4 THE SIUSLAW ■m mm i n }■ Hampton’s r PILOT, WEDNESDAY. HOLLISTER A UVE WIRE MAY 13, 1914 Shañher & Marz Clothes. J. B. Stetson Hats. We are ready to Clothe Y ou for the Carnival. The following article in regard to Fred Hollister, of N orth Bend, I who is looked upon by the Demo-, Eugene, Oregon crats of this congressional dis­ tric t as a man th a t wijl win in EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN the next general election, was taken from the Marshfield Sun. Frederick Hollister, of North Our Line of Bend is closing'one of the most brilliant campaigns ever put up in this district by a democrat for the congressional nomination. 1 Hollister was never known to do things by halves, and in this like ' ■ all o f hi s- u ndert a k i n gs, lie lias I applied that indomnitable energy th a t has won for him such d is-' tinguished success ’in the legal Dynamite Caps and Fuse line and the buisness world. He I Farm and Poultry Fencing has conducted a clean campaign and if echos from the press and , Harness and Fittings, Ets. - street talk can be taken as in d i-! Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutte«- Tools eating a popular favorite, Hollis­ Star Brand Shoes. Builders and Genera, Hardware ter will land the nomination in a Hole Proof Hosiery. walk. This section has long been We carry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in neglected, even when considering, congressional candidates, and Mr. I Hollister is the first man that ever entered the race from Coos. I t is not strange th a t this locality, irrespective of party predilec­ tions, takes an interest and a T H E RED FR O N T Florence Oregon pardonable pride in Mr. Hollis­ te r ’s candidacy. Few people are For better known in Coos than Fred REPUBLICAN Hollister and w herever he has traveled in the outside counties Salem, Ore., May 9. (Special to embraced in this district he has T h e F u r n itu r e D o c to r the R egister.)—With 10 counties Give this Job to a man met with enthusiastic encourage­ who will reduce Taxes m ent. That Hollister has made repored unofficially, the regis- and cut down expenses Mattresses and Gouches made to order a success of his own affairs and ration for the prim ary election to be held May 15, today totaled Furniture and Mattresses Repaired I f you had an interist in a private business is one of Coos county’s foremost you would want it conducted on buiineaa 226,924, an increase of 95,044 Well Boring and all Rinds of and m ostprominentbu8iness men, principle*. Y o u have an interest in the affaire o f this State T h e State of Oregon over the registration for the prim ­ Job Work Done should give the^ democrats full la a business institution run for the benefit Shop on Float House, T W o ary election of 1912, it being assurance th at they are voting of the people in it who, in a certain sense, blocks below West Office Florence, | are KtorknolJcrain its buaines« interests. for a man of sufficient caliber to 131,880. While the retifm s from W rite Phone or C ell Oregon Phone N o . 256 handle the affairs of this district the 10 counties are unofficial in T A X E S 'M U S T B E R E D U C E D ! in congress. Fred Hoilister is a the way th a t they are statem ents w ill‘aSk V h e v T tn iifP nmi,ryeleCtian’ £ h a r,e s A - Johns, of Portland, full-fledged progressive; one of ° of f totals tOtals j instead nsLtead official ab n r r .1 . , h ^ n ° n who bcIieves th* Stafc Oregon th e kind th a f ...... ^tracts of the votes it is not an- needs to hate taxes reduced and expenses cut down. T h e only wav the kind that never gives up; he to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles ticipated th a t there will be any has a superabundance of grit; n running the State that you would apply in running your own business material variance. sticktoitiveness, in fact his gen­ atmo e , n manyf,n ,t',U,IOn’ W° uld i Un al° " « wi,b a" in" « « of oper­ The 10 counties whose sta te ­ eral make-up is energy, personi­ ating expenses from year to year ? N ot many. W e ll, let's reduce C. H. W atts, form erly of the W atts Jew elry Co. of Eugene our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A Johns, of Portland fied. Any one th at knows Fred ments are unofficial are Baker, :S herUi"bine u ’ n th?‘ p'a,for!n and stand* on h,s platform. Get him on has opened a first class Jew elry Store in the Rita Theatre.’ knows th at he has these essentials Clackamas, Crook,Jackson, Lane he job Start thinking about this today! Special attention to watch word, jew elry repairing and which most fiittingly equip him Lincoln, Marion. Multnomah, W ill you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce agate mounting. for the position to which he Washington and Josephine. taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor t T h e issue is dear Of the total registration re aspires. fne,Cd VVhd