THE SIUSLAW PIIZ)T, "Ti'' BIG HAY DAY DANCE ' , »• T' Hampton’s .3 A big dance will be given at Mapleton on May 2nd 1914. It will be under the auspices of the Amusement committee who are in charge of Mapleton» Rhododeri- dron Festival program. A fr ££ boat will leave Florence at 7 p. m. Kennedy & Randall, proprietors , of the Siuslaw Hotel will serve- -S U U PftC — Dance t.ic.k.eta. including supper will be sold at $2.00 Every body come and enjoy the evening. CASH STORE Eugene, Oregon I-;: EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN TV • -A- . ' ’ ~ Hull Sells MAPLETON ITEMS. Sash, Doors, M ouldings Paints, Oils, Glass We carry these goods in stock and Telephone your order in, at Glenada Jared Scott T F you "To B a c h e lo r s p r « { « r e lo tli« « ned fo r y o u r figure, a id object to tke tig k price« recesaarily charged by small tailor«, le t ua «end y o u r lo r ^ ’m o n th i1 sod the ‘»ImStnre0^ Ed. V. Price & Co. THE SQUARE DEALER' w e II North Bend, Oregon manufacturers o r SASH, DOORS A N D M OULDINGS GLASS - Hivh Grade Interior Finish- ' Prices Mailed on Application C O M P LE TE LIN E ~GROCERIES FANCY AN D STAPLE M A P L E T O N. O We make a speciality of made-to-order clothing all we ask is one trial and you will be con­ venced that quality and prices are right. Special prices for 30 days on cleaning and blocking Panoma hats. Buttons made to match gar- a menta. Furs cleaned. A rtistic W o rk -P h o to Studio W e have some samples and finistr. Gome T M cH a rd y Stuc «how quality ,3C them. »fence, Oregon. < heavy, cum bersom e and coarssa the 00^ “ “1 *8u !°r ,h« ‘ F»n» °>>tho M D<^ «too the trademark ahowa H oleproof” as sort m oot today. • pairs cost H.50 up to 13.00, according to weight and finish. deliver w ill* a ffo r d Mapleton people cannot com < a ti« fa c tio a plain of a scarcity of candidates than you ve for Carnival queen. The names ever enjoyed of 21 young ladies of the town and the coat are on the bulletin board. A w ill be no­ purse was made up among the business men and each candidate ticeably mod- received 100 votes as a starter. cat. M a y w e Miss Tina Beck went to Flor­ Lave y o u r ence Saturday to attend the measure to ­ High School Play. day? Miss Nellie Slemmons spent the week end in Mapleton. Miss Mary Johnson of Dead­ For That ÇarnwâT wood has been visiting Miss L _ Suit - Grace Kfrby for several days. __________________ OttoNielson is again in town Railroad fmm : after spending the winter at his to have th 0 Mapleton: .. b„me l„ Harrisburg. Mrs. Merl Tatar left last Mon- Southern ft,ride truck iJ tw c e n if NORTH BEND MAUFACTliRING CO. The Pride Florence * « ruarantaed to w ear without hols« L»r«e»t tailor* in the w o r ld o f G O O D m ad c-to-ordar clothes Florence Builders Supply Company . S ' vDooas Irom.^^^jnaaS o*f e»Sirience,«o*i,|ato*sve^yC^dr?,^OUr measure to Call and examine our line of Hart ^chaffner & Marx Clothing, Stetson Hats, Star Brand Shoes. We are read to dress you for the Carnival. S m ith’s Toggery “Things That M en W ear” TH E RED F R O N T . M™ Van Bibber left Friday ANNOUNCEM ENTOF an extended v.s.t up Indian W IL LIAM WILLIAMS Creek and on Five Rivers. THE BEST GOODS—LOWEST PRICES Louis Fraer returned last Platform and History of Thursday from a week’s visit at William Williams Candidate for New Goods a Specialty Second Hand Goods a|NecessityJ Deadwood. Democratic Nomination for Mrs. Jim Neely was taken County Commissioner. Bear thia in mind; my good« are the beet money can buXJ seriously ill with an attack of Was born and raised in Lane andjthe price the cheapest, quality of goods considered heart trouble last Sunday. She county, knows the needs of the is able to be about again. County from A to Z. He has COME AND SEE M&. ACME, OREGON Mrs. Chris Beck visited her made a success of his business, by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Neely close attention, hard work and severakdpys last week, at their economy, a id he will do the same ranch. for the County if elected. His Miss Annie Meadows came up ^ an ,s F ’-Y as you go. He. Hardware, Stoves and Ranges Saturday to attend the basktt Pled^ ' s him.-elf to make a strong We can furnisn Building Material of all kinds, Doors, Win social, and visit her friends for a fight with the Southern Pacific dows, Locks, Mouldings, Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper, short time. / R- R- Company for the restora | Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line A new minister. Rev. Larsen, t^ n of the * afon road taken by I has arrived in town to fill the baZk Kldge al1 DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE vacancy caused by the resignation C ? ? the people who built it, j STAUP & CORUM - - Florence, Oregon of Rev. Wall, until a regular T*80 to 8ecUre for the Sius1^ 1 pastor is appointed. peop e compensation for the rense. The proceeds are to be devoted to equipping the Carnival queen and her retinue.. Insure In T he Travelers A FALSE STATE- ; MENT Slem m on’s R acket Store A gent G a rh a rrt W orking C lothes C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T T h a t’s A ll Buy your boy his Spring Suit O f Hartford Conn. hat and shoes at the Woolen Now is the time to insure your Life and Health, also against Mill Store. Accedents. Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. Municipal securities are all t hat is selling from Oregon in E. C. W A Y M A N the east—city, school, c'ounty and road bonds. The Insurance Man, WAXMAN’S Agencies, A proposition to construct 100 miles of hard surface mad at a After dealing with them for Bonds of all kinds. cost of $750, (MX) in Linn county, nearly 5 years, this is the first will be submitted to vote. notice, of any Guarantee of their stock, that I have received, and Corvallis will construct 50 l am glad to know that they will * blocks of paving this year. The Eastern Oregon Editorial lh'arantee tfwm. a" d am willing. » Association adopted resolutions ,f ^ e y » desire, (and will make ♦ opposing freak laws and policies to acknow‘edge that they ♦ tending to interfere with indus- ,° ’,'larant<* their shoes, for 1 * tries. ‘ stI 1 nave a hundred pairs to sell # Rates to $2.00 MeaIsJ35c and|50c As a nwnl» n f . at 90 bring their notice as * . » X . A IU nT S ? o T j ; '■ubhsh^ In f t,« . . Special rates by the week Tables will be supplied with the Best the Season affords tory—payrolls help even Sho^ 50 shoes, now ' Headquarters for Traveling Men JOE MORRIS Jr. B A Y V IE W HOTEL: Miller & Daniels, Props......-....J