THE SIUSLAW PLIOT, Piano Opportunity T • in order to move it quick. The only way to know it’s m errit is to come and see in jfor yourself. Do it NOW. E A S Y R E A S O N A B L E T E R M S T O R E S P O N S IB L E P A R T IE S Alles Furniture Co. Florence RETURNED FROM I. 0. 0. F. ASSOCIATION ' MEETING IN EUGENE Attorney R. C. Wygant return­ ed Monday night from his trip to Eugene where he'was a delegate to the County Association of Odd ! Fellows. The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or Mr. Geo. Drury, of Coburg, was elected president, R. C. shop is too well lecognized to require discussion. Wygant, of Florence, secretary; If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few G. L. Brown of Junction, treas­ more Magda lamps in your store and show window urer. and wa ten results, It was voted to hold the . next meeting at Florence at a time You also profit by using electric lights in your home. when the new I. O. O. F. hall is Electric Light is most healthful, safest, most con­ to be dedicated. venient and the most economical light inthelongrun Mr. Wygant went from Fugene to Newport and came down the beach. He reports Newport as growing rapidly and many im­ en ee provements going on' It is esti­ 13 HER3 TO SERVE YOU mated 135 houses are under con­ struction at the present. The $5000 has been raised for DR. D. HARDEN PHYS1CAN A> D SU'GEAN a cannery at Cottage Grove. WESTERN UNION WIRES The first unit of the Beaver Tempot ài y office i;. -.i.; REACH VENETA STATION State Motor car factory at Gresh­ Vi w Hotel am is completed and machinery The first message over the being installed. new Western Union Telegraph Chittem Bark, Mohair and line being constructed between »Vobl wanted R-K-R Store. Eugene and Coos Bay was trans­ mitted from Veneta to Eugene yesterday afternoon. The crew Notice of Final Settlement is now working near that station and yesterday grounded a wire Estate of W. A. Cox, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Charlotte a id sent the following: 1. Cox, Executrix of the last will and “J. A. McKevitt, Manager, testament of W. A. Cox, deceased, has I have a fresh ? :p ;.. of a.l Sled Eugene, Oregon: in the County Court of the State kii d'. of mi at. cv - »lay. if Oregon In and’for Lane County, her “Greetings from the construc­ final report as such Executrix and PRICES ARE RlGd I’, Gi rantee account for final settlement of said tion crew. Sati-facunn A '.rii o r b r will ■state, and that Monday, the 18th day “J. E. CHURCHILL, Fore­ ■if May, 1914, at ten o’clock in the convince you t;. •ou c-rig /tth e forenoon, man. has been, by said Court, set best meati a. !'■> ow«st prices.- as the time for heating objections to “C. L. DOTY, Operator.’’ said final report and account, and for It is probable that commercial ihe final settlement of said estate. C harlotte J Cox, messages will be accepted by the A. E. W heeler , Executrix operator whenever they are pre­ Attorney. sented although it is not probable that much business will be done till stations are established.—Eu­ gene Register. Flor Electric Company Buy Good Fresh Meat At The Glenada Meat S trict W. J. 'fa b >r, Gienucv lit iel SPECIAL PRICE Fa r ca lks Morse i i H. P. Marine engine with complete equipment,_in­ cluding oil tang, feedjand exhaust pipe. 800 revolution, 3 port, ..Jumpfspark, Throttle lever, snlhf| bearing, hand holes, removeable top, force feed oi, system, Fiuger grips on fly wheel, etc. 3 10% from regular Frice. & F « .. HARDW ARE MAN Florence, Oregon HELPS KIDNEY AND BLAD- DFR TROUBLE-EVERYBOUY SATISFIED Everywherepeople are taking Foley Kidney Pills, and^^re so satisfied they urge others to take them also A. T. Kelly, McIntosh, Ala. says: “I recommend them to all who suffer from kidne.v_ troubles and backache, tor they are fine.” Best thing you can take for backache, weak back and rheumatism Surface Drug Store. _______________ 1914 | Now In Full Force—Our 25% less than the regular price The Path to Profit MAY 6. The Biggest Event Ever Held On The Siuslaw River We have a brandnew Armstrong Player--A regonized high grade Piano which the wholesale house has instructed us to sell a t In the New Building text to the Woolen Mill Store WEDNESDAY. Reorganization Sale The biggest, ft vent, of. the Siuslaw.. the great kal«i)«4oek of -General Merchandise will be given on April 10 everything in the store offered at absolute cost prices. Ihis is the explanation: 1 have been seven and one-half years in business in Mapleton and now, after this period of suc jesaful merchandising, I am going to admit to partnership my son, Norman J. Morris. As everybody knows, in a transaction of this kind, cash is the best medium of exchange; consequently, in order that we may arrive at the proper cash value of our entire stock, we are going to hold a great Re-Organization Sale and sell everything in the store, regardless of what it may be. at absolute cost price. This is a tremendous elimi­ nation of profits, but you know Joe Morris. .It-., and Joe Morris, Jr., always keeps his word, and when he says cost prices, he means that he will stick to it. This is a cash sale we must turn the stock in the shortest possible time. Many of the lots offered are new Spring Goods; in fact, some of these merchandise lots will be op >nd the first day of the sale. Included are small lots, large lots, complete assortments, anything and everything you want. Nothing is reserved except the cash register an I th e fixtures of my store. Here is the way to know what you are,buying and what you are paying by my cost mark Here it is:' • _______ C A S T E R O 1 L X Y 1 2 3 4 5 1! 7 8 9 0 Repeater Read this, clip this cost mark from the add. bring it with you, add 10 per cent additional for freight and insurance, pay the money, and you take the goods. All I want to do is to turn my stock for cash in the shortest possible time, so that myself and Norman J. Morris my son, can start business on an equal bases. Remember, I am selling out but not quitting. Come early on the 10th. - All our Men’s H ats Men’s Women’s and Child­ ren’s Shoes For Cost entire stock is included. One big lot com­ prising ihe celebrated “Lion” Brand. This is a brand that is the only real competition ad­ Shoes for men, women and children includ­ mitted by “The Stetson” firm. All makes ed in this sale at cost. Buy shoes for the and styles offered in this great Re-Organiza­ whole family now and you will save dollars in tion Sale all sizes and colors included. Your doing so and your dollars are as good to you choice at exactly what tney cost us, plus ten as they are Io us. Pumps and Oxfords all per cent for freight and transportation. these are in the latest and most fetching Complete lines of Spring Straw Hats just re­ style for women. 137 pairs of Krause Bros.' ceived from the East. Offered at less than Shoes at absolute cost price. , We are closing we paid for them. The most recent styles these out because we cannot afford to guaran­ men’s, women’s and children’s--are included. tee them to you because the company will not Absolutely new in every respect; in fact, the guarantee them to us -consequently we are cases have not been opened since they arrived going to dispose.of every pair of Krause at the store and will not be unpacked until the Bros. ’ Shoes in the store at absolutely cost first day of the sale. Your choice at less than rices. Included in this are Men’s, Women’s ouths’ and Children’s Shoes, all styles in­ cluded. We feel safe in saying that these shoes will be worth to you what you will have to pay for them during this sale. Men's and Women’s Copeland-Ryder Shoes the regular Jefferson Brand you know the grade, the best shoe in the market offer?d during sale at cost 3) to 40 pairs of Your choice of entire stock Oil Clothing dur­ Men’s this HunkJori, 18-inch, Viscolized Calf ing this sale at less than cost We are over­ retail regularly at $8.00 the pair, stocked on these goods, therefore we are put­ Shoes that in thfs sale at cost prices 12-inch ting forth a special effort to clean up every offered loggers, spring and eftmmon heels, corked and piece of Oil Goods in the store including our uncorked, genuine French Kip, outside Coats in short medium and full lengths in counter and counter and pocket count­ various styles—Rubber Boots, mid and waist er. These in inside men’s siz.s only, and worth styles and in all sizes also our complete stock offered in the great Re-Organization of Men’s Rain Coats and Sou’westers. In fact $7.50, at cost. Read the cost tag add ten per almost everything you can think of in this line sale cent for freight and insurance, pay the money, will be included. Buy now at what I pay for and the shoes are yours. the goods. ¥ Regular Cost Price Oil Clothing Offered in this Sale a t Cost » ........ .................... 1 Graniteware and Kitchen Utensils at Cost During this Sale Reorganization Sale of- Groceries The best stock of Groceries on the Siuslaw. Standard and preferred goods are included. Chinaware and Pitchers, Fruit Jars, Nappies, Extra specials: Bowls, Berry Seta everything you can think Puree Tomatoes. 10c per can, 3 cans for 25". of in China or Glass, offered in this sale at Standard Sugar Corn, 10c per can, 3 for 25c. cost. Bring your favorite mail order catalog No matter what you want in grace ies, buy it and compare prices that prevail :n Portland, now, storing up for the fat ire, an 1 you will Seattle or Chicago with the prices we ask you save dollars during this sal». for this merchandise, and you will find our I have just returned from Portland and my lower. sale prices on Hams and Bacon are cheaper th^n you can buy these meats for in any big city. The choicest hams and bacon now offer­ ed at cost. Buy all you want. CANDIES AND FRUITS Our complete stock of candies and all fruits in the store offered during this sale at cost All fancy vegetables, including 50 cases of tomatoes, solid pack, sold during this sale at cost. Iowa sugar corn at cost. Also the best quality of Porcelain- Every­ Buy all you want. thing in pots and pans and everything you need for the kitchen included in this sale at cost. We are selling out an I cost prices pre­ vail Goods of this quality h ive never been offered at such sensationally . ,