» PLEASANT HILL FARMER CAN- DIDATE FOR COMMISSIONED t, Make all you can; Save all you can; Give all you can. Mr. R. Papenfus located 23 years ago at Pleasant Hill, and by taking the hard knocks of life now owns over 500 acres in I*n» county and is one of our most successful farmers. He is look­ ing over the Siuslaw for a few days. On Savings Accounts. Mr Papenfus is a candidate for i the nomination for county com­ missioner on the republican tick­ et. He is a friend of the work- I ing man an j farmer and offers the following as â sÿnôpisof'hls' platform: day or so. Parties took it to Synopsis of platform As a can- i Acme and will try to raise it as a didate for County Commissioner. | pet I stand first, last and all the; De Lavelle Separator—Nearly time for the best highways possi- Published by new. Have no 'use for it and b,e- Where traffic is heavy I be- The Siuslaw Printing Co ____ W)H sell at a bargain. Geo. ,ieve in Putting in a good, sub- R. S. HUSTON Editor Montgomery, Acme. . j'stantial foundation which will „,... . , 'I John Morgan, the shoe maker, I save ™ the u,c e ex’pense of repairing K S t l K S h » new shoe finishing ‘ “ "¿e a r. . We Pay 4 Per Ct Interest ) P L A C E TO T R A D 1 V- Something NEW Lane County State and Savings Bank T H E SIUSLAW PIL O T B»U r,d „ , m atter March ’ a Becofid-ciasB |m atter March • . „ °n , . , . , —• “ defendants. The Vacuum Cleaner will do Ten gallon kegs for sale, ?1 week. He is on his wav to Coos I . T2 the unknown heirs at law of o. the work while you stand and “ A- Spencer, deceased; B. F. Clark, each. S. Kempthorne, the pop Bay. I /» „ J 7 ~ ‘ Clark» his wife- or the unknown look on. For rent 50c an hour. corn man. Florence Electric Co. J. L. Httk and Wife, of Maple- wife and heirs at law of said B F „ Old gold and silver taken at ton, came down the river Friday. CIark» deceaawi; also all other persons »» o . h o r bale- Extra good harness market value on work or goods Mrs. Beck will remain in Flor- "r partleM unkn,»wn, claiming any right, ence to he under the care o f n „ tlt,e' e*tl,te. hen or mterest in the real almost new, also heavy lumber at Watts. Edwards . ' estate described in the complaint in the wagon, first class shape for sale Watts carries a large stock of M. Vernon Parsons, candidate Ad* Jewelry.J^Come and look at it. A pleasure. for the nomination o f senator on In tht‘ nM"'e "f the State of Oregon, i i w mount your ag.it. s f the republican ticket is m eet in o- y° U “rek®rebv «"»Mired to appear a n d W a t ts . . ,n e e tin »i “"a*er the complaint of plaintiffs filed a tl The Florence Racket store has obi r J o . 1 an attractive display of sand on / e S,a"d mak,n,i neW ones in said court against you ih the above on the Siuslaw. ■ entitled suit, within six w eek, from apudes and buckets. . u If y you o u h have .™ h„i had trouble wi,h with arr i p ' X ' t“<'Hir’ " T ” * " p°i"t your watch take it to Watt», , .... „ " " " “*»■' and will locate y„u fail * , t„ f „ r .„ „ t',h ,r e ,.( Satisfaction or you money back. i> i .r J ’ e 1 8 a son of Ed i plaintiffs will take judgement against t v . x . r „1 a .. . .. ........ ’ "■■■ t»a« judgement against nacistl. ulm at present is day | you "■ l-r *y«l for in their epmoUint A lot in Glenada. Fisk addition clerk at the Bay View Hotel. towit: That their title to the North­ cleared, for sale address Box 2. east quarter of section No. 3.’ in town­ Halvor C. Wheeler, of Pleasant s h ip ^ south, range 4 w at of Wiliam Florence, Oregon, or Pilot office. Hill, was on the Siuslaw this ette meridian; tfifl ,u tea of land in Two line located lots in Flor­ week. Mr. Wheeler is an old Lane county, Oregon; be confirmed, es­ ence, dose in, nice camfortable republican war horse and is can­ tablished and quieted; that you and each house, for sale. Inquire at this didate for the nomination for re­ of you be forever barred and estopped office,.... 1 topi having or «laiming presentative on that ticket. or interest i- or to said lands or any part ‘ Ladies Coats and Suits from 1-3 to 1-2 price. Mostly up to E\ E' K^ ner’ of Springfield. thereof adverse t .■ ( kintiffs* title, and> tor such otit i- rel ef as the court shall „ urn 8Pe".t « ‘veral days on the Siuslaw deem date models at the^W oolen Mill eq u i'ji... getting acquaintdd with our Store. This summons is served by publica- ; a k_u„ , , People. He is a candidate for t.ion thereof once eae.'t week for six ! A baby seal was caught at the the nomination of representati v e weeks in theSiufl w l lot, a newspaper Oetty Saturday morning. The^on the republican ticket printel and published i. Florence, Ore Í little fellow had evidently got - gon, by order of the E, corable L. T. ------ --------------------------------------------■ . - ’ — —- — ,nd " « “• ,h’ Inaiirance. E. C. W .ym.„ , Don’t forget V e have Oats and Grass Seed,’ mill feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. in and look them over All goods as represented y -K-R G TORE “A Good Place to Trade” General Merchandise FLORENCE, OREGON ,M RS. ALLA D. «GUMMOE Liability Wayman. GRADUATE NURSE Hospital Accommodations References Florence, ************* Oregon Restaurant and Lunch Counter At Westlake A good place to eat M rs . M a e A ldr : c I * * MRS. KANOFF * * * * ♦ Mik’nery and Fancy Goods FLORENCE, . OREGON Fam You April, 1914; and t ie l.rst publication thereof was made on the llth tlay of April, 1914. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney for ulaintlffa. W e G a rry E v e ry th in g Ask £or wKat you|don’t see '1 htSl'riie will be Right and oujw illpie Satisfied^ Groceries. Furniture, Hardware r -w w Goods, Flour and Feel r Buy Good Fresh U M At The Glenada Meat Market One hundred and fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. This place is an ideal one for a home and is being offered for a low price! It must go soon,, Y\ rite us for particulars and terms. 1 have a tresh •»¡»ply of all kinds of meat, frtsu every dav. I RICES ARE RIGHT, Guarantee Satisfaction. A trial order will convince you j get the convince you that that yop you can can prices. Wm.Kyle& SoñsGo “wrï'ÏX,1 Wc ( .,ve Q. .ntitr and o,,,«,,. ( Glenada Hotel t O n T id e W a te r Investment Co, FLORENCE, OREGON, I •» a Z