THE SIU8LAW PILOT, SATURDAY. MAY 9. 1914 INSTALLING ICE AND COLD STORAGE PLAfii r Hampton’s 1 J. P. Cox has a force of men at work installing his ice makii and cold storage plant. The m achinery and equipm ent arri ■ . oh the Rustler. The ice plant is one and one h alf ton capacity. and was made by the H. W. Manville Co. The power will be electricity. Fine w ater was secured at a depth of 43 feet. He now has in operation a large ice cream freezer. It is a Peer- 1 less, rnmle t y tht* Dana Manjifac’ turing Co. Mr. Cox is prvparing to manu­ facture, candy and has the neces­ sary equipment for a candy kitchen. He will put an expert candy m aker in charge when ready to operate. CASH STORE Eugene, Oregon ::: EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN Sash, Doors, M ouldings Paints, Oils, Glass D y n a m ite G aps and F u s e F arm and P o u ltr y F e n c in g z T A' failn o ncd lo t y o u r o w n fig u re , and object to th e We carry these goods . W h y don t y o n b a y H oleproof HoseV S il pair* are guaranteed to w «ar without holae month». T h e y are light, »oft and attractive—not heavy, cumbersome and coaraa. Th e softest S o ly y a m la uaetl. Th ere are eleven color», four weights and fonrKradaa to choose from . J9 years o f eiperlence go into every pair. -a ta u e w a n d At h l * « i “ <1 *S?? i or ° ° • be toe: also the trad em ark shown S t h e i in ," . are the original guaranteed boas. Me e t n e r aind can begin to com pare with tlicru. Sea the “ H oleproo f” assortm ent today. B** small ta ilo rs , le t us send y o u r measure to Ed. V. Price & Co. ___ hirJa’ i. ts Uan in .th. wn.l J a t GOOD made-to-order clothe« The * S“*** ««»• t l 50 np to 53.90, according to weight and finish. - * • « suit w e ’ll deliver ever enjoyed and the cost w ill ha no­ ticeably mod- art. M a y w e 'L ava y o u r in stock and Telephone your order in at Glenada Bor That Carnival Suit Florence Builders Supply Company • » . W O M «N X < A N D C M IL O « g M Call and examine our line of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing, Stetson Hats, Star Brand Shoes, We are ready to dress you for the Carnival. Jay S. Douglas, died Wednes­ day morning May 6th, a t 7 m easure to­ o clock. Mr. Douglas was born day? in Indiana in the year 1825. L ater his parants moved to Illi­ nois. In 1853 he came to Oregon and located a t Lebanon, where he helped to establish and build the Academy a t th at place. He H a r d w a r e , S to v e s and R a n g es entered the m inistry with the We can fum isn Building Material of all kinds. Doors. Win Methodist church and served as dows, Locks, Mouldings. Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper pastor in Washington a t Stella- Candidate for sheriff of Lane Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line com, Grays H arbor and Cowlitz, county, on Republican ticket. DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE and in Oregon at Yamhill, Cres­ If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, well and Springfield. STAUP & CORUM - - Florence. O retm n He came to Glenada first in devote my personal attention to 1892 and lived there some-time the conduct of tfie affairs of the moving to California and return­ office in an economic and efficient ed to Oregon in 1897 and later manner, and will enforce the took a homestead on the North law without fear o r favor. Fork of Smith river and finally I desire to have placed a fte r moved from there to Glenada my name on the ballot the N o r th B e n d , O re g o n J following: “ Personal attention about a year and a half ago. - — ti . manufacturers of ^Sinc«*that tim e ne he iias has been efficiency, economy, ana and u iiiv oeen in towards Mimvuvy, S A SH , D O O R S A N D M O U L D IN G S poor health, but maintained good law enforcem ents without fear or GLASS High Grade Interior Finish spirits and to the end declared.! favor- ” Prices Mailed on Application - he was satisfied with what had j CHRIS.B. CHRISTENSON, been his life and was ready to go. Candidate for Nomination for fo il Jay S. Douglas was 81 years Sheriff ...11 and two weeks old when he died, and leaves a devoted wife and ANNOUNCEMENT. ¡one son, A rthur L. Douglas. Pleasant Hill, May 7th 1914 . 1 The funeral service was con­ To the voters of Lane County: I i' ducted Thursday afternoon by In catling your attention to myi Rev John Drumm with interm int candidacy for the Republican' in the I. 0 . 0 . F. cemetery. nomination tor state representa- •• tive I wish to say I am the only U MOST CH ILD REN ’S DISEASES ean d id ate/o r the office who re- - START WITH A COLD sides On and operates his own We make a speciality of made-to-order clothing Restlessness- feaverishness-an farm. I therefore represent the inflamed th roat and spasmodic l farm ing class of people all we ask is one trial and you will be con­ with no cough maybe whooping cough is other interests to call for first venced that quality and prices are right. I startin g in. Give Foley’s Honey consideration, but if elected will Spec ial prices for 30 days on cleaning and far promptly. It helps the be fair to all regardless of! and blocking Panoma hats. children so very much and Mrs. occupation.- I am in favor of a Buttons made to match gar­ Shipps. Raymondsville, Mo., says reduction in taxes, better values ments. Furs cleaned. ) I got fine results from it and it for what we do pav. easier pay. is a g reat medicine for whooping ments of taxes and ecomony in cough. Surface Drug Store. all lines of expenditures by t h e ! HULL / » w i l l a ffo r d y o u g re a ter s a tis fa c tio n than you’ve JAY S. DOUGLAS DIED WEDNESDAY B u ild e r s and G e n e r a l H a r d w a r e high price« necessarily charged h y H a r n e ss and F ittin gs, E ts. S to v e s and R a n g es K een K u tter T o o ls ITo . ■ B achelors y o u p r e f e r clo tL ca S m ith ’s T o g g e r y “Things That M en W ear T H E RED FR O N T Florence, Oregon CHRIS B. JHRKTENSEN Announcement C. H. W atts, form erly of the W atts Jew elry Co. of Eugene has opened a first class Jew elry Store in the Rita Theatre.’ Special attention to watch word, jew elry repairing and agate mounting. RTH BEND MAUFACTURING C All Work Guaranteed THE 'FLORENCE LAUNDRY M rs. M innie F unke, Prqp. H a m lin S treet >® *' • “-FJ e' oi f^ o o d ry Work—Cleaning and Pressing for and dehver a.l w ° r , o„ J * The Pride of Florence A r tis tic W o r k - P h o t o S tu d io W V h a v e so m e sa m p le s that sh o w q u a lity and finish. G om e in and se e them . M c H a r d y S tu d io, F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n . JO H N S JFor R E P U B L IC A N G overn or “ - ”' h *' Frino,,lr. y„u state and county. REDUCTION ON HATS I furth er promise if elected to l o r t h e next two weeks ail be present and vote on every bill I Ladies’, M isses’ and C hildren’s passed by the next legislature H ats g o at a réduction. Mrs. R. unless prevented bv sickness to iki so. ! E. Kanoff. * H. C. W HEELER Motice of Pinal S ettlem en t FOR SALE Entate of W. A. Cox, Deceased. House and lot, fine river view. Notice ia hereby riven that Charlotte Good size lot, fenced and well J. Cox, Executrix of the last will.and kept yard. House newly repair­ testament of W. A. Cox, dweeaaeti. haa filed in the County Court of the State vu ed «1111 and painted. Price for a of Oregon in and tor Lane County, her $7 ‘‘lrcfK’n’ Char,ea A. Jo h n ., or Portland. >». waicut down taxes W hich do y ou want J Paid Advertisement lof ’« 52x126, well graded and lawn seeded to grass, fenced m 1 . • . ’ ^ ^ k s from w ater front, D— , - aa Inquire of MELVIN Price » #1500. G. MILLER SH O ES L A D IE S ’ T R IM M E G H A T S FRAERS’ “ Most Everything for a Little Less” -t-i-1-1111111111:1 ii-w -H 4-H r i 1 1111 I ¡ State Representative. Taxes two per cent rebate or in two semi-annual install- m enu without i n t e r « or • O. O. F. Building. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Mapleton. Oregon A g e n t C a rh a rrt . W o r k in g C lo th e s , C-A-R-H-A-R-RTf T h a t’s A ll Insure In T he Travelers Of Hartford Conn. Now is the time to insure your L ifeand Health, also against Accedents. Do it Now. B-4 some thing happens to you. E .‘Q W A Y M A N TO THE PUBLIC. _ Although Mr. Joe Holland is unable to serve to the public as he contemplated when he plann­ ed to open the Logan House, he * * * * * * * * will still try to furnish bread., pies, cakes and pastry to the Florence people at the Florence i Produce M arket. Orders filled a fte r Monday. Republican Candidate For n o w many instiiuitons would run a|„ng Wllh ln incr_ M of oner «« « p e n , « from year ,0 year ? No, man, W d lir ta r e d ^ e r taxes and cui down our expenses. A'harle. A !.. 1. t o ■ j J u st A r r iv e d -C o m p le te lin e o f ’ W o m e n ’s and C h ild r e n ’s Slejnfm on’s R a c k e t S to re account for final (»ive this Job to a man who w ill reduce Faxes and cut down expenses 1 » . - ‘ . The Insurance Man, WAYMAN’S Agencies, a Bbnds of iffl kinds. *♦*♦♦♦♦ ♦♦>***»***OMM#> BAY VIEW- HOTEL: Miller & Daniels, Props. _____ . T