ft+ftttn I ; 11 luux'-xuu.^ SCHOOL RAUY held on lower Hampton’s :ï ■B EDNA WRBB FIDDLE) ma AND URBAN SHRODE marrjedwednesday Choose Your A very interesting school rally Wednesday, April 15, 1914, « . was held on Lower Fiddle Creek at ! on April 3rd. high noon Miss Ddna Morris, 11 The three schools, Upper Fid- ^ r' an<^ Mrs. John die Creek, Lower Fiddle Creek ^ L " 8' •“ ? Urban Shrode- were of Lane county and Five Mile o f ! unhedTn h° me ° n S° Uth S,OUfirh Douglas county competed for the * * * John) ribbons. < ' Wrumn’ officiating. A large crowd gathered there 3 sim p,ei I L i n Ä ° £ to enjoy the day. The mominir >p,* fonned m the presence of; program consisted of recitations " S€mbled relatives and guests, [Shop. " songs and music rendered by the u ^ j J ® standin« under an 1 three schools, and violin selee- of Ore£on grape and apple) tions by Mr. Cavill and Master . Frank Bishop. ^ ISS Edith Yates played the __ , march - Mr— H edrick, , SiTpervisor of" .vvedding ---------- r Douglas county favored us with. ,lmmediality after the ceremony a talk which was enjoyed by ail 3 ”®r was served- After this dinner was served > t h i r U ^ ^ ®°Uple wiH make on the porch of this beautiful on £ ^ 0 , ° " th® Morris ranch CASH STORE *W T Eugene, Oregon ff II 1 Al f * 'll EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN rences Largest, Exclusive Men’s , Sm ith s T o g g ery .. 8ash; Doors, Mouldings---- Paints, Oils, Glass Dynamite Caps and Fuse ; Farm and Poultry Fencing - v 6____ __ Harness and Fittings, Ets. Stoves and Ranges Keen Kutter Tools Rudders and Genera! Hardware 1 I t J I W^TYl O "1*1 T O vX 1st Mildred Pember, 2nd Mary Pember, 3rd No. 51J13 Waymans Real TH E R ED F R O N T Florence, Oregon IoneLampam, 4th Irene Lamp- „ Estate Office man. ) No. 525 L Landschooft, Mrs. High School 1st Bertha Wor­ No. 48 McKee, H, L. Res. No. 153 B Slemmons Racket thylake. Cake-Prim ary, 1st Mildred Charles Brown and Walt Bless­ v _r Store, Mapleton NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION^ Pember, 2nd Ione Lampman,' No. X5L2R Morgah,‘j . H. ' ing, of Eugene, arrived in Flor­ ence Saturday morning. 3rd Mary Pember, 4th Irene Freight Agt. Lamp man. No. XIJ12 Drumm, Rev. D e m e n t o i interior Geo. Fisk made several success­ Intermediate—1st Dollie Lane, No. 53 H McKinny, Will. reasonable wear, The c o n t i n u e d r 9hoes to give Roseburg or., M . X l S , IM«. ful tnps across Ten mile and Five entire bears out the t h r fl^m ii£ ^ of th FRAFpC®£i&oP,aced the tbe en­ 2nd Evogene Furnish. Please notice office hours print­ mile creeks Friday and will ¡n- sile of Pacific our line Coast of shoes with lst Bertha ed ? ” •' , M .ry Pember, 4th Mildred P e ^ | — m adeexhort visit up town be- fc« - fore crossing out again. He was *■».“! M,< »' Tbomt™. a fc r U ber. accompanied by his son Calvin. ; J- M. Upton. Regute,. Darn- 1st Ione Lampman, 2nd Mary Pember. Real Estate Merchant I atch—1st Mary Pember, 2nd Ione Lampman, 3rd Irene Lamp- J"’ t.V riv ed - Complete line ol man. " 45 acre ranch together with Women a and Children’s Fancy w o r k -ls t Ione Lamp- all tools, chickens, and household furniture, wood man 2nd Adele Miles, 3rd Mary Pember. 1 ---- saw, , launch, and etc. Intermediate, 1st Mildred Pern-! W room h LA D IES’ TRIM M EG H A T S . half mile ber. 2nd Dollie Lane. 3rd Marie' water front fine fishing Lane. waters on Siuslaw, fine Advanced, 1st Gladys Worthy- place for wharf. You can lake- 2nd Evogen Furnish. Ret all this for terms 22000 North Bend, Oregon .......... Most Ev®rything for a Little I^ess I w X « ? 1” 01- lst Ber,ha Also, 37 acres, 10 acres bot­ “ ANUrACTURBIW OF -H -H 1 11 1 I •*"!' I > 1 I 1 ■! I B B I I | .| I 1 I I I ¡J ; tom land nearly all cleared SA SH c S S ° ? Sk A N D M O U LDIN G S Map of Oregon and counties of balance upland, lays fine, bane and Douglas.- 1 s t Fred K l  l ï ù ï “ on tide water. See these Schellmg 2nd Squire Lane. 3rd two places at once well Wilbur Stonecher, 4th Millard worth 3100 per acre. I. 0 . 0 . F. Bu.ld.ng. Mapleton, Oregon Martin, 5th Sherman Smiley. 31,800, 3500 cash —I— _ drawing easy, / n .m ari 7 l8t Irene Lampman. ^nd lone Lampham, 3rd Mary Also have some good ranches V rr Minnie Funke, r- . A Mrs. Prop. for rent cheap, Pember. y H hiii I hi S tre e t once. Intermediate 1st Walter Scott, 2nd Mildred‘Pem by. Also 10 acres at Glenada; « . j ” at Glenada; f o r Ä f o i i S “Ä W<’rl‘ CI**nL"» “"d Pressing hne land, can be platted and A d van ced -lst, 2nd. 3 r l 4th. __________1 w S l Work Solici,•S*'™ °" sold m lots, lays fine. nng 5th. Fred Schilling. | | ~ «lfev“ ” b'W bt now for high school painting «1500. part cash, balance 1st Evogen Furnish, 2nd Glad­ on time. ys Worthylake, 3rd Ruth Stone. Have some good lots in Glen­ p--— III Busy work - l s t Mildred Pem- ada and -- Floren -------- lore nee on easy term s._____________ oer, 2nd Ione Lampham, 3rd Irene Lampman. 4th Mary Pem One fine Saddle horse 7 years V old will work any place. Pnce 3100 Furniture repaired, refiniah^ifHave Client who wants to ■ v iir llS fie O ^ u p h o lste r e d — attresses borrow to m n - Securty or reupholstered-M borrow 32600 Tn °Jer Ru,fs R onovated- 310,000 wants it for 5 We make a speciality of rn.de-ttH .rder clothing Alles Furniture Co., The new years at 8 per cent store opp. Blacksmith shop. all we ask is one trial and you will be con- °"® S"®0*1 new gasolene, For Sale- Horse, harness and The Insurance Man. engine, all in good order. venced th at quality and prices are right. spnng wagon, price 375. Fifty Iy 3200 _ WAYMAN’S Agencies, pure bred {tingle comb white leg­ Special prices for 30 days on cleaning C. L. WAYMAN, horn chickens, 31.00 each. En- of all kinds. Real Estate Merchant and blocking panoma hats. ?5Ur* . Of E- F. Arnold. at Wayman Agency Glenada. Phone 25H. Florence. Or. • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * • * * » « a . . . , » . , ‘^ 7 ^ Buttons made to match g ar­ T o g g e ry h,ngs That Men Wear” - NOT BE DECEIVED _ w°Ur bus,neM on c. L. WAYMAN S H O ‘ E S NORTH REND MAUFACTURJNG CO. FRAERS’ I 1 I I n | n,,,,,,,,,,t S i m m o n ’s R a c k e t S to re the FLORENCE LAUNDRY - CM A gent C a rh a rrt W o rk in g C lo th es C-A-R-H-A-R-R-T T h a t’s A ll The Pride of Florence Insure In The Travelers Of Hartford Conn. E. G. W AYMAN ments. nients. Furs cleaned. cleaned < J“ ____ I C U Q 1O W e ^ d e« ” T c ^ raplM """ ,h