SLAW PILOT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. 19H wasammtìttug fkéd hoîiisier «k LOSES MASCOT Hampton’s . t Capt. and Mrs. John Bergman ; 2 : returned home from North Bend +*i Monday evening. The captain A 0 U O 'r 'Z A n i - ; went down to Coos Bay to look y > u p r e fe r c L tk e s ; ¿ Ja fte r Fred’s garden while he Eugene, Oregon X. fa*<.:oned fa {o r you r ow a was making stump «peaches, and figure, object to the high E V E R Y T H IN G FO R M E N A N D W O M E N . lts sa‘d "that he also supervised prices n ecessarily charged by ; r gettingfout the stumps that would om.i.i tailor?, let us send you r lx? .used after the primaries. ÎUÎI4- 4"! till i - h -U-4 ____* w Capt. Bergman seems to be m easure to ---- - especially pleased over the death I of a $20 pup that Fred bought EdLV. Price & Co. w en tly . It was auppdse thaï L a r g a rt t a i l o r , in t h , w o r l d o f the pup was to bc a political G O O D r a a d e -to -o r d e r c lo th e . I mascot, but he proved to be a nuisance in the garden that we 11 deliver the Captain was making so he w ill a ffo r d died. His death occurring short­ Sash, Doors, M ouldings ly after he got bqsy and dug up y o n g r e a te r Paints, Oils, Glass several valuable roots and de­ s a tie ia c tio n stroyed other plants. The D y n a m ite G ap s and F u se tban you've Captain rejoiced; the pup was ever enjoyed b a r m and P o u ltry F e n c in g dead; the garder; safe. * “ d the coet H a r n e s s and F ittin gs, E ts. And Fred’s friends say, “ We w ill be no— should worry” . What was the S t o v is and R a n g es K ee n R u tte r T o o ls ticeably mod* use to waste $20 on a pup during , * B u ild e r s and G e n e r a l H a r d w a r e eet. M a y w e election times? Mascot, or no mascot he is bound to win. ’L a v « y o u r We car ry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in But this fact Still remain« meaeura to­ plain pup, or mascot, he had no day? right to tear up the garden, and at Glenada when that was --- settled Capt T? rp , ~ ...... vcpu Bergman, returned home to plant Tor That Carnival Y'T • palm trees and take care of his own garden. R CASH STORE U-1 fflffiUUUl | To ybu Bachelors lo r « u ‘m on“h8T° T h e r «Va hJht^ooft and a r t r U n ? * , r e ,s™“ ranteed »o waarw fthool hols« T h . softest y p ,y ’ ^ ¡ ' ‘^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ < > - > > 0 heavy, cum ber,,,m e and c o a rS * Io choosa ir o n . x ot e ,w r le n Îe r o ^ t o f io or we*r h ,a ionr « r o d * — O — t h . e . r r • m u a iu io k kind in d can c *n |a >wai S««the " H o le p r o o f assortm ent t oda» - 1 a l t ! rn st 11. W .» le E M, îSSh0^ ? * N“ ’ Hüll Sens HULL Jared Scott TH E SQUARE DEALER half of the street or alley adjacent to the property owned or con- THE BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES trolled or managed by them, ex­ cept as jn this act provided. Postmaster J. L. Page has re­ New Goods a Specialty . Second Hand Goods a(Necessity, ceived word from the department Section 3. The provision of Sec­ tion 2 of this ordinance shall not at Washington, D. C., that on apply to building material stored T y good’ “re the best money een bud •ndjthe price the cheapen, quality of good» conaidered^ and after July 1 of this year a in a street. provided that the money order may be cashed at owner of the pro-jsrty adjacent COME AND SEE ME any postoffice in the United States to the half of the street so used ACME, OREGON on or before 30 days after the shall be actually engaged in build­ date of its issuance. The act un­ ing and shall have obtained < a der which this ruling ¡g made written permit from the Council b ro a ry T iw l 7" or In hl. I H a r d w a r e , S to v e s and R a n g es effect on’July ! *° absenCP fri,m the Mayor for the. This will b k USe th,‘ 5troet for storage pur- We can furhisn Building Material of all kinds Doors Win venient fo r^ h . U- T COn’ poses- which P*"nit shall not be ’ W nW W rtl Paper. present. Now a n d ^ t h e c a l d a y s °f Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line CASH MONEY ORDERS AT ANY POSTOFFICE Florence Builders Supply Company DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE STAU P& CORUM . . NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. N o r th B e n d , O re g o n someoiie sends you a money order! dinance shall C O M PLETE LINE , v en ed that quality and prices are right. Special prices for 30 days on cleaning ___and_ blocking Panoma hats. Buttons made to match gar­ ments. 1 Y rtistic Furs cleaned. W o rk ^ W e have so m e sani pi I a n d fin ish . C onn. ------- io Studio h o w q u a lity s . e llivm. th em . A T cH ardy Studio, Floren«. o«goo Florence, Oregon Announcement h » HOD^2l“ ' ? ° T “ ,r 'y “? the W atts 6 » of Eugene agate mounting. All Work Guaranteed TH E FLORENCE LAUNDRY \ « __a a . -, Mrs. Minnie Funke, Prop. H a m li n S tre e t FRAERS’ fnaf I veU enrew ’ th '" b*‘ .i“ rr™t con- f'orence bus „o“orrti“ n , ' | ente to the public, it will hibiting the obstruction of rtreets m 2 m,'rL " " rl‘ ." 'r the ”■«- » » '" « • P la c i n g „ f „ b u L i h .X ' »m h “".d v" a” l9t*nts- rhn »"'I m it ¡« n w o u an fur the pre-' Icord , f ail .X y U« : x hu , Z " C , f- We make a speciality of made-to-order clothing all we ask is one trial and you will be con­ TH E RED FR O N T L A D IE S ’ T R IM M E C H A T S from San franc,sco, California, a misdemeanor and u,ion con vie ii<" thereof in ^ Z ^ s -— vuc nw uruers j leave the city before the letter ' ourf shall be punished by a fine gets here and go to Minneapolis, of not less than five dollars or Minnesota, and the letter follows ....,v umn one nundered dollar more than one hindered You. you may cash the order at or by imprisonmeni in t ^ c dollars X ,ai “ iu 7 T w ’ n d i i ’'d ”f b' i,nK'° T ' J ” "“ ' te " " “ n two ™ ''"ehulf GLASS Hi^h Grade Interiorytniih rnce» Mm led on Application The Pride Florence TuT!;i'^s That. M en W ear” S H O E s Violating deemed ^ ‘i lty S manufacturers of S A S H , D O O R S A N D M O U L D IN G S FANCY AN D STAPLE J O E M O R R IS J r . M APLETO N . Sm ith s T o g g ery - many years money orders are. Section 4. It shall be the duty £ al1 for and deliver ad ^o rk W° rl< Cleanl ng and Pressing and have been payable only at ~ - - Rates on Family Washin Of the Marshall to enforce the • « the office upon which they are provisions of this ordinance; to drawn, but under this new ruling remove any obstruction in the no matter upon what office they streets or alleys and the cost of are drawn they may be cashed such removal shall be a lien on J u s t A r r k e d — C o m p le te lin e of in any town ....------ where there v i is s a a p post- I - o st- tne the aouttingproi abutting property and collect- W o m en s and C h ild r e n ’s Aiil as M ere other »»XL. . .. !• «. “ ’ Providing they are presen-| ed liens Florence, Oregon GROCERIES Call and examine our line of Hai Hafaff^ r Mar* ClotlW > Stetso Hats, S tar Brand Shoes. We are read to dress you for the Carnival - - ffi- __ _ ORDINANCE NO. 92 t O»tt trom and after its passage X ' M , ^ nCil W r o ''al by .• . n - . . Sle.i? on? ? " ’s R a c k e t S to re I- o. O. F. Building. Mapleton, Oregon 9 A g en t C a r h a r r t W o rk in g C lo th es __ C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T T h o f’e All An ordinance prohibiting the Passed this 24th day of Avril obstruction of streets and alleys, 1914. providing a penalty for so doing Atttest D. E. Severy and defining the duties of the Recorder. K. . . ----- ----- u VXM 1 Marshal in connection therewith. Geo. W. Evans, Mayor I be t ity of Florence does Fred E. Meyers,Councilman ordain: D.W. Keesman. Councilman Section 1. That it shall be unlaw­ E. C. W A Y M A N ful for any person, firm or cor- M OST CHILDREN’S DISEASES O|»oration to place, or cause to be The Insurance Man, START WITH A COLD placed any refuse or rubbish of WA^ MAN’S Agencies, anv kind in -------- 7* ”* • , Kestlesaness-foaverishness-an “trv ts o r» ? . 7 k"V ” f the ,n,lamed ^ ro a t and spasmodic, Bonds of ail kinds. Florence 8 °f mayb* * h°0PW cough is j Section •> It k ii i starting in. Give Foley's Honey n 2. It shall be unlawful and tar promptly. It helns the" : * * * ♦ * * * ♦ * * ♦ * * * ♦ * * * ♦ ; oi ap\ person. tm,i or coropora- children so. very much and Mrs * t»n to puce. C.UUU t„ be puced Ship,». M„ . ^ 8 I BAY VIEW HOTEL ^ f ,iKernrabbish,n,ain a,’y. traSh’ lgOt fint> rt‘suIts fro m T an T ’it * wcxMl(;7 n ------- bv hh H r cuijr an>’ iUflHXT, Umber’ W » 8 KlVa great med'cine for whooping * wtxxi or anv * wood any blllldinir building mntwriol material « of i enn.rk cough.” ” Surface Drug Store. any kind or to erect, permit to Rates $ l . n to $2.00 an °r “iiow to n'main REDUCTION ON HATS Meais^öcJandJBOc »«-'budding, structure or device^ For the next two weeks all tk.a"L-klnd. that ,nterferos with Ladies’, Misses’ and Tables'win k„ SP“ ”*1 rat<* by the week Children’s Tables.wiU be supphed with the Best the Season affo73T* Mrs. R. ■« streets and alleys upon the E. Kanoff. - H eadquarters for Traveling Men ' - Miller & Daniels, Props. ............................. ..................................... ..........................................