THE SIUSLAW PILOT SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1914 PERSONALS Self Sacrifice John Mason was in town Sat­ urday. Joe Holland is now cooking on the tug Roscoe. J. A. Neely was in Florence the first of the week. - Geo. Taylor, of Eugene, was a visitor in Florence Friday. i Tom Neely and family were visiting in Florence Thursday. Miss Yost of Point Ferrace, was visiting in Florence Saturday. Mrs. J. Hunsaker, of Mapleton came down on the Beaver Satur­ day. 1 Frank Smith retdrried home“ Saturday, after a business trip to Eugene. A. Hollenbeck and son were Economize for the purpose of being indepen­ dent is one of the soundest indications of manly character. It is what we save rather than what we earn that insures a competencefor the future. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Lane County State and Savings Bank T H E SIUSLAW PILO T SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane county. C. E. Devereaux and F. A. R-K-R.“ STOR;E ---—TTtppr-fdfHntr+fftfr*“2-- --- ——- —■ Published by Saturday. VS. A complete line of Spring Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- ____ Sister-Rrother and Baby. The unknown heirs at law of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knowles, O. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. of Mapleton, came down the Editor ■ Clark and ----- Clark, his wife, R. S. HUSTON — ! or the unknown wife and heirs river Saturday. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays a t 1 ‘aw sa,4 B. F. Clark, if Mrs. M. F. Philips and daugh Siuslaw Pilot office Washington street., ¡deceased. Also Alsi all other per- ter of Point Ferrace. were- shop Entered as second-class [matter March 1Bon® dr parties unknown, etaim- ping in Florence Saturday. 20, 1913, at thepotsoffice at Florence, ing any right, title, estate lien Oregon, under the act of March 8rd, | or interest in the real estate C. B. Hamble of Eugene, came 1913. I described in the complaint down the river Thursday' and SUBSCRIPTION RATES^ | herein, defendants. will enter the employ of Porter One year in advance - - $1.50 To the unknown heirs at law of O. Bros. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. Clark, -----Clark, hisjwife, or the unknown Charles King of Reedsport, wife and heirs at law of said B. F. came in from Eugene Thursday BREVITIES Clark, deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, and left for that place Saturday .JUwlware Hull, Glenada, Ore- title, estate, lien or interest in the real morning. estate described in the" coni plaint Fn the "gon. B. FY Welch, representing A. above entitled suit and herein; Defen­ Schilling & Co. of San Francisco, 'i Trout fishing is fine in the dants: North Fork. In the name of the" State of Oregon, ♦is on the Siuslaw placing orders Special price on Kitchen you are hereby required to ap|>ear and with the merchants. answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed Paul Blasier, of Olympia, Wash­ Ranges at Pourtales. in said court against yoti in the above ington Was on the Siuslaw this Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman. entitled suit, within six weeks fromj Furniture or rugs, the ideal the date of the first publication of this week, looking to the resorces for gift- See Alles Furniture Co. summons in the Siuslaw Pilot, and if the manufacture of brick. you fail so to answer, for want thereof, The Florence Racket store has plaintiffs will take judgement against Sam Terrill, proprietor of the an attractive display of sand you as prayed for in their complaint, Florence Produce Co. lias return­ business trip to towit: That their title to the North- ed frorh a 44 spades and buckets. * and the Willamette . east quarter of section No. 32- in town- Eugene Ladies Coats and Suits rom shipSO south, range 4 west of Wiliam Valley. 1-3 to 1-2 price. Mostly up to ette meridian; 160 acres of land in date models at the Woolen Mill Lane county, Oregon; be confirmed, es­ L. L. Deitz and Wife of Eu­ Store. ' ~ tablished and quieted; that you and each gene, arrived in Florence Friday. FLORENCE, OREGON of you be forever burred and estop|ied Mr. Deitz is a carpenter and Plate Glass Insurance, E. C from having or claiming any right, title worked in Florence a good part Wayman. r ì rÀ T Ì5 ;!0 1 [0 ][D orinterestin or to said lands or any part of kfst summer. He expecttTto ------ 'B -—, ' 1 I I When you think Hardwar thereof adverse to plaintiffs' title, and- rernain here forjtqme time. Y I for such other relief as the court shall think of Hull, Glenada, Or. N. I.. Fitzhenry, candidate for Cotton bats. 72-84 inches. WILL GIVE BOAT SERVICE [ deem equitable. Liability Insurance, Ten gallon kegs for sale, $1 This summon» is served by publics- county commissioner, on,the re­ Just what you want to fill the ON LAKES BETWEEN Wayman. pop I tk»n thereof once each week for six each. S. Kempthorne, the publican ticket, arrived in Flor­ new quilt. R-K-R'Store. FLORENCE AND ___ t__—I weeks in the Siuslaw Pilot, « newspa|>er corn man. ence Saturday morning. -Mr, ’ GARDINER ******** ******* Health Insurance, E. C. Way- j printed and published in Florence. Ore w Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- gon, by order of the Honorable L. T. Fitzhenry has some idea on' road man. We will carry passengers across j Hsiris,judgeof the above entillisi court, building, which is a necessary man. Clear lake, Ten Mile lake and » Herring nets at Pourtale’s. made and entered on ths 4th »lay of qualification for commissioners. I Five Mile lake day or night Old gold and silver taken at April, Say we now have some screen Fare across all three lakes. One * * 1914; and the first publication market value on work or gixxls thereof was made on the 11th day of doors. Florence Supply Co. Milinery and passenger $5.00; two passengers * at Watts. April, 1914. $2.50 each; oyer two passengers * Fancy Goods A. E. Wheeler, $2.25 each. For other informa­ * DRESS MAKING De Lavelle Separator Nearly Attorney for plaintiffs. tion phone Christenson Bros. 515 « FLORENCE, OREGON The Siuslaw Printing Co. Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand at all times. GaH in an d lo o k th e m o v e r - A ll goods as re p re s e n te d R-K-R ç TORE A G o o d P la c e to T r a d e ” General Merchandise ita» R-IIAJDIÎEIII flIJ l!|R C.l * a. MRS. KANOFF new. Have no use for it and will sell at a bargain. Geo. hintgtitncry, Arnie. Watbjcairies a large stock of Jewelry. Com»' and look at it. A pleasure. I will mount your agates Watts, For Sale—Extra good harness almost new, also heavy lumber wagon, first class shape for sal» or trade. Chat I, s I ember, Ada. If you have had trouble with your watch take it to Watts. Satisfaction or you niouey back. Harness and fittings, Hull at Glenada. Fire Insurance, E. C. Wayman. Two fine located lots in Flor­ ence, close in. nice esmfortable house, for sale. Inquire at this onice. Restaurant and launch Counter At Westlake A good place to eat M rs . M ae A ldrich •— ----- -- MRS. ALLA n . OUM MOK' GRADUATE NURSE Hospital Arri mi modatiiin» Reference» Florence. Oregon “A Little Love, a Little Kiss” and Rendezvous” NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D epartm ent of In terio r -V. S. trAfsl iifib i* »t ■ Roseburg, o r .. March is, 1914. Not ice is h ereto g iv e n ‘th at Alep Dowell of M ercer, «Jregon. ivtio on ■\ugi st l'.t. 1907 tnaiii liom esti ail E ntry No, I I I » ;, Serial No. 042?", for the NX of SEX and WX o f NEX of sec­ tion IS, tow nahip 17 a. range 11 w. W illam ette Mernlan, ha» filial notice o f intention to make five y ear prixif, to TSTabltah fIS 1 n H o ’The TaniL above Jeio' eribed, before D. E Severy U nited, S late» Cotnnnssioni r, a t his office at Florence, Oregon, on th e 7th day of May, 1814. Two of the grertest orchestral successes of the century. D ouble -D isc R ecords A1448 66 cents. »•'otrte in rnd lot tts ptny it fnr your IM.W.Ni NOTICE All Columbia Records can be played on Victor T. tlingMachines LIKEWISE All Columbia Instruments will play \ i tor Records. tiuimant names a» witnesses: Overton Dowell, of Mercer. Oregon Overton Dowell, J t , of Mercer, Oregon, Carl H, Young, of I lorenee, Oregon. Alfred McClure, of Thornton. Alberta, Canada J. M. Upton. Register. We Garry Everything Ask for what youfdon’t see Ti « ¡Price willibe Right anil 1 sold the Floren«.« -. ;.tol a Youjv. ilijlie Satisfied. Coiumb.ia Grat • . 1 Groceries.|Furniture,|Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed Wm.Kyle& SonsGo G it e Quantity and Quality to he used in the school to play the marches. This insi'ltnienL the "Eclipse” js fne b?s’. low priced instrument that car. be produced. Price $Z5:U0. 1 frame pictures and have on hhnd some fine painting to sell cheap. Cal! in and let me show y.ou. (""J- ,Gav Wiynun Mok Store At Wayman’s Agencies. H. Special boat service on * Dresses, Evening gowns, Suits, * * lakes at reasonable prices. Mrs. H. L. Avery, Glenada, Ore. * * * * * * A or On Tide W ater One hundred and fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. This place is an ideal one for a home and is being offered for a low price: It must go soon. Write us for particulars and terms.