L 1914 : L A C 1 Make all you can; Saye all you can; Give all you can. J. S. Dale was in Florence Saturday. Fred Frederickson came down the river Saturday. I Something NEW at the Mrs. William Morris was a Saturday visitor to Florence. A. A. Hollenbeck, of Maple­ ton, came down on the Beaver Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rice spent On Savings Accounts. the week end at the home of 0. P. Rice in Mapleton. Miss Caroline Schclling, who is teaching the River View school was in town Saturday. J. B. Preston, of Spokane, who has been looking this country TWO LETTERS OF over left for Eugene Saturday. ' RECOMMENDATION Councilman Fred Meyers re­ The following letters are of turned Sunday afternoon from Published by interest as they refer to Elwood Eugene, where he went to take i The Siuslaw Printing Co. W. Roberts who announces him- Thomas Russell. Mrs. C. U. Beers who has been | R. 8. HUSTON Etlitor self as candidate for the nomina­ visiting at Mapleton, was report­ tion of County Commissioner en ed quite sick last week, but is now improving. To Whom it May Concern: Entered as aecond-clasa 'm atter March 5 I have been acquainted in a 20, 1913, at thepotaoffice at Florence, Wm. Pool and family expect to Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, business way with Elwood W. leave soon for Marshfield. The 1913.; Roberts of Walterville, Lane change is made for the benefit of • (SUBSCRIPTION RATES^ County, Oregon, for several Mrs. Pool's health: One year in advance - - 11.50 years. I have had considerable Mrs. Will Carleton, of Shedds, business dealings with him, and Oregon, is visiting relatives and can unhesitatingly state that they friends on the Siuslaw. She is a , BREVITIES have been entirely satisfactory. daughter of Wm. Morris. I have found Mr. Roberts to be Dr. D. N. Hayden was called i Fire Insurance, E. C. Wayman. thoroughly dependable, a man in to Point Terrace Friday night to Hardware Hull, Glenada, Ore­ whom explicit confidence can be care for little Ralph Wheeler gon. placed, and from my dealings who had one of his fingers Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- with him, consider him a good, severely injured. man. careful business man, and worthy Pearl Wilson and C. Kerns, of Harness and fittings, Hull at the confidence of his fellow men Eugene, were in Florence the Yours truly, Glenada. A . first of the week on their way (Signed) A. H. Avertll, Plate'. Glass Insurance, E. C home. They had been looking The Averill Machinery Co. Wayman. over the coast country south of Portland, Ore. Special price on Kitchen the Siuslaw. Ranges at Pourtales. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilkinson; To Whom it May Concern:— WhinJJytul think Hardwar . I am informed that Mr. Elwood of Mapleton, received word from »v • think of Hull, Glenada, Or. W. Roberts, of Walterville, Lane Seattle the first of the week that Home grown ’ strawberries County, Oregon, is a candidate their daughter Miss Willa Wilkin-j were brought to town last week for nomination, as a Democrat, son was serfously ill with appen-1 FLORENCE, OREGON Mrs. * Wilkinson left) by Edkin Weatherson from the for County Commissioner of I,ane dicitis. Russell ranch, and E. Nicole of County. Entirely aside from Tuesday morning for Seattle, k Wa, w — and Chittem Bark, Mohair and 11 am not a Democrat) I should Blain, Washington, arrived in HOUSE CLEANING A ; be mighty glad to see him get Florence Monday flight. Mrs. MRS. ALLA D. CUMMOE Wool wanted R-K-R Store. DELIGHT the nomination and election to Warren is a daughter of Wm. GRADUATE NURSE Furniture or rugs, the ideal The Vacuum Cleaner will do that office. It would surely be Hospital Accommodations Morris, one of our pioneers. The gift See Alles Furniture Co. References in the’interest of a square deal Warren family lived in Florence the work while j ’ou stand and ’ Ten gallon kegs for sale, $1 and efficiency in the public ser­ and vicinity for about 12 years, look on. For rent 50c an hour. Florence, Oregon each. S. Kempthorne, the pop Florence Electric Co. vice, and our public service needs leaving here some 15 years ago. corn man. much of both. Mr. Roberts is a With Mr. and Mrs. Warren are For Sale Extra good harness Old gold and silver taken at worker and he can be trusted. their daughter and two sons. almost new, also hea\\/ lumber y LlITCh t>O L lIT fO P market value on work or goods I have know Mr. Roberts quite They lived at one time on the wagon, first class shape for sale at Watts. intimately for ten years past and Charley Stonefield ranch at the At Westlake or trade. Charles Pember, Ada. Watts carries a large stock o f; I cheerfully testify to his honesty, cape. A good place to eat Jewelry. Come and look at it. j capacity, industry and large I will mount your M rs . M ae A ldrich A pleasure. * J general efficiency. He has Watts. If yon have had tmnhle ^with ' Practical ideas of affairs and_ the We Pay 4 Per CL Interest _lane County State and Savings Bank R-K-R STORE T H E SIUSLAW PILO T A complete line of pri ng Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill feed of all kipds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. Call in and look them over All'goods as represented R-K-R STORE “A Good Place to Trade” General Merchandise ■ — ------ - MMIEiÀHEniI .1 Liability Wayman. MRS. KANOFF Milinery and Fancy Goods * * FLORENCE, * * * + * ♦ * > !- OREGON •' * * » « » « *■**♦«♦ C. L. WAYMAN , courage to put them into effect Real Estate Merchant Lane county will be fortunate to have so good a man in public 45 acre ranch together with office: and if it knows him as I all tools, chickens, and do I think the voters will .see that household furniture, wood gets the job. saw, launch, and etc. Very truly, 10 room house, half mile J. M. Lawrence, water front fine fishing The Westlyn T rust Co. waters On Siuslaw, fine 501 Broadway Bldg. place for wharf. You can PortlSnd, Oregon. get all this for terms $2000 (Paid Adv.) Also. 37 acres. Io acres bot­ tom land nearly all cleared De Lavelle Separator Nearly, balance upland, lays fine, ’ new. Have no use for it and ; on tide water. See these Frank Ferguson received a will sell at a tmrgain;.....Geo. I two plan s a t once well logging wagon on the Patsy. It worth $l(X) per acre, price was all steel with the exception Montgomery, Acme. Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman. , $1.800, $500 cash balance of the reach. The wheels were solid sheets of steel in place of The Florence Racket stdre has easy. spokes, and were made so that an attractive display Of sand Also have some good ranches roots or snags would not catch, spades and buckets. for rent cheap. See us at • once. Also 10 acres at Glenada: fine land.can be platted and sold in lots. Jays fine. This can be bougnt now for $1500, part cash, balance • on time. Have some good lots in Glen- , , » , . , ... ada and Florence on easy Ask for what you don t see terms. * . _ ' The Price wrfM>e Right and One fine Saddle horse' years Youjwill be .Satisfied. old will work any place. •V ■ \ Price Hare Client who wants to borrow $2500 Securty $10,000 wants it for 5 ' years at 8 per cent. One Wood saw, new gasolene, engine, all in good order. Only « $200 C. I . WAYMAN. Real Estate Merchant at Wayman Agency We Give Quantity and Quality Farm You Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, , Dry Goods, Flour and Feed W m .K y le & S o n s G o Florence. O~. O n T id e W a te r / One hundred and fifty afcps, fine orchard, modern hohse, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. W e Garry Everything ■M Ê. C. ****** ********** * # R estaurant and your watch take it to Watts. Satisfaction or you money back. A lot in Glenada, Fisk addition cleared, for sale address Box 2, ... Florence. Oregon, or Pilot office, Two fine located lots in Flor­ ence, close in, nice csmfortable house, for sale. Inquire at this office. Ladies (’oats and Suits from 1-3 to 1-2 price. Mostly up to date models at the Woolen Mill Store. Insurance, kk This place is an ideal one for a horr/e and is being offered for a low’ price! It must go soon. Write us for particulars and terms. Harbor-Sound Investment Co. T, . ■ . FLORENCE, OREGON