THE SIUSLAW pLtQT, SATURDAY, OPPORTUNITIES, FLOREKCE AND THE SIUSLAW MAY thia, with the shell fish, will po t of its sooner or later be taken up by States. some enterprising person arid Its tributary country is great made a big industry. for dairying, fruit ra’ (continued from page one) The beach and hill lands of the >ng and stock raising. mill in the near future; the Tide Siuslaw Valley are adapted to the If has wholesome atmosphere Water Mill Company who now growing of all the fruits that and mild climate, have one of the most modern and have made Oregon justly famous Summer temperature 60 df- up-to-date mills on the Pacific apples, pears, plums, strawber- Frees. - Coast, located at Florence, Por- ries. loganberries, gooseberries Winter temperature45degrees. J Brothers Company w ho are and several other different smaller has good schools, gotd listed with the Tide Water fruits yield large and profitable churcet s, many benevolent orders Cojnpanp, Wendling Johnson 'crops. They mature quickly and F has large and well kej t her Company, who have al- the flavor of all fruits raised is stores. purchased a site and" ; re 1 excellent. It has been stated by; It has cheap living because of « tog a—large modern —m ril, >agricu l tu r al experts that —WlTif r eef),Tes of- both land and gea. the Fellman Nichols Com- propfer care the fruits of the Sius- It is the seaport of Lane County iy of Ei gene, Oregon. I law Valley will equal those of the best timber county in the The Western Coast of Lane ! the famous Hood River. With United States. mnty, or that portion West of the coming, o f-th e Willamette-, It has a gieat w ate r jxiwer only Coast Range, is whatis known Pacific Railway during the p,re- 16 miles distant as the Siuslaw Valley. It is sent year, there will be a great! It has wide and uniform streets, traversed from the east to the inciease in the production of these F has no >n w inter and no « — — I A • . a west by numerous rivers, creeks fruits, because of the large mar­ dust in summer. and small streams. The largest ket made available. It has no blizzards, cyclones or and most important of these is The Willamette-Pacific is a earthquakes. the Siuslaw River. Interspersed branch of the Southern Pacific, It has a first order light house, E A SY R E A S O N A B L E T E R M S T O R E S P O N S IB L E P A R T IE S with these streams along the which leaves the main line at costing $85,000. Coast are beautiful fresh water Eugene, after traversingthe Sius­ It has direct commercial con­ lakes and although little known, law country, the construction of nection by boat with Portland, they rank with the scenic spots the railway is being continued San Francisco and way points. >f the United States, and are south along the coast and lake It is the shipping point for all ipidly becoming popular as re­ country. This road not only commerce of the great Siuslaw In the New Building gion points. opens the richest section of Ore­ Valley and Western portion of Next to the Woolen Mill Store .of the points that will re- gon, but will Continue into .«Cali;, Lane County.. ¿mpitus from both the forma, connecting there with thè i t is Central headquarters for Canal and the new rail- mainline. This line is a water the finest natural summer resort instruction, is the sxaporl grade and eliminates the elimh on the Pacific Coast, has a 12 arid [orence. situated about mid- over the Siskiyou Mountains at 20 mile stretch of hard ocean ay of the western border of the the head of the Willamette Valley. beach. state, on a good fresh water har­ fhe Southern Pacific now have bor and tributary to which is the under construction, of which con­ Two of the greatest orchestral largest body of merchantable siderable is completed, a line from M. E. MILLER FOR successes of the century. timber available to any harbor Ontario, Oregon, on the Eastern LABOR COMMISSIONES D ouble -D isc R ecords 6 H. P. Marine engine with south of the Columbia river. Al­ boundary of Oregon, to Eugene, A1448 65 cents. complete equipment, in­ ready great commercial activities which will connect up with the Come in and let us play it for you. In the State of Oregon there cluding oil tank, «feed and in the seaport of Florence, in an­ line, Eugene to Florence, giving exhaust pipe. ticipation of expected commerce, Eastern Oregon and Idaho one of are many hundred industrial IMPORTANT NOTICE promised by these g rtat avenues the shortest and most direct lines interprises, the owners and 800 revolution, 3 port, All Columbia Records can be of transportation, is noticeable, possible to the Pacific Ocean. managers of which are vitally played on Victor TalingMach ines Jump spark. Throttle lever, and while Florence is a commer The United States Government interested in the office of State LIKEWISE split bearing, hand holes, cial seaport of the Siuslaw and of together with the Siuslaw Port Labor Commissioner. The same All Columbia Instruments will removeable top, force feed a large and enormously rich in­ Commission, has spent over one terior country, it is also a sum- half million dollars recently in may be said of the thousand^, of play Victor Records. oil system, Fiuger grips on resort of a rapidly incre »sing the construction of a system of laboring men of the state. -There fly wheel, etc. , who annually seek the jetties at the mouth of the har­ are matters arising every day the ocean breeze. The bor. During this year an avail­ coming directly under the super- expanse of hard ocean able -depth of water amounting vis! >n and control of this depa t- adjacent to Florence, and to eighteen feet prevails, which ment which interests the em- autiful fresh water lakes is very encouraging to all people pbyer and laborer. 'lhere art- iy on the north and on the of the Siuslaw and shows tl a many questions arising which . afford attractions for sum- the work is successful and will should ha handled by the offie , ler outings that cannot be sur- give us Vie desired results. Con­ il the occupant does his full duty >asstd on the Pacific Coast, and struction work is under way con­ as imposed upon him by law. I sold the Florence School a Flore nce is so situated as to get tinually, and a pew appropriation After making a complete study Columbia Graphophone this week the full benefit of these attrac­ is sought from Congress, which of the laws and the conditions ro be used in the school to play tions By reason of these ad­ will be met by a like amount rais­ existing between employer <. it the marches. This instrument Florence, Oregon vantages many predict Florence ed by the people of the Siuslaw employed, together with indus­ the “ Eclipse” is the best low trial conditions generally I have priced instrument that can be will have a wonderful growth, for additional improvement. determined upon a policy that produced. Pries $25:00. and are backing their judgment I frame pictures and have on F.orence is the largest and the would be pursued by me, should by investing in Florence real banking and commercial center hand some fine painting to sell estate and opening up new en­ jf the Siuslaw, whose population the people of the State of Ore- cheap. Call in and let me show g n elect me to the office of State you. ter p, ises. is about 700, and is situa ed on Labor Commissioner. Gay Wayman Musk Store The Siuslaw is not a grain the north side of the Siuslaw har­ At Wayman’s Agencies. In the first place I hold that it co .I,try, and we do not wish tc bor some four miles above where represent it as such, it bti lg it mingles its waters with those is the duty of the Labor Com SUMMONS Circuit Court for the State ■»f! A, rough and cut up considerably of the Pacific. It has a large missioner to lend every en­ In the Oregon, for Lane County. - |" 1 ih hills and small streams, but Stretch of deep water front which couragement to industrial enter­ L a z in D. Jo1 ... n, Plaintiff. j prises of the state; to use the white it is not a grain country, is fast building up and presents J. D. Asher. Defendant. ) The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or it is.more valuableYor other pur- a lively, business activity. Its powers of the office to keep To J. I). Auher, the al ve named dow n the large number of usekss shopjs too well recognized to require discussion. Doses, it is one of the richest mills, docks, warehousesand ship defends t; dairy sections of the West. Each are busily .engaged in loading and regulatory laws which do ro In thenanm of the Stats • >' Oregon; If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few ranch has a creek, - and usually unloading cargoes of lumber, rail­ good to any person or class of You are hereny required to a >pear and more Magda lamps in your store and show window y,.p Several springs, cool, crystal, road construction material and p 'Fauns and only hamper and re­ answer-the c unplaint filed :■ and watch results, in the above entitled suit within six As clear and always pure as only freight for the surrounding sec­ tard industrial progress. weeka from April 11th 1914, which is every person knowns who has You also profit by using electric lights in your home. nUuntam water can be. This tion. the date of the first publication ner.uf. studied the situation, the great and if you fail so to appear and ana we sect.on comprises the Siuslaw Electric Light is'most healthful, safest, most con­ Florence has an efficient elect­ number of regulatory laws, sone for want thereof, plaintiff w ill tak k* i National Forest, which has lately venient and the most economical light in the long run ric light plant, two modern up-to- of which are absolutely usele s default against you, and w ill apply tn been thrown open to settlement, date general merchandise stores, and detrimental to the industrial the court for a decree declaring an ' and a large number of homesteads one grocery store, one drugstore, and labor conditions of the sta t', adjudging that plaintiff is the own r have already Been taker, up. The and that the defendant have no eat >ti logged off land, or places wi.h two confectionery stores, one are in a very large measure re­ or interest whatever in or to a cert» l furniture store, two gents fur­ sponsible for a number of idle piece of land, described as follows, to few improvements, a-e to be had IS HERE TO SERVE YOU nishing stores, two builders’ sup­ mills and factories and the hun­ w it: very reason.-olv, a . , are io riary plies, one hardware store, one dreds and thousands of unem­ Beginning at a meander lire of the ways more ».w-atiab.j than » ?me- bakery, one steam laundry, two ployed men in the state. It is Siuslaw H irer at a point aa tbs E. line iads. Lot aix, Section 36, Township 18 TUP jewelry stores, one music store, an agreed fact that some of the of rixith, range 12 west, run south on said T’ ih Siuslaw Creamery A ss'ca ­ one clear ing and pressing estab- laws, which are unreasonable ine to a poin t aix chains north of south - 1 SQUARE tion is a co-operative company i hment, one photographer, one and unjust, are more important east comer of said lot six, west five ' dealer [owned by the dairymen ano far- ho. . and no resturants, two pool factors in causing business and chains, north to meander line of said 1 m *re. J he yearly profit p cow rooms, a telephone system and industrial stagnation than any rive r, thence follows said meander line ! THE BEST GOODS LOWEST BRICES Eieginning; seven acres all in Lane | rang»s fiom $70.00 to i i <0. two newspapers. A water system political doctrines or policies U hat the country needs is • i,,d is being seriously considered by a Located or carried out by any »ou.ity, Oregon; and also that the said: New Goods a Specialty Second Hand Goods ^Necessity Jeiendant, his heirs, executors, or as-! working men with famih '° | the people of Florence, and the j political doctrines or policies a »signs, be forever birred from assert­ Bear thia in mind; my goods are the beat money can bufl take up the dairy business ' source of supply will possibly be advocated or carri-d out by any ing any claim whatever in or to said and,the price the cheapest, quality of goods considered modern lines, and for ail fi from Clear Lake, a body of yxrlitical party. Tnat there are land or premises adverse to the plaintiff - ",e wc ’ Pr" ’P -it». mountain water some three milts some good and wise regulatory and that he have such other general I COME AND SEE ME ACME, OREGON e shm gindustry is p it.. «> so ith from the city. During the .aws is not disputed and that relief as may be just, together with , costa and disbursements. in point ot r enue. A.ieit present year ii is proposed to im- some are necessary is also ad- Service of this summons is made on wo salmon can ning points prove many of the streeU ol the nutted. but the idea hag been and J ou by publication by order of Honorable * the River al th. ¡„ Wn([ f|u. * L .T . Harris, judge of the circuit court of the t tate of Oregon for Lane county, th!”PFlotrenee'"c!ntninii nno™ ™ should be calkd and thMe laws made on me the aim 2nd day «i of n April 1914, di- , , , . ; ■ «•—•• uh p n i »»»«, FLORENCE already passed should be so con- ’ rectingthat aaidpublication be made in Company. Between $40,000 and It has a freâh water harbor. strued by the executive officers l^e Siualaw Pilot for six weeks. $50,000 are paid annually to th e ' It has one of the finest town Date of firat publication of thia sum­ a . u_ , o. i 7 .“ 'I ----- 7------------ — *wwu as would be consistent with com- fishmenof the Siuslaw for their sites along the Coast mon Sense and for the better- mons being April H th 1914, and date of A A Piano Opportunity ArtSs-,ronF F»y«r-A tegonized high S S an° Which the w« h ^ h ^ \Œ d T s 25% less than the regular price to move . The only way to know it’s merrit is to come and see m for yourself. Do it NOW Alles Furniture Co. Florence “A Little Love, a Little Kiss” and Rendezvous” SPECIAL PRICE Fair Banks Morse 10% from regular Price. L J. Pour tales THE HARDWARE MAN The Path to Profit Florence Electric Company Jared Scott C om plete : line GROCERIES J hi re LS a? ° 8 4° fath° m 11 has mor ' stan',in* tim ber ment o f conditions only; not for lest pnbMeation being May 23rd, 1914. R. C. W ygant. nalmut hank off the tou^t, and tributary to it than any other sea- political effect Attorney for plaintiff. FANCY AND STAPLE IOE MORRIS JR. MAPLETON. O