Queen, Royalty and court attendants have been when fully loaded draws 12 fe e t TO PORTLAND It’s draft busy with the costuming and ceremonies and Florence will have a when it crossed in Sun­ wonderful gathering of royal visitors and merry makers. The tuA Printer, of Grays day evening wes 111-2 feet The program has been revised by the committe and is announced Harbor, arrived in port Sunday The Hugh Hogan was taken on as follows: evening and the Hugh Hogan Monday morning, drawing 121-2 was taken out on the morning feet of water. MORNING FIRST DAY tide Monday on her way to Port­ Rock delivery at the jetty is 9:00—The royal fleet of Rhododendra VII meets at land, where she will be placed on improving and at the present rate Acme. All other decorated boats to enter the the dry dock and repaired. it will run close to 12,000 tons for water parade and compete for prizes meet at Acme The Hugh Hogan lay heavy in this month. at same time. the water on account of the Engineer T. E. Leefe informs 10:00- Fleet leaves Acme in command of Admiral water in her hold. Empty us that all repairs to the north Bergman and proceeds slowly, in regular order barrels had been put in forward jetty, which were necessary be­ down the river, the empress barge in the lead. to made the bow float higher. cause of the accident to the barge 10:30—Royal fleet passes Florence and Glenada, con­ While her water-logged condition Frederick last April, have been tinuing down the river as far as Andersons. Re­ makes it hard to tow, no great satisfactorily made by the jetty turning arrive at Florence at difficulty is expected in taking contractors, and that the jetty 11:00—Rhododendra and the whole royal family disem­ her to the Columbia river. work is now moving ahead in fine bark and are received by Mary, Queen of Florence. The tug Printer draws eleven shape. He states that everything ID IB—Triumphal march to royal bower. and one-half feet and found now seems to point to a very suc­ 11:25 Coronation of Rhododendra and crowning speech plenty of wateron the bar. cessful season’s work. by Hon. Frederick Hollister. , 11:46—Band music “ Hail to the Queen.” 11:50 Address of welcome by the lord mayor, repre­ sented by Bert Williams, who presents the keys of the city to empress. 12:00 Vocal Music, Male Quartette. 12:10—Ambassadors representing queens of provinces respond to address of welcome and swear allegi­ ance to Empress Rhododendra. 12;25- Band music while the whole royal party goes to enjoy the banquet prepared for them by Mary, Queen of, Horence. Mrs. Mabel Slemmons, caterer. AFTERNOON FIRST DAY 1:30—School parade, Miss Bossen, directress. Band leading. Starts from school house. 2:00 Empress Rhododendra and all the queens and officers of state will reassemble at royal bower, being accompanied from banquet hall to the bower by band and the flower girls. 2.15 Proclamation of Rhododendra to her people, de­ livered by Col. Mercer. 2:30 Vocal music, ladies quartette. 2:40 School program. Miss Bossen, directress. 4:15 Address by Judge Guerry on county division. 4:35 Vocal music double mixed quartette. 4:46 Band selection. 4:50 Boys tug of war. Prize $2.50. 5:00 Log Rolling contest, $10, to the winner. 5;30 Rowing race, prizes $5,00 and $3,00. 7:00 Girls basket ball game. Glenada vs Florence. 8:30 Grand march led by Empress Rhododenra. 9:00 Dancing at tent pavillion. will buy you an All Wool Suit well made ¡PANAMA CANAL - OPENED THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 1:30 Band music at royal bower. 1:35 Address by N. L. Fiizhenry, “Good Roads.” 2:00 Music Ladies Quartette. 2:10 Vaudeville stunts by "Shack and Skin. 2:30 Parade of base ball team and bands. 3:00 - Base ball game Gardiner vs Florence at base ball grounds, admittance 25cts. 5:0ft Sports in Florence as follows: Men’s 100 yard dash: prizes $5. $3 and $2. Sack race; prizes $3 and $2. Broad jump; prizes $3 and $2. 100 yard dash, boys under 16 years; prizes $2 and $1« 100 yard dash, boys under 12 years; prizes $1.50 and 75c. 5:30 Burlesque basket ball game. Bull fight. Fun­ niest thing out. 7:00 Boys basket ball game, Glenada vs Florence. ■> 8:30 Dancing at pavillion. NOTE. 1 — ' Prizes for best decorated boats: First $25, second 415, third $lft. Judges will be selected from among visitors not residing in the Siuslaw empire. The school fair will be held at the school house. Open ■ y- Thursday afternoon from 1 to 4; Friday morning from 10 to 12; Friday afternoon from 1 to 4. Store Siuslaw Building Material Co. DYER A BALDWIN Our Stock Of Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in. SEE US FOR CEMENT. LIME, SEWER PIPE. DRAIN TILE, LIME FERTALIZER R-K-R Warehouse H E N R Y HYRKAS L a d ie ’s and G e n t ’s T a ilo r Suits Made to Order. •Cleanining and Pressing a Specialty. Next to Telephone Office, Florence, Oregon Special sale on Williams Talcum Powder 15 cts THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE T h e P rid e of ---------------F lo re n c e W e m a k e s speciality of made to o rd e r clothing. Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order.