; : TO GET MORE EGGS BREED BEST HENS Hampton’s j People who want white chick­ ens breed them without difficulty ; everybody knows th at much of the law of heredity. The same law applies to chickens with five Eugene, Oregon f toes, or with feathered legs, or ^ .r . topknots, or any o ther character EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN pnce» Beceak-.rUy c/vkr^ed l y \"t ¡»tic. Why not apply this law to ama!! tapora : us send you r secure a better supply of fresh m easure to w inter laid eggs? The average hen in this country produces about 70 eggs per annum. The champion hen, a ì-«rgcrt tuilors ir< tR< world of cross breed, in Oregon, has re- GOOD mad€«io-ord<;r clothe* ccu ti y .xw a pU d - a recor d of'h»-* eggs laid in 12 months. The deliver champion hen had only common- a ffo r d sense treatm ent, no stimulation you greater or coddling. There is a wide aatiofaction difference between these two than you've records. The first is the result Dynarrvte Caps and Fuse of ignorance and indifference to ever enjoyed Farm and Poultry Fencing the laws of heredity, the other is and the coat I the result of an intelligent strict Harness and Fittings, Ets. will ha no­ ¿compliance with those laws, ------r Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutte»- Tools ticeably mod* I People who want fresh eggs in eat. M ay we* Builders and General Hardware , w inter should hatch such eggs as ’have your ; they know are laid by their best We carry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in. w inter laying hens; so it follows meaaure to­ th a t they should know right now day? which hens are laying and how many eggs tach of these hens, lays in each of the w inter months. The idea is simply this: Use for breeding both males and fe- THE S Q U A R E o r^n 8; ^ ' ^ S T kk ° Wn t0 have ab usesin the adm inistration of or to inherit the character want- law is toaU here blindly to a rule en“ , o fT ,« r i d i c o 1 fo" we* h‘ * “ d eip,rience !or io 1,1,0 •verV on Pef- ,he ,oe: and the S t o B a t u r c ^ S ^ L . * * ^ E¿ V. Price & Co. “ the tradem ark a oee the H oleproo f" assortm ent today. ( pair» cost fl.SO up to 13.00. acco rd ìi« to weight and finish. to Sash, Doors, Mouldings Paints, Oils, Glass HULL at Glenada Call and examine our line of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing,- Stetson Hats, Star Brand Shoes. We are ready to dress you for the Carnival. S m ith ’s T o ggery T k a i'A ._• 1 1 11 ^ t^ a r nival Suit “Things T hat M en W ear” TH E RED FR O N T Florence, Oregon dealer : Announcement C. L IR A R Y - The °i houH; Wat? * ? rm erly the W atts Jew elry Co. of Eugene q a b rst class Jew elry Store in the Rita T heatre' Special attention to watch word, jew elry repairing and agate mounting. All Work Guaranteed Florence Builders Supply Company Hardware, Stoves and Ranges We can fum isn Building Material of all kinds. Doors Win* dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper. Building Paper Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE STAUPÆ CORUM - . positions on th a t tribunal, there „ being four Justices to be norni-*.», « ?®F him self o f one ° f nated bv the people in the May v®i finest farm s the Willamette Prim aries; Justice McNary is a ey- JlJ8tiee McNary is deeply resident of Salem, having l ^ n ' nter; sted ,n C u l t u r e develop- M rs. M innie F u n k e , Prop. born of pioneer parents forty ? enti H,‘ 18 a 'id has been Hamlin Street years ago on a farm near that J ¡ 1 " '^ **’’ n fy e a rs - President! city." - ‘ ' f F ’ t r i " t Lnion' an All kinds of Laundrv W ork-P tonn- a o • A fter acquiring his early ° rga,1‘™ en«aged ¡" develop-, ( ’a11 ' or and deliver all Z k ‘ f f i e s l ^ ® 83^ THE FLORENCE LAUNDRY Florence, Oregon _ ....... __ Just Arrived—Complete line of Women s and Children’s ed upon his profession in Salem, a k r"-u,tu,al products* more than 16 years ago. For REDUCTION ON HATS several years he served as Assis- For that District Attorney for the ,? the , ,, next two weeks aii I : : Third Judicial District, and won > d,es ’ Ml88es and C hildren’s the reputation of being a fearless i?a!s g0 at a reduction. Mrs. R. E. Kanoff. prosecutor. years. NORTH BEND IHAUFACTURING CO. North Bend, Oregon / manufacturers of SASH, DOORS A N D M O U L D IN G S U LASS High Grade Interior Finish I rice« Mailed on Application S H O E S L A D IE S ’ T R IM M E C H A T S FRAERS’ Aurora is to have a $60,(X)0 fodr-story Masonic temple this year. “ Most Everything for a Little Less” — — II i In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Lane County. Hazen D. Johnson, Plaintiff, , •J. 0. Asher, Defendant, ' To J. D. Asher, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon! 'l ou are hereby required to apjiear and answer the coinplaint tiled against you ill the above entitled suit within six i weeks from April 11th 1914, which is I the date of the first publication hereof, and if you ail so to appear and answer, ' for want thereof, plaintiff will tik e a' default against-ymr. find wt1l apply to the court for a decree declaring and adjudging that plaintiff is the owner in fact until his accession to the and that the defendant have no estate or interest whatever in or to a certain Supreme Court, he was the Dean piece of land, described as follows, to of the W illamette College ___ of ... Law, _______— .. . writ: and made it one of the ranking beginning at a meander line of the { colleges of the W est Siualaw River at a point on the E. line ' M APLETO N , o l The Pride Florence We make a speciality of made*to-order clothing all we ask is one trial and you will be con­ venced that quality and prices are right. Special prices for 30 days on cleaning - and blocking Panoma hats. Buttons made to match gar­ ments. Furs cleaned. A rtis tic W o rk —P hoto Studio We have some sample« and finish. Come M c H a rd y StuL. now quality JS hem. - f «trence, Oregon. n i l 11.: S lem m o n ’s R a c k e t S to re i. O.o. E Building. GROCERIES J O E M O R R IS JR. I ‘ - I 1 1 ,1 SUMMONS C O M PLETE LIN E FAN C Y AN D STAPLE k - ^ Reared with „ h» tarly learned to know the > ne to a point six chains north of south- wanta, needs and sufferings of eMt corner of said lot six, west five the masses, and has always been c*’, *n8> north to meander line of «aid a staunch champion of their T V\L’ thence fol|ows said meander line cause. During his career as a b**i""lniG acres all in Lane 1 I ,,..'. '"K J11S ta r e tr as a county, Oregon; and also .hat the said Justice of the Supreme Court he defendant, his heirs, executors, or as- nas endeavored to interpret the assigns, be forever barrel from assert- law as a living progressive inK nnX Haim whatever in or to said I science, rather than as a rule too lanil"r premises adverse to the plaintiff lo h lto b e corrected if found in- ""d V*“’ he have *uch other general w l i e n b k to s m . n l ,1a, con- dltions and has w ritten many ini- Service of this summons is made on I’” rt§nt decisions. It was Justice bv publication byorder of Honorable j McNary who wrote the forceful ’-.T. Harris, judge of the circuit court of and much discussed dissenting the,S u t e “f Or's«on fur Lane county. opinion in the State vs F S J ’ m*‘le onkth,f- Iai >tay “f April 1914. di- MnAii' . . . * recting that said publication be made in i M iAlhster. Defining the duties the Siuslaw Pilot for six weeks. Of courts in this opinion he said Date.of first publication of this sum- i in part: ’’The value of law is rnon’ t* 'nK April n th 19M. and date of ito proximity to reason, its cer- ‘,ublkat’o n May 23rd. i s h . U inty and universality. Thei Attorney foi p E f f . ' Mapleton, Oregon A g en t C a r h a r r t W o rk in g C lo th es C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T T h a t’s A ll X c X d L ’t t Accedents. ‘f : " 8Ur7 “ r L lfea"'t Health, a l » ànainat Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. E. C. W A Y M A N The Insurance Man, WAYMAN’S Agencies, - Bonds of all kinds. B A Y V IE W HOTEL: Miller & Daniels, Props. Rates $l.Ct to $2.00 T .EU . MealsJ35c and{50c „ K Spw iaI.rates by the week H e^UPPhed WÌth th® B®St the Sea3On H eadquarters for Traveling Men ******•*****•♦»»»»* ♦ * * **♦*******!