THE SIUSLAW PHOT, LATE RULINGS ON THE PARCEL POST WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, 1914 3 submit to the postmaster at the i mailing office for approval a ! specimen parcel showing the manner of packing. 7. Sharp-pointed or sharp- edge instruments or tools shall be capped or incased so that they can not cut through their cover­ Each bottle ing. Blades shall be bound so Sec. 474, Admi -sible articles I liquid measure. shall be wrapped in paper or that they will remain firmly at­ which, from their form or nature, other absorbent substance and tached to each other or within might damage other mail matter then all placed in a box made o f their handles or sockets. Plow­ or equipment or injure the person cardboard or other suitable of any postal employee shall be shares, stove castings, pieces of epted when packed in accord­ material and packed in a contain­ machinery, etc., shall have all ance with th e » following con­ er made of double faced corru­ points, edges, ‘and corners gated pasteboard of good quality, thoroughly protected with excel­ ditions: 2. In case of articles liable to j The corners of the container sior or similar material and be break, the inner bag, box, en­ 1 must fit lightly and be reinforced wrapped in burlap, cloth or tough velope or wrapping shall be sur- with tape soas to prevent the paper, or be properly boxed to nt damage lQ |naj, Qr equip-1 junded by sawdust, excelsior, escape of any liquid if the con- tents should be broken, and the | •otton or other similar substance. ment, when intended for other 3. Admissible liquids and oils, whole parcel shall be securely than local delivery. n packages not exceeding the wrapped with strong paper and 8. Ink powders. Hour, pepper, imit of weight of fourth-class tied with twine. Single bottles snuff, or other similar powders 1 matter (see Sec. 454), shall be of liquid holding 4 ounces or less not explosive, or any similar j G ives y o u a n u n u s u a l o p p o r tu n ity f o r s a tis f a c to r y se le c tio n s j u s t now . accepted for mailing when intend­ may also be packed as perscribed pulverized dry substance not “ Y o u ’ll do b e t t e r ” a t ed for delivery at the office of in the follow paragraphs (b) and p oisonous, shall be accepted when mailing or on a rural route start- : j.ncloeed in the manner prescrib- ing therefrom when inclosed in a (b.) When in glass bottles ee herein for liquids, or when in­ glass or metal container securely j bolding more than 4 ounces, the closed in cases made of metal, closed *and heavily wrapped, pro- total quantity sent in one parcel wood, papier-mache or similar vided it is not necessary to trans-! shal> not exceed 16 ounces, liquid material, in such manner as to port them over stream or electric measure- The bottle must be render impossible the escape of In the New Building railways very 9tronK and must be inclosed any of the contents. Next to the Woolen Mill Store 4 Admissible liquids and oils, in a block or tube of metal, wood 9. Candles, confectionery, ites, salves or other articles Papier-mace or similiar material; y east cakes, soap in hard cakes, ii lily liquefiable shall be accept- and there must be provided be­ etc., shall be inclosed in boxes for mailing, regardless of dis- tween the bottle and the block or and so wrapped as to prevent re. when they conform to the tube a cushion of cotton, felt or injury to other mail matter. other absorbent. The block or lowing conditions: 10. Mailable hides and pelts (a.) When in strong glass tubei if of wood or papier-mache, (Secs. 472 and 477 1-2) shall be bottles holding 4 ounces or less, mus,t be at least one-eighth of an thoroughly wrapped to prevent Two of the greatest orchestral the total quantity sent in one inch thick for bottles holding 8 grease soaking through the pack­ successes of the century. 6 H . P . M a rin e e n g in e w ith parcel shall not exceed 24 ounces ounces or less, and at least three- age and damaging other mail D ouble -D isc R ecords sixteenths of an inch thick for c o m p le te e q u ip m e n t, in ­ A1448 65 cents. matter. bottles holding more than 8 c lu d in g oil ta n k , ¡ fe e d a n d 11. Unloaded pistols or guns Come in and let us play it for you. ounces. The block or tube must e x h a u s t p ip e. may be sent in the mails, but the be rendered water-tight by an postmaster at the mailing office IMPORTANT NOTICE 800 re v o lu tio n , 3 p o rt, application on the inside of shall carefully examine such All Columbia Records can be paraffin or other suitable sub­ J u m p s p a rk . T h r o ttle le v e r, packages and shall receive them played on Victor TalingMachin es stance and must be closed by a s p lit b e a rin g , h a n d h o les, only.when sure they are harmless. LIKEWISE screw-top cover with sufficient re m o v e a b le to p , fo rc e f e e d Cartridges or loaded shells are All Columbia Instruments will screw threads to require at least not mailable. I have a fresh supply of all oil s y s te m , F iu g e r g r ip s on ope and one-half complete turns 12. Fragile articles, such as play Victor Records. kinds of meat, fresh every day. fly w h e e l, e tc . »• -'i bifore it will come off. The millinery, toys, .musical instru­ PRICES ARE RIGHT, Guarantee Satisfaction. A trial order will cover must be provided with a ments, etc., and articles consist­ convince you that you can get the washer, so that no liquid could ing wholly or in part of glass, or kt meats at the lowest prices. escape if the bottle should be contained in glass, shall be se­ broken. Any number of bottles curely packed-and the parcel separately packed as herein per­ stamped or labeled “ Fragile?” scribed may be included in a- Parcels so labeled Hhall be hand­ single package if the limit of led with the greatest possible w weight and size for fourth-class care. matter be not exceeded. I sold the Florence School a (c.) Bottles containing liquid Columbia Graphophone this week may also be packed in strong and A LETTER TO THE to be used in the school to play Florence, Oregon the marches. This instrument tight receptacles of wood, metal REPUBLICAN VOTERS the “ Eclipse” is the best low or waterproof corrugated paste- priced instrument that can be ! board. Space must be left all A few days ago I called your produced. Price $25:00. around the bottles, which must attention to the necessity of I frame pictures and have on be filled with bran, sawdust or placing log boom companies land some fine painting to sell other absorbent material in under state Regulation and 1 cheap. Call in and let mé show ------------------------ ------ - t sufficient quantity to absorb alt have been asked why this should you. Goy Wayman Music Store the liquid if the bottle should get OF EUGENE, OREGON ' he done, and in answer to this At Wayman’s Agencies. ,broken. question the principal reasons are: W e lc o m e A c c o u n ts (d.) When in a metal contain­ At present the boom company DR. D. N. HAYDEN r s m a ll o r la r g e er, the weight limit of the parcel on the Siuslaw could shut down PHYSICAN AND SURGEAN is the same as for other fourth- every mill and logging camp on Temporary office at Bay » class matter. The container the river by refusing to accept T h e t r a d e d r a w in g p o w e r o f a w ell lig h te d s to r e o r View Hotel must be securely sealed and in­ logs, their charges are unreason­ s h o p jis to o w ell re c o g n iz e d to r e q u ir e d isc u ssio n . closed in a strong box. able, they have a monopoly on (e.) When in parcels weighing boomage ground; but by having! HELPS KIDNEY AND BLAD­ I f you h a v e a n y d o u b t a b o u t it, tr y a n d p la c e a fe w , more than twenty pounds, mail- them declared to be common DER TROUBLE-EVERYBODY m o re M a g d a la m p s in y o u r s to r e a n d sh o w w in d o w | able liquids in securely-sealed carriers, the service could be SATISFIED a n d w a tc h r e s u lts , j glass bottles or metal cans shall regulated as well as their charges, Everywhere people are taking Y ou a ls o p r o fit b y u s in g e le c tric lig h t s in y o u r hom e. Capital, surplus and be accepted for mailing to offices so that each may be reasonable. Foley Kidney Pills, and are so Undivided profits $310,000.00 in the first and second zones E le c tric L i g h t is m o s t h e a lth fu l, s a f e s t, m o s t c o n ­ The old ring which has taught Satisfied they urge others to take when packed in strong boxes and the plain people so many better them also A. T. Kelly, Mcbitosh, v e n ie n t a n a th e m o s t econom ical l ig h t in t h e lo n g r u n surrounded with sawdust or other lessons is against me, and I don’t Ala. says: “ I recommend them suitable substance to protect the expect to place myself under to all who suffer from kidney contents from breakage. All obligations to them. roubles and backache, for they such packages to be marked I hope that my friends who are fine.” Best thing you can I S « E R E TO SERVE YOU “ Fragile—This side up” , or with have not registered will swear in take for backache, weak back similar inscription, and to be their votes on election day. I and rheumatism.—Surface Drug transported outside of mail bags. wish to thank the Siuslaw people Store. THE (f.) All packages containing for their kindness to me in the D e lig h tf u l d r iv e a lo n g liquid must be marked “ Fragile” SQUARE Burglary Insurance, E. O?' t h e S e a S h o re . past, and I trust that I have • 5. Pastes, salves, etc., not Wayman. S ta g e le a v e s F lo re n c e DEALER] merited your confidence. easily liquefiable shall be accept- d a ily f o r G a rd in e r. Sincerely yours, Cotton bats, 72-84 inches. THE BEST GOODS LOWEST TRICES This is thp connortintr Tor mailing when inclosed in Just what you want to fill the M. VERNON PARSONS. lin k fro m D ra in , O r ? water-tight containers and placed new quilt. ¡¿R'K-R-Store. (Paid Adv.) Second Hand Goods ajNecessity New Goods a Specialty g o n , S o u th e rn P acific in a stronK pasteboard or wooden Health Insurance, E. C. Way- e n r o u t to F lo re n c e Ibox- Bear thia In mind; my goods are the beat money can btiXJ Dr. 0- K Gul,Ion, the eye, ear, I man. |and|the price the cheapest, quality of guoda considered d»O r n 6- Manufacturers or dealere in- nose and throat specialest, whose tending to transmit articles in comming was tentatively an- Notice of Final Settlement ACME, OREGON COME AND SEE considerable quantities should _nounced several weeks ago, will; Estate of W . A. Cox, Deceased, he in Florence May 21st, to re- Notice is hereby given that Charlotte main one week. Dr. Gullion will J- Executrix of the last will and , . . . J _ . testament of W. A. Cox, deceahid, has jnake.. his headquarters at Dr. filed in the County Court of the State Edwards’ office. He will be Oregon and fo rvLan* O ow ty. her j . final report as such Executrix,^nd Now is the time to insure your Life and Health, also against ready to treat grown persons as „-count for final settlement of said Accedentf. Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. ' well as children. an^ *hat l.hT ’¡i0! '!?y of May, 1914. at ten o clock in the The Sausalito arrived in port I forenoon, has been, by said Court, •et time for hearing objections to Saturday noon with Capt. Wei- _ ■aid the final report and account, and for the final settlement of said estate. T h e In su r a n c e M an, . ' bust in command. FANCY AND STAPLE C8ASL0TTB J COX, Say we now have some screen A. E. W mbslbs , Executrix« sW A Y M A N ’S A g e n c ie s, Attorney. I doors. Florence Supply Co. JOE MORRIS JR. MAPLETON. O B on d s o f a ll kin d s. Spring House Cleaning Time and Time to Tone UP THE HOUSE. With a new piece of furniture, a new rug, new linoleum—something to brighten the home atmos- -— phero, add-4o-your home comfor t and less en th e burden and drudgery of housekeeping. N ew A rriv a ls in a ll ” L in e s A lles Furniture Co. Florence A Little Love, a Little Kiss” and Rendezvous” S P E C IA L P R IC E Fair Banks Morse Buy Good Fresh Meat At The Glenada Meat Market 10% from regular Price. W. J. Tabor, Glenada Hotel Síí L. J. Pour tales THE HARDWARE MAN First National __ Bank r The Path to P rofit 4% On Saving Accounts and Time Deposits BARRETT,S STAGE LINE Florence Electric Company Jared Scott Stage Pare - tpZ.50 Insure In The Travelers Of Hartford Conn. C O M PLETE LIN E E. C. W AYMAN A