i TI F S l 'S I / W Piano Opportu IlIC T , WEDNESDAY, ÌT w h e T Biggest Event E v er H eld O n T he S iusIaw R ,vcr ... | Mow In Full Force—Our | Reorganization Sale JL Thp biggest event of the Siuslaw the ,e.,.h,avg,..a,, brand,new Arm s trong .P la y er—A regoni z ed grade 1 iano whicxi the wholesale house has instructed us *t* to sell at than ne regwar price E A S Y R E A S O N A B L E T E R M S T O R E S P O N S IB L E P A R T IE S Florence! 4 entire stock is included. INDIAN CR3EK NEWS Brar'd - ' T h is is Profit Regular Cost Price ' Sh“W window a!” ent n<,r u ra » the »"tire-term. ’ ATiance will be given Saturday i ou also profit by using electric lights in your home. ^ ay 2> 33 a farewell merry-, Electric anil Light most economical healthful light safest most con Z J t o a.w n 7 venient the is most inthelongrnn ¡he ” “scho01 il ' . * Mr. and Mrs. ------ Mann were . shopping in Mapleton Friday and Saturday. IS HERE TO SERVE YOU A surprise party was given at the homo of C. U. Beers, Satur­ day ev- mug by a number of DR. D. N. HAYDEN The $5000 has been raised for yo ing folks. The “surprisee” PHYSICAN AND SURGEAN a cannery at Cottage Grove. Miss Wilson was genuinely but Temporary office at Bay The first unit of the Beaver agreeably „ surprised and all spent View Hotel State Motor car factory at Gresh- an enjoyabl evening. am is completed and machineiy Phelps saw mill is now in being installed. operation again which is good Chittem Bark, Mohair and news to the people of this Wool wanted R-K-R Store. vicinity as a good many are wanting lumber. Mr. Babe Mead returned home Notice of Final Settlement Monday. He has been spending Estate of W. A. Cox, Deceased. a few weeks in Mapleton. Notice is hereby given that Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phelfs J. Cox. Executrix of the last will and 1-have a 1 resh ’ supply of all testament of W. A. Cox, deceased, has visited ' the * .v m Mr. l . a and u u Mrs. Phelps kinds of meat, -fresh every day. h W „ , she County Court ot the State rn d T a b o r .-‘M onday of Oregon in and lor Larie County, her ? PRICES AtiE RIGHT. Guarantee final report as such Executrix and Good Road day was observ. d Sati.sfacti m. A trial or ier will “ . ".h"'; 3 “ °" Creik and all th.. e I convince you-th. t yin can get the ot Mi.y, 1914, at ten o'clock in the who did not work on that dav best meats at tn? lowest prices. a.« the time* for^ann^'ohjecti^is "u, ,,romii,ed to work a day later, said final report ami account, and for Our Supervisor W. A. Mead w ith the final settlement of said estate. * 11 6 men tie red the right-of-way . _ C harlo tte J hoi A. E. W h eeler . E x x Confectionery Store. 800 revolution, 3 port, N« il Grindall. Jum)^spark\ Throttle lever, sp lits bearing, hand , holes, B-rglary Insurance, removeable top, force feed Wayman, oil system, Fiuger grips on The very latest in Ladies Shoes. See trv them> y wheel, etc. wear them. R-k-k-Storc. house for Rent 25x60 i f et. en ntrance from Main street, and faceing on water front, fire­ proof. See C. Nadeau, Bay View Hotel. Relinquishment on a good homestead, running water, near­ ly alwreek ‘ bottom. Enquire at thisofltee. ra h Theft Insurance, E, 10% from regular wareì T, . Price. . Pourtales TH E HARDW ARE M A N Florence, One big lot com m n s V ^ ir'u tho only real competition ad­ mitted by The Stetson” firm. All makes a"d «t.vfes offered in this great Ke-Ocganiza- tion Sale all sizes and colors included Your choice at exactly what they cost us. plus ten per cent for freight and transportation Complete lines of Spring Straw Hats just re­ ceived from the East. Offered at less than we paid for them. The most recent styles X , H W|Omen S and children’s—are included. Absolutely new in every respect; in fact the cases have not been opened since they arrived firet1d«vt0o7thnd Wi' 1 n°tbe ur;packed until the hrst day of the sale. Your choice at less than Good Road’s Day was observed | on Indian Creek Saturday. The “ Beers” school will close a six-months term of school Fri- diy. The two pupils who recently took the 6th grade county examination A'ere success­ ful in passing. The highest The trade drawing power of a well lighted store or grade being 97 per cent in arithmetic. Laurence Beers aged shop is too well recognized to require discussion. M r ? ar y dou-b t a b o u t «• a n d p |ace a fe "- y0Ur StOre Oregon man. Mer ehandtsf c a s t e r o il x y R , • , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Repeater for freight a n d ^ r a ^ .T th yoa' add 1° I**' cent additional turn my stock for cash in the shortest R is ib le t i m e t i f e * 001*8!, A'' 1 want to do is to my son, can start business on an euual bases Ifem, 80, lhat my»clf and Norman J. Morris Come early on the 10th. Q bMe8- «M ember, I am selling out but not quitting Alles Furniture Co. a n d u atC h 'resu iS * grec?t?.a1^ of e!1tilv stuck t>f- TKÆ7^n^Æ ^ : . : r oH.th.ingu jl1 tln" - r Murn m e stock in the shortest possib' • .¡me t ¿ r - in '3 m 13 e a nV <'-a s” sale -ve must srnSn ?onle Of ',hese "«‘'•eharidise l.i's wni be \ oV-H tK ? w SPrin* small lots, large lots, complete assortments anvthin <■ I T 1 ‘ ° the 3a,e- Included are reserved except the cash register and the fixtures o 1 ‘'’’‘• 'u " ’1’' you want- Nothing is you are buying and what you are paying by my cost mark H S * the W3y toknow vvhat in order to move it quick. The only way to know it’s m errit is to come and see in for yourself. Do it NOW. the New Building to the Woolen Mill Store APRIL 29 Oil Clothing Offered in this Sale a t Cost Your choice of entire stock OilClothing dur­ ing this sale at less than cost. We are over­ stocked on these goods, therefore we are put­ ting forth a specia! effort to clean up everv piece of Oil Goods in the store including our Coats in short medium and full lengths in various styles-Rubber Boots, mid and w a it 3Olcs and in all sizes also our complete stock of Men s Rain Coats and Sou’westers In fact Wiii°£ ?»eiry} h5ng r u can think of in this line the g^ods U whole family now and you will save dollars in doing so and your dollars are as good ¿ 7 o u as they are io us. Pumps and Oxfords ^(1 these are in the latest and most fetching style for women. 137 pairs of Krause Bris* Shoes at absolute cost price. We are closing I « th?Ut4becaus?-we caknot afford to g u ara* II tte them to you because the co npany will not 71 guarantee them to us consequently we are I Hma* 4h dl®p>sek of every Pair of K 'atsc } Bros. Shoes in the store at absolutely c»st I prices. Included in this are Men’s Women’e ’ I ^ , d Children’8 Shoes, all styled in- | eluded. We feel safe in saying that these shoes will be worth to you what you will have to pay for them during this sale. Men’s and Women’s Copeland-Ryder Shoes- the regular Jefferson Brand you know the grade, the best shoe in th? mirket /offered •lunng this sale at cost. 30 t? 40 pairs of 8honaath?tUnk,d. direct, and pay the lowest price you possible. If you bought in Portland yourself or by mail from the Portland Seed Co., you could not duplicate the low prices that we offer you during this sale. Also included are all fk ‘‘ld9,Vf Garden Seeds and Package Heeds from D. M. ferry. These will also be offered at absolute cost in this great event Buy your needs on the opening day of the sale and save a l ig per cent of your money. I pay the way. Æ S Î °Æ i ° JOE MORRIS, J R . General Merchandise Store Mapleton, Oregon Way- 1