A Our Purpose Is to make our bank a material benefit t o the community in general and its patrons in particular. It would be a pleasure to have your name on our books. We invite you to sta rt a checking account With us. The advatages we offer will be a conven­ ience to you. JURY LIST MADE UP The docket for the Juneterm o f court, completed today, shows ’ 265 acres filed for trial. The number is smaller than at the February term. The docket will be given to the printers immed­ iately. June term of court will open on Monday, June 1, this year. The jury list was completed and the following panel was given is Bank to the sheriff to sumomn-:---------- 1 H. N. Davis, Eugene, farmer: J. E. Redford, Dorena, farmer; J. W. Haynes, Eugene, carpen­ ter; J. H. Devor, Walterville, PERSONALS farmer; A. W. Shortridge, Lon­ don, farmer; William A. Ayres, 0. Donvell of Mercer was Eugone, farmer; David Hammet, town Friday. Published by Geo. Fisk came down from Cottage Grove, farmer; Ed Bjerke The Siuslaw Printing Co. Lorane No. 1, farmer; I. A. Niece, Mapleton Friday. Springfield, Merchant; Harry G. R. S. HUSTON Editor R°V Morgan, of Eugene, is Hays, McKenzie Bridge, farmer; visiting in Florence. F. H. Cook, Creswell, farmer; Published Wednesdays and Saturdays a t Frank Chilcote was in Florence Mitchel S. Haley, Eugene, far­ Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., the last • of this week. mer; E. J. Sears, Saginaw, far­ E ntertd as second-das« m atter March 20, 1918, a t thepotsoffice a t Florence, Ray David came down from mer; S. R. Humphrey, Fall Creek, Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, Point Terrace Friday. 1W8.: farmer; S. M. Stiers, Blakleville, Geo. David and family have farmer; R. O. Brady, Creswell, — SU BSCRIPTIO N R A TESi farmer; W. H. Conner, Junction, One year in advance - - $1.50 moved to Point Terrace. farmer; C. B. Bailey, Eugene, Peter Schreuders is expected farmer; Glen . . G.* Anderson, on a visit to his parents soon. J BREVITIES Eugene, farmer;“ C. K. Hale, Ona Phelps, of Mercer, was in t Noti. farmei; A. C. Calvert, Junc­ Fire Insurance, E. C. Wayman. Florence Thursday and Friday. G a ll in a n d lo o k t h e m o v e r tion, farmer; Chas. Wilson, Hardware Hull, Glenada, Ore­ Charley Stonefield was in from Coburg, laborer;, William Me- j the cape Wednesday and Thurs­ gon. Cullum, Eugene, farmer; M. A. 1 J — , _ Ronds of all kinds, E. C. Way- day. - A 1 g o o d s as r e p r e se n te d Horn, Walker, farmer; Sherman ' Chas. Pember, of Fiddle Creek Adams, Mabel, farmer; R. F. I man. Harness and fittings, Hull at was in to attend the primaries Scott, Creswell, farmer; A. A. j Friday. Glenada. Hollenbeck, Mapleton, black­ Mr. and Mrs. Overton Dowell smith; F. E. Bangs, Junction, See “ Mr. Bohr” at the Rita Jr. were in from Mercer the last No. 3, farmer; C. E. Sims, Gos­ Saturday night. of the week. hen, farmer; B. A. Washburne,” «, The Patsy arrived in port about Mrs. Russell, wife of the S. P. Springfield, banker; S. H. Calli- five o’clock Friday morning. engineer located on Tsiltcoos son, Creswell, farmer.—Eugene A G o o d P l a c e t o T r a d e 99 Plate .Glass Insurance, E. C lake, was a visitor to Florence Guard. Wayman. Wednesday. Special price on Kitchen J. A. Langhead, light house Wm. Brynd arrived home from Ranges at Pourtales. inspector arrived in Florence Portland, where is serving on the FLORENCE, OREGON When yeti thir.k Harcwar Wednesday night and went to federal jury. He will remain think of Hull, Glenada, Or. Heceta Thursday morning. until after the carnival, and then Chittem Bark, Mohair and Mr. and Mra, R. A. Lowe left return to act in the same capcity Wool wanted R-K-R Store I tl , m p .k • ii- 1 Thursday to attend the meeting again. , .. ____ HELPS KIDNEY AND BEAD-, For Sale Extra good harness Mrs. Catherine Worthington is of the j. 0 . 0 . F. and Rebekah 0. M. Balwin left Friday after­ HOUSE CLEANING A DFR TROUBLE-EVERYBODY almost new, also heavy lumber now key operator at Central. j grand )odtfes at McMinnville> noon for Eugene and other Willa­ DELIGHT SATISFIED wagon, first class shape for sale A1 Miner is moving to Glenada' * j t , , Johnson ,, mette Valley points. He will at­ 1 Andrew Porter and The Vacuum Cleaner will < Everywhere people are taking or trade. Charles Pember, Ada. and will live in the house he re- tend the Oregon grand lodge of Foley Kidney Pills, and are so Porter arrived-in Florence Wed­ the work while you stand at cently moved there. — Notice of Final Settlement nesday night. They are making Odd Fellows which meets in Mc­ satisfied they urge others to take look on. For rent 50c an hour. Furniture or rugs, the ideal an inspectio i trip over the rail­ Minnville May 18, 19 and 20. E state of W. A. Cox, Deceased. them also A. T. Kelly, McIntosh Florence Electric Co. Ritt See Alles Furniture Co. road work. Dee Alexander left Wednes­ Ala. says,- "I recommend them Notice is hereby given th a t Charlotte Two fine located lots in Flor­ day for California. He has been to all who suffer from kidney J. Cox, Executrix of the last will and Mrs. E. B. Miller, was in town testam ent of W. A. Cox, deceased, has ence, close in, nice csmfortable visiting with relatives in Flor­ roubles and backache, for they bled in the County Court of the S tate Buy Good Fresh Meat Wednesday. She brought some house, for sale. Inquire at this ence during the winter. are fine. ” Best thing you can of Oregon in and for Lar.e County, her fine strawberries with her to give final report as such Executrix and office. — 'take for backache, weak back account for final settlem ent of said At The Glenada her friends a sample of the first estate, and th at Monday, the 18th day and rheumatism.—Surface Drug of Old gold and silver taken at of the season. May, 1914, at ten o’clock in the market value on work or goods forenoon, has been, by said Court, set Meat Market Howard and Thelma Hansen of as the time for hearing objections to at W atts. Real Estate Merchant said final report and account, and for the ¡light house came into Flor­ the of said estate. Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman.! ence Thursday and will remain in I A lot in Glenada, Fisk addition . _ final settlem ent CHAWLOTTE J COX, 45 acre ranch together with ... -I have a fresh supply of a cleared, for sale address Box 2, A. E. W heeler , town until after the Rhododen­ all tools, chickens, and \ kinds of meat, fresh every day Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT (»Florence, Oregon, or Pilot office. dron Carnival. household furniture, wood PRICES ARE RIGHT, Guarante In the County Court for Lane County Ray Walker and wife, of saw,, launch, and etc. Satisfaction. A trial order wil M ate of Oregon I will mount your agates In the M utter of the Estate of Han­ Mapleton, came down the river 10 room house, half mile convince you that you can get th son Jackson, decensi-ij. Watts. Thursday morning and will visit best meats at the lowest prices water front fine fishing Notiee in hereby given that Mike Hogan, adm inistrator of the estate of a short time with Ray’s mother, waters on Siuslaw, fine Hanson Jaekson, deceased, has fi'od in Mrs. Clara Walker. _ SUMMONS place for wharf. You can , the above entitled Court his final Circuit < ourt for the S tate of get all this for terms $2000 n the tutor, and th a t Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Leefe. have Oregon, fo{ Lane County. Mondiry th e Kith niiv of Jure, 1914 at ‘ . i , ' r ' ■ Hazen D. Johnson, Plaintiff, 1 th e b.mr of ten o'eku-k m the forenoon take!1 housekeeping rooms in Also, 37 acres, lti acres hot Two. of the greatest orchestral , „ Xs- Sammons ‘'J “" 1'1,1*>,1,1 l,l,',c ,'\lnty Court room of Florence, in addition to their tom land nearly all cleared successes of the century. J. D. Asher, Defendant, ’ the to u rt House in Ih e t itv of Eugene 1 . . . DR. D. N. HAYDEN balance upland, lays fine, lame Co untv, Oregon, bus been fixed ' lo n s ‘ af t h e j e t t y they Will now To J . D. Asher, the above named D ouble -D isc R ecords t'y H«»l Court as the tim e and place for spend part of the time in town defendant; PHYSICAN AND SURGEAN on tide water. See these Uie hearing of objections to said tin«! In thenam u the name e of the S tate of Oregon: r two places at once well account and the settlem ent thereof. i L. E. Mitzler, of Corvallis, Temporary office at Bay You ure hereby required to appear and 1 L-Ome in and let US plav it for you. Administrator’ iiftie ^ E a ta te came Ca’n ‘‘ in f r ° m th„i,, _ l - o , , taking I a look at the country easy. MRS. ALLA D. GUMMOE Ilute of lust publication June 13, 19H and if you fail so to appear and answer, “ d lim b ia Records Can be J. Mahoney, Also have some good ranches and went up the North Coast to for w«nt thereof, plaintiff will take a played on Victor TalingMachin es GRADUATE NURSE Attorney for Administrator. default against you, and will apply to ,i7 m ,.,„ „ for rent cheap. Set* us at Newport. Hospital Accommodations the court for a decree declaring and LIKEWISE once. adjudging th at plaintiff is the ow ner a ii Reference» .* and that the defendant have no estate Columbia Instruments Will Also 10 acres at Glenada; Florence, Oregon or interest w hatever in or to a certain ' p la y Victor Records, fine land, can be platted and piece of land, described as follows, to sold in lots, lays fine. . wit Beginning at a meander line of the This can be bought now for Siuslaw River at a.point on the E. line $1500, part cash, balance of Lot six. Section Township 18 on time. south, range 12 west, run south on said in et > a point six chain* north of s o u th ­ Have some good lots in Glen­ east corner of said lot six. west five A t Westlake t -- —i — -r— r ---------------------------- ---------— ada and Florence on easy >■' I Ms. n >rth to rp .eider line of saul river, thence follows said meander line Ask foijwhat you don’t see terms. A pood place to eat t • la-ginning; .-even acres all in I ane The Price will be Right and One fine Saddle horse 7 years M rs . M ae A ldrich county, Oregon; and also that the said defendant, his heirs, exe-utors, or «*- old will work arty place. i - Youjwill be Satisfied.-* assigns, be forever barred from a sse rt­ Liability Insurance, E. C Price $100 ing any claim whatever in or to said 1 sold the Florence School a Wayman. lain i or premise s adverse to the plaintifil Have Client who wants to and tl at he have such other general Columbia Graphophone this week borrow $2500 — Securty. re'iel as -nay he just, together with to he used in the scho i| to p;a. Costs n-id disl ; rs-ineo s. $10,00i' wants it'f o r 5 This instrument Service of this summons is made on the marches. years at 8 per cent. p ’ü 'i', publication byorder of Honorable ... ..„.nr.-vie “ Eclipse” is the best low «A- rrisij y,' ’;o o ‘ ,l,e <’irru,t court of priced instrument that can be One Wood saw, new gasolene the S tate of Orx-g.-n for Lane county, produced P ric e J2R -0O made „„ the 2inl d»y of April 1914, Ji- | / “ „ I \ j " Y engine, all in good order. rectinp that Raid publication he made in , • TdiTlC p ic tu r e s a n d h a v e o • Only $200 ‘•’♦Siuslaw Milinery and * P.iot for Six weeks. hand some fine painting to o,.. C. 1.WAYMAN, Fancy Goods Ke.l E«»,e M errb ttt Dat.- of first publication of this sum- cheap. r » c . Call in . and . let ' me show NEW at the R-K-R STORE T H E SIU SL A W ' P IL O T A complete line of p ri ng Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill T ‘ feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. R-K-R STORE General Merchandise C. L. WAYMAN’ “A Little Love , a Little Kiss” and Rendezvous We Carry Everything R estaurant and Lunch C ounter Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, I >ry Goods, Flour and Feed / “• - MRS. KANOFF W m.Kyle& SonsCo We Give Quantity and Quality W. J. T abor, G lenada H o te at W ay man Agency i Florence, Or. R cAw.vgsnt. Attorney for plaintiff, j €>/ Way*ai M,. sk Stare At Wayman's Agencies. FLORENCE, 1 '• * ♦ * ♦ * . OREGON