THE SIU8LAW PILOT, WENE3DAY. APRIL 22. 1914 AUTO STAGE CAPT. SAFLEY HAS NOW RUNNING ANOTHER LAUNCH ___ TO UMPQUA Capt. Wm. Safley will soon put Hamptons aiL-r-JVlTr T LT¿ T J Ë Geo. Fisk is now running his another gasolene launch on the auto stage to the mouth of the Florence-Mapleton run. It is 32 Um pqua and return. Friday he feet in length with an 8 foot m ade a trial trip across Ten Mile beam. Thk launch was built by Eugene, Oregon I a_nd Five Mile outlets without dif- H. T. Robinsonand was brought ficulty and has sincc crossed down th e river alxiut a week ago. EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN 9 The cabin -----------------— has a hard oil ....... finish daily. He has spent oewr»i several ¡- m - c - wh - m -*}- w eeks testing the best and safest inside and will have upholstered Z Z i 1' ‘ j+ W t f m ethods to cross these stream s. scata’ The boat is painted white. " ............ .... " T a n d a fte r investigating the sand Uapt. Safley has installed a 15 has found (hat with his large horse power Buffalow engine, flat tires he can go through easily. ar]d had the launch out f o r a He has now commenced a reg- *r*a^ Sunday, when it made a neat ular daily service from river to and attractive appearance. TmT~7n5kTTijTThiTVu^fn‘a b S iT ' B is to be cattw t;‘"QU5?ii”* anff** two hours. A rrangem ents have intention is to p u t her on the been made for boat connections r’ver run leaving Mapleton in the with Florence, Gardiner, Scotts- rooming for Florence and return- burg, the Drain stage and Auto *n^ to Mapleton in the afternoon. ( stage to Coos Bay. This makes ®€n Martin will be in charge. ...Dynamite Caps and Fuse RAVEL requires the best of socks and that means I t n T S Rn % makV trip HAWLING OF ALL KINDS Holeproof Hosiery. Six pairs of Holeproof are Farm and Poultry Fencing to Coos Bay from Florence in one ____ guaranteed six months. If any wear out you get day; r-,- , . 1 am Prepared to do light and Harness and Fittings, Ets. new hose free. Every stitch is protected, not just heels and toes. Mr. P isk believes th e addition- heavy hauling of all kinds Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutte*- Tools The manufacturers pay an average of 74 cents a al travel this way during the promptly. Leave orders with J. pound for the yarn that goes into Holeproof. Common Builders and General Hardware ( omming summer dem ands some-fP. Cox Confectionery Stored yarn sells for 32 cents. That is one reason why Hole- thing of the kind and now has j Neil Grindell. proof are strong, but light weight and comlortuble. We carry these goods in stock aNl Telephone your order in. successfully proven th a t the auto stage is a success. Foreman Green, of the W est­ ern Union Construction crew, at T O N ^ Z h e n . W O M E N JM^ANC work building the new' telephone Walk all day in them making Holeproof always once buiiness calls or sight-seeing— yon learn what they line along the W illamette Pacific avoid hurtful darned places, save. unsightly holes, and all other ho- was in the city Thursday night. Prices from $1.50 siery discomforts. Take Hole- He says th a t five miles of the One of our prom inent poultry proof on trips—where you most to $3 per box of six want whole hose. Get six pairs pairs guaranteed six men of Acme says he can tell a poles have been set and th a t a todayandtrythem. You’llwear months. wire will be stru n g from the “ hatchless egg” . D uring twen ty year's experience with chick­ Eugene office to th e «ten® ens he has raised^many different operation early next week so his A certain dealer of Mapleton, in his reorganization sale states he is strains and one of the important operator may keep i n constant - L-rT;-I ; 1 -1 ; ; . . I . 1 -r L- ; 0 closing out Krause B rothers’ shoes because we do no guarantee them touch with the city. The crew This is a false statem ent. We guarantee all our shoes to give things he has learned is to be will move from the m aterial reasonable wear, The continued grow th of our business on the en- able to pick out the unproductive entire Pacific Coast bears out this fact. We recently placed the eggs- He says t here will be yards three miles w est of Eugene sale of our line of shoes with the firm of FRAER BROS, progres­ small black specks in th e shell of to the next siding five or six sive and up-to-date m erchants of Mapleton, which has caused the eggs th at do not hatch. We be­ miles fu rth er out next week— n , a/ n Î? squeal. Our shoes are also sold and guaranteed by the T H E RED FR O N T Florence, Oregon lieve he knows a few other things Morning Register. R-K-R Store a t Florence, y A t the first session of the Wil- about chickens. Ask him a few am ette Presbytery held last questions. week a t the Central Presbyte­ Wholesale Shoe Dealers Portland, Oregon rian church in Eugene Rev. I. G. j Knotts, of Albany, was unani- i C. H. W atts, form erly of the W atts Jewelry Co. of Eugene mously chosen as moderator for has opened a first class Jew elry Store in the Rita Theatre.’ the ensuing year. Rev. Knotts Sunday School at 10 a. m. Special attention to watch word, jew elry repairing and was formerly a pastor of the Cen­ Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject tral Presbyterian church of Flor-| agate mounting. Hardware, Stoves and Ranges ence. Saul Temple and Service. We can fu rn ish Building Material of all kinds, Doors Win Union Services at 8 p. m. Furniture repaired, refinishec (lows, Locks, Mouldings. Paints, Wall Paper, Building Paper [ Rev. Drumm will preach. or reupholstered-- M attresses Engine Supplies, anything in the oil line K. L. C. E. 7 p. m. All are made over Rugs Renovated DUPONTS RED CROSS DYNAMITE invited. Alles Furniture Co., The new H. L. PRATT, Pastor. STAUP & CORUM - - Florence, Oregon store opp. Blacksmith shop. Just Arrived—Complete line of For Sale Horse, harness and Woman’s andtChiidren’s spring wagon, price $75. Fifty, pure bred single comb white leg- Candidate for the nomination horn chickens, $1,00 each. En- LADIES’ TRIM M EC H A TS of county commissioner on the quire of Mrs. E. F. Arnold, republican party ticket. Glenada. Phone 25H. I am in favor of and will if ------------ ----------------- — North Bend, Oregon nominated and elected to the j MANUFACTURERS of 1 best of my ,b ,l,ty b n n g .b o u t Esto, e jje r c hant SASH, DOORS A N D M OULDINGS “ Most Everything for a Little Less” the following: 45 acre ranch together with GLASS —High Grade Interior Finish I Th< building of good substan­ 1 i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :1 ■! 1 1 1 1 1 |. Prices Mailed on Application all tools, chickens, and tial roads: household furniture, wood Roads fully equal in *service saw, launch, and etc. and value to the am ount of mon­ 10 room house, half mile ey expended and work done upon I. O. O. F. Building. Mapleton, Oregon w ater front fine fishing them. w aters on Siuslaw, fine Strict economy in the m anage­ M rs. M innie Hunke, Prop. place for wharf. You can ment of our county finances to a H a m lin Street ! point consistent with good busi- get all this for terftis $2000 1 ness methods, and a lowering of • Also, 37 acres, lo acres bot­ P.II t A11 Ikiin r” 01 L*undl7 Work -Cleaning and Pressing tom land nearly all cleared Call for and deliver all work Rates on Family Washing jour tax rate if possible. The elimination of useless com­ balance upland, lays fine, Sjtecial Work Solicited missions and so called experts.- on tide water. See these " " ----- I »■ ----- l _ (Pd adv.X----------- two places a t once well worth $100 per acre, price $1,800, $500 cash balance easy. . ----- 0 Having been informed th at a Also have some good ranches I story has been circulated th a t f°r rent cheap. See us a t band money was m isappropriated once. Now is the tim e to insure your Life and Health, also against bv myself last year I wish to Also 10 acres a t Glenada: Accedents. Do it Now, B-4 some thing happens to you. say this is untrue and w ithout; Ane land, can be platted and’ foundation, and anv person de- 9P,ld in ,ots- la>'s fine, siring to know the 'facts in the n°w for­ We make a speciality of made-to-order clothing m atter can inquire of those who ™ T m eP ’ CASH STORE Hull Sash, Doors, Mouldings Paints, Oils, Glass T HULI at G leñada ATTENTION ATTENTION!! Joleprayfffc HOW IS THIS FOR A SIUSLAW MAN DO NOT BE DECEIVED Sm ith’s Toggery “Things That Men Wear” KRAUSSE BROTHERS Announcement EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICE Florence Builders Supply Company All Work Guaranteed CHARLES H. STICKLES S H O E S NORTH BEND MAUFACTURING CO. FRAERS’ C. L. WAYMAN Slem m on’s R acket Store TH E FLORENCE LAUNDRY A gent C a rh a rrt W orking C lothes C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T The Pride Florence ” T h a t’s All A CORRECTION Insure In The Travelers Of Hartford Conn. E. C. W AYM AN The Insurance Man, all we ask is one trial and you will be con­ venced th at quality ánd prices are right. Special prices for 30 days on cleaning and blocking Panoma hats. Buttons made to match gar­ ments. * : BAY VIEW HOTEL: Furs cleaned. I A rtistic W o rk -P h o to Studio We have some samples that show quality and finish. Come in and sec them. M cH a rd y Studie, were officers of the P band time Who were H v a t U the i n HaV,e 8° me lotS in Glen* WAYMAN’S Agencies, ’ , C. H. Young, ada and Florence on easy Bonds of all kinds. pres, Olaf Rice, treas, and J. U, term s. Goude, see. One fine Saddle horse 7 years8B?a ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * ♦ ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *♦ » Henry Beagle. old will work any place. Price $100 - Notices have been posted an­ Have Client who w ants to nouncing the primary election on borrow $2500 — Securty May 15th 1914. $10.000 w ants it for 5 A fter the duck season closed years at 8 per c e n t Jan 15th. « Rates $l.Ci to $2.00 MealsJ35c andJ5^ç J Speaking of ducks—o u r best One Wood saw, new gasolene, engine, all in good order. shooting on the Siuslaw comes Only |200 Special rates by the week *♦ afte*- the New Year and we could C. L. WAYMAN. TableaZwill be supplied with the Best the Season affords * well afford to have the season Real Estate M erchant * H eadquarters for Traveling Men “ * open a month later and close at Waxman Agency Feb. 15th. Florence. Or. Oregon. Miller & Daniels, Props. ♦