* THE PRIMARY ELECTION VERYQUŒT SIUSLAW PLIOT, STATE AND COUNTY REG- SATURDAY, MAY 1914 State Engineer— John H. Lew is 39 L. R. Stockman 6 Commissioner of Labor Statistics Fred S. Bynon 6 O. P. Hoff 34 John A. Madsen 5 The prim ary election in F lo r-! & Miller 3 ence was very quiet, with a total : RAILROAD COMMISSION State arid County registration. Frank J. Miller 35- of 60 votes being cast. Of these State. Countv. Hal D. Patton 13 Republican 134.697 6,671 41 were republicans, and 20 Superintendent of Water Division 59,986 3,001 democrats. Democrat Jam es T. Chinnock 37 Socialist The judges were, D. E. Severy 6,273 504 Progressive 6,255 - 251 U. Goude and John Drumm REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION FOR i Independent 360 II and the clerks of election were, W-. H: O’Kelly;—A .T k —Knowles » ___ ,-COLLNXY.. OFFICES.---------- 'P rohibition— 11,I TT • "irer Senator, Third D istrict’— None id Paul Henderson. 187 Isaac H. Bingham 30 ’ Miscellaneous 8,536 Three ballots w ere used, re­ 52 M. Vernon Parsons 18 publican, democrat and pro­ Total 226,921 11,655 gressive. The following is the Senator, Fourth D istrict— Women 80,641 1,190 E. D. Cusick 43 result for Florence prim ary: R epresentative— Lane county has 11,655 regis­ REPUBLICAN PARTY Elbert Bede 22 tered voters,“ according to the Republican National Com­ W alter B. Dillard 16 count of registration which clos­ m ittee— Allen Eaton 27 ed May 1, but the final count of Gives you an unusual opportunity fo r satisfacto ry seiections ju s t now. Charles W. Ackerson 17 Melvin Fenwick 13 wnich was ifot finished until S at­ Ralph F. Williams 28 “ You’ll do b e tte r” a t Elmer E. Kepner 8 urday night a fte r 6 o’clock. Of United States Senator— F rank N. O’Connor 18 this num ber more than one-third’ R. A. Booth __i 44 Halvor C. Wheeler 21 or 4190, are women. Of the Representative in Congrees— County Judge— whole num ber more than half C. W. Hawley ( 42 Wihsor W. Calkins 13 a re republicans and mor than a B. F. Jones 12 William G. D. M ercer 26 fourth are democrats. Governor— Robert McMurphey 12 Although the registration is In the New Ruilding Geo. C. Brownell ” 2 County Clerk - 400 short o f the figure anticipat­ N ext to the Woolen Mill Store William A. C arter 2 Jesse A. Fountain 8 ed by the county officials and the A. M. Crawford 9 Stacy M. Russell 42 number sought by the politicians, FOR SALE G rant B. Dimick 2 House and lot, fine river view. it is larger than any previous T. T. Geer ' 6! Chris B. Christensert 23 registration in Lane county, not Good size tot, fenced and well Charles A. Johns 2 H erbert W. Hall 4 counting the women. Only two kept yard. House newly rep air-! Gus C. Moser 6 J Em m ett Howard Price for 5 counties in the state have a larger ed and painted. Jam es Withycombe 22 John E. Staniger 17 registration than Lane. These short time $700. State T reasurer— County T reasurer - are Multnomah with a total regi-I Few house, 26x40, bunglow Thos. B. Kay 44 Samuel W. Taylor 43 stration of 74,875, and Marion style, lot 52x120, well graded Justice of the Supreme Court— County Surveyor— 6 H. P. M arine engine w ith with 14028 enrolled. Clackamas anc* Iawn seeded to grass, fenced, Henry J. Bean 21 Hollis W. Libby com plete equipm ent, in­ 42 with an enrollment of 11,479, i ^ ve blocks from w ater front, Henry L. Benson , 11 Coroner— rubs Lane closely with forth. I Price $l500. Inquire of MELVIN cluding oil tank, ¡feed and T. J. Cleeton, 11 Wm. W. B ranstette 14 The county registration books G. MILLER. e x h au st pipe. P. H. D’Arcy 4 Fredrick-W . Comings 14 show th a t the registration of the i Lawrence T. H arris' 42 800 revolution, 3 port, William F. Walker 17 women differs little from th a t of , W atts carries a large stock of Thomas A. McBride 20; County Commissioner— ' Ju m p spark. T h ro ttle lever, the men, except th a t the women ■ Jew elry. Come and look a t it. Charles L. McNary 16 Newman L. Fitzhenry 14 are more inclined .to register with A pleasure, sp lit bearing, hand holes, Samuel T. Richardson 13 Mahlon H. Harlow 9, the prohibition party, which is I f you have had trouble with rem oveable top, force feed Attorney General Calvin J. Hurd 17 stronger in Lane county than any your watch take it to Watts. oil system , Fiuger grips on George M. Brown 34 Reinhold Papenfus 2 other except the republican and ! Satisfaction or you money back. fly wheel, etc. Geo. N. Farrin 4 Charles H. Stickels 3 democrat. But on the w hole’ “ Mr. Bob’’ a t the R ita Satur­ Frank S. G rant 3 John F. Volgamore 4 they show th at a thir'd of the r e - ' day night. Admission 50c. J. J. Johnson 3 Precinct Committeeman— publicans and a third of the dqmo- Children under 12, 25c. Wm. P. Lord 1 Fred E. Myers 33 crats, and so on, are women. B. F. Welch, of Oakland, Cali­ erintendent of Public In- Commissioner of the Port - Eugene Guard. fornia, who has been making the truction. E. R. McConack 14 ____ Siuslaw representingA.Schillings J. A. Churchill 39 D. M. Kyle 9 An abstract of the total num ber ; of San Francisco,— arrived Yost 7 i of voters registered in Lane Florence Thursday. Mr. Welch county for the prim aries will be has resigned his position and is DEMOCRAT PARTY sent to the secretary of state by promoting a hotel pronosition for Member National Committee — County Clerk Russell today., Florence W. H. Canon 7 The work of compiling the A c h a , W at, h moved F lo r e n c e , O reg o n H. M. Esterly 9 his s tra c tw a a / « « H a y jew e|ry 8tofk fmm , he npieteu yesterday ! ,i_„ _*_#_______ United States Senator — by Miss Grace Lee, one of the Geo. E. Chamberlain 17 vacated by the Rita Theatre, to registrars. The total number of J ," R epresentative First District- *• voters registered in each of the Frederick Hollister 16 office on Washington street, He 90 precincts of the county is as W. H. Meredith has leased the east room of the 2 follows: *77— Governor— new Kyle building and will move OF EUGENE, OREGON Arm itage, 273; Bailey, 141; A. S. Bennett to that place as soon as it is ready 5 Blanton, 136; Bohemia, 7; Brum­ W elcome A ccounts G. A. Cobb to occupy. 3 baugh, 51; Blue River, 67. sm all or large John Manning 3 Cottage Grove precincts—No. Robert A. Miller 1 SUM M O NS. 1. 216; No. 2. 132; No. 3. 263; C. J. Smith In the Circuit Court of the State of 8 No 4, 80; No. 5, 144. Total in Oregon, for Lane county. Justice of the Supreme Court J C. P. Devereaux and F. A. Cottage Grove, 835. The trad e d raw in g pow er of a well lighted store or Wm. Galloway 8 Tripp, plaintiffs, Creswell, 149; Cloverdale, 87; shopjis too well recognized to require discussion. va. Wm. M. Ramsey 10 The unknown heirs at law of Cheshire, 75; Camp Creek, 148; Attorney General— O. A. Spencer, de?ease ■ 10 Eugene,, precincts -No. 1, 146; ' sons or part iea unknown, claim- Undivided profits $310,000.00 Sheriff— You also profit by using electric lig h ts in your home. i ing any right, title, estate lien No. 2, 169; No. .3; 170; No. 4, 140; or interest in the real estate Jam es C. Parker 18 E lectric Ligl ?ht is m ost healthful, safest, m ost con- No. 5, 169; No. 6, 171: No. 7, 214; described in the complaint County Treasurer — herein, defendants. v enient a n a 1 th e m ost economical lig h t in th e lo n g ru n No. 8, 265; No. 9. 198; No. 10, John H. Ham mitt 11 To the unknown heirs at law of O. 246; No. 11, 274; No. 12, 222; No. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. Clark, C o ro n e r- ------Clark, his’ wife, or the unknown n 13, 142; No. 14, 164; No. 15, 204; Marion Veatch w ife and heirs at law of aaid B. F. No. 16, 206; No. 17, 258; No. 18, Clark, deceased; also all other persona County Commissioner— '139; No. 19. 215; No. 20, 208. or partiesunknown, claiming any right, IS HERE TO SERVE YOU George G. Gross title, le, estate, " lien or interest in the real ‘ Total in Eugene, 3,740. estate described in the complaint in the Elwood W. Roberts „ Fairmount, 146; Florence, 185; above entitled suit and herein; Defen­ William Williams dants: D elightful d riv e along Fall Creek, 165; Five Rivers, 29; In the name of the State of Oregon. Commissioner of the Port— th e Sea Shore. 47. j you are hereby required to appear and Goshen, 156; Gate Creeks . . m /-.i j , -z. ’ I answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed J. W. Bergman 16 • S ta g e leaves Florence Glentena, 12; Glenada, 150; Her- in said court againat you in the above daily for G ardiner. 13; Hazeldell, 65; Heceta, « f t 5 ithin week* Burglary Insurance, E. C. o man. r r • in i , the date of the first publication of this This is th e connecting j Wayman. 25; Irving, lo4; Jasper, 99; June- summons in the Siuslaw Pilot, and if THE BEST GOODS -LOWEST BEICI» -link from D rain, O re­ tion City, No. 2, 173; Latham. 95; y,ou íaÜ *’ £ (or want thereof. a oí r i plaintiff« will take judgement againat Cotton bats, 72-84 inches, t gon, Southern Pacific Lancaster, 81; Lake Creek, 90; ( you a» prayed for in their complaint, New Goods a Specialty Second Hand Goods afNecessity e n ro u t to Florence f Ju st w hat you want to fill the ,r Lane, 102; Leaburg, 77- Lontr towit: That tÍleir t»Oe to the North- , * east quarter of section No. 32 in town- new quilt. R-K-R'Store. lom, 83; Lone’ Pine, 36; Lostf ship2Osouth, range 4 west of Wiliam Bear thin in mind; my gooda are the beat money can buXI Health Insurance, E. C. Way- Valiev, 111; Mabel, 68; Marcóla mer’dian; w e a o f land in |and|the price the cheapeat, quality of gooda considered, on. n - I . . OP Lane county, Oregon; be confirmed, ee- man. 204, Mapleton, 8 6 ; Middle Fork, tabliaheri and quieted; that you and each COME AND SEE ME 47: Mound, 12; Mohawk, 94' Min- ywi p re v e r barred and eat.pped ACME, OREGON erval4;O rchard, 176;PleasantHill, or interest in or to said lands or any part 213.; Prairie. 197; Richardson, 1.39' I ‘ hereof adverse to plaintiffs' title, and c r, . for such other relief as the court shall Saginaw, <1; S anta Clara; 197; deem equitable. 197- q rim la w 74- S i l W r ^ l z o c . This summons is served by publica- Now is the time to insure your Life and Health, also against W i, aiusiaw, 14. auk Creek. 6 5 ; tion thereof once each week for sis Accedente. Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. Spencer, 107. ' weeka weeks in the Siuslaw Pilot, Pilot, a newspaper and published in Florence, Ore Springfield precincts No. 1, ! printed gon, by order of the Honorable L. T. 173; No. 2. 20?.; No. 3, 194; No. Harria, .. judge _ of the above entitled court. the íía 4th f day 4. 168. Total m S p rin rte ld , 737. & e - k « of , . . The Insurance Man, 1 Thurston, 125; Walton, 31; thereof was made on the 11th day of - W A Y M A N ’S A gencies, Wallace, 70; Wendling, 86; Will­ Apnl,_1914. A. E. Wheeler, Bonds of all kinds amette, 107; Zumwalt, 107. Attorney for plaintiff«. “ Spring House Cleaning Time and Time to Tone UP THE HOUSE. XV ith a new piece of furniture, a new rug, new JinoleunT-----somet-hing to brighten tFehDTne^ätfnös™ phe-re, add to your home comfort and lessen the burden and drudgery of housekeeping. J. N ew A rriv a ls in a ll L in e s Alles Furniture Co. Florence S P E C IA L P R IC E Fair Banks Morse 10% from regular Price. The First National Bank 4% L. J. Pouritiles THE HARDWARE MAN The Path to Profit On Saving Accounts and • Time Deposits BARRETT,S STAGE LINE Florence Electric Company Jared Scott THE SQUARE DEALER! Stage Fare - $2.50 Insure In The Travelers Of Hartford Conn. CO M PLETE LIN E « E. C. WAYMAN FANCY AND STAPLE JOE MORRIS JR. MAPLETO N, O