THE 4 < i I I I I I i ’l 1 I i I H-i l -a -i- l - c l I I I I I I » Urt. » . j Hampton’s CASH STORE Eugene, Oregon EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN —»V . 1 7] ■— ~ n - - .- .r Hull_SelIs_ Sash, Doors, Mouldings Paints, Oils, Glass Dynamite Caps and Fuse Farm and Poultry Fencing Harness and Fittings, Ets. » A. Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutter Tools Builders and General Hardware We carry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in. HULL at Glenada SIUSLAW PILOT, SATURDAY. MAY 16, -r 1914 Hart, Schaffner & M an ANNUAL SCHOOL FAIR Clothes. J. B. Stetson Hats. We are ready to Clothe You for the Carnival. Miss Jennie Bossen has re­ ceived word from Miss Goldie Van Bibber that she is threaten­ ed with the loss of her eye sight temporarily, which may result in a jsermanent injury, and request-! ing her to take charge of the' Our Line of School Fair work. Miss Van ! Bibber has been ordered by her physician to. give up all work and j rest. The School Fair will be held in I I t h e « «bool h o u s e -.a nd w i ll b e op e n I during the afternoon oj the first day, Thursday, May 21st, from 1 to 4 o’clock, and on the second day, Friday, May, 22d, in the morning from 10 to 12 o’clock, in the afternoon from 1 to 4. The prizes will be cash. Firpt prize, $1.00; second prize, 75 cents; third prize, 50 cents; fourth prize 25 cents. Hole Proof Hosiery. Star Brand Shoes. Following are the articles for which prizes will be offered at the Annual School -Fair held in connection with the Rhodo­ dendron Festival in Florence Thursday and Friday May 21 and U' 22nd. ---- INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT T H E RED F R O N T Florence, Oregon Committee Miss Jennie M. Bossen and Miss Viva Canniff. II. PLANTS-------------- -— I. COOKING A. CANNING 1 Potted plants 1 Canned fruit I q t ' 2 Ferns, hanging basket* 2 Jelly 1 glass etc, + T h e F u r n itu r e D o c to r 3 Vegetables canned com, 3 Cut flowers. III. POULTRY tomatoes, 1 qt. 1 Rooster and hen. 4 Meats- beef, chicken, fish Mattresses and Couches made to order 2 Brood of little chickens. Furniture and Mattresses Repaired 5 Pickles sweet, sour, cu- 3 Cockerell Well Boring and all kinds of cumber.cauliflower, onion Job Work Done 4 Hen with best record of etc. laying. B. CAKES Shop on Float H ouse, TWo Florence, block* below Weal Office 1 Eggless cake 5 Indian Runper ducks. Write Phone or Call Oregon 6 Brood of little ducks. 2 Cake without shortening. Phone N o. 256 ____3 I-oaf • IV. PBT8 „ . 1 Calf 4 Layer 2 Rabbits C. COOKIES 3 Pig ** D. BREAD VtoSPECIAL EXHIBIT OF SCHOOL 1 Brown G R A N D B O X S A L E 2 White work . E. salad 1 Specimen graft 1 Fruit —7 2 Mounted specimens I! Vegetable 3 Note-books and raeords II. SEWING ’ or descriptions of field or 25c a grab and not an article worth under 25c, and 1 Best sampler book show- j experimental work. of them a great deal_ more. A ladies’ or gentlem; ing all stitches named in Mrs., C. H. Young offers the watch and a diamond ring will be included. thejState Course of Study, 1 b°°k Western Bird Guide as a special prize for the most for industrial work. practical rustic bird house made 2 Fancy apron hand made by a school boy or girl. " 3 Work apron a^dudust Dr. Geo. P. Edwards offers a Mrs. Minnie Funke, Prop. cap Hamlin Street 4 House dress of wash goods cas^ prize for the fly trap made by a school boy or girl th at is 5 Fancy waist. most efficient /n r its purpose as | c>|| ¡¡¡ft,* Work-Cleaning and Pressing III. CARPENTRY 4iates on Family Washing shown by the number of flies it Special Work Solicited 1 Bookcase, magazine or has caught flies to be shown in music rack. trap. 2 Writing desk, table or All exhibits must be sent in by chest. Wednesday evening May 20th. Just Arrived—Complete line of 3 Small stand, taboret or Women’s and Children’s foot stool. MOST CHILDREN’S DISEASES 4 Screen or picture frame. START WITH A COLD 5 Rustic chair or table.__ Resttcssness-feaverishness-an 6 Miscellaneous- — scroll inflamed throat and spasmodic L A D IE S ’ T R IM .M EC H A T S ’! work, hand carving etc. cough maybe whooping. cough is IV BASKETRY and WEAVING starting in. Give Foley’s Honey 1 Reed, raffia or splint and far promptly. It helps the children so very much and Mrs. basket. Shipps, Raymondsville, Mo.,'says “ Most Everything f o r a Little Less” 2 Raffia bag or case. 3 Woven rugs, cushion tops, ” 1 got fine result* from it and it -!-:-+++ +- h - s - h - is a great medicine for whooping hammocks etc. c o u g h .S u r f a c e Drug Store. V. BEADWORK S l e m m o n ’s R a c k e t S t o r e 1* Leather, beaded bags, The Florence Racket store has moccasins etc. an attractive display of sand I. O. O. F. Building. Mapleton, Oregon 2 Ixx>m bands, bags, etc. spades and buckets. VI. COOKING CONTEST A g en t C arh arrt A practical demonstration of W o r k in g C lo tK è s i cooking will be given at the fair The Caille consisting of a lunch made up of a salad, sandwitch and chocolate. Perfection All articles to be prepared and cooked in the presence of the Marine Engine judges. T h a t ’s A l l It is suggested that each dis­ trict hold a cooking contest short­ ly before Fair time and that the ******** * * * * * ********* * * ***»*♦♦ best of these contestants be sent as a representative of that dis­ ; B A Y V I E W H O T E L : trict to the Fair. AGRICULTURE DEPT. Men’s Hats and Furnishings Are Very Complete. Let Us Show You. Smith’s Toggery ‘Things That Men Wear’ Florence Builders Supply Company Hardware, Stoves and Ranges We can furnisn Building Material of all kinds, Doors, Win • dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE STAUP & CORUM - - Florence, Oregon NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. North Bend, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF * SASH, DOORS A N D M OULDINGS I GLASS High Grade'Interior Finish Prices Mailed on Application Jack Beck — C A R N IV A L D AY AT WATTS’ Don’t Forget that Miss McHardy is ready to take your Picture for Carvival ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK M cH a rd y S t u d i o , Florence, Oregon. The Pride Florence We make a speciality of made-to-order clothing allfwe ask is one trial and you will be con­ venced that quality and prices are right. Special prices for 30 days on cleaning and blocking Panoma hats. Buttons made to match gar­ ments. Furs cleaned. E I). T. MAHER JAMES W; F o ttìi,-JR. - NOTARY PUBLIC ENGINEER. . SURVEYOR TIMBER ESTIMATOR Oregon Fire Relief Aiwociation of MrMini.ville, Oregon Office City Hall,’Glenada, Or. CUSICK J. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW — Florence, Oregon 1). E SEVERY U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC Florence, Oregon . I AKTIN ATTORNEY AT-LAW W. Eugene, Oregon Florence, Oregon R. C. WYGANT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bond - Securities - Investment , Florence, Oregon M. VERNON PARSONS ATT0RÑEY-AT-LAV¿ ekwifh Building Eugene, Oregon MISS EDITHE B. YATES PIANO Room 8 and 4, Beckwith Bldg Cor. 7th and Willamette St. Classes at Mapleton Monday afternoon and Tuesday Acme' - \V ednjesday _ . Glenada Saturday Studio Residence of John Yates Main Street Eugene, Oregon Florence, Oregon U , . « SLATTERY LAWYER THE FLORENCE LAUNDRY ____ S H O E S FRAERS’ C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T I. VEGETABLES < 1 Lettuce, three heads from each contestant. 2 Onions, bunch of one dozen. ’3 Radishes, bunch of one Guarantee with every engine. Investigate. Oi e 4 horse power dozen. marine engine will sell for $90. 4 Turnips, bunch of one- RAY DAVID. Agent, half dozen. Point Terrace, Ore. I Miller & Daniels, Props. Rates $l.Ct to $2.00 * Meals¡35cíand’50c Special rates by the week • — Tables will be supplied with the Best the Season affords Headquarters for Traveling Men I »**«*« * * *******************!*****