2 THE SIU8LAW PILOT WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. 1914 ANNOUNCEMENT CALVIN J. HURD Self Sacrifice To the Republican voters of Lane county. I am a candidate for the nomi­ nation for the office of County Commissioner on the Republican ticket. 1 am a farm er having lived in my present neighbor­ WE SOLICIT YO U R AC C O U N T hood, between Eugene and June- tion City, for the past 18 years. I am well acquainted with the needs and conditions of the roads in all parts of Lane County, and especially the roads in the West­ ern part of the County. PERSONALS I I have for the past five years ¥------------ --------- ------ * given the roadquestion a thorough H. A. S tarrett returned to Flor­ and system atic study, both from ence Tuesday. ! a constructive and maintenance Published by I viewpoint, I was one of the first Demmie Kemp came in from The Siuslaw Printing Co. men in Lane County to publicly Eugene Tuesday. advocate the patrol system of R. S. HUSTON Editor J. E. Nelson came up from road maintenance. Gardiner Saturday. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at If I am nominated and elected Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., I Leonard Christensen returned I will use my best efforts to see Entered as second-class Tmatter tyarch from Coos Bay on the Rustler. 20, 1913, at thepotaoffice at Florence, ... ,, , , , that all parts, of the County are Oregon, under the act of March 8rd, Miss Vera Neely has accepted given fair treatm ent as to the 1813- a position with the Bay View distribution of public funds. (SUBSCRIPTION RATES' H otel. If the above meets with your One year in advance - - - $1.50 C. C. Beck, of Mapleton, was approval vote X ’No. 76. in town on a business trip Tues­ CALVIN J. HURD. day and Wednesday. (Paid A dv.) BREVITIES Chas. Nadeau, came in from H ardw are Hull, Glenada, Ore­ Eugene and will remain in Flor­ DIED ence several days. gon. ' Jam es Neely and family of , Trout fishing is fine in the Jacob Hunzicker, an old settler Mapleton were visiting in Flor­ N orth Fork. who lived near Deadwood, died ence the first of the week. / Special}’ price on Kitchen Monday, 27th, at the hospital in • Mrs. Gill, of Cottage Grove Ranges a t Pourtales. Salem, following an operation. arrived in Florence Tuesday and The rem ains will be brought to Life Insurance, E. C. Waymä'n. is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Deadwood for interm ent. Furniture or rugs, the ideal Otho Johnson. g ift—See Alles Furniture Co. Ed Bennett, o f the Pacific The Florence Racket store has Lumber Inspection Bureau, of ALL MILLINERY REDUCED. an attractive display of sand Portland, has accepted a position A big reduction sale on all spades and buckets. ÍÍ as tallyman a t thy mill. hats will begin Thursday May Ladies Coats and Suits from 7th, Will sell a t cost price with 1-8 to 1-2 price. Mostly up to freight added. Have a full line * IPRQCLAMATION. date models a t the Woolen Mill of hats, flowers, ribbons, and Store. Our annual - Rhododendron trim m ings of all kind«. Plate Glars Insurance, E. C Carnival will be held soon and as < R S . MILLS. Wayman. x the Rhododendron blossoms are i® W h tr’J y tu f th iik H a rd w a r:th ® principal attraction for that The gasoline schooner Ran­ event I ask the residents of the dolph of Coos Bay, w ent aground think of Hull, Glenada, Or. town to refrain from picking last Saturday at the mouth of the HOUSE CLEANING A Ten gallon kegs for sale, $' those nearby until after” the Rogue river while attem pting to DELIGHT each. S. |K em pthorne, the pop Carnival is over. enter th a t river. It is believed corn man. The Vacuum Cleaner will do GEO. W. EVANS, Ma\or. she will be saved. A large force the work while you stand and Bonds of all kinds, E, C. Way- of men are a t work trying to get look on. For rent 50c an hour. man. John Morgan, the shoe maker, the boat off. Florence Electric Co. Old gold and silver taken at has received word th at his new A copy of the first issue of the m arket value on work or goods Progressive Shoe Trimmer will Port Um pquaCoutier has arrived. lh e office building occupies Ly at Watts. b? shipped on th e'n ex t Patsy. It is a well-made-up and live R vorder D. E. Severy will be De Lavelle S eparator- Nearly A practice game of base ball newspaper. J. H. Austin is new. Havefno use for it and was had last Sunday on the fiat editor and proprietor. Gardiner moved to A. O^ Funke’s lots ju st west of the Tide W ater Mill Co. will sell a t a bargain. Geo. east of town. Picked nines made is the place of publication and the office. Montgomery, ¡Acme. the game quite exciting. Con­ people of th at vacinity should W atts carries a large stock of siderable interest is being taken back up their Courier. Jew elry.» Come and look a t it. in form ing a base ball organiza­ A pleasure. tion and fixing up a diamond in 44 good shape. 1 will mount your agates— W atts. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Economize for the purpose of being indepen­ dent is one of the soundest indications o f manly character. I t is w hat we save rath e r than w hat we earn th at insures a competence for the future. Lane County State and Savings Bank R-K-R STORE T H E SIUSLAW PILOT A complete line of p ri ng Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- Sister-Brother and Baby. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. C a ll in a n d lo o k t h e m o v e r A ll g o o d s as r e p r e s e n te d R-K-R STORE A G o o d P l a c e to T r a d e ” a A Little Love, a Little Kiss” and Rendezvous” Department o f Interior U .B , Land Office at Roaeburg, Or., March IS, 1914. Notice ie hereby given that Alep Dowell of Mercer, Oregon, who on Two of the greatest ( rchestral Auguat 19, 1907math- Homestead Entry No, 14496, Serial No. 04229, for the successes of the centi ’V. If you have had trouble with NX o f SEX and WX o f NEX of sec­ D ouble - D is c 1 ecords c your watch take it to W atts. tion IS. township IT ». range 11 w. A14 IS i>.) cents. ‘ W illam ette Merulun, has tiled notice Satisfaction or you money back. of intention to make five year proof, to Come in and I, i us p la y it fo r voti. eatahliah claim h> #fe' land above des­ Harness and fittings. Hull at cribed, tiefore l> E. Severy United, IMPORTANT NOTICE Glenada. S tates Com mi»»toner, at his office at Florence, Oregon, on the 7th day of Fire Insurance. E. C. Wavman May, 1914. All Columbia " '’cords can bet ( lHimant names an witnesaea: played on V’ct >r TalingMa c b irts Two fine located lots in Flor- Overton Dowell, of Mercer, Oregon, ¡.IK 1’W ISE1 lose in w ife 2 v e* ? n P ”*«“ ». Jr • Mercer. Oregon, enee, in. nice csnifortable J Cari H, Young, of Florence, Oregon. egei house for sah I n q u ir e at t h i s 1 Alfred McClure."of Thornton Ube rta , All Columbia Pc=trtiments will Canada otli ce. play 1 J. M. Upton, Register. Victor Records. For Sale Extra good harness alm ost new, also heavy lumber wagon, first class shape for sale or trade. Charles Pember, Ada. W e G arry Everything what yoiT'don’t see' I he^l’riee will he Right and Youjwu lp>e Satisfied. W m iKyle& SonsGo Wc Give Quantity and Quality FLORENCE, OREGON in ffifflaEBiDia Liability Wayman. MRS. ALLA D. GUMMOB GRADUATE NURSE Hospital Accommodations References Florence, Oregon » # « # » « Restaurant and Lunch Counter A t W e stla k e A good place to eat M rs . M ae A ldrich * * MRS. KANOFF M ilin e r y and F ancy G oods FLORENCE, # f * * * * * * * OREGON * * * * A For You On T ide'W ater One hundred end fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. This place is an ideal one f o r a h em e a-td is being offered Jo r a low price! It must go soon. Write us for particulars and “terms. -A s k fo r Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, ry Goods, Flour and Fe .'d General Merchandise Flore-ce 8 1 ■ unhoph me t hi ' to I c u s e d 111 t ■ schexu to • ¡the marches. This instrument the ' ‘Eclipse’’ is the beat It priced instrum ent that can I k produced. , Price $25:00. 1 frame pictures and have on hand some fine ' painting t > 3 '•Il cheap. Call in and let me show you. G«> Wiymaa Mu c Sim ' At W ayman’s Agencies. . i . n darbor-Sound H Investment Co. FLORENCE, OREGON 1