The Siuslaw pilot. (Florence, Oregon) 1913-1916, April 18, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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New Arrivals
V acuum
C le a n e r s
an d C arpet Sweepers.
The fam ous 0 C E D A R MOPS and F u rn itu re polish.
“ S p ringer” Ironing B oards, Save tim e and patience.
p O utfits
^Co t g C ^ urtain
oqls, stoves
etc. poles,
A lso poFerings,
please note
we carry,
such th in g s a s
C hair SeatsT
rods and
silk floss
th e pound fo r pillows
W indow shades etc. etc.
Alles Furniture Co.
In the New Building
N ext to the Woolen Mill Store
May will surely be a “ flowery”
month if these “ April showers”
have anything to do with i t
C. U. Beers delivered a dressed
beef a t Mapleton Monday for
Clyde Mead, who is supplying
I m eat for some of the R. R.
Mrs. Mae Tabor is visiting
w ith her brother Wise Phelps,
T he tra d e d raw in g pow er of a well lighted sto re or n ear Goldson.
shop’is tco well recognized to require discussion.
Frank Mead has been ill with
I f you have any doubt ab o u t it, try and place a few i with an attack of appendicitis
m ore M agda lim p s in your store and show window following the grippe. Dr. Lund
and w atch results,
was summoned from Mapleton.
You also profit by using electric lig h ts in your home. He is reported tp jb e slightly im­
E lectric L ig h t is m ost h ealthful, safest, m ost con­ Lulu Mead, who has been em­
v enient a n a th e m ost economical lig h t in th e long run ployed a t Mapleton, was called
home Friday on account of the
serious illness of her brother.
The Misses Beers,* Wilson.
Lamb and Prindell were
guests a t Ralph Taylors Sunday.
Charles Mann, who has been
quite ill at M apleton, was brought
home Friday.
Babe Mead is spending a few
days a t Mapleton.
J. Wilkinson and family spent
E aster Sunday with Geo. Beers.
The recent lecture a t Herman,’ I
by Dr. Hodge, was well
FA N C Y nd s ta p le
attended and the school exhibits
in connection w ith it, some
M A P LE TO F ,O held
very good work by the children j
was show-n.
F irst comes “ April Fool jokes, ” '
Its Easter. Don’t ask the
Deadwood boys w-hat the joke is!
Everybody get ready for the
Miss Scoop.
The Pdth to
Florence Electric Company
J ared Scott
Second Hand Goods a’Necessity
New Good* a Specialty
t' ir in mind; my goods are the best money can buAJ
nr ' i ' e price the cheapest, quality of goods considered
W atts carries a large stock of
Jew elry. Come and look a t it. f
A pleasure.
Phonographs, Pianos
We have bought Mr. J. K
Lowe’s music store and have
several PICTURES to sell cheap.
I Call in and look them over.
We also have several Sewing
6 H. P. M arine engine w ith
Machines to sell a t a bargain so
com plete equipm ent,
if you are in in need of a Sewing
cluding oil tank, feed and Machine givefus a call when in
exhaust pipe.
I town.
F<rr Banks Morse
£00 revolution, 3 port,
Jum p spark, T h ro ttle lever,
split bearing, hand holes,
rem oveable top, force feed
oil syRtem, Fiuger grips on
fly wheel, etc.
10% from regular
• Florence.
Cofunbu PhoMfraifa
We have for sale the best
i Graphophone and Records on the
m a rk e t
When in town w t
would be pleased to have you
cal) in and let| usgplay some of
the records for you.
Starr Pi tnos
We are agents for the S tarr
Piano which is one of the best on
the m arket. Call in and let us I
show you this Piano. It can be |
bought a t a bargain.
We have on hand sheet music
which you can buy cheap. Come
in and look it over.
O fice of W ayman Agencies
The Biggest Event Ever Held On The Siuslaw River
Now In Full Force---Our]
We have just received complete new line of the following and urge your early selec­
tion while the assortment is largest.
Rugs in room sizes from $4.75 up.
LinoleiimS Six and tw elve foot w idths. '
CjO GartS T he|kind{that[standjthe(w ear.
Curtain Scrim and A rt B urlap by th e yard. •
The biggest event of the S iu sla w -th e great sale of entire stock of General Merchandise
w ll be gi ven on April 10 everything in the store offered at absolute cost prices.
This s is the explanation: I have been seven and one-half years in business in Mapleton
and now r a lte r this period of sue essful merchandising. I am going to admit to partnership
1P ^ t!?l >P.
N.prman .J.
i s . , A.s
trummcuo n or
ra kind,
mntt, cash
c a s n la
J . Morr
M orns..
As every
o ws, in.
a trannaetion
of t n his
lg The
best medium of exchange; consequently, in order th a t we may arrive at the proper cash value
of our entire stock, we are gouig to hold a great R eorganization Sale and sell everything iS
w^ t it may be. a t absolute cost price. This is a trem endous elimi­
nation of profits, but you know Joe Morris, J r., and Joe Morris, Jr., always keeps his word
and when he says cost prices, he means th a t he will stick to it. This is a eash sale we must
turn the stock in the shortest possible time. Many of the lots offered are new Spring Goods-
in fact, some of t hese merchandise lota will be upend the first day of the sale. Inc-'ude.r are
small Tots, Targe lots, complete assortm ents, anything and everything you w a n t Nothing is
reserved except the cash register and the fixture^ of my store. Here is the way to know what
you are buying and w hat you are paying by my cost mark Here it is-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Repeater
Read thia, clip this cost mark from the add, bring it with you, add 10 per cent additional
for freight and insurance, pay the money, and you take the goods. All I w ant to db is to
turn my stock for cash in the shortest possible time, so (hat myself and Norman J Morris
my son, can s ta rt business on an equal bases. Remembar, I am selling out but not qui ttin g ’
Come early on the 10th. .
All our Men’s Hats
entire stock is included.
One big lot com­
prising the celebrated “ Lion” Brand. This is
a brand that is the only real competition ad­
mitted by “ The Stetson” firm. All makes
and styles offered in this great Re-Organiza­
tion Sale*- all sizes and colors included. Your
choice at' exactly w hat they cost us, plus ten
per cent for freight and transportation.
Complete lines of Spring Straw H ats ju st re­
ceived from the E a s t Offered a t less than
we paid for them. The most recent styles -
m en’s, women’s and children’s—are included.
Absolutely new in every respect; in fact, the
cases have not been opened since they arrived
a t the store and will not be unpacked until the,
first day of the sale. Your choice a t less than
Regular Cost Price
Oil Clothing Offered
this Sale a t Cost
Your choice of entire stock Oil Clothing dur­
ing this sale a t less than cost. We are over­
stocked on these goods, therefore we are put­
ting forth a special effort to clean up every
piece of Oil Goods in th e store including our
Coats in short medium and full lengths in
various styles—Rubber Boots, mid and waist
styles and in all sizes also our complete stock
of Men’s Rain Coats and Sou’westers. In fact
alm ost everything you can think of in this line
will be included, B uy now a t w hat I pay for
the goods.
Graniteware and Kitchen
Utensils at Cost During
this Sale
Chinaware and Pitchers, F ruit Jars, Nappies,
Bowls, Berry Sets everything you can think
of in China or Glass, offered in this sale a t
cost. Bring your favorite mail order catalog
and compare prices th a t prevail in Portland.
Seattle or Chicago with tn e prices we ask you
for this merchandise, and you will find our
Dishes, Plain and Fancy,
Sets and Single Pieces
a t Cost
Also the best quality of Porcelain.
thing in pots and pans arid everything you
need for the kitchen include 1 in this sale at
c o st We are selling out and cost prices pre­
vail. Goods of this quality have never been
offered a t such sensationally low prices before.
E xtra Special Offer in Fine
Piece Goo Is
Complete lines of G ingham ., Percales, Madras
Linens, Lawns, Indian Linei , Dress Linings,, Muslins, Sheetings, . icluding all the
w idths and colors, offered during this sale at
exactly cost prices. Special regular 8c Calico
offered you as long as tho lot lasts a t only 5c
per yard. Crepe Curtain Sen ms in fancy and
plain materials, also Flannelets and various
patterns included in this sale a t absolutely
cost. Buy Early, for the Choicest Values Go
the Q uickest
* I
Men’s Women’s and Child­
ren’s Shoes For Cost
Shoes for men, women and children includ­
ed in this sale a t cost
Buy shoes for the
whole family now and you will save dollars in
doing so and your dollars are as good to you
as they are Io us. Pumps and Oxfords all
hese are in the latest and most fetching
style for women. 137 pairs of Krause Bros.’
Shoes a t absolute cast price.
We are closing
these out because we cannot afford to guaran­
tee them to you because the company will not
guarantee them to us—consequently we are
oing to dispose of every pair of Krause
ros. ’ Shoes in the store a t absolutely cost
rices. Included in this a re M m ’s, Womsn’s
ouths’ and C hildrjn’s Shoes, ail styles in­
cluded. We feel safe in saying th a t these
shoes will be worth to you w hat you will havu
to pay for them during this sale.
Men’s and Women's Copeland-Ryder Shoes —
the regular Jefferson Brand—you know the
grade, the b *st shoe in the m arket—offere 1
during this sal • a . cost. 30 to 40 pairs of
Men’s H unkiiori, 18-inch, Viscolized Calf
Shoes th a t retail regularly ac $8.00, the pair,
offered in this sale at cost pric -i 12-inch
logrers, spring and common heels? • »rte.l a id
uncorked, genuine French Kip, outsidh
counter and inside counter and pocu-t count­
er. These in m en’s sizes only, and worth
$7.50, offere 1 in the great R o-O rruiizition
sale a t cost. Read the cost tag add ten per
cent for freignt and insurance, pay the money,
and the shoes are you. j.
Reorganization Sale of
The best stock>of Groceries on the Siuslaw.
Standard and preferred goods are included.
E x tra specials:
Puree Tomatoes, 10c per can, 3 cans for 28c.
Standard Sugar Corn, 10c per can, 3 for 25c.
No m atter what you want in groceries, buy it
now, storing up for tho future, and you will
save dollars during this sale.
I have ju st returned from Portland and my
sale prices on Hams and Bacon are cheaper
than you ean buy these m eats-for in any big
city. The choicest hams and bacon now offer­
ed a t co st
Buy all you w a n t
AND FRUITS- Our complete stock of candies
and all fruits in the store offered during this
sale at cost All fancy vegetables, including
50 cases of tomatoes, solid pack, sold during
this sale a t cost. Iowa sugar corn a t cost
Buy all you w a n t
Mr. G ardener-
Garden Seeds
Mr. G ardner Buy your supply of Garden
Seeds a t less than we could buy them in Port­
land. The price of Garden Seed is getting if
higher and higher. We buy from the P o rt-, I
land Seed Co. d ire c t and pay the lowest p ric e ' 1
possible. If you bough ‘ t in Portland
from the Portland Seed Co., you
could not duplicate the low prices th a t we offer
you during this sale. Also included are all
kinds of Garden Seeds and Package Seeds
from D. M. Ferry. These will also be offered
a t absolute cost in this great e v e n t Buy your
needs on the opening day of the sale and save
a big per cant of your money.
Special to out-of-tow n P atro n s: To every purchase o f 520.00 w o rth o r m ore
m erchandise, I will pay th e tran sp o rtatio n b o th w ays on all river boats. I t does
n o t cost you a cent to a tte n d th is sa le — I pay th e way.
General Merchandise Store
Mapleton, Oregon
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