* THE f SIUSLAW PILOT PERSONALS sU SATURDAY, <3 APRIL A ’ "*' 18. 1914 I Self Sacrifice Miss Mary Johnston, of Dead­ wood is visiting with Mrs. Mabel Slemmons, W. H. W eatherson, editor of Economize for the purpose o f being indepen­ th e West, returned Saturday dent is one of the soundest indications of manly from a business trip to Eugene character. I t is w hat we save ra th e r than and Portland. w hat we earn th a t in su re r a competence for C. J. Hurd, candidate for the future. nomination of County com­ missioner on the Republican WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT ticket is on the Siuslaw visiting ’ w ith friends. j Rev. J. H. P ratt, pastor o f the Evangelical church of Florence, returned home Friday afternoon, fronUtis .visit. of,, several, weeks in the Willamette valley. SUMMONS. M. S. O’Neil, of Eugene, came In the Circuit Court of the State of in from Eugene Saturday. He Oregon, for Lane county s associated with I. J. Walcott C. P. Devereaux and F. A. Tripp, plaintiffs, in Glenada property interests and Published by vs. will be pn the Siuslaw sometime. . The Siuslaw Printing Co. The unknown heirs at law of Fred Stickles, wife and little O. A. Spencer, deceased; B. F. R. 8. HUSTON Editor Clark an d ----- Clark, his wife, girl arrived in Florence Wednes­ day, They brought a light w j j , . , or the unknown wife and heirs Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at at law o f aaid R f n . . i . it wagon and a horse down and will go to the Geo. Melvin Miller ----- , at — ,------- ra r ch north of town to live . . - 3rd,’ .* tng any right, title, estate lien Oregon, under the act - of . . March 1913.. or interest in the real estate C. B. Forbes and wife, and described in the complaint (SUBSCRIPTION RATES:,’ Capt H. S. Campbell and wife One year in advance - - |1.60 herein, defendants. arrived in Florence Friday. To «, the unknown heira O. They are interested in Tsiltcoos . . at „ law of ------. ! A ’M * f " r " “S toi Lane County State and Savings Bank Something NEW at the K-R STORE THE SIUSLAW PILOT I BREVITIES —---- wife and heira at law of aaid B. F. ” t3tlake. Captain Campbell " w Clark, deceased; also all other persona o w n e r of the launch Charm, B. Gillen, of Eugene, arrived H ardw are Hull, Glenada, Ore­ or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real «•> n « . r» • j gon. estate described in the complaint in the ' lo ^e n c e F rid a y morning. He Special price orr Kitchen abova entitled suit and herein; Defen- I ®xPecW 'lig fam ily to move down , danta soon. Mr. Gillen is a painter Ranges a t Pourtales. In the name of the State of Oregon, and paper hanger ant} will locate i Life Insurance, E. C. Wayman. you are hereby required to appear and in Florence. He says about all Furniture or rugs, the ideal answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed you can hear in the valley is g ift—See Alles Furniture Co. in said court against you In the above le t’s go to Florence.” entitled suit, within six weeks from ___ of ______ „ ___ , ar- The next Assembly Ball will the date of the first publication of this I J. Walcott, Eugene, be given on Tuesday April 21st summons in the Siuslaw Pilot, and if | rived in Flogence Friday morning z x x x x z x : X '; h x ¿ rip ,n X T t,,>n When you think H ardwar' you as prayed for in their complaint, lth the f,!enada Property inter* think of Hull, Glenada, Or. towit: That their title to the North- e s ts h e represents. Mr. Walcott Bonds of all kinds, E. C. Way- east quarter of section No. 32 in town- will be in Florence about two man. i ship20 south, range 4 west of Wiliam- weeks. H e is a booster for the *" ' E A ' - ™ S , “, " A complete line of Spring Dry goods A new line of Spring Shoes to fit Papa-Mamma- ' Sister-Brother and Baby. t Don’t forget we have Oats and Grass Seed, mill feed of all kinds. A Good line of Groceries on hand a t all times. in and look them over . . All goods as represented R-K-R STORE “A Good Place to Trade” E - General Merchandise pril tablished and quieted; that you and each be iu one law n ti advancem s thia yea r w i of a great ent for 25th a t the Rita t Theater. FLORENCE, OREGON I will mount your agates — of you be forever barred and estopped us and every body on the outside from having or claiming any right, title seem especially interested in W atts. or interest in or to aaid lands orany part Florence and Glenada. f flÖ fflR IlÄ liD llE i May Day Dance at Mapleton. thereof adverse to plaintiffs’ title, and fur such other relief aa the court shall L , B. Gillen, M. C. . Johnson, 0 Dont forget it. Cotton bats, 72-84 inches. WILL GIVE BOAT SERVICE deem equitable. j M. Downing, E .M . Fisher and Liability De (.avelle Separator Nearly Thi« summons is served by publics-,'^ Fisher were among a p arty of Ju st what you want to fill the Insurance, ON LAKES BETWEEN Wayman. new. Have no use for it and tion thereof once each week for six 33 that took the first W illamette new q u ilt R-K-R-Store. FLORENCE AND W* k’ . n ? ” S!u>,*wP"ot’ ,n ’‘w',P, i*r Pacific train out of Eugene for will sell a t a bargain. Geo. printed Health Insurance, E. C. Way- GARDINER and published in Florence, Ore Montgomery, Acme. The passenger man. gon, by order of the Honorable L. T. the Siuslaw. We will carry passengers across « Harness and fittings, Hull a t Harris, judge of the above entitled court, coaches were brought to Kirks ..............................G H erring nets a t P ourtale’s. e a r lake, Ten Mile lake and made and entered on the 4th day of place, well known as half-way Glenada. Say we now have some screen , across a ^ t h r e ^ a k S " o ^ e April, 1914; and the first publication and there the Bangs Livery Cc. ‘ For Sale or Trade One two thereof was made on the 11th day of m et the train with two stages. doors. Florence Supply Co. . ¡passenger $5.00; two passengers Milinery and horse tread power mounted on April, 1914. $2.50 each; over two passengers Some of the passengers walked Fancy Goods A. E. Wheeler, trucks with both circular and DRESS MAKING $2.25 each. For other inform a­ into Mapleton th at evening over Attorney for plaintiffs. drag saw attachm ents with log tion phone Christenson Bros. &15 1 FLORENCE. . OREGON the cut-off trail, arriving about Special boat service on Dresses, Evening gowns, Suits, ~ H . carriage for drag saw, $75.00. 9 oclock. While those who came lakes at reasonable pneogr Old gold and silver taken at Also one new Standard Drop around the stage road arrived in m arket value on work or goods Head sewing machine, with all Mapleton Friday about noon. ex tra attachm ents $25.00. at W atts. Terms to reasonsible parties» John Morris and family are SUMMONS moving in from the farm on In the Circuit totfrt for the State of H. H. FISK Oregon, for Lane County. I Duncan Slough. Hasan I). Johnson, Plaintiff, I The P atsy left for Bandon i n X*’, .. . , . Sammons N otice of Pinal S ettlem ent _ ............« iv c . in afternoon j v i , Kuiuir o v e r J’ A,her’ Defendant, 1 MednesPay going over Estate of W. A. Cox, Deceased. th e bar a b o u t l-*in Asher, the hove named 4:30. Notice is hereby given that Charlotte the ¡ L bar , about , , d‘’»-'lant; The foundation Wm. Kyle Kvle J. Cox, Executrix of the last will and ‘ fo u n d a tio n for Win, n »hena,n® of the State of Oregon: testament of W. A. Cox, decease«!, has & Son« new moving picture show 1 Y°U herehy r, lluireu by publication by order of Honorable • L.T. Harris.ju.igeof the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Lane county, made on the 2nd day of April 1914. di­ recting that aaid publication be made in the Siuslaw Pilot for six weeks. Date of first publication o f thia sum­ mons being April 11th 1914, and date of last ( hi : beat:. .a being May 23rd, 1914, We G i\e Quantity and Quality R. C. Wygant. Attorney fo^plaintiff. W e G a rry Everythin«» O n T id e W a te r One hundred and fifty acres, fine orchard, modern house, barn, outbuildings and other substantial improvements on the place. Over one-third bottom land. . 1 his place is an ¡deal one for a home and is l*eing offered for a low price: It must go soon. \\ rite us for particulars and terms. Groceries. Furniture, Hardware, Dry Goods, Flour and'Feed W m . K y 1 e& Son sG o T*’ r Investment Co. H E N C E , OREGON 7 i