THE SIUSLAW PILOT FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 19’4 VOL. II. NUMBER 17 CAPE PERPETUA RICHARDSON TALKS AT FINISHED THIS FLORENCE 4 0 MEAT MARKET BEING TORN DOWN proaching the Empress, make $10 to the winner. 5 :3 0 -Rowing Race -Prizes obeisance and recieve her blesg- n n i n UHI I DC KuAU WILL Kt ing. After all the royalty have $5.00 and $3.00. Band music? t gathered on the barge the cere­ 7:00— Girls Basket Ball Game — j mony of crowning the Empress Glenada vs Florence at the Tent — r i* will take place, accompanied by Pavilion. Steps to complete Cape 8:30 Grand march led by By wireless message Rhodo­ an appropriate speech by Judge Perpetua road, form ing\he last Empress Rhododendra, Dancing, i link in a highway down the coast dendra VII. hath made known Goss. Band music Hail to The Early Saturday morning a force 9:00- Play “ In. The Shgtlow Tom Richardson, manager of of Oregon between Tillamook and the Portland Commercial Club, unto her commissioners, the Queen. 11:45 a. m. —Address of of the Rockies,” at the new Ritaj made an interesting talk to a Coos Bay, will be taken following of men commenced to move the undersigned, her wishes relative old meat market building which Theatre. to her triumphal entry to take I Welcome—Lord Mayor of Flor- t - ..-.... -SECOND-DAY.... ,... . large and appreciative audience an inspection of the work already of Shista’w the New Kira done which' will he made thia stood .op the coraur. of..ErQnt..and- possession- o tth r Siuslaw empire - imcti . represented..... .by Bert Williams, who presents the keys Forenoon at Royal Bower. week by C. H. Florey, of Port­ Washington streets. Theatre last Wednesday night and the celebration in honor of j of the city to the Empress. 10.00 a. m. music by Frank Smith, president of the land, chief of operation of the This building was owned by the occassion. And since her 11:55 a. m. Prime Ministers Orchestra Siuslaw Commercial Club intro­ forestry department in Oregon, A1 Ready and the I. O. O. F. every wish is law within her 10:10 Address by N. L. Fitz- duced the speaker. Washington and Alaska; C. R. lodge had notified him to move it empire the people are requested of each visiting Queen responds Mr. Richardson opened his talk Seitz, supervisor of the Cascade off the lot as they expected to to take earnest heed to the follow­ to the address of welcome and henry—Good Roads. describes resources of the prov­ 10:40 — Music by Ladies by special attention to the small national forest, and recently ing program. erect a building soon. Mr. Ready ince of his queen and swears Quartette. boys, just told them a story and appointed inspector of forestry only had a lease on the ground FIRST DAY allegance to Empress Rhododen­ 10:45 — Address by Judge that he wanted them to listen to development work; P. A. Sheldon subject to notice to remove the All the Queens of the various dra. Guerry County Division. engineer from the department of the rest of his talk. provinces except the Queen of 12:15 p. m.—Triumphal march building. 11:15 — Vaudeville — Frank His remarks centered upon public roads, Washington, D. C., The work of raising the build­ Florence, together with their of the whole royal party, along Johnson and Frank Shackelford what was the most needed im­ and H. B. Rankin, supervisor of ing prepartory to moving it to retinues shall meet at Acme at the business streets of Florence, 11:30 Double Mixed Quartette provements to make by the time the Siuslaw national forest. another location begun several 9:00 a. m. on the morning of May the Band leading. 11:45 Orchestra music. Eight thousand dollars was the trains were bringing people 21st Their boats shall be gaily 12.30 Royal Banquet given by days ago. to the Siuslaw and Florence. — spent last year upon this road, AFTERNOON decorated and each royal boat or the hostess—Mary Queen of Last Wednesday night the 2:00—Address by Col. Mercer. Emphasis was placed on the which is cut through solid rock council passed an ordinance barge shall carry a large banner Florence. 2:30—Parade of Base Ball fact that natural resources deos 500 feet above the oqean breakers governing the use of streets for- 1:30—School Parade, arranged having inscribed thereon the Teams and Bands. not make the town, that unless for two miles, and the greater building material and removal of name of the province. All other by Goldie Van Bibber. 3:00—Base Ball Game—Gar­ its citizens take advantage of part of the work is already done. buildings, making it necessary to boats wishing to enter the water 2:00—Empress Rhododendra these and use them to an advan­ It will be completed early this get permission before using the diner v s Florence, at Ball parade and compete for prizes and all the Queens and officets tage they are not of much use; summer, connecting the Alsea streets for this purpose. An grounds east of Florence. shall also meet at Acme at the of State will reassemble at The 5:00—Sports in Florence as that many communities with the territory with the Siuslaw. Royal Bower, being accompanied same time. emmergency clause made the right spirit of progress have ad­ On thia trip plans will be laid ordinance in immediate force. follows: Band music. Mens 10:00 a. m.—The Royal Fleet from the Banquet hall to The for the construction of a road by leaves Acme in command of Royal Bower by the orchestra 100 yds. Dash, Prizes, $5.00 $3.00 vanced rapidly and substantially, the forestry department from The marshall notified the par­ $.200. Sack Race, Prizes $3.00 while another one with many Admiral Tanner and proceeds and flower girls. Waldport to Five Rivers, a dis­ ties to stop moving the building Proclamation of Empress and $2.00. Broad Jump, Prizes natural resources made no growth tance of four or five miles, which and when the work was stopped, slowly in regular order, down the worth mentioning. The speaker will connect the upper Alsea by order of Mayor Evans he took river, the Empress barge in the Rhododendra VII. to her people $3.00 and $2:00. 5:30—Burlesque Basket Ball declared that making false state­ country* with the coast, and in a force of men and commenced —Frederick Hollister. lead. On arrival oppposite Flor­ 2:30—Music by Ladies Quartett game and Bull fight. Funniest ments about a community for the doing so will connect it by the to tear the building down and ence the flagship with Empress purpose of its advancement was road about the Cape with the Rhododendra on board will with­ 2:40—School Program arranged thing out hand it away. 7:00—Boys Basket Ball game unnecessary and a great detri­ Siuslaw valley.—Eugene Guard. draw from the fleet and along­ and managed by Goldie Van ment at Pavilion. side the reception barge. Band Bibber. Orchestra music. 8:30— Play—“ Mr Bob” , Frank In speaking of local conditions music. Here Mary Queen of 4:00 Address by Judge Guerry Smith mgr. Dancing, Fire he called attention to the neces­ Florence will receive Empres 4:15—Music by Male Quartette works, and Hail Columbia. sity of a