SIUSLAW FLORENCE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY G, 1914 RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL TO i BE ELABORATE AFFAIR NUMBER 14 In spite of telegrams sent to outside papers and ' rumors that the Hugh Hogan would be a total lois, and that those on board weredn danger of living drowned, the schooner is now at the Tlfle W ater. Mill - Cwnpanv’a dock and no lives have been lost. ’ j- \\ hile it looked as though thè schooner might have been driven to a position on the beach where it would have been impossible to pull off, at no time were those on board thought to be facing death. The life saving crews came from the Yaquina and Umpqua to be present if conditions developed that would endanger life, and to carry lines to the schooner. Reports printed in the Oregonian and Coos Bay papers, dated at Florence, must have been written by some one greatly excited, or without knowledge of what had happened, and they will create an impression that the Siuslaw bar is very dangerous and strewn with wrecks. Making a sensational write-up at the expense of a community is costly, and it is to be regretted that in this case such articles were sent out for publication. A rumor that the schooner was ordered Out by the mill owners was also given considerable publicity, but was absolutely false and untrue. — The editor of this paper was oh ' thè launch ‘ which ' took Mr. Johnspn Porter to the mouth of the nver in response to a message that the Hugh Hogan was in dis­ tress, and Mr. Porter, was heard to remark. “ I trust in Capt Jones’ judgement, and I am confident he would not have attempted to cross the bar, unless conditions were favorable. ” Rumors that affect the character or business interest of people are nothing but scandal, and are nothing else when printed. ' seven-mile trail and'telephone line to the top of Prairie mount­ ain. Here he will locate a look­ out station from which a guard can watch the forests • in four! eountiesi southern Lincotn weat-'f------ ’ 1 ern Benton, western Lane and i /l northern Douglas, The work ! ____ will cost about $500. Thursday the Hugh Hogan When done he will start worked into the river and a line ........ this " is uu,,c w'" 8iart X X T " was aboard and fastened to a “ mouth W iw T T q ? it® the*"™ km entofthenorthjetty. S a w t " h m o ,l ¡V i® , Thuraday’ Friday and Saturday HUGH HOGAN NOW DOCKED AT FLORENCE /As the time draws closer to the more than a five minutes talk, at f e stival a st rong e r interest is 1 this l ime, describing the" 1 re-1 i being taken by the people of the > sources of dach province and | ; Siuslaw in having a fitting part swearing allegiance to the reign in its celebration. Mapleton, of Empress Rhododendra. Glenada, North Fork and other A large platform or barge will j communities are busy with be extended out from the dock, preparations to be represented so that all the ceremonies may be at the royal gathering. plainly seen from either the river Committees are busy in an or the shore. 1 creek creek 1 T his h i *.11 s ^ l l be t e the t h ! first of a to the river channels. The Long- effort to make the festival this 12 m. _ A banquet will be ro v e X unJ; V l ^ f B rem en went down and h d A year the best one ever held. served 5y the Florence queen to “ m h! and T U3la* 38 far to unload lumber, a crew under The program as far as com- j the royalty assembled. The line eventually > «is as Mount, Lorane.—Guard * as far t ' Rnw*n.ju. Qt.. was the vessel pteted is as follows: ¡of march will be from barge to while Joe Porter had charge of Thursday May 21, 10 a. m.— north side of Front street, thence the shore work, and these crews Boat parade leaves Acme. The to Lincoln street and returning M. W. ENGLAND worked night and day until Satur­ Empress leading, followed by ' on south side of Front street to day evening when the schooner STABBED SATURDAY the boats of the different queens, banquet hall. was pulled into the channel and It is desired that as many as 1:30 p. m.—School parade Saturday afternoon about 5:30 the Roscoe made fast and started possible who have boats, decorate starts. o clock M. W. England was to bring it up the river. The them and join in this procession. 2 p. m. -Royalty will re- stabbed in the left side by schooner was full of water and suitable prize will be offered assemble at pa valion, near church. Thomas Russell. a heavy tow. When near the Tor the best decorated boat „ o u i It seems as if there had been old salt house below Florence it r The procession of boats, will -pro- m> Sch stunts has been municipal band, an armory and James J. Hill has given $50- The representative of each' qU’een The evening will be given over hauled to begin the erection of arranged and will be an enjoy the acquiring of Skinner’s Butte 000 to the Christian Church Bible School for a new building at another building in Glenada. able feature. will be requested to make, not to dancing. by the city. Eugene. The boiler and engine for the The ladies are requested to shingle mill arrived on the Rust­ bring well-filled baskets. A ler and it will be installed at once. prize of 100 votes will be given The interior of the lower floor for the prettiest basket, the best of the Fox-Miner building is be­ character basket and the ugliest ing fixed up for the new general basket Whose basket will bring the merchandise store. • highest price should interest you. The twy-ber has moved into the Come and see the auctioneer annex to the Mission Pool f’ar- fool some of the young fellows. lors. In the race for queen the Blackies Inn has doubled its , candidates lunch counter and is busy serving as follows. and their standing is the public. Nimo Buchanan 1890 A basket social was held in the Eleanor Säubert . 1750 church building and funds raised Marie Deveny „ 1455 for the Rhododendron Festival. Hazel Weatherson 1370 Miss Jane Colter was elected ! Mary Cassidy . . 866 queen, and Miss Nora Lowe and Agnes Ha ¡ng . . 1101 Nita Hansen were selected as queen’s maids. Building activity still con- MISS LULU BEERS D Y E R & B A L D W IN tinous and business is growing. T MAPLETON'S QUEEN Our Stock Of —«------- Business men of Glenada are! receiving ............» ...~...j many letters ui of inquiry The contest for Queen of as to prospects and surrounding M»pleton Province was closed country. last Saturday night with a dance. will be the most complete in the vallgy. We will receive addition to the stock we now have on hand on every boat that comes in. Two weeks previously a basket social was given and now the SEE US FOR NORTH FORK SELECT . committee have raised a large CEMENT, LINE, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, THEIR FESTIVAL QUEEN sum 6f money to furbish costumes LIME FERTALIZER for the Queen and her court The final count of votes ended • At a basket social held last | Saturday night the North Fork with Miss Lulu Beers elected We are showing a varity of Patterns and Models ¡people raised funds to secure queen. J costumes for their royal repre- Miss Alberta Knowles and We also show in better grades fjjom Lsentatives at the Rhododendron Inez Brazee were selected as |l Festival. A program and dance maids. was enjoyed. The Mapleton people are en­ thusiastic come to the p Miss Frieda Lindgren was ---- ------ and will wniv Mie of well known makes like HIRSCH, WICK- L eJec&tLqueen andwiil -represent • K,‘slivaI prepared to make th« W IR E SCHLOSS BROS. FITFORM. Ceres; Miss Bessie DotBuchanan who,e kingdom admire their dis- | was elected to represent Flora, play of P°mP and loyality to the A and Miss Leona Vanderberg was impress. If jou are hard to fit you can choose from 500 elected to represent Pomona. — samples and have a suit to your measure The North Fork province is WILL BUILD A > > r We are pleased to show you a t any time preparing to come to the Festival c.v c cnuA1_ in royal state and take part in JlA-NHLfc ILLtrnUNL , the ceremonies crowning Rhodo- T. , , 7 , „ dendra VII. The state supervisor in Eugene, | ___________ (C. V. Oglesby, has more exten­ sive plans for development work A neat flag pole has been raised in Lane county than ever before. C o n q u e r o r H a ts on top of the Masonic building, This work will commence next D o u g la s S h o e s F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n i The machinery for J. P. Cox’s week when Oglesby will take a ice plant was brought in on the crew of three men tb Lake Creek W e make a speciality of made to order clnriiin g . I Rustler and will soon be installed. and begin the construction of a Cleaning and Preaaing. Buttons made to order. workin« to &et her WHAT’S DOING IN GLENADA Special Sale On Sarsaparilla The Great Spring Tonic $1:00 Bottles at 75c Store Siuslaw Building Material Go. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Roofing Paper Etc. will buy you an All Wool Suit well made $18 TO $25 SUITS _ R-K-R Warehouse F ive V otes - F o r Q ueen • Given with each $1 Purchase THE FLORENCE RACKET STORE WOOLEN MILL STORE T h e P ride of F orence