THE SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914 VOL. II. OPPORTUNITIES, FLORENCE AND ---- THE SIUSLAW Remember the Voting for Queen ends tonight at the Basket Social. At th e- Rita, special • pro- gram will be offered. No admission charged. PILOT >U of O Libra ry NUMBER 14 S. ELMORE & CO. ASSIST CARNIVAL ?RIZES FOR DECORATION J. W. Bergman, chairman of the pavillion committee has re­ OF BOATS ceived information from the S. h more & Co that they will trans­ The Rhododendron Festival port a large tent from Portland to Florence free. The following Committee are offering three cash ? is the communication: — — •prises- enter the water parade. Mr. J. W. Bergman, These are worth trying for and Carnival Committee, it is expected to create a strong Florence, Oregon. rivalry in the contest. First prize Dear Sir:— Yours of April 30th, relative1 will he $25, second prize $15, and to the annual Rhododendron third prize $10. A number of 'Carnival celebration, just re. 1 owners of launches have already ceived. signified their intention of doing In reply, we wish to advise I the best to win first prize. miles north of the mouth of the i that all arrangements have been Disinterested parties will be Siuslaw. made for transporting the ac­ selected to act as judges in award­ After having located a halibut commodation tent mentioned, ing these prizes. bank off the coast north of here from Portland to Florence and that promises to be one of the return, by one of our steamers, best of fishing grounds, the two- free of all charges, to the masted fishing schooner Zillah Carnival Committee, and we will May from Grays Harbor was give the matter our careful at­ The passenger service Ion the forced to lift anchor and nets and tention. put into Coos Bay for refuge If we can be of any further Willamette Pacific has now been from the severe northwest gale. assistance in the transportation extended to Joe Fowler’s place The Zillah May brought in line, please let us know your on the Wild C at This change enables the stage about 4000 pounds of fine halibut wishes. which she had taken in a short We desire to take this oppor­ to get into Mapleton about |one hour sooner than before. time. tunity to express our best wishes In that locality are three Capt. Chris Anderson is master for a most successful celebration. bridges close together and this of the Zillah May and he carries Tours truly, place will probably be the end of a crew of fifteen men. They S. ELMORE & CO. train service for several weeka. started in fishing off Heceta Head F. H. Haradon. and were prepared for a big catch which the bank afforded C. W. Hflakle, of Bakersville J. P. Cox received the first California arrived in Florence strawberries of the season last when the storm came up. Friday. The Zillah May was originally for a short visit. planned for the Alaska fishing fleet but the Alaska Fisheries Company so predominated that field that the owners decided to try for an independent field. The Zillah May is docked back of the Johnson-Gulovsen store. She will put to sea in a day or two. Oregon, Eastern Washington transportation would mean noth- and Idaho are a great producing ing to Lane County if they had Empire comprising 220,000 square nothing to ship, but as they have miles. An area equal to Maine, fifty billion feet of standing tim -, New Hampshire, Vermont, Mas- ber, enough to load fifty thousand , sachusettes, Connecticut, Rhode ships with a million feet to a ship, j Island, New Jersey, New York,, they are deeply interested in any i Pennsylvania, Maryland and Vir-I enterprise that promises cheaper ginia. Lane County, Oregon, on transportation or wider markets. ’ the western coast of Oregon, is The completion of the railroad 117 miles long, and 40 miles wide from Eugene, and deepening of the only county in the great Wil- the harbor at Florence will start lamette Valle/ that extends from the wheels of prosperity in Lane the summit of the Cascade Moun- i County as nothing else can do. tains to the Pacific Ocean, and The shores of this section are O. L. McVey reports a good includes a good harbor, giv- J washed by the warm Japan cur­ patronage at Hotel Glenada. ing an open doorway on the Paci- i rent, which keeps the tempera- John Liles, the barber, is now fic and Panama Canal for the ture of the air even and subject located in his new shop just fifty billion feet of standing tim -' to only gradual changes. It is across from the hotel. ber that Lane County contains, free from destructive storms and Hull has built an addition in Everybody is looking to the bay extremes of heat and cold, and is rear of his store. at Florence as the front door of wholesome and invigorating. The Wm. Wohlanders left Thursday centeral Oregon, opening upon scenery of the Oregon coast is for Eugene in response to a mes­ the greatest highway of the earth, magnificent, its lava cliffs and sage saying that Louie Hedstron the Pacific Ocean, thence through frothing surf dividing stretches was dangerously ill in a hospital. the Panama Canal to all impor- of smooth sand beach, our future John Liles has purchased a lot tant markets of the world. auto boulevards. ip Glenada and will soon com­ At Florence all Lane County Lumbering is the most develop- mence the erection of a residence. produce, such as lumber, fruits ed and chief industry at the A1 Miner moved a house from and vegetables, etc., will begin present time. According to Rose Hill to his lot in Glenada their journey to the market at a Government statistics, the Sius- Friday afternoon.-It was brought cost of only one dollar per ton for law water shed contains ' thirty each 2000 miles, while marketing , four billion feet of standing tim- down on a large scow. Glenada’s meat market is now by rail cannot be done for less ber which will be logged and showing a display of all kinds of than one dollar a ton for each 127 manufactured upon Siuslaw Bay, j fresh meats.------ miles. which is the center of the lum- Florence and all of Lane ber manufacturing and exporting ‘ County will begin an enormous of the section, growth and development as soon The principal timber owners as the railroad reaches the harbor are Messrs. Starret and Hovey at Florence, giving the people of Detroit, Michigan, who con- cheap and direct transportation template the erection of a large The two buildings being erect­ through the Panama Canal to the ed for Wm. Kyle & Sons Co. are best markets of the globe. Cheap I (concluded on oage 3) having the finishing touchfes put on. The one just west of the i Bay View Hotel has been plaster­ The comedy play “ Mr. Bob’’ ed and carpenters are laying the will be given by local talent on floor. Saturday evening, May 16 at the A walk has been built to the new theatre. Proceeds will be moving picture theatre, and! for the benefit of the carnival. electricians are wiring the build­ The following is the cast of ing. characters: The theatre will have an Audi­ DY ER & BALD W IN Robert Brown—Frank Johnson torium 30x74, and the interior Philip Rayson—John Holt Our Stock Of finish is of pressed steel mak­ Miss Rebecca Luke—Ather ing the walls fire proof. The Watkins. • stage w ill be 12x30. The audi-1 Katherine Rogers— Hazel will be the most complete in the valley. We will receive addition torium will have four exits, three Weatherson. to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comet in. on the side and the main in front, j Marion Bryant— Mary Cassidy. A SEE US FOR The operating and lantern room Jenkins—Dr. Johnson, CEMENT, LIME, SEWER PIPE. DRAIN TILE, wifi be tn front just above the patsy Heirter Hurd. • front entrance. Good ventila- The p]ay jg under the direction LIM E FERTALIZER tion is provided for and when of Mr hrank Smith who has completed Florence will have a had considerable experience in handsome and attractive moving ^his |jne of work an(j jj promises , picture theatre. to be a splendid success. In the front part of the build- 1 on each side of the entrance wilt ; be a business room 12x16. Neil ' Grindall has leased the theatre j and the business rooms are Suits Made to Order. spoken for. S. J. Miller, has bought the equipment and lease of the new eating house just west of the Bay View hotel, and served his Next to Telephone Office, Florence, Oregon first meal Thursday. The building has bigpn ♦ thoroughly overhauled, repaper­ The Patsy made a fast trip to We are showing a varity of Patterns and Models 1 Portland and return this time. ed and painted throughout, and a We also show in better grades from She left port Sunday morning kitchen built on the rear. The range is a fine new one about5 o’clock and arrived again and the dishes are all new. J. , Friday noon. While there was W. Osburn will have charge of not a full cargo waiting when the culinary department, and he of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- she got to Portland, the tonnage is well known to the public in was considered sufficient to im­ WIRE SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. such capacity. mediately return. The S. Elmore & Co. say that i Sam has a nice, neat place of If you are hard to fit you can choose from 500 if the Patsy cannot take care of business and will also fix up four samples and have a suit to your measure the freight they will put the rooms to rent. We are pleased to show you at any time Tillamook on the run to help out. $5 REWARD WHAT’S DOING INGLENADA TRAIN SERVICE NOW TO JOE FOWLER’S PLACE Special Sale KYLE BUILDINGS NEARING COMPLETION On “MR. BOB” ON 4 ' SATURDAY MAY 16. Sarsaparilla The Great Spring Tonic $1:00 Bottles at 75c Store Siuslaw Building Material Co. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc R-K-R Warehouse _____ H E N R Y HY RK AS S. J. MILLER HAS OPENED RESTAURANT will buy you an All Wool Suit well made __ Ladie’s and Gent’s Tailor Cleanining and Pressing a Specialty. PATSY MADE VERY QUICK RETURN TRIP Five V otes F o r Q ueen $18 TO $25 SUITS Given with each $1 Purchase THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE WOOLEN MILL STORE C onqueror Hats Douglas Shoes Florence, Oregon Is offered as a prize by Dr. Edwards to the boy or girl under 16 years of age who constructs the best fly trap containing the The Coos Bay lim es prints the largest number of flies dead or following account of a 4600 pound alive. Fly traps must be entered catch o f halibut off the coast ( as a part of the School Fair , from Heceta Head about ten exhibit. HALIBUT CAUGHT OFF SIUSLAW RIVER 1. T h e P ride of Florence We make a speciality of made to order clothing. Cleaning and Pressing. Buttons made to order.