u t, siU M A W F L lO f, I Reorganization Sale 25% less than the regular price -in. o t t e to moverit quick. _ The- -only -wuy to ~k¡;ow iEs- m errit is to come and see in for yourself. Do it NOW. E A S Y R E A S O N A B L E T E R M S T O R E S P O N S IB L E P A R T IE S Florence Store ANNOUNCEMENT CALVIN J. HURD To the Republican voters of Lane county. I am a candidate for the nomi­ nation for the office of County The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or . ¡ X t T ™ °a" shop is too well recognized to require discussion. ¡lived ¡n my prescnt „eiEhboi If you have any doubt about it, try and place a few hood’ between Eugene and June- more Magda lamps in your store and* show window tion City, for the past 18 years. and watch results, I am well acquainted with the You also profit by using electric lights in your home. Electric Light is most healthful,- safest, most con- especially the roads in the West- \ enient anti the most economical light in the longrun erti part of the County. I have for the past five y e irs given the roadquestion a thorough an I system atic study, both from a constructive and maintenance viewpoint, 1 was one of the first men in Lane County to publicly advocate the patrol system of road m aintenance. If I am nominated and elected best e efforts to see * I will use my uesi u o ris io th at all parts of the County are given fair treatm ent as to the Florence Electric Company IS HERE TO SERVE YOU T ie $a000 has been raised for a cannery at Cottage Grove. The first unit of the Beaver c . .. , . „ State M otorcar factory a t Gresh- am is completed and machinery ; being installed. distribution o f public funds. Chittem ' Bark, Mohair and If the above meets with your Wool wanted R-K-R Store. approval vote X No. 76. CALVIN J. HURU. (Paid Adv.) N otice oí Final S ettlem ent Buy Good Fresh Meat At The Gííll .(if. Meat ftuinei that we may arrive at the prope'r cash value our uvire. stock, we are going to heed a g «Wüt t a Re-0 •ga-iization Sale and sell everything in - *. regardless of what it may he, at ait.-,, nath ii Ot profits, but you know Joe Morris, J r I n .i ' i ; ' . k r e p . M , wont. am. Mien he says cost prices, he means that ;i. stick I Ins i *" is “ a ***** cash ****’’• sale, " we must u i i ' tr * stock in th • shortest possible tim * M i • , ■ I of ,i, . to i , it. " ..... e must ^ r i % ^ n? ^ i V?.^t,..int;rt?UVIilise 1 wil1’ OP- "« the t b i t 3 n' of the ¿ d W Sr ri?rf1G10o<1s: . { m i targ elot*^com plete assor t iff rifts arvtfrin r L "• 1 ‘A ' ’.Lihi* sale— LuuwuUUace- reserved except the cash register and the fi’xtureT of * m v .to A ’ u lmg-yoi’ wa»L Nothing is you are buying and w hat you are paying by mv cost mark H ‘re°it is- W Way toknow what C A S T E Ii 0 I L X Y " p j .r- , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 » 8 9 6 Repeater for « * . »J«l lO.per re n t ^ l i t t a . , turn my stock for o « h in ^ s h J S ^ s i b l e ^ m e ^ S ^ ^ 8;, A l 1 want to ‘1” is to my son, can s ta rt business on an equal bases Rem’e mh ,nySe ..and Norman J. Morris Come early on the 10th. ** “ 4 member, I am selling out but not quitting. Alles Furniture Co. Temporary < ftice at Bay View Hotel 19U l Now In Full F o rc e -O u r re have a brandnew Armstrong Player-A regonized high 'ade Piano whic.i the wholesale house has instructed us sell at DC. D. ".* . HAYDEN 2. ? The Biggest Event Ever Held Gn The Siuslaw River Opportunity PH Y tIC A N AND SULGEAN MAY 1 Piano zx , In the New Building N ext to the Woolen Mi SATURDAY. entire stock is included. One big lot com prising ihe celebrated “ Lion” Brand. This is a brand that is the only real competition ad­ m itte d by The Stetson" firm. All makes tinn « ° n e^ d ‘n Krea- Ke-Orga,.iza- Uon bale, ell aizes_and..colorsrincludest t ig ad 1 t?n per ; / •/;, n -* • will be included. Buy now at what I pay for cent for freight an i in -u the goods. J and the shoes a re .ours. Regular Cost Price Oil Clothing Offered in this Sale a t Cost Graniteware and Kitchen Utensils at Cost During this Sale Reorganization Sale of Groceries The best stock of Groceries on the Siuslaw. Standard and preferred goods are included. E xtra specials; E s tit- of W. A. Cox, Deceased. HOUSE CLEANING A Puree Tomatoes 10c per can, 3 cans for 26c. Notice is hereby given th at Chari ite Standard Sugar Lzorn, 10c per can, 3 for 26c. DELIGHT J. Cox, Executrix of the last will and No m atter what you want in groce.-ieMl buy it I have a fresh supply of all testam ent of W. A. Cox. deceased, has The Vacuum Cleaner will do I ----- now, storing up for the fut :re, and you will kir.ds of nica , fresh every day. tiled in the County Court of the S tate the Work while you stand and save dollars during this sale. ■I Oregon in ard lor-Lane County, her . . I LI i. E3 AR1-2 ;i i i f . G uarantee nnal report ss such Executrix and ° ° K o n - For ren t 50c an hour. 1 have ju st returned from Portland and my „Satisfaction. A .nai or L r wjli account for final settlem ent of said Florence Electric Co. sale prices on Hams and Bacon are cheaper estate; and th at Monday, Ihe lsth day convine, you . a ■ , , c ,n t th, i May, 1914, at ten o’clock in the than you can buy these meats for in any big or. in on, lias been, by said Court, set city. I he choic.ait hunts and bacon now offer- best meats a : >we .t Telephone your orders for berry as the time fo rb e arin g objections to A w i V p u i i i 'r ^ V 11 you w a n t CANDIES aid final report and account, and for boxes to Hull a t Glenada. He 'jl I AND FRUITa Our complete stock of candies the final aetti-m eijt of said estate. sells them at $5.50 per thousand. Ijp and all fruits in the store offered during this t . , , _ „. C harlotte J Cox, sale a t cost. All fancy vegetables, including The Umixjua life saving crew e « « * « oO cast« of tomatoes, solid pack, sold during left for their station Friday Also the best quality of Porcelain. Every­ tins sale at cast. Iowa sugar corn a t cost . m orning a fte r rendering consider­ —............... thing in {»ots and pans and everything you Buy all you w a n t able assistance during the work need for the kitchen included in this sale at cost. We are selling out ami vost prices pre- of saving the Hugh Hogan. 'a- Goods of this quality 1; ive never been The Florence Supply Company offered at such sensationally low prices before. will receive on the Patsy a fine line of Ranges and Cook stoves. Take a look a t them when they Mr. G ardner Buy your supply o t Garden arrive. You will be treated right. ak e8S ^han we cou,d buy them in P o rt­ 6 H. Marine engine with land. The price of Garden Seed ii gettin g Complete lines of Ginghams, Percales, Madras complete equipment, in- higher and higher. We buy fro.n the Port- HAULING OF ALL KINDS Linens, l^awns, Indian Linens, Dress Linings, land Seed Co. direct, and p ly the lowest price ciuding oil tank, feed and bai ;ens, Muslins, bneeungs, ; lcluding all the possible. If you bought in Portland yourself exhaust pipe. I am prepared to do light and widths and colors, offered du mg this sale av bllin naiv a t or by mail from the Portland Seed Co., you "heavy hauling of all kinds ex a ct;/ cost prices. Special regular 8c Calico could not duplicate the low prices that we offer 800 revolution, 3 port, promptly. Leave orders with J. offereu you as long as tho lot lasts a t only H’ you during this sale. Also included are all per yard. Crepe Curtain Scrims in fancy and kinds of Garden Seeds and Package Seeds J ’. T '^sp ark , Throttle, lever, P. Cox Confectionery Store. plain materials, also Flannelets and various from D; M. Ferry. These will also be offered sp in y bearing, hand holes, Neil Grindall. patterns included in this sale a t absolutely at absolute cost in this great e v e n t Buy your removeable top, force feed ^ a r'y> f|,r Choicest Values Go needs on the opening day of the sale and save the Quickest. oil system, Fiuger grips on Burglary Insurance, E. C. a big per cent of your money. fly wheel, etc. i Waymart.--- * W. J. Tabor, G i t n ac.a 1 i c tel- Dishes, Pia n and Fancy, Sets and Single Pieces at Cost H AtSy. ¡SPECIAL PRICE Mr. G ardener- Garden Seeds Extrri Special CH ?r in Fine Piece Goo is Fair Ranks Morse R 10% from regular i Price. J. » ouriaies T H / HARDW ARE MAN Florence, Oregon; Chinaware and Pitchers, F ruit Jars, Nappies, Bowls, Berry S e ts- everything you can think of in China or Glass, offered in this sale at cost. Bring your favorite mail order catalog and compare prices th a t prevail in Portland Seattle or Chicago with the prices we ask you for this merchandise, and you will find our lower. latest in Ladie’s them , try them, -art! m. R-K-R-Store. »7» Warehc.i ?;• f o r ' Rent 25x60 feet, entrance from Main street, and fa irin g «.-n w a n t front, fire- v proof. S op C. Nad»*au, Bay View ♦♦♦ Hotel. Relinquishm ent on a good homestead, running water, near­ ly all creek bottom. Enquire a t this o' ce. sh S s . ' s ? J Special to out-of-town Patrons: To every purchaser of $20.00 worth or more merchandise, I will [»ay the transportation both ways on all river boats It does not cost you a cent to attend this sale I pay the way. MORRIS, JR General Merchandise Store" Mapleton, Oregon