b THE VOL. II. SIUSLAW FLO REN CE, OREGON. W ED NESD AY, M AY 13, ELEANOR SÄUBERT IS ELECTED EMPRESS-MISS MARY CASSIDY 1914 a point thirty five miles west of Eugene and are making, their , and war correspondent who was way down the Siuslaw river as I sent by the New York Tribune U fast as the bridge crews can erect Mexico as it§ correspondent, is the steel bridges. Trains will under arrest in Mexco City ac­ roach tidewater from Eiigene cording to a dispatch published -------------- 7 - this summer, according to pres­ in the Tribune today. ent plans. Madill licCormick of Chieagn The large bridge’across the Si- « also Under, arrest in Mexico uslaw, the Umpqua, and Coos , Washington, May 10. (Sun­ City, according to the^same dis Bay are factors which must be day.) Rear Admiral Mayo, at patch. The message says Brigadie counted upon to bring the rails Tampico, reported late last night With the successful candidate had won the prize for the on Adams street just north of to Marshfield by 1915. that the constitutionalists were General Funston at Vera Cru poling a total of 41,780 votes the homilest basket Front and is 50 by 100 feet. preparing to make a desperate has received information that th "We hope to be in Marshfield contest for Empress of the Auctioneer Fet Fisk entertain­ The general committee have early in 1915,” stated Mr. Hoey. offort to capture that port at once two correspondents have bee Rhododendron Festival closed ed the audience in his original Saturday night. The committee 1 and amusing manner, which at now’ about $1200 in the Carnival 1 But we may meet unforseen from the Mexican federal troops. taken into custody. fund. At 1:45 o’clock this morning, problems in finding foudations announced that Zthe young times caused the bidding to often Acting Secretary of the Navy Acme will send to the Festival, for the big bridges. But if the lady receiving the largest number grow from 50 cents to several Roosevelt instructed Rear Ad­ HUGH HOGAN WILL BE clam diggers” in character, weather we have had this spring of votes would be elected em- dollars. miral Mayo to remove all Ameri­ keeps up, there is no question but representing a resource of the __ Press and next largest queen of TAKEN TO PORUANI After the baskets were all sold, Siuslaw Kingdom. cans from Tampico and vicinity that we will have the grade com­ Florence. those present gathered ¡ngfoüfls Earlier in the contest many andren joyed the many good things Joe Morris, Jr, sends word pleted this summer.’’—Eugene because of the danger from the impending attack upon the city The work of getting th names had been suggested by to eat that the baskets’eontained. that Mapleton will be ac­ Guard. by the constitutionalist forces. schooner Hugh Hogan ready t nomination, but by the last week companied by the Eugene band. The evening was closed with a He was ordered to advise the take to Portland, is continuing only six remained in the contest Hurrah for Mapleton. American consular foreeT ere to 1 a o f^ ^ moving picture entertainment and some of them announcec A basket social was given at cooperate with him u - Portland, and his helpe Mrs. Slemmons, chairman of the that they did not care to be elect­ H. M * cDonald I — * J arrived ' “ in “ Florenci the River View school last Satur­ AT MAPLETON basket social committee, regrets ed. Sunday an exam ination o f th day night, to raise a Carnival Vera Cruz, May 9.- A ll atten­ hull w as m ade by M r S terlinj At the close of voting Satur­ that they were unable to give fund.----------_ --------------- About five hundred people gath­ day night the count showed Miss the vaudeville stunts as a part ered at Mapleton to see the tion is directed to the condition and at noon th e schooner wa of the program. Eleanor Säubert had received launching of the gasoline schooner of affairs in Mexico City, where taken to th e beach on the Glen THE NEW RITA / CARNIVAL NOTES 41,780 votes, and Miss Mary Restless. Announcement had the next scenejn the internatio­ ada side, w here an oth er exam ina Cassidy 26,875, and these young The general committee has re­ THEATRE OPENED been made that an excursion nal drama is looked for by many tion o f the hull w a s m ade, j American and foreign observers. tem porary rudder w ill be rigge< ladies were declared to be em­ ceived the Carnival buttons. Florence ought to be proud of would be run to Mapleton and Refugees who arrived at Vera up and put on th e vessel, an< press Rhododendra and queen They are in the shape of a watch Sundayjmorningthe launches Mae of Florence respectively. fob, having on one side the the new Rita Theotre. The in­ and Minnie Mitchell, decorated Cruz today and foreigners who e m p ty barrels h a v e been placet The total amount taken in for words “ Rhododendron Carnival terior finish is handsome and fire with flags and rhodondendrons have ventured to penetrate in th e hold to g iv e bouyancy fo r the sale of baskets was $139.80. May 21-22-1914, Florence, Ore­ proof,, Mr. Grindall received 200 left the Washington street dock Huerta’s stronghold describe the ward. The highest price being paid for gon,” with a cluster of Rhodo­ chairs on the Patsy and will pro for Mapleton. capital as surcharged with intense A s soon as som e m inor repairs one basket was $10.50. dendron blossoms in the center; cure more if necessary. It was The Florence band accompanied I apprehension. are m ade th e schooner w ill be Many handsome and and and the reverse side has a harbor opened for the first time Satur­ the excursionists and furnished tow ed to Portland, Portland, w h ere si New York, May 1 0 - (S,mH»V y „ u character baskets were in evi­ scene with the words “Florence, day night when the basket social music during the trip aud cer- ^Richard Æ k f f : S & U1 the - dence, but few of the ladies un­ Seaport of Lane County.” They was held. Over three hundred monies. dertook to compete for the are about the neatest Rhodo­ people were accomodated in the A base ball game between the homiliest souvenirs we have yet auditorium. -------- basket. The com- dendron — Mapleton Savages and a picked mitte had a difficult proposition 3een team from Florence was played ini awarding prizes but finally de- Workmen and volunteers are early in the afternoon, resulting cided that Mrs Geo. P. Edwards busy putting up the large electric in a score of 6 to ft had brought the prettiest basket; “Welcome” sign at the intersec- About 2:30 the launching was Miss Lila Lewis, who’s basket tion of Washington and front announched and everybody went represented the “Florence Water street. across the river and gathered near the boat, which had been built on K nowleslCreekJabout a half mile A completed railroad grade be­ from the river. Here a very picturesque scene tween Eugeng and CooS Bay will be finished this year, and rails was presented, with ¡the band will be laid to the western Ore­ playing as the boat started] to­ .^ jj gon seaport early in 1915, accord­ ward the water. Miss Lulu Beers stood sponsor ing to the hopes of H. P. Hoey, Southern Pacific engineer in and christened the little schoone? charge of the Willamette Pacific “Restless.” who returned last night from a B M r. ZVemon*Parson U m adela Dinif lin g _______ thorough inspection of the 1914 short ..talk in which he told some­ thing of the history|of the build­ work now under way with 1000 DYER A BALDWIN men at work, and the crew to be ing of the boat. . Our Stock O f j increased as fast as men can be The Restless X is£47jjfeet in shipped in. He was accompanied length and has a breath of 12 by W. R. Fountaine, assistant feet. Thejlumber with the ex-> W i l l !)♦* I T IP n i n u t i r t i 1,1 ___ I l — ■ engineer. ception of the keel was all sawed and selected Mr. noey Hoey bases his hopes on fanu «»r. se,eciea by W James and An- the statements of the contractors drew Jackson. who built and own ______ ‘ S E E U S FO R nrmitivaiHi, .u«. who declared positivedy that the boat. CEMENT, LIME, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, grade and tunnels will be com­ The owners have not announc­ L IM E F E R T A L IZ E R pleted this year, and who are ed yet in what service they will making every fight against the put the boat coast mountain elements to do so The excursionists returned late in order that their equipment in the afternoon, all reporting may not be tied up another year great time. Mr. Hoey states that with five I months of weather similar to that The tug Roscoe took the barge i which has been experienced this Lawrence to Coos Bay last Wed­ spring there ¡will belittle ques­ nesday and returned Thursday, Suits Made to Order. tion but that the grade, which is The Lawrence had a good sized now complete to Acme, will be cargo of lumber. finished to Marshfield by the end The Oakland was taken over of the season. Next to Telephone Office, Florence, Oregon the _ » _1 - bar -1 Saturday night about 12 We are showifigji värity of Patterns and Models TAMPICO B TOBE BOMBARDED -Contest Glesed at a Big Casket Social Hëîd Sátürdy Night at the New Rita Théater. i boat launching TRAINS TO MARSHFIELD NEXT YEAR Special Sale On S arsap arilla _ •_. m , The Great Spring Tonic $1:00 Bottles at 75c Store Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc à L R-K-R Warehouse HENRY HYRKAS L a d ie’s and G e n t’s Tailor will buy you an All Woof Suit well made Cleanining and Pressing a Specialty. We also show in better grades from $18 TO $25 SUITS ° f Ww iD pn° ^ n makes like HIRSCH, WICK- WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. If you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 samples and have a suitto^your measure We are pleased to show you at any time WOOLEN MILL STORE Conqueror Hats Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon FREDERICK HOLLISTER The developr^nt of the vast Coast county now being opened by the Willamette Pacific and other lines; the growth of its industries and it progress are dependent upon the encouragement given by government aid Its advancement will materially effect the financial c con- dition of all western Oregon in a direct way for good. The undeveloped resources of the large area, if given the right chance will add greatly to the wealth, and help to bring a greater prosperity to all Oregon. Mr. F rederick Holister, who is a candidate for the nomina­ tion of congressman on the democratic ticket, is familiar with the possibilitiesof the_ceast country, and is a broad enough man to understand the necessities of all and work for a united advancement of the whole state of Oregon, while paying especial attention to this con- gressional district F iv e V o te s i F o r Q ueen Given with each $1 Purchase THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE T h e P rid e of F lo re n c e W e makea speciality of made to order clothing. Cleaning and Pressing, Buttons ---------- made to order”